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-- Welcoming Bot 13:36, 10 October 2011 (UTC)Reply



Hi, I noticed your contributions in Valencian, prefixed "Wp/val". However, "val" is reserved for another language. You cannot create a Wikipedia in Valencian, since this is considered to be a variant of Catalan, which has already a Wikipedia. Therefore I'm afraid I need to delete the Valencian pages. Thanks, SPQRobin (talk) 20:31, 13 July 2012 (UTC)Reply

Your Request for translation


I did your request to translating that sentence to South Azeri. You can see that under the your request. Regards. --Arjanizary (talk) 15:22, 22 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Your help needed


Hi Chabi,

I would like to invite you to help us create articles on Hakka Wikipedia (Spanish-related topics most welcome). We want our Wikipedia to have more articles.

For example, here is a template:

Abejar he Sî-pân-ngà Soria-sén Castilla lâu León chhṳ-chhṳ-khî ke sàng-sṳ, mien-chit 23.43 phìn-fông kûng-lî. 2007-ngièn ngìn-khiéu 405.

In English it translates as:

Abejar is a city in the autonomous region of Castille and Leon of Soria Province, Spain. It has an area of 23.43 sqaure metres and a population of 405 (In 2007).


  • he = is
  • Soria-sén = Soria Province
  • Castilla lâu León chhṳ-chhṳ-khî = Castille and Leon autonomous region
  • sàng-sṳ = city
  • mien-chit = area
  • phìn-fông kûng-lî = sqare kilometres
  • ngìn-khiéu = population
  • 2007-ngièn = 2007 (Year)

I have created an article on Abejar here. Could you help create articles for the rest of the spanish towns in the municipality of Soria?

Thank you. --S205644 (talk) 10:07, 17 August 2013 (UTC)Reply

Same for the towns in the municipality of Barcelona. --S205644 (talk) 12:07, 17 August 2013 (UTC)Reply
Here is the translation:

"Sên-khiù-ngî" (Lingwa de Planeta) he yit-chúng koet-chi kien-chho phú-chhu ngî-ngièn, khôi-fat yî 2006-ngièn chhai Ngò lò sṳ̂ Sṳn Pí-tet-páu yù Dmitri Ivanov chok-vì hong-muk fu-chit-ngìn. Kâi ngî-ngièn ke kî-pún pán-pún he 2010-ngièn chhut-pán. Sên-khiù-ngî tân-sṳ he kî-yî chui kóng-fàm sṳ́ -yung ke ngî-ngièn sṳ-kie, pâu-koat â-là-pak-ngî, Hon-ngî, Fap-ngî, Tet-ngî, Yin-thi-ngî, Pô-sṳ̂-ngî, Phù-thò-ngà-ngî, Ngò-ngî lâu Sî-pân-ngà-ngî.

Now I want you to help us create more articles on these Spanish towns so we can reach 4,000 articles. --S205645 (talk) 07:30, 2 July 2014 (UTC)Reply

luri language lrc in iran


Hello chabi1

this is your english text

Ido is a language created to be a universal second language for speakers of diverse backgrounds. Ido was specifically designed to be grammatically, orthographically, and lexicographically regular, and above all easy to learn and use. In this sense, Ido is classified as a constructed international auxiliary language.

and this is luri translate that you want itː

آدي او يه زونيه كہ بہ عدوان يه زون دويم جهوني سي قسه كن آيي كہ زمينہ جورآجور مئن صووت كرڍن دارن راست وابيڍه. هو ز ديڍ دستور زوني ، نوشتاري و واچہ نگاشتن غلوه خو و منظم راست وابيڍه وا تموم يونو كہ گهڍه وابي سي ياڍگرهڍن و كارورد غلوه آسونہ، ز چونو ديڍي آدي او وه عدوان يہ زون راست وابيہ كمك جهوني بشق بندي وابيڍہ.

I can translate more english texts in luri lrc Mogoeilor (talk) 17:26, 18 August 2013 (UTC)Reply

--Shadow dg (talk) 09:32, 11 June 2014 (UTC)== Réponse Wikipédia en Créole Réunionnais ==Reply


Je me suis lancé seul dans le projet et me suis essoufflé. Je ne reprendrai que si je trouve une équipe motivée pour m'épauler. Merci de proposer ton aide seulement je pense qu'il faudrait trouver au moins une personne compétente en traduction aussi.

Cordialement --Shadow dg (talk) 08:21, 11 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Je ne comprend pas ton dernier post, tu me demandes de traduire ce passage ?

"L’Afrique est un continent. L'Asie est un continent. L'Espagne est un pays de l'Europe.

L'Italie L'Allemagne. La Russie.

Geógraphie Histoire Science"

--Shadow dg (talk) 08:39, 11 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Voilà la traduction : "Lafrik sa in kontinan. Lazi sa in kontinan. Léspanÿ in péi Lérop.

Litali Lalmanÿ. La Rissi.

Zéografi Listoir Sianss"

Voilà la traduction :

"Wikipédia : Liss zartik kë tout bann zansiklopédi i dëvré awar : Wikipédia i eziss dan in takon langkozé. Dan détroi langkozé, néna bonpë bel zartik, okontrer dan d'ot langkozé, néna moinss. Ninport kel lang i dëvré awar déssertin zartik konsékan, kanminm sé rienk zébosh. Sï Liss-là lé marké lë mil zartik kë tout Wikipédia i dëvré awar." --Shadow dg (talk) 17:49, 11 June 2014 (UTC)Reply

Wikipédia en créole réunionnais


Salut, je parle biene le créole réunionnais. Cependant, c’est une chose bien. Je pourrais y participer sans pour autant m’y investir grandement.




Traduction :

La science (latin scientia, « connaissance ») est « ce que l'on sait pour l'avoir appris, ce que l'on tient pour vrai au sens large, l'ensemble de connaissances, d'études d'une valeur universelle, caractérisées par un objet (domaine) et une méthode déterminés, et fondés sur des relations objectives vérifiables [sens restreint] ».

Économie Chimie Physique surface Population Densité Paris est la capitale de la France. Madagascar est un pays d'Afrique. Afrique du Nord Afrique centrale Afrique australe Afrique de l’Ouest Afrique de l’Est Territoires et dépendances Territoires situés sur le continent africain Territoires insulaires au large de l'Afrique

La sianss (latin scientia, "konéssanss") sé "sak nï koné parss nou la apran, sak nï konsider konm vré, tout bann konéssanss, bann zétïd kë lé ïniversel, marké par in lobzhé ek in métod kë lé kadré, épi fondé sï zipotez i ginÿ vérifié.

Lékonomi Shimi Fizik karé Popïlassion Densité Pari sa la kapital La Franss. Madégaskar sa in péi Lafrik. Lafrik dï Nor Lafrik santral Lafrik ostral Lafrik dë louess Lafrik dë less Teritoir ek dépandanss Teritoir kë lé sï lë kontinan lafrik Teritoir zil olarzh Lafrik.

  • Pays et dépendances d’Afrique
  • Algérie · Égypte · Libye · Maroc · Soudan · Tunisie
  • Nom · Drapeau · Blason · Hymne · Monnaie · Téléphone · Fuseau horaire
  • Pays et dépendances d’Afrique
  • Langue(s) officiel(les)
  • sciences humaines · sciences sociales · sciences naturelles · sciences formelles

  • Péi ek dépandanss Lafrik
  • Alzhéri Lézhip Libi Marok Soudan Tïnizi
  • Non Drapo Blazon Limn Moné Téléfone Fïzo orer
  • Péi ek dépandanss Lafrik
  • Langkozé ofissiel
  • Sianss lïmin Sianss sossial Sianss la natïr Sianss formel

  • Algèbre
  • Mathématiques
  • Géométrie
  • Informatique
  • Logique
  • Topologie
  • Cameroun
  • République centrafricaine
  • République du Congo
  • République démocratique du Congo
  • Gabon
  • Guinée équatoriale
  • Sao Tomé-et-Principe
  • Tchad
  • Mauritanie

  • Alzheb
  • Matématik
  • Zhéometri
  • Informatik
  • Lozhik
  • Topolozhi
  • Kamroune
  • Répïblik santrafrikinn
  • Répïblik dï Kongo
  • Répïblik démokratik dï Kongo
  • Gabon
  • Giné ékouatorial
  • Sao Tomé-é-Prinsipé
  • Tshad
  • Moritani

  • Afrique du Sud
  • Angola
  • Botswana
  • Comores
  • Lesotho
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Maurice
  • Mozambique
  • Namibie
  • Swaziland
  • Mauritanie
  • Afrik dï Sïd
  • Angola
  • Botsouana
  • Komor
  • Léssotto
  • Madégaskar
  • Malawi
  • Moriss
  • Mozanbik
  • Namibi
  • Souazilann
  • Moritani



Pas de problème, je vais t'envoyer les traductions dans peu de temps. En fait je ne savais pas où aller pour te repondre.

J'ai un problème aussi. J'aimerai créer un tableau pour y mettre les traductions des entrées bambara vers d'autres langues mais je n'arrive pas à le faire. Si tu peux me donner des directives ...

Your account will be renamed


02:17, 18 March 2015 (UTC)



Sir, i am experiencing problem with this article [1] the template is very complicated, please fix the errors --Agbiyani (talk) 05:02, 9 November 2015 (UTC)Reply

Module error


Sir would please fix this Module [Module:Wp/khw/Arguments/Documentation] I am searching for source but unable to find, please fix this or let me know some technical person who is expert in module creation, regards--RAChitrali 07:04, 23 January 2019 (UTC)Reply

AVK : Warzafa siba ta interwiki gluyeem / Nouveau module pour les liens Interwiki


Template:Wp/avk/User:Axel xadolik/Staksa icde Interwiki siba:::Axel xadolik (talk) 15:15, 18 April 2019 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia in ladino


Scusa se scrivo in italiano. Ti ringrazio dell'aiuto: anche se non conosci il ladino dolomitico puoi aiutare creando le categorie, ecc.Mizardellorsa (talk) 18:31, 19 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

Ho girato la tua richiesta (via email) a Starladin che è madrelingua della val Badia. Mizardellorsa (talk) 08:57, 21 November 2019 (UTC)Reply
Starladin mi ha fornito il testo della voce Wp/lld/Fisica, prossimamente mi manderà il testo anche delle altre voci richieste.
Ne approfitto per illustrarti il progetto di creare un collegamento tra i progetti incubator delle lingue neolatine, per darsi un reciproco aiuto. Proporrei anche di creare una collaborazione anche con i testi caricati su Wikisource. Potrebbe essere organizzato un vero e proprio progetto con la richiesta di un finanziamento di un grant. Se c'è bisogno dell'appoggio dei Capitoli, io sono nel direttivo di Wikimedia Italia.Mizardellorsa (talk) 11:02, 21 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

Approval of Kotava project


Va Chabi kiavá. Nope rinafa ironokafa staksa pu StevenJ81 ( dene Meta xo ), kas va warzot icde vanovara va Kotava abdumimaks gil ?

Salut Chabi. Suite à votre dernier message à StevenJ81 (sur Meta), avez-vous des nouvelles sur l'approbation du projet Kotava ?

Cordialement. Axel xadolik (talk) 12:13, 6 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

bzj enabled in translatewiki



I've enabled Belizean Creole in translatewiki. You can start translating here:

Please make sure that you actually know the language well enough to translate. The Babel box on your user page here doesn't mention bzj at all, and the one in translatewiki has only bzj-2. If you don't know the language well enough to translate something, please find people who do, and don't try to guess things. Thanks! :) Amir E. Aharoni (talk) 12:45, 29 March 2021 (UTC)Reply