- 喺開始之前,必須知成立一個獨立維基嘅方針比成立一個測試項目的方針更加嚴格。
- 請確定你有足夠嘅人數能對維基做貢獻。
- 請確定呢種語言有有效嘅ISO 639語言代碼。
維基媒體唔會托管任何喺ISO 639代碼定義中唔存在嘅語言抑或方言,以及任何唔被公眾接受或使用嘅書寫或拼寫方式。如果你希望啟動一個個人項目,請參見Wikia上嘅孵育場二(呢唔係維基媒體基金會嘅網站)。
跟住, 轉到 參數設置 (1)改變你嘅網頁語言和 (2) 測試維基設置:
- 測試維基(3),像維基百科嘅頁面系
- 語言代碼(4),係
- 如果你唔清楚你想開嗰個語言符唔符合要求,可以去Incubator:Requests for starting a test嗰度問下。
- 如果你個語言係「無效」嘅,咁就可能會畀人剷走。如果你個語言係「有效」嘅,咁嗰啲内容會畀人保留住同埋當開咗嗰個語言嘅維基嗰陣,所有嘢都會隻字不漏搬過去新維基。
- 喺下面呢個框,將“ xyz”轉做您嘅語言代碼。 用w:ISO 639-1做代碼,如果唔存在,就用w:ISO 639-3代碼。
- 如果佢唔係維基百科,就要轉埋“ Wp”(維基百科)去其他字母(“ Wt” = Wiktionary,“ Wn” = Wikinews,“ Wb” = Wikibooks,“ Wq” =“ Wikiquote”,“ Wy” = Wikivoyage)。
揞上面嘅「創建」掣,然後喺編輯表單入面替換“英語語言名稱”。你可以喺Incubator:Policy/Test wiki info page上面搵到更多信息。然後保存頁面。
- 按照啱啱創建嘅頁面上面嘅說明進行操作。系統會要求您創建一個標題叫
嘅主頁。- 建議同MediaWiki訊息“ MediaWiki:Mainpage”一樣(可以喺Translatewiki.net度翻譯)。
- 您可以喺Incubator:Wikis上面列出你嘅維基。
You can develop a test wiki here without making a request at Meta, but such a request is necessary if you want the wiki to eventually be moved out of the Incubator.
- It is recommended to merge your account so you are automatically logged in into all wikis including MetaWiki.
- Follow the instructions at the handbook for requesters.
- Update the Wx/xyz info page here by changing the parameter "meta" to
| meta = yes
- As we already said, the policy to get a Wikimedia subdomain are stricter than to start a test project here. Read the policy carefully.
- If the test project meets all formal requirements, it will be marked "verified to be eligible". If the request after a long time is not yet marked so, a requirement is probably missing.
Step 4: On Incubator
- Content work is the most important thing. Write and maintain articles.
- It can sometimes take a long time before your wiki is approved. Don't be discouraged.
- Most proposals have a status page which easily says what needs to be done before it is approved.
- You can apply for test wiki adminship, to take care of your test wiki.
- A member of the Language Committee may propose the approval of your test wiki. If not, and you think your test wiki meets the requirements, you can propose its approval on their talk page.
Basic guidelines
There are a few rules that all Wikimedia projects must follow:
- The Terms of use apply for all wikis. All pages need to be licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and GNU Free Documentation License. Please keep in mind not to copy texts from other places which are not licensed this way without asking the author.
- Wikinews projects commonly use Creative Commons Attribution 2.5.
- Authors must write from a neutral point of view (NPOV).
- Orthographic practices - if there is more than one way to spell or write your language, you will need rules about it.
- Stylistic conventions - if your language does not have a standardised universal form (the way everybody speaks it to understand each other), you will need to have one or have a rule to tell people which forms or dialects of your language to use. Also, you will need more complex stylistic conventions (for an example, see here).
Step 5: Localisation
The interface needs to be localised into your language. "Localization" includes translating the MediaWiki interface. Translation is one of the requirements before a wiki can be created. You can do this at Translatewiki. It is usually done parallel to the work on the test wiki.
- If you are not yet familiar with translatewiki.net, please follow the instructions there.
- Go to "Special:Translate" on translatewiki.net and then start translating:
- While it would be even better to translate the entire interface, for a first project in a language you only need to localise the "most used MediaWiki messages". These are the messages that are of most importance to our readers.
- Note: If the interface is not yet available at all in your language — check the drop-down language menu at the top of the page—you will additionally need to translate at least 13% of the core MediaWiki messages in order to activate the interface in your language. (The "most used" messages count toward the 13%.)
- For any subsequent project in a language, all the core MediaWiki messages and the messages of the main extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation need to be translated. It is expected that the community of the first project has maintained and improved the localisation and consequently it should be no hardship.
- While it would be even better to translate the entire interface, for a first project in a language you only need to localise the "most used MediaWiki messages". These are the messages that are of most importance to our readers.
You are encouraged to join the language support team for your language, where you can provide information about your language (such as plural rules) or test functionality. If there is any technical problem, such as a lack of input methods or fonts for your language, do not hesitate to contact either through our community portal or on translatewiki.net.
Step 6: When the wiki is approved
If approved, the language committee will submit a bug request at Phabricator. Then it is only waiting on the developers to create the site. You can track the progress on Incubator:Site creation log.
Step 7: When the wiki is created
- Stop! Maybe you want to copy all the pages from Incubator to the new wiki, but please do not do this.
- Someone will import all the pages with their history, and without their prefixes.
- After the import from the Incubator is done, you can edit everything, create new articles, invite new editors, and do other things to grow the wiki. Graduating from the Incubator is not the end; it is the beginning.
- Incubator:Community Portal (any questions, problems, …)
- Help:FAQ
- Help:Contents
- Starter kit for smaller language wikis (lists of technical resources and recommendations)
- Manual for small and new Wikipedias
- List of articles every Wikipedia should have - A list of articles that are recommended (not required!) for Wikipedia in every language