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-- Welcoming Bot 15:27, 3 June 2023 (UTC)Reply



Halo Bangrapip, aye pengen ngucapin makasih udeh kontribusi di bakal calon Wikipedia Betawi èn aye nyaranin ente bikin artikel nyang banyak ye. Assalamualaikum 🙏 Badak Jawa (talk) 09:57, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sekalian ajakin temen-temen sesame Betawi juga biar rame nyang nyunting dimari yak soalnye aye bukan orang Betawi asli jadi ga jago amat basè Betawi Badak Jawa (talk) 10:00, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Alaikumsalam, tabé, bang. Makasih bakal ente punya sambutan. In syāʾ Allāh, ane ame ane punye temen-temen bakal ngebantu ngembangin ni Wikipedia. Kalo ente lebi paham ama pemermakan (editing) Wikipédia, sok dah bantuin kite juga, sebab lantaran kite masing kaga' gape ame pemermakan Wikipedia.
Ngomong-ngomong, ni ane kenal ente ape kaga' ya? Hihi.
Wassalamu alékum Bangrapip (talk) 11:31, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Bangrapip Makasih udeh bales ye soalnye aye ga bisa sendiri kalo ngebuat tulisan di mari makanye ngajakin lu buat tulisan nyang banyak biar entar resmi jadi Wikipedia hehehe. Ente bisa belajar dulu nyunting di Wikipedia Indonesia biar punye pengalaman nyunting. Wassalamualaikum Badak Jawa (talk) 08:29, 9 June 2023 (UTC)Reply


Assalamu alékum.
Caranya bikin halaman blatan (template) kotak inpo negara https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Templat:Infobox_country ama kotak inpo penguasa https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Templat:Infobox_royalty pagémana? Sebab, gua pèngèn terjemahin ke basa Betawi.
Makasih. Bangrapip (talk) 06:13, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Nyalin aja sintak dari https://incubator.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:Wp/bew/Kotak_inpo_negara terus entar lu modip dah biar simpel bang Badak Jawa (talk) 10:39, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ni bukannya pèrsi kolot ya'? Ané jajal paké pèrsi nyang https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Templat:Infobox_country ama pèrsi nyang bakal raja-raja https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Templat:Infobox_royalty kaga' bisa' ya. Bangrapip (talk) 11:12, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Iye bang soalnye 2 blatannye udah dibuat lama dulu sebelum akun aye lair Badak Jawa (talk) 12:05, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Oh begitu, kaga' bisa ganti ya? Bangrapip (talk) 12:39, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ga tau bang udh nyoba ganti? Badak Jawa (talk) 13:10, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ora nongol di pradelengnya (preview) Bangrapip (talk) 13:34, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
kayanya emang cuma pake mode teks aje bang Badak Jawa (talk) 14:01, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Wah ané mah kaga ngatri Bangrapip (talk) 14:17, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
permak tulisan aje dulu bang entar kalo udeh resmi jadi Wikipedia kan diimpor tuh semua blatan dari Wikipedia Inggris ame Steward Badak Jawa (talk) 15:26, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Oh begitu, emang minimal berapa makalah (artikel) si biar bisa diangkat? Bangrapip (talk) 15:38, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Mungkin 400-an tulisan tapi belon tentu kalo pèmakè nya ada nyang ga aktip pasti belon disetujui Badak Jawa (talk) 03:24, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Maksudnya "pemaké" entu pemaké basanya di dunia beneran apa pemaké di Wikipédinya? Bangrapip (talk) 03:46, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
pemaké Wikipédi bang Badak Jawa (talk) 04:37, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Tadi aye udeh nanye di grup Telegram Wikipédi Indonesia èn gini jawaban sepuh aye "Melihat contoh2 yang sudah rilis, seperti Gorontalo, Bali dan Nias, untuk jumlah artikel minimal 1.000-an halaman. Ada juga mungkin yg kurang dari itu.

Yang paling menentukan adalah konsistensi sukarelawan dalam menyunting. Minimal 3 orang sukarelawan dengan 11 suntingan paling sedikit dalam 1 bulan dan konstan dalam 5-12 bulan. Kalau bolong2 statistiknya bakalan lama baru rilis." itu jawaban deri pertanyaan lu minimal berapa makalah (artikel) si biar bisa diangkat? Badak Jawa (talk) 04:39, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Lama juga ya bearti Bangrapip (talk) 04:44, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Btw, gabung grup Telegram Wikipédi gimana dah? Bangrapip (talk) 04:48, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Di banner Wikipedia Indonesia ada link Instagram, Twitter, Discord, Facebook ame Telegram jadi lu tinggal klik aja Badak Jawa (talk) 06:33, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Oh oke makasi.
Ngomong-ngomong, ini apa ènaknya kita bikin paguyuban (grup) bakal pemermak (editor) Wikipédi basa Betawi ya? Biar bisa kumpul ngrembugin pemakéan èjaan ama pemakéan istila-istila anyar. Barangkali, ada saran? Bangrapip (talk) 06:36, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Entar aja kalo dah resmi jadi Wikipédi baru bikin grupnya bang Badak Jawa (talk) 08:55, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ya, maksud ané mah biar gampang ngelarasin istilah tèhnis. Bangrapip (talk) 09:21, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wp/bew/Mèkdi (McD) èn Wp/bew/Kaèpci (KFC)


Sebenarnya sih tanda kurung entu fungsinye buat pembeda tulisan nyang judulnye sama tapi makna beda kalo di Wikipedia Indonesia bang jadi aye mau pindain lagi nih judulnya Badak Jawa (talk) 15:24, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

kalo ente ga keberatan sih hehehe Badak Jawa (talk) 15:27, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Oh, ngatri, yaudah balikin aja lagi jadi Mèkdi ama Kaèpci Bangrapip (talk) 15:37, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply



Mau nanya bang, kita mau pake nama Myanmar, Birma buat judul tulisannya di mari? Badak Jawa (talk) 06:40, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Kita sih orang Betawi biasanya taunya Birma (biar sebenernya ni nama kolotnya, sama kaya Thailand orang kita taunya Muang Tay), cuman barangkali di makalahnya aja bisa tambahin nama 'Myanmar' (sebagé nama laènnya). Bangrapip (talk) 06:46, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
ok deh, kalo gitu tetep pake Birma aja Badak Jawa (talk) 08:30, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Kalo ayam gimana? Mau pake ciken atawa tetap ayam? Badak Jawa (talk) 08:54, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
"Ayam" mah kalo ayam idup mah ayam. Ciken mah kalo udah digorèng paké tepung. :) Bangrapip (talk) 09:20, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Kenapa ga disamain aja? Bedanya pret ciken buat ayam goreng tapi kalo ayam idup tuh ciken Badak Jawa (talk) 09:32, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ya basa alamiahnya èmang ayam ntu basa asalnya kita. Kata ciken pan baru masup ke basa Betawi pas udah ada Kaèpci ama Mèkdi. Kalo lu tanyain orang juga' taunya ciken artinya ayam tepung gorèng, ayam idup ya "ayam". Kalo "ayam gorèng" (bumbu terdisionil) bilangnya tetep ayam gorèng. Bangrapip (talk) 10:08, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Makasih udeh jelasin ye bang jadi nambah kosakata nih gue Badak Jawa (talk) 13:23, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Santé, selo-selo. Ada nyang bingung tanya aja. Ané juga tetep nambahin istilah nyang jarang orang tau di saban ruju'an. Bangrapip (talk) 13:26, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Istilah untuk Wikipedia Pemeriksa


Enaknya kita pake istilah apa buat https://id.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Pemeriksa dimari? Soalnya kan kita pake istilah merbot buat pengurus, Amtenar (Birokrat), gue juga udah buat Wikipédi:Mandor (pengawas) Badak Jawa (talk) 14:12, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Biar unik pake istilah apa? Boleh deh serapan dari Arap,Belanda, Jawa atawa Sunda Badak Jawa (talk) 14:14, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hmm...bentar mikir dulu. Bangrapip (talk) 14:15, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Udah Pemerèksa aja dah Bangrapip (talk) 14:18, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Pemerèksa aja kali ya. Bangrapip (talk) 14:15, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Bentar dulu Bangrapip (talk) 14:16, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ga ada kerenan dikit ya? Wkwkwk Badak Jawa (talk) 14:19, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hmm...kaga' ada mah romannya. Bangrapip (talk) 14:20, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
udah gue buat ya halamannya. Cek dulu bang Badak Jawa (talk) 14:26, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ya, entar gua permak. Bangrapip (talk) 14:36, 11 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Mau nanya


Assalamualaikum bang, aye mau nanya nih, https://id.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cendekiawan sama ga sih dengan https://id.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarjana? Badak Jawa (talk) 03:52, 13 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Alaikumussalam, kalo di basa Indonésia laèn. Cendekiawan ntu "kelompok intelektual", sarjana "gelar akademik", biar kata dulu mah kata sarjana dipaké juga' bakal "peneliti, pegiat ilmu". Bangrapip (talk) 05:33, 13 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Cuman kalo lu nanya ama gua gimana di basa Betawi, cendekiawan bisa diterjemahin "orang alim" (alim di basa Betawi artinya bukan orang yang soleh, bèda ama pemahaman masarakat Jakarta/Indonésia umumnya, tapi "orang berilmu"). Bangrapip (talk) 05:35, 13 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Assalamu alékum.
Ané cuman mau ngasi tau, sekarang di Pengereman (Incubator) udah bisa paké basa Betawi basa antermukanya (interface). Makasih. Bangrapip (talk) 14:04, 14 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Makasih inponya bang Badak Jawa (talk) 04:07, 15 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sama-sama. Bangrapip (talk) 04:08, 15 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Istilah film di Betawi


Bang basa betawinya https://id.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film apa? Pelém kan? Soalnya kalo pèlèm artinya mangga di basa Jawè Badak Jawa (talk) 11:36, 15 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Pèlem. Di basa Jawa mah "mangga" – pĕlĕm.
è = Èmbèr
é = gedé
e = empat Bangrapip (talk) 12:39, 15 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Istilah pewara di Betawi


Bang, orang Betawi nyebut https://id.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pewara apa sih? Kata si Pitchrigi Tukang halo-halo atawa présèntator Badak Jawa (talk) 14:18, 15 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Gue udah buat Wp/bew/Emsi èn udah sènggètan juga ke anterowiki Badak Jawa (talk) 14:21, 15 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Bisa juga. Tukang umrup juga' bisa. Bangrapip (talk) 14:38, 15 June 2023 (UTC)Reply



Mau ngasih tau kalo Wikipédi ga boleh pake sosmed kaya Instagram, Facebook Twitter èn sosmed lainnya Badak Jawa (talk) 01:50, 17 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Coba lu angsrongin pake jurnal ilmiah, berita, buku atawa ruju'an tepercaya bang Badak Jawa (talk) 01:51, 17 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Oh begitu, maksud we tadinya tu bakal sumber, sebab tu lagu terjemahan gua. Bangrapip (talk) 02:12, 17 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Assalamu alékum
We barusan bikin paguyuban WA bakal penyumbang Wikipédi Betawi, sebab rasanya rada susah kalo kordinasi istilah lèwat mari. Kalo kebèngbat (tertarik) bakal gabung kasi we tau ya. Sebenernya isinya baru we ama Pitchrigi doang di tu paguyuban. Paling tar-taran we ajak orang lagi.
Wassalam. Tabé! Bangrapip (talk) 05:37, 17 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wp/bew/Puasa (bulan)


Selamat malam, maap baru nongol lagi soalnya gue lagi rada males permak dimari, oh ya aye punya saran nih untuk ganti judulnya jadi Romadon aja bang karena puasa entu banyak macamnya Badak Jawa (talk) 15:23, 21 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Masalahnya èmang kita orang Betawi nyebutnya "Puasa", jarang nyang bilang Romadon. Itu juga' cuman dipaké kalo lagi bahas tèhnis agama. Kalo nama bulannya, orang umumnya bilangnya èmang "Puasa". Bangrapip (talk) 15:28, 21 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Pesbuk ente aktip ga?


Selamat malam, Pesbuk lu aktip ga bang? Aye udah dm disitu Badak Jawa (talk) 15:28, 26 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Pèsbuk ané nyang mana. Nyang aktip nyang ni https://www.facebook.com/bangrapip798/. Nyang lama dibètak orang.
Makasi Bangrapip (talk) 15:55, 26 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Hi, I am sorry for bothering you but I would like to ask you whether you could please translate this sentences to Basa Betawi?

  • Lingua Franca Nova (“Elefen”) is a language designed to be particularly simple, consistent, and easy to learn for international communications. It has a number of positive qualities:
  • 1. It has a limited number of phonemes. It sounds similar to Italian or Spanish.

Thanks for your help. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:06, 21 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi! Happy to help you. These are the translation:
  • Lingua Franca Nova (“Elefen”) entu basa nyang dikeja ringkes, ajeg, èn gampil dibelajarin bakal ngomong di kancah antérobangsa. Ni basa gableg beberapa kualitèt bagus:
  • 1. Ni basa bunyi (ponim)-nya cuman seemprit. Ni basa juga' mirip ama basa Itali atawa Spanyol. If the language name is to be translated, then it would be "Basa Kongko Anyar" instead of Lingua Franca Nova, since our people often find difficult to pronounce the phonemes /f/ and /v/. But, if it's to be retained, it's okay. Let me know if there's something that I could do for you. Regards,

Bangrapip (talk) 14:15, 21 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Could you please translate the rest of the text?
2. It is phonetically spelled. No child should have to spend years learning irregularities.
3. It has a completely regular grammar, similar to the world’s creoles.
4. It has a limited and completely regular set of productive affixes for routine word derivation.
5. It has well-defined rules for word order, in keeping with many major languages.
6. Its vocabulary is strongly rooted in modern Romance languages. These languages are themselves widespread and influential, plus they have contributed the major part of English vocabulary.
7. It is designed to be naturally accepting of Latin and Greek technical neologisms, the de facto “world standard”.
8. It is designed to seem relatively “natural” to those who are familiar with Romance languages, without being any more difficult for others to learn.
We hope you like Elefen!
Also, I don't speak the language but I can create simple templates for countries, cities, biographies, etc. Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:34, 21 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for your help. We'll be glad if you can help us to create some templates. Here are the rest translations:
2. Ni basa dièjanya pegimana ditulis pegimana dibaca. Bocah kaga' perlu tahon-tahonan belajar ketrakeaturan.
3. Ni basa kaèdah basanya bener-bener ajeg saklek, mirip kaya' laèn-laèn basa kacukan (kréol) di dunia.
4. Ni basa gableg sèt tetambahan nyang kewates èn bener-bener ajeg bakal penurunan katanya.
5. Aturan rèndèngan katanya danta pisan, sepantes ama banyak basa bekèn.
6. Kata-katanya pada bener-bener ngoyod deri basa-basa Roman modèren. Ni basa Roman pan èmang pada udah ngampar ke mana-mana, lagi embanannya luas. Sebagé lagi, tu basa pan juga' pada ada sumbangsih nyang ngebadeg di basa Inggris punya kitab logat.
7. Ni basa dikeja alamiahnya nerima kata rèkaan anyar basa Latin ama Yunani, atawa bolé dikata "pakem dunia".
8. Ni basa dikeja biar kiatan lebi "alamiah" bakal nyang udah kenal ama basa-basa Roman, sonder betungsé lagi ngebelajarinnya. (Kita arep lu pada demen ama basa Lingua Franca Nova!)
Note: I'm not sure whether "We hope you like Elefen!" is still a part of no. 8 or not. However if it is, so this phrase is translated in ( ).
Bangrapip (talk) 15:00, 21 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you so much. Which templates would you need? I have just created this one and this one. Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:29, 21 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you so much. Basically I need country and biography infoboxes, quotation (if possible), and citation. I have also a problem with page counting template at Wp/bew/Balé-balé on the right side. The number doesn't be updated automatically when I created a new page.
If this doesn't bother you, I would kindly ask you to help us.
Thank you.
Bangrapip (talk) 17:39, 21 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Probably, if it doesn't bother you, I would kindly ask you to teach me how to make templates instead. I already know how to make template pages with the prefix Template:, but I don't know why I always fail copying template from another source.
Bangrapip (talk) 04:01, 22 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
What I do is I just copy a template I want to create and change the titles (not the codes). You can do that with simple templates, that is why mine are like that. Also because I believe it is better to keep templates where you don't need to change the information, like presidents for countries. Caro de Segeda (talk) 17:22, 22 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
How do you say in Betawi:
  • List of articles that every Wikipedia should have
  • Introduction in Betawi
  • Citation
Also, for a template for people, could you please translate this:
  • Biography
  • Name
  • Country
  • Profession
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Date of death
  • Place of death
Thanks Caro de Segeda (talk) 17:32, 22 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Okay, here is the translation:
  • List of articles that every Wikipedia should have = Daptar makalah nyang saban Wikipédi kudu gableg
  • Introduction in Betawi = Mukadimah dalem basa Betawi
  • Citation = Tukilan
Also, for a template for people, could you please translate this:
  • Biography = Riwayat idup
  • Name = Nama
  • Country = Negara
  • Profession = Pegawéan
  • Date of birth = Tanggal lahir
  • Place of birth = Tempat lahir
  • Date of death = Tanggal wapat
  • Place of death = Tempat wapat
Bangrapip (talk) 03:23, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Here is the template. Caro de Segeda (talk) 16:13, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I'm sorry, if you don't mind, could you please also check my attempt to make an Italic title template here Template:Wp/bew/Judul doyong? I think something is still missing. Thank you very much.
Bangrapip (talk) 03:43, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
For the Italics title you need the Displaytitle template. {{DISPLAYTITLE:''title of the article''}} Caro de Segeda (talk) 16:03, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please tell me where I can get the full script for this template? Let me know, so I can learn more. I appreciate you so much for helping me.
Bangrapip (talk) 16:16, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for helping me. Could you please check my attempt to make an animal infobox here Template:Wp/bew/Héwan. What should I need again to define each column in our language? Thank you very much.
Bangrapip (talk) 03:29, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Unfortunately you haven't created the template, you just created the way it will be used. May I ask you where did you take that template from? Caro de Segeda (talk) 16:04, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I took it from here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Infobox_animal. Could you please tell me where I can get some pages where I can copy the templates? Thanks. Bangrapip (talk) 16:14, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Template from the English Wikipedia are very difficult to recreate, that is why I either copy them from another one or I just create them. Caro de Segeda (talk) 16:17, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
So, from which Wikipedia it is easier to recreate? Perhaps, I could do the same.
Thank you.
Bangrapip (talk) 16:28, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please translate this to Basa Betawi?
Biography =
Actors, dancers and models =
Artists and architects =
Authors, playwrights and poets =
Composers and musicians =
Explorers and travelers =
Film directors and screenwriters =
Inventors, scientists and mathematicians =
Philosophers and social scientists =
Political leaders =
Religious figures and theologians =
Philosophy and psychology =
Philosophy =
Psychology =
Religion =
World view and religion =
Social sciences =
Family and relationships =
Politics =
Business and economics =
Law =
International organizations =
War and military =
Social issues =
Language and literature =
Science =
Astronomy =
Biology =
Biological processes =
Anatomy =
Health and medicine =
Organisms =
Chemistry =
Earth science =
Physics =
Measurement and units =
Timekeeping =
Foodstuffs =
Beverages =
Mathematics =
Technology =
Communication =
Electronics =
Computers and Internet =
Energy and fuels =
Materials =
Transportation =
Weapons =
Arts and recreation =
Architecture and civil engineering =
Film, radio and television =
Music =
Recreation =
History and geography =
History =
Prehistory and ancient world =
Middle Ages and Early Modern =
Modern =
Geography =
Continents and major regions =
Countries =
Cities =
Bodies of water =
Mountains and deserts =
Thanks Caro de Segeda (talk) 16:16, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Biography = Riwayat idup
Actors, dancers and models = Tukang lakon, tukang ngibing, èn tukang peraga
Artists and architects = Tukang seni èn tukang rancang gedong
Authors, playwrights and poets = Mualip, tukang nulis lakon, èn penyair
Composers and musicians = Tukang bikin lagu èn tukang tanji
Explorers and travelers = Tukang kelayaban èn musapir
Film directors and screenwriters = Tukang ngarahin pèlem èn tukang nulis naskah
Inventors, scientists and mathematicians = Penemu, ahli èlmu, èn ahli ètung-ètungan
Philosophers and social scientists = Pilsup èn ahli èlmu kemasarakatan
Political leaders = Tokoh pulitik
Religious figures and theologians = Tokoh agama èn ulama
Philosophy and psychology = Pilsapat èn èlmu kejiwaan
Philosophy = Pilsapat
Psychology = Èlmu kejiwaan
Religion = Agama
World view and religion = Pendelengan dunia èn agama
Social sciences = Èlmu kemasarakatan
Family and relationships = Kulawarga èn hubungan
Politics = Pulitik
Business and economics = Bisnis èn èkonomi
Law = Hukum
International organizations = Paguyuban antérobangsa
War and military = Perang èn militèr
Social issues = Mas'alah kemasarakatan
Language and literature = Basa èn sastra
Science = Èlmu alam
Astronomy = Èlmu palak
Biology = Èlmu hayat
Biological processes = Prosès biologis
Anatomy = Anggota awak
Health and medicine = Kesèhatan èn obat-obatan
Organisms = Orhanisme
Chemistry = Kimia
Earth science = Èlmu pasal bumi
Physics = Èlmu tabèat
Measurement and units = Pengukuran èn satuan
Timekeeping = Waktu
Foodstuffs = Makanan
Beverages = Minuman
Mathematics = Ètung-ètungan
Technology = Tèhnolohi
Communication = Komunikasi
Electronics = Peranti lèstrik
Computers and Internet = Kumpiuter èn internèt
Energy and fuels = Tenga èn bahan bakar
Materials = Bahan-bahan
Transportation = Gandaran
Weapons = Senjata
Arts and recreation = Seni èn plesiran
Architecture and civil engineering = Arsitèktur èn tèhnik sipil
Film, radio and television = Pèlem, redio, èn tipi
Music = Tanji
Recreation = Plesiran
History and geography = Sejarah èn èlmu bumi
History = Sejarah
Prehistory and ancient world = Dunia prasejarah èn kolot
Middle Ages and Early Modern = Jaman Tenga-tenga èn Awal Modèren
Modern = Modèren
Geography = Èlmu gambar bumi
Continents and major regions = Benua èn wilayah gedé
Countries = Negara
Cities = Kota
Bodies of water = Wilayah aèr
Mountains and deserts = Pegunungan èn gurun Thank you very much.
Bangrapip (talk) 16:26, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please translate this for a template for languages?
  • Language = basa?
  • name
  • native name
  • spoken in
  • states
  • area
  • region
  • Speakers
  • Family
  • Official status
  • Official language of
  • nation
  • Regulated by
  • agency
  • Codes
  • Map
Thank Caro de Segeda (talk) 16:48, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Also, how do you say "bibliography" in Betawi? I found two texts that I added to the article about the language. Caro de Segeda (talk) 18:12, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ah, okay, it was my mistake to read "bibliography" as "biography"
biography = Riwayat hidup
bibliography = Ruju'an
As for the rests:
  • Language = basa
  • name = basa
  • native name = nama asli
  • spoken in = dipaké di
  • states = negeri
  • area = kawasan
  • region = daèrah
  • Speakers = pengomong
  • Family = kulawarga
  • Official status = status resmi
  • Official language of = basa resmi deri
  • nation = bangsa
  • Regulated by = diatur ama
  • agency = kelembagaan
  • Codes = kode
  • Map = peta
Bangrapip (talk) 22:18, 23 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Here is the template.

Translation request


Could you please translate this?

  • Hikayat Abu Samah is a text of Betawi literature adapted from Malay literature. This manuscript is classified into Islamic legend because it originates from Islamic history. This can be proven if you look at the characters and events in this manuscript that really existed and have happened, such as Ali, Uthman, and other Prophet Muhammad companions. Manuscripts of Hikayat Abu Samah are stored in several places, such as National Museum of Indonesia stores 6 manuscripts, and Leiden University Library stores 4 manuscripts, School of Oriental and African Studies, and University of London Library stores 1 script. One of the manuscripts which is now in the National Museum of Indonesia, was copied by Muhammad Cing Saidullah in 1823.
  • Bahasa kreol adalah turunan dari bahasa pijin yang menjadi bahasa ibu bagi sekelompok orang yang berasal dari latar belakang berbeda-beda. Kajian umum menunjukkan bahwa bahasa-bahasa kreol yang ada di dunia menunjukkan adalah kesamaan, khususnya dari segi tata bahasa.
  • Malay trade and creole languages: In addition to its classical and literary form, Malay had various regional dialects established after the rise of the Srivijaya empire in Sumatra, Indonesia. Also, Malay spread through interethnic contact and trade across the south East Asia Archipelago as far as the Philippines. That contact resulted in a lingua franca ("trade language") that was called Bazaar Malay or low Malay and in Malay Melayu Pasar. It is generally believed that Bazaar Malay was a pidgin, influenced by contact among Malay, Hokkien, Portuguese, and Dutch traders.

Thank you Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:24, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sure, here is the translation.
  • Hikayat Abu Samah entu atu naskah sastra Betawi nyang diadopsi deri sastra Melayu. Ni naskah digolonginnya sebagé lègenda Islam lantaran asalnya èmang deri sejarah Islam. Ni bisa diliat kalo itu tokohnya ama kejadiannya nyang ada di ni naskah èmang beneran perna ada èn kejadian, kaya' Ali, Usman, èn laèn-laèn sahabat Nabi Muhammad. Naskah Hikayat Abu Samah disimpen di beberapa tempat, kaya' Musium Nasional Indonésia nyimpen 6 naskah, Bibliotik Uniwersitèt Lèden nyimpen 4 naskah, School of Oriental and African Studies èn Bibliotik Uniwersitèt Londen nyimpen 1 naskah. Atu deri naskah Musium Nasional Indonésia punya simpen entu disalin ama Muhammad Cing Saidullah selamanya tahon 1823.
  • Basa kacukan (kreol) entu turunan deri basa pijin nyang jadi basa enya' bakal sekelompok nyang asalnya laèn-laèn natar belakang. Kajian lumbrah ngunjukin kalo basa kacukan di mana-mana antéro dunia ada punya kemeduan, wabilkusus dalem masalah kaèdah basa.
  • Basa kacukan èn dagang Melayu: Selaènnya basa klasik èn basa sastra, basa Melayu gableg logat-logat setempat lantaran mentèrnya Kerajaan Sriwijaya di Sumatra, Indonésia. Basa Melayu gè' gènèngan ngampar ke mana-mana jadi basa obrolan antarètnis di antéro Kepuloan Asia Kidul-wètan ampé Pilipénen. Ni kontak ngeja adanya atu basa kongko (lingua franca) atawa "basa dagang" nyang digero' basa Melayu Pasar atawa Melayu Renda. Lumbrahnya, basa Melayu Pasar diyakinin dulunya entu pijin, nyang kesawaban lantaran itu papagan anterpedagang Melayu, Hokkièn, Portugis, èn Welanda.
Bangrapip (talk) 07:29, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
If "bibliography" is Ruju'an, how do you say "References"?
Could you please translate this?
  • Constructed language
  • Created by
  • Year
  • Lingua Franca Nova (abbreviated as LFN and known colloquially as Elefen, is an auxiliary constructed language originally created by C. George Boeree of Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania, and further developed by many of its users. Its vocabulary is based primarily on the Romance languages, namely French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan. Lingua Franca Nova has phonemic spelling based on 22 letters from the Latin scripts.
  • Literature: A rich literature in Lingua Franca Nova with both original and translated texts exists. The first original literary novel written in Lingua Franca Nova was La xerca per Pahoa, by Vicente Costalago, published on May 15, 2020 on the Web and on May 10, 2021 in printed form.
  • Here are the main literary works translated into Lingua Franca Nova, all publicly available for reading on the official website:
  • Colinas como elefantes blanca ("Hills Like White Elephants") by Ernest Hemingway
Thanks Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:26, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
If "bibliography" is Ruju'an, how do you say "References"?
–This is one of our language's problem. We often lack of terms related to such thing. We often use the same word to refer these two concepts. Anyway, if we need to differentiate the word, we can use:
References = Ruju'an
Bibliography = Daptar ruju'an
As for the rests.
  • Basa bikinan
  • Dikeja ama
  • Tahon
  • Lingua Franca Nova (disingket LFN atawa bekèn juga' sebagé Elefen) atawa 'Basa Kongko Anyar' entu atu basa bikinan tambahan nyang asalnya dikeja ama C. George Boeree deri Uniwersitèt Shippensburg, Pènsilwania, èn terusannya dikembangin ama banyak pemakénya. Dia punya kata-kata utamanya didasarin deri basa-basa Roman, nya'entu, basa Prasman, basa Itali, basa Portugis, basa Portugis, basa Spanyol, èn basa Katalan. Lingua Franca Nova gableg èjaan pegimana tulis pegimana baca nyang berales 22 hurup deri hurup Latin.
  • Sastra: Ada segabreg-gabreg sastra dalem basa Lingua Franca Nova, mao bikinan asli kè', mao terjemahan kè', poko'nya ada dah. Roman sastra pertama nyang ditulis paké basa Lingua Franca Nova entu La xerca per Pahoa, bikinan Vincente Costalago, nyang diterebitin ari bulan 15 Méi 2020 di internèt èn ari bulan 10 Méi 2021 dalem bentuk citakannya.
  • Ni dia karya-karya sastra utama nyang diterjemahin ke basa Lingua Franca Nova. Kabèhan pada bisa dibaca liwat pelampang resminya:
  • Colinas como elefantes blanca ("Bukit kaya' gaja puti") bikinan Ernest Hemingway
Bangrapip (talk) 08:53, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Just curious, how do you create the plural in Basa Betawi? Do you reduplicate the noun? Basa-basa? For "Constructed languages", would it be "basa-basa bikinan"?
Also, I have been researching on Google about Betawi literature and found some pages, however, they are in Indonesian. Would you be able to add a paragraph or a few on Betawi literature to the article about the Betawi language please? I just put here the websites I found just in casa they are useful:
Apparently here is a list of writers in Betawi. Caro de Segeda (talk) 09:40, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
You're welcome.
Anyways, there are several ways to denote the plural form:
  • The same form as singular. This is the most common usage for plural. For example: basa dunia means both 'world language' and 'world languages'; orang Prasman 'Frenchman' and 'French people'.
  • Reduplication. This can be used to emphasise the pluralness of a noun, e.g. basa-basa dunia 'world languages'. However, this is not as productive as the first way, since not all noun can be pluralised by means of reduplication, e.g.: lumba-lumba 'dolphin' – lumba-lumba 'dolphins' (NOT lumba-lumba lumba-lumba). Reduplication doesn't always mean plural. Sometimes it has different meaning, for example: anak 'child' (in terms of family relation) – anak-anak 'children' (in contrast to adult, etc.); burung 'bird' – burung-burungan 'aves (biological class for birds); orang 'human, man' – orang-orangan 'human doll'.
  • Using plural particles pada (general plural) or pating ('many'). This form is commonly used in a full sentence, usually put after the noun (although sometimes it can be placed anywhere after the noun or used both after the noun and another added anywhere), not only in a single phrase. For example: Tu orang lagi dahar. 'He/she/that person is eating' – Tu orang pada lagi dahar. or Tu orang lagi pada dahar. or Tu orang pada lagi pada dahar. 'They/those people are eating'; Tu sepur sliweran deri setadèn 'That train has been passing here.' – Tu sepur pating seliweran deri setadèn 'Those trains have been passing here.'
  • In literary language, especially in religious texts, Arabic borrowings can be pluralised by using their Arabic plural form (including those with broken plural form). Sometimes for Arabic borrowings, we can use the Arabic plural form, but this is not common in everyday speech, for example: orang Selam 'Muslim' – muslimin 'Muslims' (using the Arabic form). Even we can use both the singular and the Arabic plural form at once, e.g.: alim 'scientist; knowledgeable person' – alim-ulama 'scientists; people of knowledge'.
  • With any numbers and quantifiers always in the singular form. Orang 'person' – lima orang 'five persons'; tun 'Indonesian rupiah' – go tun 'IDR 5'.
As for Batavian literature, I will add about this section. Thank you for reminding me. Bangrapip (talk) 10:38, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Whenever you have time, could you please translate this?
  • History - Sejarah?
  • Boeree started to design Lingua Franca Nova in 1965, with the goal of creating an international auxiliary language simple, coherent and easy to learn for international communication. He was inspired by the Mediterranean Lingua Franca or "Sabir", a Romance pidgin used by European sailors and merchants as a lingua franca in the Mediterranean Basin from the 11–18th century, and by various creoles such as Papiamento and Haitian Creole. He used French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan as lexifiers.
  • Lingua Franca Nova was first presented on the internet in 1998. A Yahoo! Group was formed in 2002 by Bjorn Madsen, and reached about 300 members who contributed significantly to the further evolution of the language.
  • In 2005 Stefan Fisahn created a wiki for the language. The wiki moved to Wikia in 2009, then was hosted directly on the official website in 2019.
  • In 2007, Igor Vasiljevic created a Facebook group, which now has over 600 members.
  • LFN was given an ISO 639-3 designation ("lfn") by SIL in January 2008.
Thanks. Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:18, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Of course. Gladly to translate this.
  • History - Sejarah
  • Boeree ngeharkat ngerancang Lingua Franca Nova tahon 1965, ancerannya mah ngeja atu basa pendukung antérobangsa nyang ringkes, masup akal, ama gancil dibelajarinnya bakal ngomong-ngomong antérobangsa. Dia dapet ilham deri Basa Kongko Laot Tena atawa Sabir, atu pijin Roman nyang dipaké ama matros èn pedagang Peringgi bakal jadi basa kongko di Gutekan Laot Tenga semprakan abad 11–18, èn juga' deri laèn-laèn basa kacukan kaya' Papiamèntu ama Kréol Haiti. Dia maké basa Prasman, basa Itali, basa Portugis, ama basa Katalan bakal jadi dia punya sumber kitab logatnya.
  • Lingua Franca Nova pertama kali dipèjèng di internèt tahon 1998. Atu paguyuban Yahoo! Group dikeja tahon 2002 ama Bjorn Madsen, èn nyampé 300 anggotanya nyang ngasi sumbangsi cakep bakal pengembangan perobahan basanya.
  • Selamanya tahon 2005, Stefan Fisahn ngeja wiki bakal ni basa. Wikinya dipindahin ke Wikia dalem tahon 2009, entakonoh langsung ditangkringin di dia punya pelampang resmi di tahon 2019.
  • Selamanya tahon 2007, Igor Vasiljevic ngeja paguyuban Pèsbuk, nyang ampé wayah gini anggotanya udah 600 liwat.
  • LFN dikasi tenger ISO 639-3 ("lfn") ama SIL bulan Januari tahon 2008.
Bangrapip (talk) 13:47, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you, this is the last part about the history, and we are done with it.
  • In 2008 Simon Davies started to make important updates to the LFN–English searchable "master" dictionary. The dictionary is being kept up-to-date in the official website, with over 20,000 entries, and was even published in printed form in 2018.
  • In 2012 a novel entirely translated into Lingua Franca Nova was first published in printed form: La aventuras de Alisia en la pais de mervelias, which is Simon Davies's translation of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
  • In 2014 a new official website was launched on the "elefen.org" domain: it offers various teaching supports (such as word lists for travellers, complete grammar guides) available in several languages, and hosts a wiki and the searchable official dictionary. Some literary works entirely translated in Lingua Franca Nova are also publicly available on the official website for reading. The website now contains an example conversational dialog: La conversa prima for beginning learners https://www.elefen.org/leteratur/la_conversa_prima.html
  • On April 18, 2018, Wikipedia in Lingua Franca Nova, called "Vicipedia", was officially launched as a regular Wikipedia project.
  • On May 15, 2020 on the Web and on May 10, 2021 in printed form the first original literary novel written in Lingua Franca Nova was published: La xerca per Pahoa, by Vicente Costalago.
  • On January 5, 2021, the language's creator, C. George Boeree, died of pancreatic cancer aged 68.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:07, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I have created a new template for provinces which you can see here. Could you also translate this? Caro de Segeda (talk) 09:02, 25 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for the template. Yes, I'll translate it directly there. Bangrapip (talk) 10:21, 25 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Okay. Here are the translation.
  • Selamanya tahon 2008, Simon Davies ngeharkat ngeja atu penganyaran penting bakal "biangnya" kitab logat LFN–Inggris nyang kena dicari. Itu kitab logat pepes dianyarin di dia punya pelampang resmi, dengen lebi deri 20.000 masupan, èn hata juga' diterebitin dalem citaknya selamanya tahon 2018.
  • Selamanya tahon 2008, atu roman jengkep diterjemahin ke basa Lingua Franca Nova èn pertama kali diterebitin citaknya: La aventuras de Alisia en la pais de mervelias, atu Simon Davies punya terjemahan deri Lewis Carroll punya Kelayaban si Alis di Negeri Ajaib.
  • Selamanya tahon 2014, atu pelampang resmi anyar dilangsir di aderès "elefen.org": ni pelampang ngasi macem-macem pertulungan pengajaran (kaya' daptar kata bakal musapir, kaèdah basa kumplit) nyang kesedia di beberapa basa, èn nangkringin atu wiki ama atu kitab logat resmi nyang kena dicari di itu pelampang. Ada karya sastra nyang pol diterjemahin ke basa Lingua Franca Nova nyang kena dibaca ama orang banyak di pelampang resminya. Ni pelampang, wayah gini, ada juga' tulad-tulad dialoh obrolan di dalemnya: La conversa prima bakal nyang baru mulain https://www.elefen.org/leteratur/la_conversa_prima.html
  • Ari bulan 18 April tahon 2018, Wikipédi dalem basa Lingua Franca Nova, nama "Vicipedia", resmi dilangsir jadi atu proyèk Wikipédi biasa.
  • Roman sastra pertama nyang ditulis dalem basa Lingua Franca Nova, nya'entu: La xerca per Pahoa, bikinan Vicente Costalago, diterebitin ari bulan 15 Méi tahon 2020 di pelampang èn ari bulan 10 Méi tahon 2021 dalem citakannya.
  • Ari bulan 5 Januari tahon 2021, nyang ngeja itu basa, C. George Boeree, wapat kena kangker pangkréas pas umur 68 tahon.
Bangrapip (talk) 10:21, 25 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
  • Betawi cuisine: Betawi cuisine is rich, diverse and eclectic, in part because the Betawi people that create them were composed from numbers of regional immigrants that came from various places in the Indonesian archipelago, as well as Chinese, Indian, Arab, and European traders, visitors and immigrants that were attracted to the port city of Batavia (today modern Jakarta) since centuries ago.
  • Lebaran Betawi: Lebaran Betawi adalah merupakan suatu hari kebudayaan tahunan masyarakat etnis Betawi yang diselenggarkan di seantero wilayah Jakarta Raya (yang mana biasanya berpusat di kawasan Monumen Nasional atau Monas). Tujuan dari penyelenggaraan hari kebudayaan ini yakni untuk memperkukuh tali persaudaraan antar masyarakat etnis Betawi maupun para penduduk Jakarta Raya pada umumnya, yang mana penyelenggaraannya diadakan berkisar satu bulan (tiga puluh hari) setelah perayaan Idul Fitri yang dirayakan oleh para umat Muslim. Pada hari kebudayaan yang berlangsung selama beberapa hari ini (biasanya tiga hingga lima hari), seluruh kota di wilayah provinsi Jakarta (yang meliputi kota Jakarta Pusat, kota Jakarta Utara, kota Jakarta Selatan, kota Jakarta Timur, kota Jakarta Barat) maupun Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi (yang mana secara kolektif membentuk Jakarta Raya) biasanya menampilkan berbagai seni dan kebudayaan khas dari masing-masing daerahnya, baik itu berupa tarian, kuliner, dan lain sebagainya.
  • Batavia atau Batauia adalah ibu kota Hindia Belanda, yang wilayahnya kini kurang lebih menjadi Jakarta, ibu kota Indonesia. Batavia didirikan di pelabuhan bernama Jayakarta yang direbut dari kekuasaan Kesultanan Banten. Sebelum dikuasai Banten, bandar ini dikenal sebagai Kalapa atau Sunda Kelapa, dan merupakan salah satu titik perdagangan Kerajaan Sunda. Dari kota pelabuhan inilah VOC mengendalikan perdagangan dan kekuasaan militer dan politiknya di wilayah Nusantara.
  • Indonesian slang (Indonesian: bahasa gaul, Betawi: basa gaul), or informal Indonesian language (Indonesian: bahasa informal, bahasa sehari-hari) is a term that subsumes various vernacular and non-standard styles of expression used throughout Indonesia that are not necessarily mutually intelligible. Regional slang from the capital of Jakarta, based on Betawi language, is however heavily exposed and promoted in national media, and considered the de facto Indonesian slang.
I have a stupid question: it says in the English article about the Betawi language that it is spoken also by Mardijker people, but in the article about them, it says they speak a Portuguese Creole. Do you know whether Betawi is spoken by them? Also, it says Betawi is spoken by Benteng Chinese, but in their own article, it is said that they speak Peranakan Malay.
Thanks. Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:46, 25 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Yes, of course.
  • Makanan Betawi: Makanan Betawi entu kaya, macem-macem, èn campuran, bahna orang Betawi entu asalnya èmang deri macem ragem kaum nyang dateng deri mana-mana tempat di Nusantara, serènta tukang dagang Tionghoa, Hindi, Arab, ama Peringgi, ke Bandar Betawi (sekarang Jakarta) semprakan ada beberapa abad.
  • Lebaran Betawi: Lebaran Betawi entu atu keriaan kebudayaan saban tahonannya masarakat ètnis Betawi nyang digelar seantéro wilayah Jakarta Raya (biasanya dikutetin di Monumèn Nasional atawa Monas). Penyelenggaraan ni keriaan kebudayaan punya tujuan entu bakal ngeja kuat tali silaturahim antermasarakat Betawi serènta orang-orang Jakarta Raya umumnya. Ni perayaan biasanya digelar kira-kira sebulan abisnya Lebaran (Idulpitri), atu lebaran orang Selam punya lebaran. Di ni keriaan nyang digelar berapa ari (biasanya sih tiga ampé lima ari), kabèhan kota di bilangan Propinsi Jakarta (masup Jakarta Sintrem, Jakarta Lor, Jakarta Kidul, Jakarta Wètan, Jakarta Kulon) serènta Bogor, Dèpok, Tanggerang, èn Bekasi (nyang kabèhannya digero' "Jakarta Raya") biasanya nampilin macem-macem seni èn kebudayaan has deri dia punya daèrah masing-masing, mao tetandakan kè', masakan kè', èn laèn sebagénya.
  • Betawi atawa Betawiah atawa Batawiah (basa Welanda: ''Batavia'' atawa ''Batauia'') entu Hindia Nèderlan punya hopstad, nyang wayah gini wilayahnya kurang lebi jadi Jakarta, Indonésia punya hopstad. Betawi dikeja di atu hawen kenamaan, nama Jaketra (basa Jawa: ''Jayakarta'') nyang dibètak deri cokolan tangannya Kesultanan Banten. Sebelonnya dicokol ama Banten, ni bandar mashur sebagé Kalapa atawa Sunda Kelapa, èn atu deri Kerajaan Sunda punya titik dagang. Deri ni kota hawen, Kumpeni ngendaliin dagang èn kuasa militèr serènta pulitik di mana-mana wilayah Nusantara.
  • Basa gaul (basa Indonésia: ''bahasa gaul''; basa Inggris: ''Colloquial Indonesian, Indonesian slang''), atawa basa Indonésia sarian (basa Indonésia: ''bahasa informal, bahasa sehari-hari'') entu istilah nyang nglingkup macem-macem basa tempatan èn setil trapakem nyang dipaké di mana-mana Indonésia èn kaga' misti pada sili ngarti. Hopstad Jakarta punya basa gaul, nyang berales ama basa Betawi, entu banyak keamprah èn dibawa'-bawa' di média nasional, èn dianggep secara hakèkatnya (''de facto'') jadi basa gaul Indonésia.
It's a good question, though. I'll try to answer as simple as possible.
  • Mardijkers were said to be descendants of slaves brought by the Portuguese. This identity existed clearly as a separate identity–as mentioned in early colonial censuses–at least until the middle or late of the 18th century. They used to have their own language, which was a Portuguese-based creole, called "Tugu/Batavian Portuguese creole". This creole started to fade in the 18th century and was gradually replaced by a Malay-based creole, i.e, Batavian (''basa Betawi''). Later Mardijkers were known as the Tugunese (Dutch: ''Toegoenezen'') 'the people of Tugu'. The Tugunese are predominantly Catholic. Nowadays, the Tugunese become a part of Batavians, speaking Batavian. Despite that, they [the Tugunese] still also recognise themselves as the descendants of Mardijkers or as the ''keprinyu'' [kə.pri.ˈɲu] (in Portuguese spelling: ''Cafrinho''), literally means 'the son of ''kāfir'' (infidel). The problem is that many non-Batavians differentiate between the present day's Tugunese and Batavians as two different identities, as Batavians are predominantly Muslim and have a devout Muslim culture. In fact, there is no requirement to be a Muslim in order for someone to be recognise as 'a Batavian', unlike several ethnic groups such as Malays (see the Constitution of Malaysia) and Minangkabau people (their cultural principal is adaik basandi sarak, sarak basandi Kitabullah 'tradition rooted in shariah, shariah rooted in the Book of God') who required someone to be Muslim in order to be a part of their ethnicities, as there are a minority group of Catholic Batavians (the descendants of native people) in Kampung Sawah (You can see a documentary video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKr6N12ZAM8&pp=ygUUYmV0YXdpIGthbXB1bmcgc2F3YWg%3D [in Indonesian]).
  • Chinese people throughout the Indonesian/Malay archipelago usually use their own Malay variety, i.e., Peranakan Malay. Both Peranakan Malay and Batavian were derived from Bazaar Malay. These two varieties have similiarities, such as the syntax and Chinese loanwords. However, the main difference between these varieties is that Batavian is highly influenced by Javanese, Sundanese, and Balinese, in terms of phonology, morphology, and lexicon. As for Bèntèng Chinese, the case is almost the same as Mardijkers. Chinese of Batavia didn't use Peranakan Malay, unlike Chinese of other regions, such as in Malaya, Semarang, and Surabaya, but rather the Chinese of Batavia used Batavian like the local people. In fact, the one who wrote the first Batavian grammar book was a Chinese named Lie Kimhok (1888) in his book titled Malajoe Batawi 'Batavian Malay'. Some other Chinese literature written in Batavia were actually written in Batavian, not in Chinese Peranakan Malay, e.g., Sair dari hal datengnja Poetra Makoeta Keradjaan Roes di Betawi, dan Pegihnja tersamboeng dengan Sair Sekalian Binatang di Hoetan aken mengingetin anak-anak soepaja mendengar kata, dan sajang kepada harta banda ('A poem on the arrival of Russian Crown Prince in Batavia and his departure, continued by a poem on all animals in the jungle to remind the children in order for them to listen advices and to be frugal') by Tan Tengkie (1891). Many people think that these are Chinese Peranakan Malay literature, just because the authors were Chinese, not considering the linguistic element inside the texts. In fact, these literatures were written in Batavian, not Peranakan Malay, as previously mentioned that in these literatures there are a lot of linguistic elements, such as Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese influences, in the texts that don't exist in Peranakan Malay. Even we can see from the title, such as pegih (Btv.) not pergi (Peranakan), mengingetin (using -in suffix as in Batavian, not -kan/-ken as in Peranakan Malay). The problem also applies with Bèntèng Chinese. People think that the language they use is Peranakan Malay. In fact, the language they use is Tangerang dialect of Batavian, which is the same as what native people use (probably a little difference related to Chinese cultural terms that are more often used by Bèntèng Chinese; watch here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nInu9SrMPOs&pp=ygUXQmVudGVuZyBpbG92ZSBsYW5ndWFnZXM%3D). Another problem is that people (non-Batavians) stereotypically differentiate between Bèntèng Chinese and Batavians just because Bèntèng Chinese are predominantly Buddhists, and Batavians are Muslims. In fact when it comes to cultural festival, both Bèntèng Chinese and Batavians have the same festival and often do the festival together. A notable Bèntèng Chinese musician, also regarded as a Batavian musician by the people, was Encim Masnah. So, the case of Bèntèng Chinese is almost similar with Mardijkers.
Bangrapip (talk) 04:43, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Wow, thanks for the explanation. Could I please ask you to translate this? If you think you have to rework the article to be more precise, please feel free to do it, I am just copying the English version of it for the Mardjiker people and use information from both the English Wikipedia and your explanation for the article about the Benteng people.
  • The Mardijker people refers to an ethnic community in the Dutch East Indies (present-day Indonesia) made up of descendants of freed slaves. They could be found at all major trading posts in the East Indies. They were mostly Christian, of various ethnicity from conquered Portuguese and Spanish territories, and some with European ancestry. They spoke Mardijker Creole, a Portuguese-based creole, which has influenced the modern Indonesian language. Between the 18th and 19th centuries, the Mardijkers exchanged their Portuguese-based creole for Betawi language.
  • Benteng people (Indonesian: Orang Cina Benteng or Orang Tionghoa Benteng) are a Chinese Indonesian community of 'Peranakan' or mixed descent, native to the historic Tangerang area in the modern-day Indonesian provinces of Jakarta, Banten and West Java. Chinese of Batavia didn't use Peranakan Malay, unlike Chinese of other regions, such as in Malaya, Semarang, and Surabaya, but rather the Chinese of Batavia used Batavian like the local people.
  • The one who wrote the first Batavian grammar book was a Chinese named Lie Kimhok (1888) in his book titled Malajoe Batawi 'Batavian Malay'. Some other Chinese literature written in Batavia were actually written in Batavian, not in Chinese Peranakan Malay, e.g., Sair dari hal datengnja Poetra Makoeta Keradjaan Roes di Betawi, dan Pegihnja tersamboeng dengan Sair Sekalian Binatang di Hoetan aken mengingetin anak-anak soepaja mendengar kata, dan sajang kepada harta banda ('A poem on the arrival of Russian Crown Prince in Batavia and his departure, continued by a poem on all animals in the jungle to remind the children in order for them to listen advices and to be frugal') by Tan Tengkie (1891).
  • Language: Their language is the Tangerang dialect of Batavian, which is the same as what native people use (probably a little difference related to Chinese cultural terms that are more often used by Bèntèng Chinese).
For the article about Basa Betawi:
  • Dialects
  • Betawian Malay is divided into two main dialects;
  • Middle Betawi dialect: Originally spoken within Jakarta with a greater use of e (e.g. ada becomes ade).
  • Suburban Betawi dialect: Originally spoken in suburban Jakarta, Tangerang in Banten, Depok, Bogor, and Bekasi in West Java. It has a greater use of extended a (e.g. ada, pronounced adah).
  • Another Suburban Betawi variant is called Betawi Ora, which was highly influenced by Sundanese.
  • Betawi is still spoken by the older generation in some locations on the outskirts of Jakarta, such as Kampung Melayu, Pasar Rebo, Pondok Gede, Ulujami, and Jagakarsa.
  • There is a significant Chinese community which lives around Tangerang, called Cina Benteng, who have stopped speaking Chinese and now speak Betawian Malay.
I added the book by Tan Tengkie to the article about the language. Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:18, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Glad to help. A little bit correction for my previous explanation, Peranakan Malay use pigi not pergi.
Another additional remark to my explanation: Benteng Chinese usually have two names, Chinese name and Batavian name (usually from Arabic, Sanskrit, or local name). For example, the person I mentioned before, Encim Masnah, her name was actually Phang Tjin Nio (Chinese name), but she took also a Batavian name Masnah. Another example, you can see on this video of a Batavian/Benteng Chinese folksong Dayung sampan 'Paddle boat' on the running text, you'll see another example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_8qTrdD3l0 (min. 1:07), i.e., Teng Sui Tiang (Chinese name)/Maman Setiawan (Batavian name).
Another argument, why I put Benteng Chinese as a part of Batavian society, besides shared cultural tradition, is that physically they look more like native people, with darker skin colour, unlike Chinese in general who have brighter skin colour.
For article about basa Betawi:
  • Logat
  • Basa Betawi umumnya kebagi jadi dua logat;
  • Betawi Tenga: Aslinya dipaké di Jakarta èn kebanyakan di ujungnya maké ''-è'' (tulad: ''ada'' jadi ''adè'').
  • Betawi Pinggiran: Dipaké di Jakarta pinggiran, Tanggerang di Banten, Dèpok, Bogor, ama Bekasi di Jawa Kulon. Biasanya ujungnya maké ''a'' atawa ''ah'' (tulad: ''ada'' dibaca ''adah'').
  • Atu laèn ragem Betawi Pinggiran punya ragem ada nama Betawi Ora, nyang banyak kesawaban basa Sunda.
  • Basa Betawi misi dipaké ama orang-orang tua di berapa daèra pinggir Jakarta, kaya' Kampung Melayu, Pasar Rebo, Pondok Gedé, Ulujami, ama Jagakarsa.
  • Ada atu kuminitèt Tionghoa nyang ngejogrog di sekiteran Tanggerang, nama Cina Bèntèng, nyang udah kaga' maké basa Tionghoa, mar paké basa Betawi.
Anyways, the dialect division of Batavian is not as simple as two dialect, but many people often generalise it into two seeing the way they pronounce the final "a" sound. In fact, these dialectal differences are not that simple. C.D. Grijns in his Jakarta Malay (1991) divide Batavian into 7 dialects–his study is one of the best and comprehensive study on the Batavian language, having surveyed to 470 villages accross the Greater Jakarta region–, they are:
  1. Urban Jakarta dialect
  2. Gunung Sindur dialect
  3. Cengkarèng, Grogol-Petamburan, Tanah Abang, Kebayoran Baru dialect
  4. Pasar Rebo dialect
  5. Pebayuran dialect
  6. Ciputat dialect
  7. Mauk-Sepatan dialect
I personally support this division since in fact, not all outskirt varieties are same. I live in Bekasi and have many Batavian friends of Bekasi (the east of Jakarta). The variety used in Bekasi is not the same as the one used in Tangerang (the west of Jakarta). We often don't understand several words used there. For example: "It tooks a very long time"
  • Urban Jakarta dialect: Èt dah, lamè banget yè!
  • Bekasi/Pebayuran dialect: Hèt dah, lama pisan gènèngan ya!
  • Tangerang dialect: Èt dah, asrèn/lila jasa ya!
Of course, this dialect division can't be 100% applied anymore to present day's condition, since a lot of Batavians of Jakarta move towards the outskirts, so the dialect bound has already changed.
To map Batavian dialect in our present days is difficult, since the society has changed. That's why we use the inclusive orthography (as used in older publication or in Arabic-script books) and we combine these dialects to write Batavian Wikipedia in order to be more representative variant. Bangrapip (talk) 09:29, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Shall we then use the 7-dialect division of Batavian for the article or shall we keep the two-dialect division? Caro de Segeda (talk) 10:16, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
You can put both, saying "According to popular understanding, this language is divided into two.... According to Grijns (1991) ... 7 dialects."
In any case you need the citation, here is the reference Grijns, C.D. (1991). Jakarta Malay. 2 vols. Leiden: KITLV Press. Bangrapip (talk) 10:23, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please write that text in Betawi? I will added to the article?
According to popular understanding, Betawian Malay is divided into two main dialects;
Middle Betawi dialect: Originally spoken within Jakarta with a greater use of e (e.g. ada becomes ade).
Suburban Betawi dialect: Originally spoken in suburban Jakarta, Tangerang in Banten, Depok, Bogor, and Bekasi in West Java. It has a greater use of extended a (e.g. ada, pronounced adah).
According to Grijns (1991), Betawian Malay is divided into 7 dialects:
  1. Urban Jakarta dialect
  2. Gunung Sindur dialect
  3. Cengkarèng, Grogol-Petamburan, Tanah Abang, Kebayoran Baru dialect
  4. Pasar Rebo dialect
  5. Pebayuran dialect
  6. Ciputat dialect
  7. Mauk-Sepatan dialect
Sorry for bothering you with this, but I cannot translate it myself. :)
Also, just curious, and I hope I am not asking a private uestion here but, how come you speak so many ans such difficult languages such as Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Dutch, Arabic and Latin? Are you a linguist? Caro de Segeda (talk) 10:36, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Of course, you are not bothering me. Glad that you help us. Here is the translation.
Kalu orang awam punya pengartian, basa Betawi entu dibelèk cuman jadi dua logat doang:
  • Betawi Tenga/Betawi Kota: Aslinya dipaké di Jakarta èn kebanyakan di ujungnya maké ''-è'' (tulad: ''ada'' jadi ''adè'').
  • Betawi Pinggiran: Dipaké di Jakarta pinggiran, Tanggerang di Banten, Dèpok, Bogor, ama Bekasi di Jawa Kulon. Biasanya ujungnya maké ''a'' atawa ''ah'' (tulad: ''ada'' dibaca ''adah'').
Walakin dalem Grijns (1991) punya perdataan, basa Betawi kebelèk jadi 7 logat.
  1. Logat Jakarta Kota
  2. Logat Gunung Sindur
  3. Logat Cengkarèng, Grogol-Petamburan, Tana Abang, Kebayoran Baru
  4. Logat Pasar Rebo
  5. Logat Pebayuran
  6. Logat Ciputat
  7. Logat Mauk-Sepatan
As for your question, I am glad to answer. I graduated from Russian Studies, thence I studied Russian. As for Polish, I studied also by myself, at university, and I participated at Polish Summer Courses at Marie Curie-Skłodowska University twice (the first one at B1 level; the second one at C1 level). As for Ukrainian, it is easier to learn Slavic languages once you've learnt any other Slavic languages.
As for Dutch, I've been learning Dutch since several years, but it's more to written language since I need to understand manuscripts and Dutch colonial archives. It's important to learn more about our history. As for speaking, I'm still improving at it for this language. Dutch grammar is not as difficult as German. Moreover, many Dutch loanwords in our native tongue, so we could recognise some words.
Arabic, yes Arabic is very difficult, but I've already learnt it since I was at primary school (we had Arabic subject), and later I studied by myself several years ago. My focus is to understand Islamic books, since it is also related to our culture. And actually I also know Hebrew, but I prefer not to put it on my profile.
I decided to learn Latin since two years ago by myself, using Lingua Latina per se illustrata, perhaps you've ever heard about it. It's a good book for learning Latin. I didn't find Latin as difficult as Ancient Greek or Sanskrit (Sanskrit is the most difficult amongst these three languages). I've already known French (I was taking a French course at Institut Français in 2015 and gained DELF B1), so perhaps I can easily understand several words from Latin at the beginning of my learning. I'm still improving my Latin.
I am not [yet] a linguist, perhaps, but I am a language and linguistic enthusiast. Bangrapip (talk) 10:55, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
How, I am amazed. Yes, I have heard about LLPSI. I am just curious, since you mentioned you use Arabic to understand Islamic books, do you know Modern Standard Arabic or Quranic Arabic? Or maybe both? Caro de Segeda (talk) 11:27, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I know both. Both varieties are not so different.
Anyways, my turn to be curious, looking at your user name, you must be a Roman-speaking person. Where are you from? Spain or Portugal? Bangrapip (talk) 12:54, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I am from Spain. I speak Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. I also have knowledge of Italian, Catalan and German, and of several constructed languages such as Esperanto, Interlingua, Interlingue and Lingua Franca Nova. I studied Modern Languages at university (English, French and Portuguese), that is why I know them. I took that name from this guy (it is not my real name).
I am also a language enthusiast, but I prefer learning about literature rather than grammar. I am mainly interested in ancient languages, sacred languages, constructet languages, and creoles. I also like learning about different religions and their sacred texts.
I have been helping in different Wikipedias such as the Ladino and the Jamaican one even if I don't speak those languages. The reason why I do it is because I believe Wikipedia is a great project that can provide people with valuable information on every single language for free and it is a way to counter language endangerment. Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:10, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Glad to know you.
Yes, I agree with you. Wikipedia is a good and effective way to preserve the language. Thank you for helping our project. I will be glad to help your project too.
Bangrapip (talk) 14:13, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this?

  • Asal nama
  • Nama Batavia berasal dari suku Batavi, sebuah suku Jermanik yang bermukim di tepi Sungai Rhein pada Zaman Kekaisaran Romawi. Bangsa Belanda dan sebagian bangsa Jerman adalah keturunan dari suku ini.
  • Batavia juga merupakan nama sebuah kapal layar tiang tinggi yang cukup besar asal Belanda yang dimililki perusahaan Hindia Timur Belanda (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie atau VOC), dibuat pada 29 Oktober 1628, dinakhodai oleh Kapten Adriaan Jakobsz. Kapal tersebut kini berada di sebuah museum di Fremantle, Australia. Kapal tersebut akhirnya kandas di pesisir Beacon Island, Australia Barat. Dan seluruh awaknya yang berjumlah 268 orang berlayar dengan perahu sekoci darurat menuju kota Batavia ini.
  • Daftar Wali Kota Batavia
  • Wali Kota Batavia (bahasa Belanda: Burgemeester van Batavia, Betawi: Wali Koté Betawi) adalah seorang kepala pemerintahan yang memimpin Kota Batavia di masa Hindia Belanda. Jabatan ini umumnya diduduki oleh pejabat-pejabat Belanda, baik pribumi maupun nonpribumi. Dalam pelaksanaan pemerintahan kota, Wali Kota Batavia didampingi oleh wakil wali kota.

Thanks. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:06, 26 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Yes, of course:
  • Asal nama
  • Nama ''Batavia'' asalnya deri suku Betuwé atawa Batavi, atu kaum Gèrman nyang becokol di lingir Kali Rèn pas jaman Kaèsar Romèn. Bangsa Welanda èn sebagèan bangsa Dèt entu ni kaum punya turunan.
  • ''Batavia'' juga' atu nama kapal layar tiang alaihim nyang gedé pisan deri Welanda nyang digablegin ama Kumpeni Hindia Wètan Nèderlan (''Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie'' atawa VOC), dikeja ari bulan 29 Oktober tahon 1628, dinahkodain ama Kapitèn Adrian Jakob (Adriaan Jakobsz). Itu kapal sekarang ditaroh di atu musium di Fremantle, Ostrali. Itu kapal akirnya karem di lingir Pulo Beacon, Ostrali Kidul. Semua matrosnya nyang 268 orang ngelayar paké sekoci darurat ke Betawi.
  • Daptar Berehmister Betawi
  • Berehmister Betawi (bahasa Welanda: ''Burgemeester van Batavia'') entu atu hop guwernemèn nyang mimpin Stad Betawi di jaman Hindia Nèderlan. Ni jabatan biasanya dipegang ama pejabat Welanda, orang kita kè', atawa orang asing kè'. Dalem penjalanan guwernemèn kota, berehmister Betawi ditemenin ama dia punya wakil.
Well for your information, wali koté Betawi is not the correct translation for 'Mayor of Batavia'. It is simply the Indonesian word and the a in kota was changed to é. Of course, this is incorrect. Such mistake is caused by people's (non-Batavians) stereotype "basa Betawi is just bahasa Indonesia with final -a changed to /". So, some people would easily say, "I know basa Betawi", but actually they don't know that basa Betawi have a lot of vocabularies that they don't even know. The correct Batavian word for 'mayor' is berehmister from Dutch burgemeester. Bangrapip (talk) 03:55, 27 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
I usually happens with creoles. People believe they are "broken languages" and that by changing a few words they already know it. For Ladino (which is not a creole, but Juedaeo-Spanish) a lot of Spanish speakers write in the Ladino Wikipedia just changing the ortography but that is just wrong. I can see that the same happens with Basa Betawi.
Could you please translate this?
  • Masa Pendudukan Belanda di Batavia
  • Menyusul kembalinya Belanda ke Indonesia, NICA menunjuk Archibald Bogaardt sebagai Penjabat Wali Kota Batavia (bahasa Belanda: Waarnemend Burgemeester van Batavia). Sebelumnya, Bogaardt sudah pernah ditunjuk sebagai wali kota pada tahun 1941, tetapi kekuasaannya hilang setelah kedatangan Jepang pada tahun 1942. NICA menunjuk Bogaardt dalam suatu pemerintahan bayangan, di mana Wali Kota Jakarta Raya, Suwirjo diklaim sebagai wali kota republikan atau dalam bahasa Belanda: republikeinse burgemeester. Penerus Bogaardt, E. M. Stok, memperoleh kekuasaan de facto setelah Belanda menduduki Jakarta pada Agresi Militer I.
Berikut merupakan daftar Wali Kota Batavia.
  • The Flag of Indonesia is a simple bicolor with two horizontal bands, red (top) and white (bottom) with an overall ratio of 2:3. It was introduced and hoisted in public during the proclamation of independence on 17 August 1945 at 56 Proklamasi Street (formerly Pegangsaan Timur Street) in Jakarta, and again when the Dutch formally transferred sovereignty on 27 December 1949. The design of the flag has remained unchanged since.
  • Majapahit (Javanese: ꦩꦗꦥꦲꦶꦠ꧀; Javanese pronunciation: [madʒapaɪt]), also known as Wilwatikta (Javanese: ꦮꦶꦭ꧀ꦮꦠꦶꦏ꧀ꦠ; Javanese pronunciation: [wɪlwatɪkta]), was a Javanese Hindu-Buddhist thalassocratic empire in Southeast Asia that was based on the island of Java (in modern-day Indonesia). It existed from 1293 to circa 1527 and reached its peak of glory during the era of Hayam Wuruk, whose reign from 1350 to 1389 was marked by conquests that extended throughout Southeast Asia. His achievement is also credited to his prime minister, Gajah Mada. According to the Nagarakretagama (Desawarñana) written in 1365, Majapahit was an empire of 98 tributaries, stretching from Sumatra to New Guinea; consisting of present-day Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, southern Thailand, Timor Leste, southwestern Philippines (in particular the Sulu Archipelago) although the scope of Majapahit sphere of influence is still the subject of debate among historians. The nature of Majapahit relations and influences upon its overseas vassals, and also its status as an empire are still provoking discussions.
  • The National Monument (Indonesian: Monumen Nasional, abbreviated Monas) is a 132 m (433 ft) obelisk in the centre of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta, symbolizing the fight for Indonesia. It is the national monument of the Republic of Indonesia, built to commemorate the struggle for Indonesian independence.
I won't be available until Sunday. Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:30, 27 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Yes, of course. Here's the translation.
  • Jaman bekuku'nya lagi Welanda
  • Mancan Welanda masup lagi ke Indonésia, NICA ngebenum Archibald Bogaardt jadi Penjabat Berehmister Betawi (basa Welanda: ''Waarnemend Burgemeester van Batavia''). Sebelonnya, Bogaardt udah pernah dibenum jadi berehmister tahon 1941, cuman dia punya kuasa raib pas Jepang punya dateng tahon 1942. NICA ngebenum Bogaardt dalem atu rèhering bayangan, nyang mana Berehmister Jakarta Raya, Suwirjo diakuin jadi républikèn punya berehmister (basa Welanda: ''republikeinse burgemeester''). Bogaardt punya penerus, E. M. Stok, dapet kuasa secara hakèkat (''de facto'') abisnya Welanda nyokol di Jakarta pas Agrèsi Militèr I.
Ni dia daptar Berehmister Stad Betawi.
  • Bendèra Indonésia mah ringkes, cuman dua kelir nyamping doang, mèra (di atas) ama puti (di bawah) dengen perbandingan kabèhan 2:3. Ni bendèra awal mulanya dikenalin ama dipèjèng di halayak umum pas Proklamasi Kemerdèkaan tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 di Jl. Pegangsaan Timur, no. 56, Jakarta, èn pas Welanda resmi ngangsrongin balik suwerénitèt (kedaulatan) ke Indonésia tanggal 27 Désèmber 1949. Bendèra punya rancangannya mah tetep sama, kaga' dirobah.
  • Majapait (basa Jawa: ꦩꦗꦥꦲꦶꦠ꧀; lapal Jawa: [madʒapaɪt]), atawa bekèn juga ''Wilwatikta'' (basa Jawa: ꦮꦶꦭ꧀ꦮꦠꦶꦏ꧀ꦠ; lapal Jawa: [wɪlwatɪkta]), entu atu kerajaan Hindu-Buda Jawa nyang gableg kuasa laot di wilayah Asia Kidul-wètan nyang sintremnya di Pulo Jawa (wayah gini Indonésia). Ni kerajaan ngejegreg sedari 1293 ampé 1527-an èn nyampé dia punya puncak kejayaan pas jamannya Hayam Wuruk, nyang kuasanya sedari 1350 ampé 1389, ditengerin ama pena'lukkan nyang ngamprah ke mana-mana bilangan Asia Kidul-wètan. Dia punya berasil juga' dinisbatin ke dia punya wajiralam, nama Gajah Mada. ''Nagarakṛtāgama'' (''Deśavarṇana'') punya catet nyang diserat tahon 1365, Majapait ngelah 98 negara bawahan nyang bayar belasting ama dia, ngampar deri Sumatra ampé Ginéa Anyar; nglingkup daèrah sekarang Indonésia, Singapur, Malésia, Bruné, Muang-Tay kidul, Timor Wètan, èn Pilipénen belah kidul-wètan (wabilkusus Kepuloan Sulu), bagèn kata Majapait punya lingkup kalangan entu masing didèbatin ama ahli sejarah pada. Hubungan Majapait èn embanan ke negara bawahannya, serènta kewontenannya sebagé atu kekaèsaran entu masing jadi obrolan nyang bikin panas.
  • Monumèn Nasional (basa Indonésia: ''Monumen Nasional'', disingket Monas) entu atu menara nyang tingginya 132 m (433 kaki) nyang ngejegreg di tenga-tenganya Lapangan Merdèka, Jakarta Sintrem, nglambangin perjoangan Indonésia. Ni tugu – tugu nasional Kiblik Indonésia, dibangun bakal meringetin perjoangan kemerdèkaan Indonésia.
Thanks for your information. Bangrapip (talk) 08:33, 27 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi I am back, could you please translate this about the history of Indonesia?
  • The history of Indonesia has been shaped by geographic position, its natural resources, a series of human migrations and contacts, wars of conquest, the spread of Islam from the island of Sumatra in the 7th century AD and the establishment of Islamic kingdoms, as well as by trade Bowls, Jars, Jugs and so on, economics and politics. Indonesia is an archipelagic country of 17,000 to 18,000 islands (8,844 named and 922 permanently inhabited) stretching along the equator in South East Asia. The country's strategic sea-lane position fostered inter-island and international trade; trade has since fundamentally shaped Indonesian history. The area of Indonesia is populated by peoples of various migrations, creating a diversity of cultures, ethnicities, and languages. The archipelago's landforms and climate significantly influenced agriculture and trade, and the formation of states. The boundaries of the state of Indonesia match the 20th-century borders of the Dutch East Indies.
  • Fossilised remains of Homo erectus and his tools, popularly known as the "Java Man", suggest the Indonesian archipelago was inhabited at least 1.5 million years ago. Austronesian people, who form the majority of the modern population, are thought to have originally been from Taiwan and arrived in Indonesia around 2000 BCE. From the 7th century CE, the powerful Srivijaya naval kingdom flourished bringing Hindu and Buddhist influences with it. The agricultural Buddhist Sailendra and Hindu Mataram dynasties subsequently thrived and declined in inland Java. The last significant non-Muslim kingdom, the Hindu Majapahit kingdom, flourished from the late 13th century, and its influence stretched over much of Indonesia. The earliest evidence of Islamised populations in Indonesia dates to the 13th century in northern Sumatra; other Indonesian areas gradually adopted Islam, which became the dominant religion in Java and Sumatra by the end of the 12th century up to of the 16th century. For the most part, Islam overlaid and mixed with existing cultural and religious influences.
  • Europeans such as the Portuguese arrived in Indonesia from the 16th century seeking to monopolise the sources of valuable nutmeg, cloves, and cubeb pepper in Maluku. In 1602, the Dutch established the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and became the dominant European power by 1610. Following bankruptcy, the VOC was formally dissolved in 1800, and the government of the Netherlands established the Dutch East Indies under government control. By the early 20th century, Dutch dominance extended to the current boundaries. The Japanese invasion and subsequent occupation in 1942–1945 during WWII ended Dutch rule, and encouraged the previously suppressed Indonesian independence movement. Two days after the surrender of Japan in August 1945, nationalist leader Sukarno declared independence and became president. The Netherlands tried to reestablish its rule, but a bitter armed and diplomatic struggle ended in December 1949, when in the face of international pressure, the Dutch formally recognised Indonesian independence.
  • An attempted coup in 1965 led to a violent army-led anti-communist purge in which over half a million people were killed. General Suharto politically outmanoeuvred President Sukarno, and became president in March 1968. His New Order administration garnered the favour of the West, whose investment in Indonesia was a major factor in the subsequent three decades of substantial economic growth. In the late 1990s, however, Indonesia was the country hardest hit by the East Asian Financial Crisis, which led to popular protests and Suharto's resignation on 21 May 1998. The Reformasi era following Suharto's resignation, has led to a strengthening of democratic processes, including a regional autonomy program, the secession of East Timor, and the first direct presidential election in 2004. Political instability, social unrest, corruption, natural disasters, and terrorism remained problems in the 2000s; however, the economy has performed strongly since 2007. Although relations among different religious and ethnic groups are largely harmonious, acute sectarian discontent and violence remain problems in some areas.
  • Today, Indonesia is a diverse and multicultural nation with a population of over 270 million people. The country is known for its natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and significant contributions to global art, music, and cuisine. It is also one of the world's fastest-growing economies and a major player in the Southeast Asian region.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 17:16, 30 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi! Glad to hear. Here are the translation:
  • Sejarah Indonésia dibentuk ama dia punya letak géograpis, sumber alam, rèntètan hijrah ama papagan manusia, perang pena'lukan, penyebaran Islam deri Sumatra selamanya abad ke-7 M èn pendirian kerajaan-kerajaan Islam, serènta juga' dagang ringkok, gentong, kendi, èns., èkonomi, èn pulitik. Indonésia entu atu negara kepuloan nyang dia punya pulo ada 17.000 ampé 18.000-an (8.844 ada namanya èn 922 ajeg ditempatin) nyang ngampar sepanjang garis katulistiwa di Asia Kidul-wètan. Bahna dia punya letak jalur laot nyang pas, banyak dah tu dagang anterpulo ama antérobangsa, sementara dagang entu bener-bener ngebentuk Indonésia punya sejarah. Wilayah Indonésia ditempatin ama orang-orang deri macem-macem hijrah, nyang ngeja kemacem-rageman budaya, kaum (ètnis), èn basa. Ni kepuloan punya bentuk tana èn iklim bener-bener nyawabin langbow èn dagang, serènta pengejaan negara. Wates deri negara Indonésia entu sembabad ama Hindia Nèderlan punya wates.
  • Rèstan posil ''Homo erectus'' serènta dia punya peranti nyang pada ketimbun di tana, nyang bekèn digeoro "Manusia Jawa", ngasi petunjuk kalo Kepuloan Indonésia udah ditempatin paling kaga' semprakan 1,5 juta tahon nyang liwat. Orang Ostronési, nyang jadi mayoritètnya orang jaman kita, diyakinin asalnya deri Taiwan èn nyampé di Indonésia sekitaran 2.000 SM. Sedari abad ke-7 SM, atu kerajaan nyang setèrek pisan, nama Sriwijaya, maju besar èn ngeboyong Hindu èn Buda punya ajaran ke mari. Wangsa Buda Sélèndra èn Mataram Hindu nyang mancer di pertanian mangkin kuat èn terus mudun di Jawa. Kerajaan minhum nyang paling penting nyang paling akir, Kerajaan Majapahit Hindu, jaya semprakan akir abad ke-13, èn dia punya embanan ngampar ke mana-mana bagèan Indonésia. Bukti penduduk nyang masup Selam nyang paling kolot di Indonésia entu tarihnya abad ke-13 M di Sumatra blèlir, èn laèn-laèn wilayah Indonésia pelan-pelan masup Selamnya, nyang jadi agama paling gedé di Jawa èn Sumatra selamanya akir abad ke-12 ampé abad ke-16. Dalem banyak hal, agama Selam jadi atu hal nyang penting èn nyampur ama budaya serènta agama setempat nyang udah ada duluan.
  • Orang-orang Peringgi, kaya' orang Portugis, nyampé di Indonésia semprakan abad ke-16 bakal monopoli sumber pala, cengké', èn lada jawa deri Maluku nyang itu waktu arganya sepol-polan. Tahon 1602, orang Welanda pada bikin Kumpeni Hindia Wètan Nèderlan (VOC) èn jadi kuasa Peringgi nyang paling hèbring di tahon 1610. Mancan dia bangkrut, VOC resmi bubaran tahon 1800, èn guwernemèn Welanda nyedèk itu Hindia Wètan Nedèrlan di bawa dia punya bestir. Deket-deket awal abad ke-20, Welanda nggedéin dia punya ranggehan ampé wates nyang sekarang. Lantaran serbuan Jepang èn pemantèkannya di tahon 1942–1945 pas jaman PD II, Welanda punya kuku abis di mari èn gerakan kemerdèkaan Indonésia semingkin kuat. Dua ari selangnya Jepang punya nyerah di bulan Agustus 1945, pimpinan nasionalis Sukarno mroklamirin kemerdèkaan Indonésia èn jadi persidèn. Welanda nggemil lagi bekuku' di mari, cuman dia punya usaha paké senjata ama diplomasi pepes gagal di bulan Désèmber tahon 1949, pas Welanda ngadepin tekenan antérobangsa. Akirnya Welanda resmi ngakuin Indonésia punya kemerdèkaan.
  • Atu jal kudèta di tahon 1965 nyebabin pengresikan besar-besaran bakal ngebanté abis kuminis nyang sadui pisan nyang dipimpin ama soldadu, hata entuk setenga juta orang lebi dibunu. Jèndral Suharto secara pulitiknya udah lebi sat-set ketimbang Persidèn Sukarno, èn jadi persidèn di bulan Maret 1968. Dia punya bestir Orde Baru disenengin ama Kulon, nyang pada mulain nanem modal di mari èn jadi atu paktor kemajuan èkonomi nyang penting selamanya tiga dékade ke depannya. Akir-akir tahon 90-an, Indonésia kena Krisis Monetèr Asia Wètan nyang kedawan-dawan, mangkanya orang pada protès ampé Suharto punya lèngsèr 21 Méi 1998. Di jaman Répormasi, nyang abisnya Suharto lèngsèr, prosès kera'yatan (démokrasi) mangkin stèrek, serènta program-program otonomi (kuasa-dèwèk), penglepasan Timor Wètan, èn pemilian persidèn langsung pertama tahon 2004. Keolèngan pulitis, keributan masarakat, korepsi, bencana alam, tèroris entu jadi mas'alah tahon 2000-an; walakin èkonominya mah stèrek semprakan 2007. Bagèn kata ubungan anteragama èn anterètnis pada ragem, ada aja golongan pèrkah garis keras èn kekerasan nyang pepes kejadian di berapa daèrah.
  • Wayah gini, Indonésia entu atu bangsa nyang macem-ragem budaya dengen penduduk 270 juta orang lebi. Ni negara mashur lantaran dia punya kecakepan alamnya, kaya budayanya, èn sumbangsi gedé dalem seni, tanji, èn masakan dunia. Ni negara juga' jadi atu deri negara nyang dia punya èkonomi paling melejit èn ada gableg rol utama di kawasan Asia Kidul-wètan.
Bangrapip (talk) 04:10, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Caro de Segeda (talk) 05:34, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Could you please translate this?

  • Education in Indonesia
  • Education in Indonesia falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi or Kemdikbudristek) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama or Kemenag). In Indonesia, all citizens must undertake twelve years of compulsory education which consists of six years at elementary level and three each at middle and high school levels. Islamic, Christian, Catholic, and Buddhist Schools are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
  • Education is defined as a planned effort to establish a study environment and educational process so that the student may actively develop their own potential in religious and spiritual level, consciousness, personality, intelligence, behaviour and creativity to themselves, other citizens and the nation. The Constitution also notes that there are two types of education in Indonesia: formal and non-formal. Formal education is further divided into three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary education.
  • Schools in Indonesia are run either by the government (negeri) or private sectors (swasta). Some private schools refer to themselves as "national plus schools" which means that their curriculum exceeds requirements set by the Ministry of Education, especially with the use of English as medium of instruction or having an international-based curriculum instead of the national one. In Indonesia there are approximately 170,000 primary schools, 40,000 junior-secondary schools and 26,000 high schools. 84 percent of these schools are under the Ministry of Education and Culture and the remaining 16 percent under the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Thanks --Caro de Segeda (talk) 05:46, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi. Yes, here you are.
  • Onderwès di Indonésia
  • Onderwès di Indonésia ditanganin ama Kementrian Onderwès, Kebudayaan, Perdataan, èn Tèhnolohi (''Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi'' atawa disingket ''Kemdikbudristek'') èn Kementrian Igama (''Kementerian Agama'' atawa ''Kemenag''). Di Indonésia, saban sorang misti dapet 12 tahon onderwès pardu ain nyang kesusun deri 6 tahon sekolah dasar, 3 tahon sekolah menenga pertama, èn 3 tahon lagi sekolah menega atas. Adapun sekola-sekolaan Selam, Serani Protèstan, Serani Katolik, èn Buda dibawa Kementrian Agama punya tanggungan.
  • Onderwès dita'rip sebagé usaha nyang dirancang rapi bakal ngeja atu kalangan pembelajaran èn prosès pengajaran biar itu murid pada bisa sregep ngembangin dia punya kebisaan dalem hal trap agama èn kerohanian, kesadaran, kepribadian, kepinteran, abet, èn kréatipitèt bakal dia sendèwèk, laèn orang sewarga negara, èn orang laèn bangsa. Wèt Dasar juga' ngasi catetan pasal dua macem onderwès di Indonésia, nama: pormil ama nonpormil. Onderwès pormil juga' kebelèk lagi jadi tiga trap, ya'entu: dasar, menenga, ama lanjutan.
  • Sekolahan di Indonésia bisa dibestir ama guwernemèn (sekolahan negeri) atawa partikelir (swasta). Sebagèan sekolahan swasta bilangnya dia entu sekolahan ''national plus school'', artinya dia punya kurikulum ngelebihin deri pesaratan Kementrian Onderwès punya minta', wabilkusus dalem hal pemakéan basa Inggris jadi basa penganter atawa gableg kurikulum berales-antérobangsa gantinya kurikulum nasional. Di Indonésia, ada sekitaran 170.000 sekolah dasar, 40.000 sekolah menenga pertama, èn 26.000 sekolah menenga atas. 84% deri ni sekolah pada di bawah Kementrian Onderwès èn Kebudayaan punya pengawasan èn 16%-nya di bawah Kementrian Igama.
Bangrapip (talk) 06:07, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
  • Culture of Indonesia
  • The culture of Indonesia (Indonesian: Budaya Indonesia) has been shaped by long interaction between original indigenous customs and multiple foreign influences. Indonesia is centrally-located along ancient trading routes between the Far East, South Asia and the Middle East, resulting in many cultural practices being strongly influenced by a multitude of religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, and Islam, all strong in the major trading cities. The result is a complex cultural mixture, often different from the original indigenous cultures.
  • Examples of the fusion of Islam with Hinduism include Javanese Abangan belief. Balinese dances have stories about ancient Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms, while Islamic art forms and architecture are present in Sumatra, especially in the Minangkabau and Aceh regions. Traditional art, music and sport are combined in a martial art form called Pencak Silat.
  • The Western world has influenced Indonesia in science, technology and modern entertainment such as television shows, film and music, as well as political system and issues. India has notably influenced Indonesian songs and movies. A popular type of song is the Indian-rhythmical dangdut, which is often mixed with Arab and Malay folk music.
  • Despite the influences of foreign culture, some remote Indonesian regions still preserve uniquely indigenous culture. Indigenous ethnic groups Batak, Nias, Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Sumba, Dayak, Toraja and many others are still practising their ethnic rituals, customs and wearing traditional clothes.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:52, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure. Here you are:
  • Budaya Indonésia
  • Budaya Indonésia (basa Indonésia: ''budaya Indonesia'') kebentuk deri papagan antara budaya asli setempat ama sawaban deri laèn-laèn bangsa sedari jaman bahola. Indonésia letaknya di tenga-tenga jalur dagang kolot antara Wètan Jau, Asia Kidul-wètan, èn Wètan Tenga, nyang nyebabin banyaknya plaktèk-plaktèk budaya nyang kesawaban ama banyak agama, kaya' Buda, Serani, Konghucu, Hindu, èn Selam, nyang kabèhannya pada stèrek di kota-kota bandar gedé. Hasilnya entu campur baru budaya, nyang sering laèn deri orang asli setempat punya budaya.
  • Misalnya, penggabregan antara Islam ama Hindu nyang jadi kepercayaan Abangan, ibingan Bali nyang ada punya ceritra kerajaan Buda ama Hindu, seni Selam èn setil bangunan nyang ada di Sumatra, wabilkusus di tana Minangkabo ama Acéh, seni terdisionil, tanji, èn olahraga nyang digabreg dalem atu maèn penca, nama ''pencak silat''.
  • Adapun alam Kulon nyawabin Indonésia dalem hal èlmu pengetahuian, tèhnolohi, èn hiburan modèren, kaya' acara tipi, pèlem, tanji, serènta sistim èn mas'alah pulitik. Hindi gableg juga' embanan di Indonésia dalem hal lagu ama pèlem. Atu jenis lagu nyang nada-nadanya kaya' Hindi, ya'entu dangdut, nyang sering mengrupaken campuran tanji Arab ama Melayu.
  • Bagèn kata ada ngebadeg embanan asing, ada juga' daèrah Indonésia nyang di peloksok-peloksokan nyang masing ngejaga dia punya budaya setempat. Ètnis-ètnis setempat, kaya' Batak, Nias, Mentawé, Asmat, Dani, Sumba, Daya, Toraja, èn masing ngejeprah laènnya masing ngamalin dia punya rituil, adat, èn maké baju terdisionil.
Bangrapip (talk) 08:45, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
sorry, one doubt: When you translated the template, you wrote "Kebudayaan Indonésia". Which one shall I put as the title for the article, that one or "Budaya Indonésia"? Caro de Segeda (talk) 09:15, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Nice question. Well in general, both "kebudayaan Indonésia" and "budaya "Indonesia" mean the same, no difference actually. So, if I put "Kebudayaan Indonésia" on the template, just use this. Thanks.
Bangrapip (talk) 10:04, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
The basics
Alphabet and pronunciation
like a in “ah”
Word order
subject – verb – object:
“the woman loves the house”
particles – noun – adjectives:
“the big house”
auxiliaries – verb – adverbs:
“I must walk carefully”
preposition – noun:
“he is in the garden”
-s (or -es after consonants) forms the plural of nouns:
“men and women”
ia forms the past tense of verbs:
“you worked”
va is the future tense of verbs:
“you will work”
ta is the conditional mood (optional):
“if I could, I would fly”
One verb can follow another if it has the same subject:
“I want to buy a shirt”
Intransitive verbs become causative simply by adding an object:
“I move” → “I move the table”
Add -nte to a verb to make the active participle, which acts as an adjective or noun:
“giving (adjective) or giver”
Add -da to a verb to make the passive participle, which acts as an adjective or noun:
“given or gift”
A verb can be used as a noun just as it is:
“we dance” → “the dance”
An adjective can be used as a noun the same way:
“a wise man” → “the wise (ones)”
Adverbs are identical to adjectives:
“a happy man” → “he/she dances happily”
to make a question, start with a question word or esce, and end with a question mark:
“can you dance?” * “when do you prefer to eat?” Caro de Segeda (talk) 10:44, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Should I translate the example of the sentences? Bangrapip (talk) 10:46, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Yes please, I will add the parts in Lingua Franca Nova myself. Caro de Segeda (talk) 10:49, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Some concepts don't exist in our language, e.g., participle (we don't have a separate participle form). Should I retain in English for the sentences indicating participles? Bangrapip (talk) 10:52, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Yes please Caro de Segeda (talk) 11:17, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hurup alpabèt èn lapalnya
kaya' a di kita punya basa
Rèndèngan kata
hal (subyèk) – kerja – peroléan (obyèk):
“Si wadon ndemenin tu rumah”
petilan (partikel) – peada – penyipat:
“si ruma gedé”
penulung – kerja – penerangan:
“Gua misti jalan ati-ati”
pengawal – peada:
“Dia di taman”
Kaèdah basa
-s (atawa -es abisnya hurup mati) bakal ngeja jama':
“lanang-lanang èn wadon-wadon”
ia bakal ngeja tèmpo dulu kerja:
“Lu dulu gawé”
va bakal ngeja tèmpo bakal kerja:
“Lu bakal gawé”
ta bakal ngeja pengandéan (pilihan):
“Kalo gua bisa mah, gua terbang (murun)”
Atu kata kerja bisa ngintilin atu nyang laèn kalo halnya (subyèknya) sama:
“Gua pèngèn beli hèm”
Kata kerja sonderperoléan bisa jadi pengejaan tibang nambahin peroléannya:
“Gua mingsèr” → “Gua mingsèrin tu mèja”
Tambah -nte ke kata kerja bakal ngeja dumanan seregepan (''active participle''), nyang belakon bakal jadi penyipat atawa peada:
“nyang ngasi (penyipat) atawa pengasi”
Tambah -da ke kata kerja bakal ngeja dumanan kenaan (''passive participle''), nyang belakon bakal jadi penyipat atawa peada:
“nyang dikasi atawa pengasian”
Kata kerja bisa dipaké jadi kata peada kaya' begitu:
“Kita ngibing” → “ibing-ibingan”
Kata penyipat juga' sama baé bisa jadi peada:
“orang bijak” → “si bijak”
Penerangan numbras bentuknya ama penyipat:
“atu orang nyang girang” → “Dia nandak dengen girang”
kalo mau bikin pertanyaan, awalin paké kata penanya atawa ''esce'' ("apa" nyang jawabannya 'ya/ora'), èn tutup paké tenger penanya:
“Apa lu bisa ngibing?” * “Kapan lu lebi demen dahar?”
Bangrapip (talk) 11:28, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you so much. I have added both to article and here. Caro de Segeda (talk) 11:57, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you very much.
Bangrapip (talk) 12:06, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Is this book related to Basa Betawi? Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:08, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Yes, specifically about homonymic relation. Bangrapip (talk) 12:33, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
How about...
Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:38, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
https://brill.com/display/title/23398 (This is one where I get the division of 7 dialects as previously mentioned; there are 2 vols.)
https://journal.uinjkt.ac.id/index.php/al-turats/article/view/4236/2995 (this is a journal on semantical field of "feelings" of our language)
But, https://www.neliti.com/publications/79146/penggusuran-dialek-medan-oleh-dialek-jakarta is not. This is simply about the linguistic behaviour in Medan, North Sumatra, where people start to use more often Colloquial Jakartan Indonesian (not basa Betawi) instead of local Malay. Bangrapip (talk) 12:43, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Is "Jakarta Melayu" the same as Basa Betawi? Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:46, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
The term "Jakarta Malay" is sometimes used as a synonym for "basa Betawi". This term was actually due to political reason during the Old Order of Sukarno to eliminate "European things" due to anti-Dutch sentiment (as Betawi means 'Batavia'; actually the term basa Betawi has been used since the colonial era as mentioned in Dutch archives), including the ethnonym orang Betawi 'Batavians' were forcibly changed to orang Jakarta 'Jakartans' and the word Betawi was forbidden at that time. But later after the fall of the Old Older, the term basa Betawi is reinstated since it can't be detached from our people, since our people still recognise ourselves as orang Betawi 'Batavians', and not orang Jakarta 'Jakartans', and no one–in real life–refer to our language by the term basa Melayu Jakarta, but instead basa Betawi or basè Betawi (depends on the dialect). Now, the official census list our people as Betawi 'Batavians' and not Jakarta 'Jakartans'.
Moreover, the term orang Jakarta 'Jakartans' refers more to the citizen of Jakarta, no matter what ethnicities they are from, in contrast with orang Betawi 'Batavians, native Jakartans'. Bangrapip (talk) 13:02, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please translate this?
  • Betawi mask dance
  • The Betawi mask dance (Indonesian: Tari Topeng Betawi) is a theatrical form of dance and drama of Betawi people in Jakarta, Indonesia. This dance-drama encompasses dance, music, bebodoran (comedy) and lakon (drama). The Betawi mask dance demonstrates the theme of Betawi society life which represented in the form of dance and drama. It is called mask dance because the dancers using topeng (mask) during dancing which Betawi people believed that the topeng has magical powers.
  • History and origin
  • The Betawi mask dance was first created by Mak Kinang and Kong Djioen in 1930 which was inspired by Cirebonese mask dance. This theatrical form of dance drama developed in the area of the Betawi Pinggir community (Betawi Ora) in Jakarta.
  • Social functions
  • The Betawi mask dance has some social functions in Betawi society. In the past, Betawi people believed that Betawi mask dance has function to keep them away from dangers, diseases and calamities. However, nowadays, Betawi occasions often performed the Betawi mask dance as a part of the occasion, such as in Betawi weddings, circumcisions and Lebaran.
  • Musical instruments
  • In the Betawi mask dance performance, musical instruments that usually played, includes rebab, gong, kendang, kempul, kulanter and kecrek.
Thanks Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:22, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are.
  • Ibingan topèng Betawi
  • Ibingan topèng Betawi (basa Indonésia: ''tari topeng Betawi'') atawa '''topèng Betawi'''' aja entu orang Betawi punya atu bentuk lènong ngibing ama lakon. Ni lakon-ngibing nglingkup ibingan, tanji, bebodoran, ama lakon. Topèng Betawi nampilin tèma-tèma orang Betawi punya keidupan nyang ditampilin dalem bentuk ibingan ama lakon. Digero' topèng lantaran èmang maké topèng atawa kedok pas lagi ngibing nyang dipercaya katanya ada kesaktiannya.
  • Sejarah èn asal-usul
  • Topèng Betawi awalnya dikeja ama Ma' Kinang èn Kong Ji'un di tahon 1930 nyang disawabin ama ibingan topèng Cerbon. Ni bentuk lènong lakon ngibing ngembangnya di pinggir-pinggiran Jakarta, nyang digeronya orang Betawi Pinggiran (atawa Betawi Ora).
  • Paèdah kemasarakatan
  • Ada berapa paèdah kemasarakatan deri topèng Betawi. Jaman bahola, orang Betawi pada percaya kalo itu kedok bisa ngindarin bahla, penyakit, ama musibah. Walakin, wayah gini, topèng Betawi cuman bakal jadi hiburan di keriaan-keriaan Betawi doang, kaya' di kawinan Betawi, sunatan, ama lebaran.
  • Alat tanji
  • Bakal ngiringin penampilan topèng Betawi, alat-alat tanji nyang biasa dipaké antara laèn: rebab, gong, kendang, kempul, kulanter, ama kècrèk.
Bangrapip (talk) 13:33, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
  • St. Servatius Church
  • The Catholic Church of St. Servatius (Gereja Katolik Santo Servatius in Indonesian) in Kampung Sawah, Bekasi, West Java is a parish consisting of mostly Catholic Christians from Betawi in the Kampung Sawah area. Betawi culture is still shown by church members through the use of Betawi language and vocabulary which is derived from the Malay language. In Kampung Sawah itself the Betawi culture has survived even though some parts of it have become extinct. One of the Betawi cultural rituals that have survived, although undergoing changes, is bebaritan or what is currently known as the sedekah bumi or earth's Almsgiving. Uniquely, this ritual is currently carried out at the Parish of Santo Servatius Kampung Sawah.
  • Ondel-ondel is a large puppet figure featured in Betawi folk performance of Jakarta, Indonesia. Ondel-ondel is an icon of Jakarta. Ondel-ondel are utilized for livening up festivals or for welcoming guests of honor, usually in pairs. Ondel-ondel is one of a few Indonesian folk performances that has survived modernization and is still being regularly performed.
  • The musical accompaniment for the ondel-ondel performance varies with regions, occasions and groups of performances.
  • Ondel-ondel is a form of Betawi folk performance which is often performed at public parties.
  • Religion in Indonesia
  • Agama di Indonesia terdiri atas berbagai macam agama. Dalam sensus resmi yang dilirik oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri tahun 2021, penduduk Indonesia berjumlah 273,32 juta jiwa dengan 86,93% beragama Islam, 10,55% Kristen (7,47% Kristen Protestan, 3,08% Kristen Katolik), 1,71% Hindu, 0,74% Buddha, 0,05% Konghucu, dan 0,03% agama lainnya.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:18, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
  • Gerèja Sint-Sèrwas
  • Gerèja Katolik Sint-Sèrwas atawa St. Sèrwatius (basa Indonésia: ''Gereja Katolik Santo Servatius'') di Kampung Sawah, Bekasi, Jawa Kulon, entu atu paroki nyang kesusun deri orang-orang Serani Katolik Betawi di gutekan Kampung Sawah. Kebudayaan Betawi masing kepampang deri anggota gerèjanya nyang maké basa Betawi nyang diturunin deri basa Melayu. Di Kampung Sawah kendiri, budaya Betawi ampé wayah gini masing kejaga', bagèn kata sebagèannya udah pada paèh. Atu tulad budaya Betawi nyang ampé wayah gini masing tetep kejaga', bagèn kata ada perobahan, nya'entu bebaritan atawa sedakh bumi. Nyang bikin ngebèngbat, ni pegelaran malah dilakonin di Paroki Sint-Sèrwas, Kampung Sawah.
  • Ondèl-ondèl atawa barongan entu atu bonèka gedé nyang jadi Betawi punya ciri has penampilan di Jakarta, Indonésia. Ondèl-ondèl entu Jakarta punya atu lambang. Ondèl-ondèl dipaké bakal ngasi bumbu-bumu keriaan atawa nyambut tamu, nyang itu ondèl-ondèl biasanya ada jodonya. Ondèl-ondèl entu atu tulad deri seemprit penampilan ra'yat nyang ampé wayah gini masing kejaga' di jaman modèren èn masing tetep ditampilin.
  • Tanji pengiring ondèl-ondèl mah macem-macem, begantung ama daèrah, keriaan, ama omplokan nyang tampil.
  • Ondèl-ondèl entu atu bentuk Betawi punya penampilan ra'yat nyang sering ditampilin di mana-mana keriaan umum.
  • Igama di Indonésia
  • Igama di Indonésia entu macem-macem. Di sènsus resmi nyang diririk ama Kementrian Dalem Negeri tahon 2021, deri 273,32 juta orang nyang ada di Indonésia, 86,93%-nya nganut igama Selam, 10,55%-nya – Serani (7,47% Protèstan, 3,08% Katolik), 1,71% Hindu, 0,74% Buda, 0,05% Konghucu, èn 0,03% laèn-laèn igama.
Bangrapip (talk) 14:41, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Several different religions are practised in the country, and their collective influence on the country's political, economic and cultural life is significant. Despite constitutionally guaranteeing freedom of religion, the government back in 1965 recognises only six religions: Islam, Christianity (Catholicism, under the label of "Katolik", and Protestantism, under the label of "Kristen" are recognised separately), Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. In that same year, the government specify that it will not ban other religions, specifically mentioning Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Shinto, and Taoism. According to a 2017 decision of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, "the branches/flows of beliefs" (Indonesian: aliran kepercayaan)—ethnic religions with new religious movements—must be recognised and included in an Indonesian identity card (KTP). Based on data collected by the Indonesian Conference on Religion and Peace (ICRP), there are about 245 unofficial religions in Indonesia.
From 1975 to 2017, Indonesian law mandated that its citizens possess an identity card indicating their religious affiliation, which could be chosen from a selection of those six recognised religions. However, since 2017, citizens who do not identify with those religions have the option to leave that section blank on their identity card. Although there is no apostasy law preventing Indonesians from converting to any religion, Indonesia does not recognise agnosticism or atheism, and blasphemy is considered illegal. In 2018 Indonesian governmental statistics, 86.7% of Indonesians identified themselves as Muslim (with Sunnis about 99%, Shias about 1% and Ahmadis 0.2%), 10,7% Christianity (7.6% Protestantism, 3.12% Catholicism), 1.74% Hindu, 0.77% Buddhist, 0.03% Confucian and 0.05% others. Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:36, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ada sisik-melik igama nyang dijalanin di ni negara, èn dia punya embatan barengan dalem pulitik, èkonomi, ama kebudayaan negara besar punya. Bagèn kata kebèbasan beigama dijamin di dalem wèt dasar, guwernemèn semprakan tahon 1965 cuman ngakuin enem agama: Selam, Serani (Katolik digero ''Katolik'', Protèstan – ''Kristen'', èn diakuin kepisah), Hindu, Buda, ama Konghucu. Di entu tahon juga', guwernemèn ngedantain kalo guwernemèn kaga' ngerarang laèn-laèn agama, èn secara danta nyebutin Yahudi, Majusi, Sinto, ama Tao. Berales beslit Mahkamah Wèt Dasar Indonésia tahon 2017, aliran kepercayaan–agama suku dengen atu harkat igama baru–misti diakuin èn diserèntain di dalem Kartu Tenger Penduduk (KTP). Berales data Konperènsi Agama èn Perdamian Indonésia (ICRP) punya kumpul, ada 245 igama nyang kaga' resmi di Indonésia. Semprakan 1975 ampé 2017, hukum Indonésia ngewajibin saban warga negara nyerèntain agama di dalem KTP-nya, nyang orang kudu milih salah atu deri enem nyang diakuin resmi. Walakin, semprakan 2017, warga negara nyang kaga' masup atu deri itu enem agama bolé ngosongin itu bagèan di KTP-nya. Bagèn kata kaga' ada hukum ridah nyang ngrarang orang Indonésia pinda igama, Indonésia kaga' ngakuin paham ahnostik (paham orang kaga' tau) ama paham atéis (kaga' betuhan). Sebagé lagi, penistaan agama entu haram hukumnya di Indonésia. Selamanya tahon 2018 punya statistik resmi, 86,7% deri orang Indonésia pada ngaku sebagé orang Selam (99% Ahlusunah, 1% Si'ah, èn 0,2% Ahmadiah), 10% Serani (7,6% Protèstan, 3,12% Katolik), 1,74% Hindu, 0,77% Buda, 0,03% Konghucu, èn 0,05% laènnya. Bangrapip (talk) 15:59, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • Islam in Indonesia
  • Islam is the largest religion in Indonesia, with 86.7% of the Indonesian population identifying themselves as Muslim in a 2018 survey. Indonesia is the most populous Muslim-majority country, with approximately 231 million adherents.
  • Christianity in Indonesia
  • Christianity is Indonesia's second-largest religion, after Islam. Indonesia also has the second-largest Christian population in Southeast Asia after the Philippines, the largest Protestant population in Southeast Asia, and the fourth-largest Christian population in Asia after the Philippines, China and India. Indonesia also has the largest Christian population in the Muslim world, followed by Egypt. Indonesia's 29,1 million Christians constituted 10,49% of the country's population in 2022, with 7,43% Protestant (20.6 million) and 3,06% Catholic (8.5 million). Some provinces in Indonesia are majority Christian. In Indonesia, the word Kristen (lit. 'Christian') refers to Protestantism, while Catholicism is referred as Katholik. In recent times, the rate of growth and spread of Christianity has increased, especially among the Chinese minority.
  • Hinduism in Indonesia
  • Hinduism in Indonesia, as of the 2018 census, is practised by about 1.74% of the total population, and almost 87% of the population in Bali. Hinduism was the dominant religion in the country before the arrival of Islam and is one of the six official religions of Indonesia today. Hinduism came to Indonesia in the 1st-century through Indian traders, sailors, scholars and priests. A syncretic fusion of pre-existing Javanese folk religion, culture and Hindu ideas, that from the 6th-century also synthesized Buddhist ideas as well, evolved as the Indonesian version of Hinduism. These ideas continued to develop during the Srivijaya and Majapahit empires. About 1400 CE, these kingdoms were introduced to Islam from coast-based Muslim traders, and thereafter Hinduism, which was previously the dominant religion in the region, mostly vanished from many of the islands of Indonesia.
  • Indonesia has the fourth-largest population of Hindus in the world, after India, Nepal and Bangladesh. Though being a minority religion, the Hindu culture has influenced the way of life and day-to-day activities in Indonesia. Outside of Bali, many adherents of traditional indigenous religions identify as Hindus in order to gain official recognition.
  • Buddhism in Indonesia
  • Buddhism has a long history in Indonesia, and is recognized as one of the six recognized religions in Indonesia, along with Islam, Christianity (Protestantism and Catholicism), Hinduism and Confucianism. According to the 2018 national census roughly 0.8% of the total citizens of Indonesia were Buddhists, and numbered around 2 million. Most Buddhists are concentrated in Jakarta, Riau, Riau Islands, Bangka Belitung, North Sumatra, and West Kalimantan. These totals, however, are probably inflated, as practitioners of Taoism and Chinese folk religion, which are not considered official religions of Indonesia, likely declared themselves as Buddhists on the most recent census. Today, the majority of Buddhists in Indonesia are Chinese, however small communities of native Buddhists (such as Javanese and Sasak) also exist.
  • Supreme Council for the Confucian Religion in Indonesia
  • The Supreme Council for the Confucian Religion in Indonesia (Indonesian: Majelis Tinggi Agama Konghucu Indonesia, MATAKIN; Chinese: 印尼孔教總會; pinyin: yìnní kǒngjiào zǒnghuì) is a Confucian church established in 1955 in Indonesia, comprising the communities of practitioners of Confucianism mostly among Chinese Indonesians.[citation needed] Together with the Hong Kong Confucian Academy it is one of the two branches that formed after the dissolution of mainland China's Confucian Church founded by Kang Youwei in the early 20th century.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 16:06, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sorry for late response. It was midnight here. Here you are:
  • Selam di Indonésia
  • Selam di Indonésia entu igama nyang paling banyak dianut, dengen prosèntasi 86,7% orang Indonésia agamanya Selam sepegimana dalem angkèt 2018. Indonésia entu negara nyang orang Selamnya paling ngebadeg di antéro dunia, dengen kurang lebi 231 juta penganut.
  • Serani di Indonésia
  • Serani di Indonésia entu agama paling ngebadeg nomer dua, abisnya Selam. Indonésia juga' jadi negara dengen jumblah orang Serani nomer dua paling banyak di Asia Kidul-wètan, abisnya Pilipénen, negara nyang orang Seraninya paling banyak di Asia Kidul-wètan. Indonésia juga' jadi negara nomer 4 paling ngebadeg se-Asia dengen jumblah orang Seraninya, abisnya Pilipénen, Tiongkok, ama Hindi. Sebagé lagi, jumblah Serani di Indonésia entu jumblah nyang paling ngebadeg nyang ada di negara-negara Muslim (29,1 juta, sembabad 10,49% deri kabèhan penduduk dalem tahon 2022), diikutin ama Mesir. Deri itu 10,49%, ada 7,43%-nya nyang Protèstan (20,6 juta) èn 3,06%-nya Katolik (8,5 juta). Ada berapa propinsi di Indonésia nyang mayoritètnya orang Serani. Di Indonésia èmang udah jadi kadung lumpar, kata "Krèsten" dipahamin Protèstan, lantaran ngruju' ke basa Welandanya ''Christen'' èn ajaran nyang dianut sama orang Welanda lagito, sementara Katolik ya dibilangnya "Katolik". Sekarang-sekarang ni, ada ngebanyakin jumblah orang Serani, wabilkusus di antara orang-orang Tionghoa.
  • Hindu di Indonésia
  • Hindu di Indonésia, sepegimana angkèt 2018 punya kata, cuman diplaktèkin ama sekitaran 1,74% deri kabèhan penduduk, èn ampir 87%-nya ada di Bali. Hindu dulunya pernah jadi igama nyang paling belatakan sebelonnya Selam neba' di mari. Hindu juga' jadi atu deri enem igama resmi guwernemèn punya akuin. Hindu masup ke Indonésia selamanya abad pertama masèhi liwat pedagang, merin, ulama, ama resi Hindi. Sebab lantaran adanya kacukan ajaran Hindu ama ajaran Jawa kolot setempat, serènta ajaran Buda, jadi dah tu Hindu macem Indonésia. Ni pikiran terus ngembang di jaman Sriwijaya ama Majapahit. Sekitaran tahon 1400-an M, ni kerajaan kepapagan ama Selam liwat pedagang Selam deri panté ke panté, mangkanya penganut Hindu mingkinan dikit èn kepingser deri mana-mana pulo Indonésia.
  • Indonésia entu negara dengen jumblah orang Hindu nomer 4 paling banyak di dunia, abisnya Hindi, Népal, ama Benggaladésa. Bagèn kata igama minoritèt, embanan budaya Hindu mah ngebadeg pisan di semua orang punya kebiasaan, ketumanan, èn juntrungan. Di luarnya Bali, pada ngejeprah dah tu penganut igama keruhun nyang ngaku Hindu biar dapet pengakuan resmi.
  • Buda di Indonésia
  • Buda mah sejarahnya udah deri jaman perdiu di Indonésia. Sebagé lagi, Buda juga' diangeep jadi atu deri enem igama resmi guwernemèn Indonésia punya akuin, barengan ama Selam, Serani (Protèstan èn Katolik), Hindu, èn Konghucu. Sènsus sional 2018 punya kata, ada sekiteran 0,8% orang Indonésia nyang igamanya Buda nyang sembabad ama 2 juta orang. Kebanyakan orang Buda pada bekutet di Jakarta, Rio, Rio Kepuloan, Bangka Belitung, Sumatra Lor, èn Kalimantan Kulon. Ni jumblah, gimana gè', naga-naganya rada melendung, sebab orang-orang nyang nganut Tao ama agama Tionghoa, nyang kaga' diakuin resmi, juga' dirèken di mari, sebab dia pada ngaku jadi Buda di sènsus nyang belakangan. Wayah gini, kebanyakan orang Buda kebanyakannya orang Tionghoa, cuman seemprit doang orang asli nyang nganut Buda (kaya' seemprit orang Jawa ama Sasak).
  • Mejelis Tinggi Igama Konghucu Indonésia
  • Mejelis Tinggi Igama Konghucu Indonésia (basa Indonésia: ''Majelis Tinggi Agama Konghucu Indonesia'', disingket: MATAKIN; basa Tionghoa: 印尼孔教總會; basa Mandarin: ''Yìnní Kǒngjiào Zǒnghuì''; basa Hokkièn: ''Ìn-nî Khóng-kàu Chóng-hōe'') entu atu jemaat Konghucu nyang didiriin tahon 1955 di Indonésia, ngrangkul semua orang nyang nganut ajaran Konghucu, kebanyakannya orang Tionghoa Indonésia. Selaènnya Akademi Konghucu Hongkong, ni atu deri dua cabang nyang dikeja abisnya bubarannya Jemaat Konghucu Tiongkok di Tiongkok daratan, nyang didiriin ama Kong Iuwi di awal-awal abad 20.
Bangrapip (talk) 02:45, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
  • History of the Jews in Indonesia
  • The history of the Jews in Indonesia began with the arrival of early European explorers and settlers, and the first Jews arrived in the 17th century. Most Indonesian Jews arrived from Southern Europe, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, the Middle East, North Africa, India, China, and Latin America. Jews in Indonesia presently form a very small Jewish community of about 100–550, of mostly Sephardi Jews. Judaism is not recognized as one of the country's six major religions, however its practices are allowed under Perpres 1965 No. 1 and article 29 paragraph 2 of Constitution of Indonesia. Therefore, members of the local Jewish community have to choose to register as "Belief in One Almighty God" (Indonesian: Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa) or another recognized religions on their official identity cards. Presently, most Indonesian Jews live in Manado on the island of Sulawesi.
  • The Quran (vocalized Arabic: اَلْقُرْآنُ‎, Quranic Arabic: ٱلۡقُرۡءَانُ‎ al-Qurʾān [alqurˈʔaːn], 'the recitation'), also romanized Qur'an or Koran, is the central religious text of Islam, believed by Muslims to be a revelation from God. It is organized in 114 chapters (pl.: سور suwar, sing.: سورة sūrah), which consist of verses (pl.: آيات ʾāyāt, sing.: آية ʾāyah, cons.: ʾāyat). In addition to its religious significance, it is widely regarded as the finest work in Arabic literature, and has significantly influenced the Arabic language.
  • The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tà biblía, 'the books') is a collection of religious texts or scriptures, some, all of which, or a variant of which, are held to be sacred in Christianity, Judaism, Samaritanism, Islam, and many other religions. The Bible is an anthology, a compilation of texts of a variety of forms, originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. These texts include instructions, stories, poetry, and prophecies, and other genres. The collection of materials that are accepted as part of the Bible by a particular religious tradition or community is called a biblical canon. Believers in the Bible generally consider it to be a product of divine inspiration, but the way they understand what that means and interpret the text varies.
  • The Torah (Biblical Hebrew: תּוֹרָה‎ Tōrā, "Instruction", "Teaching" or "Law") is the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, namely the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. It is known as the Pentateuch (/ˈpɛntətjuːk/) or the Five Books of Moses by Christians. It is also known as the Written Torah (תּוֹרָה שֶׁבִּכְתָב, Tōrā šebbīḵṯāv) in Jewish tradition. If meant for liturgic purposes, it takes the form of a Torah scroll (Sefer Torah). If in bound book form, it is called Chumash, and is usually printed with the rabbinic commentaries (perushim).
  • Tipiṭaka (Pali: [tɪˈpɪʈɐkɐ]) or Tripiṭaka (Sanskrit: [trɪˈpɪʈɐkɐ]) , meaning "Triple Basket", is the traditional term for ancient collections of Buddhist sacred scriptures. The Pāli Canon maintained by the Theravāda tradition in Southeast Asia, the Chinese Buddhist Canon maintained by the East Asian Buddhist tradition, and the Tibetan Buddhist Canon maintained by the Tibetan Buddhist tradition are some of the most important Tripiṭaka in contemporary Buddhist world. Tripiṭaka has become a term used for many schools' collections, although their general divisions do not match a strict division into three piṭakas.
  • The Bhagavad Gita (Sanskrit: भगवद्गीता, romanized: bhagavad-gītā, lit. 'The Song by God'), often referred to as the Gita (IAST: gītā), is a 700-verse Hindu scripture, which is part of the epic Mahabharata. It forms the chapters 23–40 of book 6 of the Mahabharata called the Bhishma Parva. The work is dated to the second half of the first millennium BCE. Typical of the Hindu synthesis, it is considered one of the holy scriptures of Hinduism.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 05:10, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Here you are:
  • Sejarah orang Yahudi di Indonésia
  • Sanonya, sejarah riwayat orang Yahudi di Indonésia mulain dengen datengnya tukang kelayab èn penjogrog Peringgi, èn orang Yahudi pertama kali neba di mari abad ke-17. Kebanyakannya orang Yahudi di Indonésia neba deri Èropa Kidul, Kerajaan Rempug, Welanda, Bèlgi, Dètslan, Prasman, Wètan Tenga, Aprika Lor, Hindi, Tiongkok, èn Amrik Latin. Yahudi di Indonésia nyang ada sekarang cuman seila-ila doang, cuman 100–550-an orang, kebanyakannya orang Yahudi Spanyol. Igama Yahudi kaga' dirèken jadi atu deri enem igama resmi, cuman plaktèknya bolé-bolé baé berales Beslit Persidèn (''Perpres'') No. 1 èn Wèt Dasar Indonésia Pasal 29 Ayat 2. Mangkanya, orang-orang Yahudi setempat milihnya dicantumin sebagé ''Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa'' atawa milih ditulis paké igama nyang diakuin resmi di KTP-nya. Sekarang, orang Yahudi Indonésia kebanyakannya pada ngedekem di Menado, Sulawési.
  • Kur'an (basa Arab: اَلْقُرْآنُ‎; basa Arab Kur'an: ٱلۡقُرۡءَانُ‎ ''al-Qurʾān'' [alqurˈʔaːn], 'bebacaan') atawa Alkur'an entu igama Selam punya kitab suci utama, nyang diimanin ama orang Selam sebagé Allah punya wahyu ke Bagènda Nabi Muhammad liwat Malaèkat Jibra'il. Dalem Kur'an ada 114 surat (tunggal.: سورة sūrah, jama': سور suwar), nyang atu surat kesusun deri ayat-ayat (tunggal: آية ʾāyah, rèndèngan: ʾāyat, jama'.: آيات ʾāyāt). Selaèn ma'na igamanya, Kur'an dirèken sebagé sastra nyang paling ajib dalem Arab punya sastra, èn ada embanan banyak dalem basa Arab punya perkembangan.
  • Kitab Mugadas atawa Alkitab atawa Bèbel (deri basa Welanda ''Bijbel'', deri basa Yunani Koiné τὰ βιβλία ''tà biblía'' 'kitab-kitab') entu atu gabregan naskah-naskah atawa suhup-suhup agama nyang dianggep suci dalem ajaran Serani, Yahudi, Samiriah, Islam, èn laèn-laèn igama. Kitab Mugadas entu atu bunga rampé deri sisik-melik ragem, nyang aslinya ditulis dalem basa Ibrani, Aram, èn Yunani Koiné. Ni kitab isinya taturan, riwayat, sair, nubuat, serènta laèn-laèn jandrah. Gabregan nyang diterima sebagé bagèan deri Kitab Mugadas ama atu terdisi igama atawa kuminitèt digeronya kanun kitab atawa kanun bèbel. Orang-orang nyang percaya ama Kitab Mugadas ngimanin kalo entu pikangan wahyu ilahi, cuman laèn aja dah tu cara mahamin ama napsirinnya.
  • Torat atawa Torèt (basa Ibrani Kitabiah: תּוֹרָה‎ ''Tōrā'', "Taturan", "Pengajaran" atawa"Wèt") entu atu bunga rampé deri lima kitab pertama deri Kitab Mugadas Ibrani, nya'entu kitab: Kejadian, Kuaran, Bani Lawi (Imamat), Angka, èn Ulangan. Ni juga' bekèn digero' Kitab Lima atawa dalem basa-basa Peringginya kurang lebi digero ''Pentateuch'' (lapal basa Inggris: /ˈpɛntətjuːk/) atawa Kitab Lima Musa ama orang Serani. Adapun dalem Yahudi punya terdisi, digeronya Torat Maktub (basa Ibrani: תּוֹרָה שֶׁבִּכְתָב, ''Tōrā šebbīḵṯāv''). Kalo bakal tujuan keigamaan, itu Torat bentuknya gulungan (''sefer Torah''). Kalo bentuknya dicitak jadi buku, digeronya ''chumash'', èn biasanya juga' ada para habar punya tapsirnya juga (''perushim'').
  • Tripitaka atawa ''Tipiṭaka'' (basa Pali: [tɪˈpɪʈɐkɐ]) or ''Tripiṭaka'' (basa Sangsekerta: [trɪˈpɪʈɐkɐ]), artinya "Keranjang Tiga", entu istilah terdisionil nyang ngruju' bakal gabregan suhup suci kolot Buda. Kanun ''Pāli'' nyang dijaga' dalem terdisi Térawada (''Theravāda'') di Asia Kidul-wètan, Kanun Buda Tionghoa – di terdisi Buda Asia Wètan, èn Kanun Buda Tibèt – ama terdisi Buda Tibèt entu berapa deri Tripitaka nyang paling penting di dunia Buda di kita punya jaman. Tripitaka jadi istilah nyang pating dipaké bakal banyak majehab punya gabregan, bagèn kata pembagèan umumnya kaga' percis ama ke tiga ''pitaka'' doang.
  • Bagawadgita (basa Sangsekerta: भगवद्गीता, penglatinan: ''Bhagavad-gītā'', lèt. 'Tembang Begawan'), atawa kadang disingket Gita (IAST: ''gītā''), entu suhup Hindu nyang isinya 700 ayat, masing Mahabarata punya bagèan gènèng. Ni ada di pasal 23–40, jus 6 deri Mahabarata, nama Bismaparwa (basa Sangsekerta: भीष्मपर्व ''Bhīṣmaparva''). Ni suhup tarihnya semprakan seponggahan kedua deri 1000 tahon pertama SM. Kalo orang Hindu punya anggep, ni dirèken sebagé atu naskah suci dalem igama Hindu.
Bangrapip (talk) 06:24, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I have to say that I am amazed by how fast you can translate the articles I give you.
Here are some new ones:
  • Sarah Bernhardt (23 Oktober 1844 – 26 Maret 1923) adalah aktris panggung Prancis, dan sering disebut sebagai "aktris paling terkenal dalam sejarah dunia". Bernhardt terkenal di panggung Eropa pada tahun 1870-an, dan segera menerima permintaan di Eropa dan Amerika Serikat.
  • Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. He became a worldwide icon through his screen persona, the Tramp, and is considered one of the film industry's most important figures. His career spanned more than 75 years, from childhood in the Victorian era until a year before his death in 1977, and encompassed both adulation and controversy.
  • Marlene Dietrich (27 Desember 1901 – 6 Mei 1992) adalah seorang penyanyi dan aktris Amerika-Jerman yang pernah mendapatkan nominasi Academy Award. American Film Institute menyebut Dietrich sebagai salah satu dari Greatest Female Stars of All Time pada peringkat 9.
  • Marilyn Monroe (/ˈmærɪlɪn mənˈroʊ/; lahir Norma Jeane Mortenson; 1 Juni 1926 – 4 Agustus 1962) adalah seorang aktris, model dan penyanyi berkebangsaan Amerika Serikat. Dikenal karena perannya sebagai karakter jenaka "si pirang yang bodoh", ia menjadi salah satu simbol seks terpopuler pada 1950-an dan awal 1960-an dan menjadi lambang perubahan sikap terhadap seksualitas pada era tersebut. Meskipun ia dinobatkan sebagai aktris dengan bayaran tertinggi hanya untuk satu dekade, namun film-filmnya meraih keuntungan $200 juta (setara dengan $17 miliar pada 2018) setelah kematian misteriusnya pada 1962. Lama setelah kematiannya, ia masih menjadi seorang ikon budaya populer yang besar. Pada tahun 1999, Institut Film Amerika menempatkan Monroe pada posisi keenam dalam daftar legenda layar lebar perempuan terbaik dari Masa Keemasan Hollywood.
Also, I would like to ask you whether you know of any other person that speaks Basa Betawi and can help us here. We need at least three people working here on a regular basis to get the Wikipedia approved. Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:55, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you.
Here are the translation.
  • Sarah Bernhardt (23 Oktober 1844 – 26 Maret 1923) entu atu tukang lakon panggung Prasman èn sering dibilang "tukang lakon paling bèken sepanjang dunia punya sejarah". Bernhardt bekèn di panggung Èropa di tahon 1870-an èn sigra dapet order tanggep di Èropa ama Amrik Serèkat.
  • Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 Désèmber 1977) atawa bekèn di kita sebagé '''Caplin''' entu atu tukang lakon bodoran, tukang bikin pèlem, tukang bikin lagu deri Inggris nyang naèk pamor jaman-jaman pèlem bisu. Dia jadi dunia gacoan liwat dia punya aksi di layar, ''the Tramp'', èn juga' dirèken sebagé orang paling penting dalem industri pèlem. Dia punya karir ampé 75 tahon punya lam, semprakan jaman masing bocah jaman Wiktoriah entuk sebelon dia punya wapat tahon 1977. Bagèn gito, dia dielu-luin juga', dicacat-cacatin juga'.
  • Marlene Dietrich (27 Désèmber 1901 – 6 Mei 1992) atu tukang sindèn ama tukang lakon Amrik-Dèt nyang pernah dapet nominasi Pengargaan Akademi (''Academy Award''). Institut Pèlem Amrik bilang kalo Dietrich entu atu deri Tukang Lakon Wadon Besar Sepanjang Masa (''Greatest Female Stars of All Time'') di nomer 9.
  • Marilyn Monroe (/ˈmærɪlɪn mənˈroʊ/; lair Norma Jeane Mortenson; 1 Juni 1926 – 4 Agustus 1962) entu atu tukang lakon, tukang pèjèng, ama sindèn asal Amrik Serèkat. Dia bekèn lantaran dia punya rol jadi tokoh bodor "si pirang goblog", nyang jadi atu simbol sèk paling mashur tahon 1950-an èn awal-awal 1960-an, èn jadi lambang perobahan sikap ama sèksualitèt itu tèmpo. Biar kata dia dibenum jadi tukang lakon nyang dapet bayaran paling gedé sedékade punya lama, dia punya pèlem pada ngeranggeh untung ampe $200 juta (surup ama $17 miliar tahon 2018) abis dia punya wapat nyang kaga' nyaho pastinya pegimana di tahon 1962. Tep lama abis dia punya wapat, dia pepes jadi atu wisit budaya populèr gedé. Tahon 1999, Institut Pèlem Amrik naro Monroe di tempat keenem di daptar legènda layar lèbar wadon paling baè' deri Jaman Keemasan Holiwud.
Well, actually, I'm not working alone here. There are already users under the name @Pitchrigi @BadakJawa and @Kalakutjet. They also contribute for our Wikipedia. Moreover, Jakarta Wikimedia Community gladly welcomes our project and they are willing to help us to contribute. Bangrapip (talk) 08:56, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I you can convince them to create at least an article a day it would be great, the more the better. Caro de Segeda (talk) 09:03, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for your advice. I'll inform them. I also thank you for helping our Wikipedia incubating. Bangrapip (talk) 09:06, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for translating the texts. Bit by bit we will get this encyclopedia growing. :) Here are more things to translate:
  • Actresses
  • Autobiographers
  • Businesspeople
  • Comedians
  • Actors
  • Atheists
  • Singers
  • Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519) was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect. While his fame initially rested on his achievements as a painter, he also became known for his notebooks, in which he made drawings and notes on a variety of subjects, including anatomy, astronomy, botany, cartography, painting, and paleontology. Leonardo is widely regarded to have been a genius who epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal, and his collective works comprise a contribution to later generations of artists matched only by that of his younger contemporary, Michelangelo.
  • This portrait attributed to Francesco Melzi, c. 1515–1518, is the only certain contemporary depiction of Leonardo.
  • Mathematicians
  • Painters
  • Scientists
  • Sculptors
  • Anatomists
  • Caricaturists
  • Civil engineers
  • Inventors
--Caro de Segeda (talk) 09:14, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Here are the translation:
  • Tukang lakon (wadon)
  • Tukang bikin riwayat idup dèwèk
  • Orang bisnis
  • Tukang banyol
  • Tukang lakon (lanang)
  • Orang kaga'-betuhan
  • Tukang nyanyi
  • Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (15 April 1452 – 2 Méi1519) entu orang serbagapa (''polymath'') Jaman Renésan Tinggi nyang getap jadi tukang lukis, tukang gambar rancang, tukang insinyur, ahli èlmu, ahli téori, tukang pahat, èn tukang rancang gedong. Sembèn dia punya pamor bekènnya jadi tukang lukis, dia bekèn lantaran dia punya notes, nyang di dalemnya dia bikin gambar èn catetan pasal sisik-melik perihal, masup perawakan, èlmu palak, èlmu kebon, èlmu peta, lukisan, èn èlmu hayat bahola. Leonardo secara luas dianggep sebagé atu orang nyang otaknya èncèr pisan nyang jadi panutan aken hal pikiran kemanusiaan Jaman Renésan, èn dia punya omplokan gawéan nglingkup sumbangsih bakal kurun-kurun abisnya, nyang cuman Michelangelo nyang jadi penerus sekupu'nya.
  • Ni potrèt dinisbatin ama Francesco Melzi, sek. 1515–1518, atu-atunya penggambaran Leonardo nyang sejaman.
  • Ahli ètung-ètungan
  • Tukang lukis
  • Ahli èlmu
  • Tukang pahat
  • Ahli perawakan
  • Tukang gambar karikatur
  • Tukang insinyur sipil
  • Tukang penemu
Bangrapip (talk) 10:48, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
Spelling and pronunciation
Capital letters
Letter names
Subject and object
Countable and uncountable nouns
Noun phrases
Selection determiners
Similarity determiners
Order of determiners
Word formation
Thanks for your help Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:51, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
Spelling and pronunciation = Èjaan èn lapal
Alphabet = Hurup
Capital letters = Hurup gedé
Letter names = Nama hurup
Sentences = Kalimat
Subject and object = Hal èn pengataan
Complements = Penglengkep
Prepositions = Pengawal
Clauses = Ujar
Nouns = Peada
Plural = Jama'
Countable and uncountable nouns = Peada kerèken ama trakerèken
Gender = Jenis kelamin
Noun phrases = Gabungan peada
Apposition = Badal
Determiners = Penyabit
Predeterminers = Sebelon-penyabit
Articles = Pemula
Demonstratives = Pengunjuk
Interrogatives = Penanya
Selection determiners = Penyabit pemili
Possessives = Èhendom
Quantifiers = Pembilang
Similarity determiners = Penyabit tumbrasan
Order of determiners = Rèndèngan penyabit
Pronouns = Pengganti
Adjectives = Penyipat
Adverbs = Penerang
Verbs = Kerja
Prepositions = Pengawal
Conjunctions = Pengubung
Questions = Pertanyaan
Clauses = Ujar
Numbers = Bilangan
Word formation = Pengejaan kata
Abbreviations = Singketan
Punctuation = Tenger baca
Bangrapip (talk) 13:05, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please translate this?
Personal pronouns
Determiner pronouns
Interrogative pronouns
Relative pronouns
Other pronouns
Pronoun phrases
Adjectives as nouns
Verbs with dummy subjects
Verbs as nouns
Coordinating conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions
Pronoun subordinators
Adverb subordinators
Special subordinators
Yes/no questions
Alternative questions
Other questions
Reported questions
Relative clauses
Adverbial clauses
Noun clauses
Coordinated clauses
Cardinal numbers
Thousands of millions
Ordinal numbers
Suffix forming verbs
Suffixes forming adjectives
Suffixes forming nouns
Less productive suffixes
Technical affixes
Compound nouns
Primary punctuation marks
Quotation marks
Minor punctuation marks
Thanks Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:23, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are. I think you need to make a new thread after these since it is already in the right side :D.
Personal pronouns = Pengganti orang
Determiner pronouns = Pengganti sabit
Interrogative pronouns = Pengganti tanya
Relative pronouns = Pengganti kaètan
Other pronouns = Laèn-laèn pengganti
Pronoun phrases = Gabungan pengganti
Position = Letak
Comparison = Perbandingan
Adjectives as nouns = Penyipat jadi peada
Tense = Tèmpo
Imperative = Perèntah
Negation = Pengurungan
Participles = Dumanan
Transitivity = Keperoléanan
Verbs with dummy subjects = Kata kerja dengen hal bodongan
Verbs as nouns = Kata kerja jadi peada
Coordinating conjunctions = Pengubung sekupu
Subordinating conjunctions = Pengubung bawahan
Pronoun subordinators = Pembawah pengganti
Adverb subordinators = Pembawah penerang
Special subordinators = Pembawah husus
Yes/no questions = Pertanyaan ya/kaga'
Alternative questions = Pertanyaan pilihan laèn
Other questions = Laèn-laèn pertanyaan
Reported questions = Pertanyaan riwayatan
Relative clauses = Ujar ubungan
Adverbial clauses = Ujar penerang
Noun clauses = Ujar peada
Coordinated clauses = Ujar sekupu
Cardinal numbers = Angka rèkenan
Thousands of millions = Rèbuan deri jutaan
Ordinal numbers = Angka rèndèngan
Fractions = Pecahan
Multiples = Kelipetan
Arithmetic = Aritmatika
Measurements = Pengukuran
Prefixes = Awalan
Suffixes = Buntutan
Suffix forming verbs = Buntutan pengeja kerja
Suffixes forming adjectives = Buntutan pengeja penyipat
Suffixes forming nouns = Buntutan pengeja peada
Less productive suffixes = Buntutan nyang kurang paèdah
Technical affixes = Tetambahan tèhnis
Compound nouns = Peada cangkolan
Primary punctuation marks = Tenger baca penting
Quotation marks = Tenger penukil
Minor punctuation marks = Tenger baca reécé
Bangrapip (talk) 13:40, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this?

  • Regency (Indonesia)
  • A regency (Indonesian: kabupaten), sometimes incorrectly referred to as a district, is an administrative division of Indonesia, directly under a province and on the same level with city (kota). Regencies are divided into districts (Kecamatan, Distrik in Papua region, or Kapanewon in the Special Region of Yogyakarta).
  • Districts of Indonesia
  • The term district, in the context of Indonesia, refers to the third-level administrative subdivision, below regency or city. The local term kecamatan is used in the majority of Indonesian areas. The term distrik is used in provinces in Papua. In the Special Region of Yogyakarta, the term kapanewon is used for districts within the regencies, while the term kemantren is used for districts within Yogyakarta, the province's only city. According to Statistics Indonesia, there are a total of 7,252 districts in Indonesia as at 2019, subdivided into 83,820 administrative villages (rural desa and urban kelurahan).
  • During the Dutch East Indies and early republic period, the term district referred to kewedanan, a subdivision of regency, while kecamatan was translated as subdistrict (Dutch: onderdistrict). Following the abolition of kewedanan, the term district began to be associated with kecamatan which has since been directly administered by regency. Mainstream media such as The Jakarta Post, Kompas, and Tempo use "district" to refer to kecamatan; however machine translation services like Google Translate often incorrectly uses "district" to refer to regencies instead.
  • Villages of Indonesia
  • In Indonesia, village or subdistrict is the fourth-level subdivision and the smallest administrative division of Indonesia below a district, regency/city, and province. There are a number of names and types for villages in Indonesia, with desa (rural village) being the most frequently used for regencies and kelurahan (urban village) for cities. According to the 2019 report by the Ministry of Home Affairs, there are 8,488 urban villages and 74,953 rural villages in Indonesia. North Aceh Regency contained the highest number of rural villages (852) amongst all of the regencies of Indonesia, followed by Pidie Regency with 730 rural villages and Bireuen Regency with 609 rural villages. Prabumulih, with only 12 rural villages, contained the fewest. Counted together, the sixteen regencies of Indonesia containing the most rural villages—namely, North Aceh (852), Pidie (730), Bireuen (609), Aceh Besar (604), Tolikara (541), East Aceh (513), Yahukimo (510), Purworejo (469), Lamongan (462), South Nias (459), Kebumen (449), Garut (421), Bojonegoro (419), Bogor (416), Cirebon (412), and Pati (401)—contain one-third of all the rural villages in Indonesia. Five of these are located in Aceh, two in Highland Papua, three in Central Java, two in East Java, three in West Java, and one in North Sumatra. An average number of rural villages in the regencies of Indonesia is 234 villages.

Thanks. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:11, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sure. Here you are.
  • Kabupatèn
  • Kabupatèn (Indonésia: kabupaten) entu Indonésia punya atu pembagèan bestir di bawahnya propinsi nyang sekupu ama kota. Kabupatèn dibelèk-belèk lagi jadi pedemangan (kecamatan, ''distrik'' di wilayah Papua, atawa ''kapanéwon'' di Daèrah Istimèwa Yogyakarta).
  • Pedemangan di Indonésia
  • Pedemangan, dalem Indonésia punya kontèks, ngruju' ke pembelèkan bestir trap ketiga, di bawahnya kabupatèn atawa kota. Adapun istilah nyang sebenernya lebi mashur entu '''kecamatan''' nyang dipaké di banyak bilangan di Indonésia. Sementara entu, istilah ''distrik'' cuman dipaké di propinsi nyang di Papua doang. Di Daèrah Istimèwa Yogyakarta, istilah dia pada punya paké entu ''kapanéwon'' di dalem atu kabupatèn, sementara istilah ''kemantrèn'' seturu-turunya entu cuman dipaké di jero wilayah Yogyakarta Kota, itu propinsi punya kota atu-atunya. Berales ama Statistik Indonésia, kabèhan ada 7.252 pedemangan di Indonésia per 2019, nyang dibelèk-belèk lagi ke dalem 83.820 désa bestir (désa atawa kerurahan).
  • Pas Jaman Normal èn awal-awal jaman kiblik, istilah nyang dipaké entu ''kewedanan'' nyang juga medu ama ''pedemangan'', atu bagèan deri kabupatèn. Adapun kecamatan diterjemahinnya jadi anak-pedemangan atawa onderdistrik (Welanda: ''onderdistrict''). Abisnya itu kewedanan pada diapusin, istilah pedemangan mulain dikaètin ama kecamatan nyang mana langsung dibestir ama atu kabupatèn. Média-média mashur kaya' ''The Jakarta Post'', ''Kompas'', ama ''Tempo'' pada maké kata ''district'' bakal ngeruju' ke kecamatan. Adapun ladènan terjemahan mesin kaya' Gugel Terjemah ngaco nerjemahinnya, malah ''district'' diartiin kabupatèn.
  • Désa di Indonésia
  • Di Indonésia, désa atawa kerurahan entu pembelèkan trap keempat èn pembelèkan bestir paling kecil di bawahnya kecamatan, kabupatèn/kota, èn propinsi. Ini pembelèkan ada dua macem; ada nyang digero désa (kampungan), ada nyang digero kerurahan (kota-kota). Berales Kementrian Dalem Negeri punya laporan tahon 2019, ada 8.488 kerurahan èn 74,953 désa di Indonésia. Kabupatèn Acéh Lor gableg jumblah désa paling ngebadeg (852 désa) di antéro mana-mana kabupatèn di Indonésia, diintilin ama Kabupatèn Pidi (730 désa) èn Kabupatèn Bireuen (609 désa). Adapun nyang paling seemprit entu Kabupatèn Prabumulih nyang cuman 12 désa. Kalo dirèken kabèhannya mah, ada 16 kabupatèn nyang paling ngebadeg désanya, nya'entu: Acéh Lor (852), Pidi (730), Bireuen (609), Acéh Gedé (604), Tolikara (541), Acéh Wètan (513), Yahukimo (510), Purwareja (469), Lamongan (462), Nias Kidul (459), Kebumèn (449), Garut (421), Bojanegara (419), Bogor (416), Cerbon (412), ama Pati (401)—nyang sembabad ama 1/3 deri Indonésia punya désa. Ni lima di antaranya ada di Acéh, dua di Tana Tinggi Papua, tiga di Jawa Tenga, dua di Jawa Wètan, èn atu di Sumatra Lor. Palsabet jumblah désa di kabupatèn di Indonésia entu 234 désa.
Bangrapip (talk) 14:36, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
Elefen uses the most widely known alphabet in the world: Roman or Latin.
lowercase letters
capital letters
K (k), Q (q), W (w) and Y (y) do not appear in ordinary words. In about a hundred international words of non-Romance origin, W can be written for U, and Y for I, to make the spelling easier to recognise: ioga/yoga, piniin/pinyin, sueter/sweter, ueb/web. Other than that, K, Q, W and Y are only used to preserve the original forms of proper nouns and non-Elefen words.
H is also not common, but it is found in some technical and cultural terms. Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:00, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are.
Basa Elefen maké hurup nyang orang mana-mana di dunia paling tau, nya'entu hurup Latin.
hurup kecil
hurup gedé
K (k), Q (q), W (w), èn Y (y) apkir di kata-kata biasa. Di sekitaran cepé' kata antérobangsaan nyang asalnya bukan-Roman, W bisa dipaké bakal U èn Y bakal I biar gampil dièjanya, tulad: ''ioga/yoga'', ''piniin/pinyin'', ''sueter/sweter'', ''ueb/web''. Selaèn entu, K, Q, W, ama Y cuman dipaké buat ngeja tetep bentuk asli deri nama dèwèk èn kata-kata bukan-Elefen.
H juga' kaga' lumbrah, cuman ada kepaké di berapa istilah tèhnis ama kebudayaan.
Bangrapip (talk) 15:06, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • Prehistoric Indonesia
  • Prehistoric Indonesia is a prehistoric period in the Indonesian archipelago that spanned from the Pleistocene period to about the 4th century CE when the Kutai people produced the earliest known stone inscriptions in Indonesia. Unlike the clear distinction between prehistoric and historical periods in Europe and the Middle East, the division is muddled in Indonesia. This is mostly because Indonesia's geographical conditions as a vast archipelago caused some parts — especially the interiors of distant islands — to be virtually isolated from the rest of the world. West Java and coastal Eastern Borneo, for example, began their historical periods in the early 4th century, but megalithic culture still flourished and script was unknown in the rest of Indonesia, including in Nias, Batak, and Toraja. The Papuans on the Indonesian part of New Guinea island lived virtually in the Stone Age until their first contacts with modern world in the early 20th century. Even today living megalithic traditions still can be found on the island of Sumba and Nias.
  • Indonesian literature is a term grouping various genres of South-East Asian literature.
  • Indonesian literature can refer to literature produced in the Indonesian archipelago. It is also used to refer more broadly to literature produced in areas with common language roots based on the Malay language (of which Indonesian is one scion). This would extend the reach to the Maritime Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, but also other nations with a common language such as Malaysia and Brunei, as well as population within other nations such as the Malay people living in Singapore.
The phrase "Indonesian literature" is used in this article to refer to Indonesian as written in the nation of Indonesia, but also covers literature written in an earlier form of the language, i.e. the Malay language written in the Dutch East Indies. Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:15, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • Indonésia jaman prasejarah
  • Indonésia jaman prasejarah entu atu jaman nyang lamanya semprakan Jaman Ès ampé sekiteran abad ke-4 M pas orang Kuté pada ngeja atu prasasti paling awal nyang ditauin di Indonésia. Laèn ama pembagèan jaman sejarah ama prasejarah nyang di Èropa ama Wètan Tenga, ni pembagèan suka lumpar di Indonésia. Barang tentu, ni sebab ièlah lantaran Indonésia punya kewontenan géograpis sebagé atu kepuloan jembar nyang ngeja sebagèan bagèan–wabilkusus pulo-pulo dalem èn peloksok–nyang kepeloksok atawa kealingan deri dunia luar. Jawa Kulon èma lingir panté Kalimantan Wètan, misalah, ngeharkat dia punya jaman sejarah entu awal-awal abad ke-4 M, cuman budaya batu gedé masing belatakan èn aksara masing belon ditauin di rèstan bagèan Indonésia, kaya' Nias, Batak, ama Toraja. Orang Papua nyang ada di Indonésia punya Pulo Ginéa Baru awangannya mah dia pada idup di Jaman Batu ampé papagan ama dunia modèren di awal-awal abad ke-20. Hata wayah gini, terdisi batu gedé nyang masing idup bisa ketemu di pulo Sumba ama Nias.
  • Sastra Indonésia entu atu istilah nyang ngrungkunin macem-macem jandrah sastra Asia Kidul-wètan.
  • Sastra Indonésia bisa ngeruju' ke sastra nyang dikeja di Nusantara. Luasnya mah, ni istilah dipaké bakal ngruju' ke sastra nyang dikeja di wilayah-wilayah nyang basanya berales deri basa Melayu (nyang mana basa Indonésia entu atu potèlannya). Ni bisa ngeranggeh ampé wilayah merin Asia Kidul-wètan, masup Indonésia, èn juga' laèn-laèn negara nyang basanya medu, kaya' Malésia, Bruné, èn orang-orang Melayu di Singapur.
Istilah "Indonesian literature" dalem ni makalah dipaké bakal ngruju' ke Indonésia punya sepegimana keserat dalem bangsa Indonésia, serènta nglingkup sastra nyang ditulis dalem ni basa punya bentuk kolotnya, nya'entu basa Melayu nyang ditulis di Hindia Nèderlan.
Bangrapip (talk) 15:32, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • Most sentences in Elefen contain a verb phrase, typically denoting the occurrence of an action. A verb phrase consists of a verb plus any modifiers such as adverbs or prepositional phrases.
  • Most sentences also contain at least one noun phrase, typically denoting a person or thing. A noun phrase consists of a noun plus any modifiers such as determiners, adjectives, and prepositional phrases.
  • A noun is typically introduced by determiners, and may be followed by adjectives and prepositional phrases, producing a noun phrase. Typical nouns denote physical objects such as people, places, and things, but nouns can also denote more abstract concepts that are grammatically similar.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 17:34, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sorry for late response.
  • Kebanyakan kalimat dalem basa Elefen ada gabungan kerjanya, biasanya nyatain kejadian piil. Atu gabungan kerja ada kata kerja èn laèn pendandan, kaya' penerang atawa gabungan pengawal.
  • Kebanyakan kalimat juga' seila-ilanya ada atu gabungan peada, biasanya nyatain orang atawa barang. Atu gabungan peada ada peada èn laèn pendandan, kaya' penyabit, penyipat, èn gabungan pengawal.
  • Peada biasanya diawalin ama penyabit, èn bisa aja diikutin penyipat ama gabungan pengawal, bakal ngeja atu gabungan peada. Peada biasanya nyatain barang, kaya' orang, tempat, ama benda, cuman peada juga' bisa nyatain konsèp nyang lebi ngawang nyang kaèdahnya mèmper.
Bangrapip (talk) 03:53, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Please, vote here Caro de Segeda (talk) 18:09, 1 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi, could you please translate this?
During its early history, Indonesia was the centre of trade among sailors and traders from China, India, Europe and the Middle East. Indonesia was then a colony of the Netherlands (ca. 1600–1942) and Japan (1942–45). Its literary tradition was influenced by these cultures, mainly those of India, Persia, China and, more recently, Western Europe. However, unique Indonesian characteristics cause it to be considered as a separate path and tradition.
Chronologically Indonesian literature may be divided into several periods:
Pujangga Lama: the "Literates of Olden Times" (traditional literature)
Sastra Melayu Lama: "Older Malay Literature"
Angkatan Balai Pustaka: the "Generation of the [Colonial] Office for Popular Literature" (from 1908)
Angkatan Pujangga Baru: the "New Literates" (from 1933)
Angkatan 1945: the "Generation of 1945"
Angkatan 1950–1960-an: the "Generation of the 1950s"
Angkatan 1966–1970-an: the "Generation of 1966 into the 1970s"
Angkatan 1980–1990-an: the "Generation of the 1980–1998"
Angkatan Reformasi: the post-Suharto "Reforma Era Generation" (1998–2004
Angkatan 2000-an or Angkatan Pascareformasi: the "Generation 2000s" or "Post-Reform Era Generation" (from 2005 to present)
There is considerable overlapping between these periods, and the usual designation according to "generations" (angkatan) should not allow us to lose sight of the fact that these are movements rather than chronological periods. For instance, older Malay literature was being written until well into the twentieth century. Likewise, the Pujangga Baru Generation was active even after the Generation of 1950 had entered the literary scene. Caro de Segeda (talk) 05:36, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Seklèbat delokan
Di jaman-jaman awal sejarah, Indonésia tau jadi atu sintrem dagang di antara orang layar ama tukang dagang deri Tiongkok, Hindi, Èropa, ama Wètan Tenga. Lagito, Indonésia masing jadi Welanda punya (sek. 1600–1942) èn Nipong (1942–45). Dia punya terdisi sastra kesawaban ama ni budaya pada, kebanyakannya deri Hindi, Parsi, Tionghoa, èn nyang paling belakangan, Èropa Kulon. Cuman gè', lantaran dia punya has Indonésia nyang laèn dèwèk, mangka dianggep jalan èn terdisi kepisah.
Kalo diliat deri rèntètan wayahnya, sastra Indonésia bisa dibelèk jadi berapa jaman:
Pujangga Lama: (sastra terdisionil)
Sastra Melayu Lama
Angkatan Balé Pustaka (sedari 1908)
Angkatan Pujangga Baru (sedari 1933)
Angkatan 1945
Angkatan 1950–1960-an
Angkatan 1966–1970-an
Angkatan 1980–1990-an
Angkatan Répormasi (1998–2004)
Angkatan 2000-an atawa Angkatan Abisrépormasi (sedari 2005 ampé wayah gini)
Ni jaman sebenernya pada tumpang tindi, mangka kata nyang biasa dipaké bakal ngebelèk ni jaman pada entu "angkatan" nyang sebenernya lebi ngruju' ke gerakan deripada rèntètan jaman. Misalnya, Sastra Melayu Lama entu ditulis juga' ampé abad ke-20-an. Serènta juga', Angkatan Pujangga Baru juga masing getap hata ampé nongolnya Angkatan 1950-an.
Bangrapip (talk) 06:03, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
The two most important noun phrases are the subject and the object. Their exact meaning depends on the choice of verb, but loosely speaking, the subject is the person or thing that carries out the action, and the object is the person or thing that is directly affected by the action.
In Elefen, the subject always precedes the verb, and the object always follows:
The cat (subject) … chases (verb) … the squirrel (object).
The girl (subject) … likes (verb) … the music (object).
The dog (subject) … sleeps (verb).
In some cases, for reasons of style or clarity, you may want to place the object of the verb at the beginning of the sentence. In these cases, the object must be followed by a comma, and an object pronoun is used after the verb:
Cats, I don’t like them.
Most verbs require a subject, but many do not require an object. Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:05, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Here you are.
Dua gabungan peada nyang paling penting entu hal ama peroléan. Dia punya ma'na tandes entu begantung ama dia punya pilihan kata kerja. Cuman bolé dikata, hal entu orang atawa benda nyang ngelakonin itu piil, èn peroléan entu nyang kena itu piil.
Dalem basa Elefen, hal pasti di depannya kata kerja èn peroléan pasti abisnya:
Kucing (hal) ... nguber (kerja) ... bajing (peroléan).
Bocah wadon (hal) ... ndemenin (kerja) ... tanjinya (peroléan).
Anjing (hal) ... tidur (kerja).
Dalem berapa kewontenan, lantaran setil èn juga' biar danta, lu bisa aja taro itu peroléan di awal kalimat. Dalem ni kewontenan, peroléan pardu dikasi koma dulu, èn pengganti peroléan dipaké lagi abisnya kata kerja, tulad:
Kucing, gua kaga' demen tu.
Kebanyakan kata kerja butuh hal, èn banyak juga' nyang kaga' butuh peroléan. Bangrapip (talk) 08:39, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, what is the translation for "object"? Sometimes I see peroléan, but you also used pengataan. Caro de Segeda (talk) 09:05, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I am sorry it was my mistake.
the right one "object" is "peroléan"
"pengataan" is predicate. Bangrapip (talk) 10:17, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ok, thanks. I wanted to ask you, would you like to keep the Main Page as it is or would you prefer to have another one? Caro de Segeda (talk) 11:59, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
If you have a better recommendation, I'd love the new one. Bangrapip (talk) 12:01, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Maybe something like this? Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:12, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I personally like the layout. Probably, it'd be nicer in my opinion to remove the blue and red outlines and replace the whole background to a light blue (a softer colour), perhaps (?). Or, could you make a topic bar on the top side like Wp/mak/Paladang or a welcome bar on the top side as in here Wp/grc/Κυρία Δέλτος? If it is too difficult, it's okay only to remove the red and blue and replace the background to a light and soft blue.
Thank you very much
Bangrapip (talk) 12:33, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Take a look now. Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:43, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Perfect! Thank you very much.
Is it possible to change the font? Bangrapip (talk) 13:04, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Which font? I will try. Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:06, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
In my opinion, try for "Selamet dateng... – aja" with a sans serif font. And the topic bar on the top, could you make it on a sentence case, not with small uppercase like that?
Anyway, if you know how to put a batik pattern like in https://jv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Pendhapa, I will make the pattern. If it's difficult, no problem, then. Bangrapip (talk) 13:29, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I believe I have done the first one. I don't understand what you mean by "batik pattern" though. Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:45, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ok, I discovred what that is, however, I am afraid I cannot do that one. Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:52, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Okay, no problem. I appreciate your great help. Thank you very much. Bangrapip (talk) 13:55, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Can you make the Template:Wp/bew/Categories in sentence case too? Thanks. Bangrapip (talk) 13:56, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Done. Anything else? Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:21, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Can you put a box containing "Pasal Wikipédi" and the box where you can type a title to make an article like here Wp/bew/Balé-balé? Bangrapip (talk) 14:32, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Done, I just copied the whole text, is that what you wanted or just the box to write the article one wants to create? Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:46, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Exactly. Looks perfect. I think it's enough for this. I will edit the rest. I'll let you know if I need other help for this. Thank you very much. Bangrapip (talk) 14:55, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Anyway, is it possible to translate the categories, such as "templates" and so on? Thanks. Bangrapip (talk) 14:57, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Anyway, I found the template of batik pattern as I mentioned before here https://jv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cithakan:Pendhapa_Wikip%C3%A9dia/gagrag.css. Is it possible for me just to make a template page and then paste it?
Bangrapip (talk) 15:00, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I will move the page to the main page, in order to translate the templates, please go to Template:Wp/bew/Main articles. Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:23, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Bangrapip (talk) 15:26, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this?

  • A determiner is a word that modifies a noun to express the noun’s reference, including its identity and quantity. Apart from the plural marker -s (which is considered a determiner in Elefen), the determiners always precede the noun.
  • There are several different classes of determiner. Typical examples of each class are: tota, la, esta, cual, cada, mea, multe, otra.
  • A pronoun is a word that replaces a longer noun phrase.
  • An adjective is a word that modifies the meaning of a noun. Typical adjectives denote the qualities, properties, or attributes of the referents of their nouns.
  • In Elefen, adjectives do not change to indicate number or gender.
  • Just as adjectives are words that modify nouns, so adverbs are words that modify almost anything else, such as verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, determiners, prepositions, noun phrases, and even whole sentences. Typically, adverbs give information about place, time, circumstance, cause, manner, or degree.
  • A typical verb denotes the occurrence or abandonment of an action (run, stop), a relationship (have, lose), or a state (stand, melt). In Elefen, verbs do not change to indicate such things as tense or mood. Instead, adverbs are used – especially the three preverbs ia, va, and ta. Any verb can be reused without change as a noun.

Thanks --Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:57, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sorry for late response.
  • Penyabit entu kata nyang ngrobah peada bakal nyatain peada punya ruju'an, masup di dalemnya identitèt èn kuantitèt. Selaènnya penenger jama' ''-s'' (nyang dirèken jadi penyabit dalem basa Elefen), penyabit misti ada sebelonnya peada mulu.
  • Ada berapa macem-macem rungkun penyabit. Tulad nyang paling lumbrah deri masing-masing rungkun ièlah: ''tota, la, esta, cual, cada, mea, multe, otra''.
  • Pengganti entu kata nyang gantiin gabungan peada nyang rada panjangan.
  • Penyipat entu kata nyang ngrobah peada punya ma'na. Biasanya, penyipat nyatain kualitèt, ciri, atawa nisbat deri nyang diruju' ama itu peada.
  • Dalem basa Elefen, jumblah ama jenis kelamin kaga' bikin penyipat berobah bentuknya.
  • Percis kaé penyipat nyang ngedandanin (ngerobah arti) peada, penerang ngedandanin ampir semua nyang laènnya, kaya' kata kerja, penyipat, penerang laèn, penyabit, pengawal, gabungan peada, èn hata antéro kalimat. Biasanya, penerang ngasi inpormasi pasal tempat, waktu, kalangan, sebab, cara, atawa derajat.
  • Biasanya, atu kata kerja nyatain kejadian atawa berentinya piil (rari, mandeg), kaètan (gableg, ilang), atawa keadaan (diri, nyaèr). Di basa Elefen, kata kerja kaga' berobah berales tèmpo atawa wès (''modus'')-nya. Gantinya, nyang dipaké bakal nengerin entu – penerang – wabilkusus tiga kata sebelon-kerja ''ia'', ''va'', èn ''ta''. Sebarang kata kerja kena dipaké sonder berobah, percis kaé peada.
Bangrapip (talk) 23:13, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
  • Johann Sebastian Bach (21 Maret 1685 – 28 Juli 1750) adalah seorang komponis dan organis Jerman zaman Barok. Beliau menggubah musik untuk alat musik organ, harpsichord, clavichord, dan juga untuk orkestra. Ia telah menggubah lebih dari 1000 lagu. Set lagu oleh Bach Brandenburg Concertos, lagu gereja Mass in B minor, adalah yang paling terkenal.
  • Ludwig van Beethoven (bahasa Jerman: [ˈluːtvɪç fan ˈbeːtˌhoˑfn̩] ( simak); baptis 17 Desember 1770 di Bonn, wafat 26 Maret 1827 di Wina) adalah seorang komponis klasik dari Jerman. Karyanya yang terkenal adalah simfoni kelima dan kesembilan, dan juga lagu piano Für Elise. Ia dipandang sebagai salah satu komponis yang terbesar dan merupakan tokoh penting dalam masa peralihan antara zaman Klasik dan zaman Romantik. Semasa muda, ia adalah pianis yang berbakat, populer di antara orang-orang penting dan kaya di Wina, Austria, tempatnya tinggal. Namun, pada tahun 1801, ia mulai kehilangan pendengarannya.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (bahasa Jerman: [ˈvɔlfɡaŋ amaˈdeus ˈmoːtsaʁt]) yang bernama asli Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Gottlieb Mozart (27 Januari 1756 – 5 Desember 1791) adalah seorang komponis. Mozart dianggap sebagai salah satu dari komponis musik klasik yang terpenting dan paling terkenal dalam sejarah. Karya-karyanya (sekitar 700 lagu) termasuk gubahan-gubahan yang secara luas diakui sebagai puncak karya musik simfoni, musik kamar, musik piano, musik opera, dan musik paduan suara. Contoh karyanya adalah opera Don Giovanni dan Die Zauberflöte. Banyak dari karya Mozart dianggap sebagai repertoar standar konser klasik dan diakui sebagai mahakarya musik zaman Klasik. Karya-karyanya diurutkan dalam katalog Köchel-Verzeichnis.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 05:38, 3 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Je suis désolé pour réponder trop tard, car j'ai beaucoup de travaux aujourdhui. (J'essaye de vous parler en français afin de pas oublier mon français et afin de pratiquer. Ça fait longtemps que je ne parlais pas français. Ç'est pas problem, n'est-ce pas? Merci).
  • Johan Sébastian Bah atawa èjaan aslinya Johann Sebastian Bach (21 Maret 1685 – 28 Juli 1750) entu atu tukang bikin tanji èn tukang maèn orgen Dèt jaman Barok. Dia nggubah tanji bakal alat tanji orgen, klapsimbel (''harpischord''), klapkor (''clavichord''), èn juga bakal orkès. Dia udah nggubah ada 1000 lagu lebi. Sèt lagu pikangan Bach Bradenburg Concertos, lagu gerèja Mass dalem B minor, entu nyang paling bekèn.
  • Lodewèk pan Bèthopen atawa èjaan aslinya Ludwig van Beethoven (Dèt: [ˈluːtvɪç fan ˈbeːtˌhoˑfn̩] ( simak); baptis 17 Désèmber 1770 di Bon, wapat 26 Maret 1827 di Wènen) entu atu tukang bikin tanji klasik deri Dètslan. Dia punya gawéan nyang bekèn entu simponi kelima ama kesembilan, èn juga lagu piano ''Für Elise'' ("Bakal si Èlis"). Dia didelok jadi salah atu tukang bikin tanji paling besar èn tokoh penting dalem tèmpo peralihan deri jaman Klasik ke jaman Romantik. Pas dia orang masing muda, dia entu tukang maèn piano anlèhan, bekèn ama orang-orang penting èn orang-orang kandel di Wènen, Ostenrèk, dia punya tempat tinggal. Cuman, tahon 1801, dia mulain budeg.
  • Wolpgang Amadéus Mosar atawa èjaan aslinya Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Dèt: [ˈvɔlfɡaŋ amaˈdeus ˈmoːtsaʁt]) nyang aslinya namanya Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Gottlieb Mozart (27 Januari 1756 – 5 Désèmber 1791) entu atu orang tukang bikin tanji. Mosar dianggep salah atu deri tukang bikin tanji klasik nyang paling penting ama paling bekèn dalem sejarah punya lama. Dia punya gawéan (ada 700 laguan) masup gubahan-gubahan nyang jenggar diakuin puncaknya gawéan tanji simponi, tanji kamar, tanji piano, èn tanji koor. Atu tulad deri dia punya gawéan entu opera ''Don Giovanni dan Die Zauberflöte''. Banyak deri Mosar punya gawéan dianggep répèrtoar pakem kongsèr klasik èn diakuin jadi gawéan ajib tanji jaman Klasik. Dia punya gawéan banyak dirèntètin dalem kataloh Köchel-Verzeichnis.
Bangrapip (talk) 10:28, 3 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Pas de soucis, on peut se communiquer en français si tu veux. Je vous laisse plus de choses à traduire:
  • A preposition is a special word that introduces a noun phrase, forming a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase typically modifies a preceding noun, pronoun, adjective, or adverb – or it can modify a whole sentence. The preposition indicates how the noun phrase relates to the containing structure, showing the role it plays in the modification.
  • LFN has 22 prepositions.
  • A conjunction is a word that joins two things together. There are two kinds: coordinating and subordinating.
  • There are three kinds of question: those that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”, those that present a range of options to choose from, and those that ask for a particular piece of information.
  • Additionally, questions can be direct (“Where are we going?”) or indirect (“I asked you where we are going”, “I don’t know who I am”). Direct questions end in a question mark (?).
  • Like a sentence, a clause contains a subject and a verb, but it forms part of a larger sentence.
  • Every sentence contains a main clause. This can be modified in a variety of ways by one or more subordinate clauses. If a subordinate clause modifies a noun phrase, it is called a relative clause. If it modifies a verb or the entire main clause, it is called an adverbial clause. And if it plays the part of a noun, it is called a noun clause.
  • In addition, a sentence can contain more than one main clause.
  • In Elefen, new words can be formed by adding prefixes or suffixes to existing words, or by combining two existing words as a compound noun.
  • It’s also possible to reuse adjectives as nouns, and verbs as nouns, without adding an affix.
  • In general, Elefen leaves the choice of punctuation up to the writer, the only standards being those of clarity and consistency. There are certain basic conventions, though, which are the same as in most European languages.
  • The first word in a sentence should start with a capital letter.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 10:36, 3 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Merci. Désolé que je te réponds en retard. Voilà les traductions.
  • Kata pengawal entu atu kata husus nyang ngawalin atu gabungan peada, ngeja atu nyang namanya gabungan pengawal. Gabungan pengawal biasanya ngrobah ma'na peada, pengganti, penyipat, atawa penerang nyang sebelonnya – atawa malahan bisa ngerobah atu kalimat plek. Kata pengawal ngasi unjuk gimana itu gabungan peada ada hubungan ke bentuk nyang ada dianya, ngasi unjuk rol dia punya maèn dalem pengrobahan ma'na.
  • LFN gableg 22 pengawal.
  • Kata pengubung entu atu kata nyang ngubungin dua hal barengan. Ada dua macem: sekupu ama bawahan.
  • Ada tiga macem pertanyaan: pertanyaan nyang gableg dijawab ringkes "ya" apa "kaga'", pertanyaan nyang ngasi macem-macem pilihan, ama pertanyaan bakal nanya inpormasi.
  • Sebagé lagi, pertanyaan bisa aja langsung (“Kemanain kita?”) atawa kaga' langsung (“Gua tanya kita kemanain”, “Gua kaga' tau sapa gua”). Pertanyaan langsung ujungnya kudu dikasi tenger penanya (?).
  • Kaé kalimat, ujar ada punya hal ama kerja, cuman namanya ujar entu bagèan deri kalimat nyang lebi jenggaran.
  • Saban kalimat gableg nyang namanya ujar utama. Ni bisa diutak-atik paké macem-macem cara ama atu atawa lebi ujar bawahan. Kalo ada atu ujar bawahan ngrobah ma'na gabungan peada, ni namanya ujar ubungan. Kalo ni ngrobah ma'na kata kerja atawa tu atu kalimat plek, namanya ujar penerang. Kalo ni jadi perannya peada, namanya ujar peada.
  • Sebagé lagi, atu kalimat bisa aja gableg atu atawa lebi ujar utama.
  • Di basa Elefen, kata anyar pada kena dibikin tibang nambahin awalan atawa buntutan ke kata nyang udah ada, atawa tibang nggabregin dua kata nyang udah ada jadi peada cangkolan.
  • Bisa juga' kita maké penyipat jadi peada, kerja jadi peada, sonder nambahin imbuhan acan.
  • Umumnya, basa Elefen ngebagènin mo tenger baca apa gè' nyang bakalan dipaké ama nyang nulis, asal danta ama ajeg aja. Ada mupaket dasar toh nyang sama ama banyak basa-basa Èropa.
  • Kata di awal kalimat pardu ditulis paké hurup gedé.
Bangrapip (talk) 15:45, 3 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Bonjour! Est-ce que tu sais comment on ajoute un logo pour notre Wikipédia comme celui-là qui est comme d'habitude en haut à la gauche d'une page? Merci. Bangrapip (talk) 03:25, 4 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Le logo doit être ajouté une foi ke la Wikipédie a été approuvé. Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:52, 5 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ah, je comprends. Merci! Bangrapip (talk) 16:04, 5 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Salut! Je suis désolé. J'ai supprimé par accident le logo de Wikipédie dans le bar "Welcome" et je ne peux pas le restaurer. S'il te plaît, pourrais-tu m'aider à le reajouter? Merci! Bangrapip (talk) 06:09, 7 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Fait :) Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:37, 7 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Pourrais-tu traduire ça, SVP?
Glosa is an artificial language intended for use among people with different native, cultural, or national languages.It is an auxiliary language and has no purpose of supplanting or replacing any other languages. Its purpose is only to be a common means of communication for people of different languages. Glosa has several distinguishing characteristics:
  • Its structure is very simple and based on semantics. It is an analytical language with no inflexions, genders, or diacritical marks. Glosa does have ways of forming plurals, tenses, questions, etc., similar to Chinese and Malay, which use a word for each idea, but no inflections. A small number of words handle grammatical
  • Glosa words are based on Latin and Greek roots common to the chief European languages; via science, technology, and medicine, these words are penetrating all languages. Although a larger vocabulary is available, a base vocabulary of between 1000 and 2000 words handles most situations.
  • Its pronunciation is simple and regular, and its spelling is phonetic.
  • Above all, Glosa is neutral. Because it is no one's own language, it is available to everyone without jealousy or resentment over the dominance of any one or a few national languages. Its use of Latin and Greek roots, many of which are already in widespread use, gives it internationality.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:05, 7 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Bien sûr! Voici la traduction.
Glosa entu basa bikinan nyang dimaksudin bakal kanggo dipaké ama orang nyang asal kelairan, budaya, ama basa sionalnya roncèt. Ni – atu basa tambahan nyang kaga' ada tujuan kanggo ngebadalin laèn basa. Poko'nya, dia punya tujuan cuman jadi wasilah obrolan bakal orang nyang laèn basanya. Glosa gableg berapa ciri has:
  • Dia punya bentukan ringkes jasa èn berales ama ma'nanya. Ni basa – basa analitis nyang kaga' gableg tasrip, jenis kelamin, atawa malahan kaga' ada tenger-tenger hurup. Glosa kaga' gableg cara ngeja jama', tèmpo, pertanyaan, èns., percis mèmper basa Tionghoa ama basa Melayu, nyang maké kata bakal atu gagasan, cuman kaga' ada tasripnya. Cuman sedikit kata nyang ada punya guna gramatikal.
  • Glosa punya kata alesnya entu oyod deri basa Latin ama Yunani nyang lumbrah dicomot ama mana-mana basa Èropa; kaé liwat èlmu pengetauan, tèhnolohi, èn pengobatan. Biar kata setok kosakatannya masing banyak, kosakata dasarnya sebeneernya cuman 1.000 atawa 2.000 kata nyang sering dipaké di macem-macem kewontenan.
  • Dia punya lapal – ringkes ama ajeg, èjaannya pegimana tulis, pegimana baca.
  • Nyang paling penting, Glosa entu nètral. Bahna ni basa bukan sapa-sapa punya basa, orang kaga' bakal jelus lagi belis ama laèn basa lantaran gontok-gontokan ngrasa basanya nyang paling hébat. Ni basa maké oyod basa Latin èn Yunani, nyang udah ngejeprah di mana-mana basa, jadinya ni udah ngantérobangsa dah.
Bangrapip (talk) 09:08, 7 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Merci! Bangrapip (talk) 08:54, 7 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Pourrais-tu le traduire à l'indonésien aussi, SVP? Caro de Segeda (talk) 09:59, 7 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Bien sûr!
Glosa merupakan salah satu bahasa artifisial yang ditujukan untuk pemakaian oleh berbagai macam orang dari latar belakang, kebudayaan, dan bahasa nasional yang berbeda-beda. Bahasa ini merupakan bahasa tambahan pendukung dan tidak memiliki tujuan untuk menggantikan bahasa mana pun. Tujuan dari bahasa tersebut adalah sebagai perantara komunikasi bagi masyarakat penutur bahasa yang berbeda. Glosa memiliki beberapa ciri-ciri yang membedakan dengan bahasa lainnya:
  • Struktur bahasa tersebut sangat sederhana dan berdasarkan semantis. Bahasa tersebut merupakan bahasa analitis tanpa infleksi, jenis, ataupun tanda diakritik. Glosa memiliki berbagai cara untuk membentuk jamak, kala, pertanyaan, dsb., seperti halnya bahasa Tionghoa dan Melayu, yang menggunakan satu kata untuk masing-masing ide, tetapi tanpa infleksi. Hanya ada sedikit kata yang memegang fungsi gramatikal.
  • Kosakata Glosa berdasarkan akar bahasa Latin dan Yunani yang masuk ke dalam bahasa-bahasa Eropa, melalui ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan kedokteran. Meskipun masih ada banyak kosakata yang tersedia, kosakata dasar bahasa Glosa hanya berkisar dari 1.000 hingga 2.000 kata yang sering digunakan dalam banyak situasi.
  • Pengucapan bahasa Glosa sangat sederhana dan teratur, terlebih lagi ejaannya juga fonetis.
  • Namun yang paling utama, Glosa merupakan bahasa yang netral. Karena bahasa Glosa bukanlah bahasa milik kalangan tertentu, tentu tidak ada rasa iri atau sentimen karena dominansi suatu pihak atau bahasa tertentu. Penggunaan akar bahasa Latin dan Yunani, yang banyak tersebar di banyak bahasa, memberikan internasionalitas dalam bahasa tersebut.
Bangrapip (talk) 11:34, 7 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this?

  • Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Spanish: [miˈɣel de θeɾˈβantes saaˈβeðɾa]; 29 September 1547 (assumed) – 22 April 1616 NS) was an Early Modern Spanish writer widely regarded as the greatest writer in the Spanish language and one of the world's pre-eminent novelists. He is best known for his novel Don Quixote, a work often cited as both the first modern novel and "the first great novel of world literature". A 2002 poll of around 100 well-known authors voted it the "most meaningful book of all time", from among the "best and most central works in world literature".
  • Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei (15 February 1564 – 8 January 1642), commonly referred to as Galileo Galilei (Italian: [ɡaliˈlɛːo ɡaliˈlɛi]) or simply Galileo, was an Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer, sometimes described as a polymath. He was born in the city of Pisa, then part of the Duchy of Florence. Galileo has been called the father of observational astronomy, modern-era classical physics, the scientific method, and modern science.
  • Kong Fuzi (Chinese: 孔夫子, lit. 'Master Kǒng'; c. 551 – c. 479 BCE), commonly Latinized as Confucius, was a Chinese philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period who is traditionally considered the paragon of Chinese sages. Confucius's teachings and philosophy underpin East Asian culture and society, remaining influential across China and East Asia to this day. His philosophical teachings, called Confucianism, emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice, kindness, and sincerity.

Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:19, 8 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Certē! Eōs trānsferre possum. Ecce trānslātiōnēs.
  • Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Spanyol: [miˈɣel de θeɾˈβantes saaˈβeðɾa]; 29 Sèptèmber 1547 (kira-kira) – 22 April 1616) entu atu mualip Spanyol awal-awal jaman modèren nyang lumbrah dianggep jadi mualip basa Spanyol paling mantep èn atu tukang tulis roman paling kebekènan di mana-mana di dunia. Atu deri dia punya gawéan nyang paling mashur entu dia punya roman, judul ''Don Kihot'' (Spanyol: ''Don Quijote''), atu gawéan nyang sering ditukil sebagé roman modèren pertama èn "roman paling ajib di dunia sastra". Dalem pungut suara tahon 2002 dalem hal 100 mualip paling bekèn, deri itu pungutan suara didapetin kalo ini roman dianggep sebagé "buku paling bearti sepanjang jaman", deri antéro "gawéan paling ajib èn paling pancer di dunia sastra".
  • Galilèo Galilèi (Itali: ''Galileo Galilei'' [ɡaliˈlɛːo ɡaliˈlɛi]) atawa nama jengkepnya Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei (15 Pèbruari 1564 – 8 Januari 1642) entu atu orang ahli èlmu palak, ahli èlmu tabèat, ama tukang insinyur asal Itali. Kadang, ni orang juga' dianggep sebagé serbagapa. Dia brojol di kota Pisa, nyang lagito masing bagèan deri Kadipatèn Plorèn. Galilèo digero' sebagé babanya èlmu palak pemantengan (''observational astronomy''), èlmu tabèat klasik jaman modèren, métode ilmiah, èn èlmu pengetauan modèren.
Dē Cōnfūciō pagīna est scrīpta apud Wp/bew/Konghucu (pilsup). Bangrapip (talk) 07:48, 8 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Gratias tibi ago. Could you please translate this?
A capital letter is used at the start of the first word in a sentence.
Capital letters are also used at the start of proper nouns. When a proper noun consists of several words, each word is capitalized – apart from minor words like la and de:
People, real or imagined, as well as personified animals and things
Organizations (e.g. companies, societies)
Political entities (e.g. nations, states, cities)
Geographical locations (e.g. rivers, oceans, lakes, mountains)
Letters of the alphabet
But with titles of works of art and literature, only the first word of the title is capitalized (along with any proper nouns that appear):
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The Brothers Karamazov
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
Sometimes, as in warnings, capitals are used to EMPHASIZE entire words or phrases.
Elefen uses small letters in places where some languages use capitals:
Days of the week
Monday, Thursday
March, November
Holidays and similar occasions
Christmas, Ramadan, Easter
the twenty-first century
Languages and peoples
Catalan, Chinese
The following syllables are used to name letters in speech, e.g. when spelling a word:
These are nouns and can be pluralized:
In writing, one can simply present the letter itself, capitalized, adding -s for the plural:
The word “matematica” has three As, two Ms, and an E. Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:12, 8 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Certē! Ecce trānslātiōnēs:
A capital letter is used at the start of the first word in a sentence. = Hurup gedé dipaké di awal kata pertama di kalimat.
Capital letters are also used at the start of proper nouns. When a proper noun consists of several words, each word is capitalized – apart from minor words like la and de: = Hurup gedé juga' dipaké di awalnya nama dèwèk. Kapan nama dèwèk ada berapa kata, saban katanya misti digedéin kecuali kata kecit kaya' ''la'' ama ''de'':
People, real or imagined, as well as personified animals and things = Orang, asli atawa awang-awangan, serènta juga' héwan ama benda nyang diorangin
Organizations (e.g. companies, societies) = Paguyuban (tulad: matskepé, masarakat)
Political entities (e.g. nations, states, cities) = Èntitèt pulitik (tulad: bangsa, negara, kota)
Geographical locations (e.g. rivers, oceans, lakes, mountains) = Tempat géograpis (tulad: kali, laotan, sètu, gunung)
Letters of the alphabet = Hurup alpabet
But with titles of works of art and literature, only the first word of the title is capitalized (along with any proper nouns that appear): = Kecuali ama judul gawéan seni èn sastra, cuman kata pertama deri entu judulnya doang nyang digedéin (barengan ama laèn-laèn nama dèwèk nyang nongol):
A Midsummer Night’s Dream = Ngimpi di malem-malem musim panas
The Brothers Karamazov = Sedèrèk Karamasop
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor = Genjrèngan èn sempritan di D minor
Sometimes, as in warnings, capitals are used to EMPHASIZE entire words or phrases. = Kadang bakal ngwanti-wanti, hurup gedé dipaké bakal ngeja DANTA atu kata atawa ungkepan
Elefen uses small letters in places where some languages use capitals: = Elefen maké hurup kecil di berapa kata nyang di laèn basa pating maké hurup gedé
Days of the week = Ari seminggu
Monday, Thursday = Senèn, Kemis
Months = Bulan
March, November = Maret, Nopèmber
Holidays and similar occasions = Hari raya èn semacemnya
Christmas, Ramadan, Easter = Natal, Puasa (bulan), Paskah
Centuries = Abad
the twenty-first century = abad keduapulu satu
Languages and peoples = Basa èn kaum
Catalan, Chinese = Katalan, Tionghoa
Abbreviations = Singketan
The following syllables are used to name letters in speech, e.g. when spelling a word: = Ni ucap dipaké bakal namain hurup pas ngomong, nya'entu pas ngèja:
These are nouns and can be pluralized: = Ni kata – peada èn kena dijama'in
In writing, one can simply present the letter itself, capitalized, adding -s for the plural: = Dalem tulisan, orang bisa nyebutin itu hurup sendèwèknya, paké hurup gedé, èn nambain ''-s'' bakal jama'nya:
The word “matematica” has three As, two Ms, and an E = Kata ''matematica'' gableg tiga A, dua M, èn atu E
Bangrapip (talk) 10:31, 8 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
cat, cats
man, men
the good, the bad, and the ugly
many beauties
He’s looking at a pair of scissors through [a pair of] binoculars.
You use suspenders to hold up your pants (US); you use braces to hold up your trousers (Br).
I bought these sunglasses in the Netherlands.
a car; the cars; four cars
a cat; many cats; a million cats
the water; some water; three cups of water
wood; a lot of wood; two pieces of wood
Two coffees, please.
I’ve tasted many cheeses.
You can’t compare the beauties of Paris and Venice. Caro de Segeda (talk) 11:27, 8 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Certē! Ecce trānslātiōnēs.
cat, cats = kucing, kucing-kucing
man, men = orang, orang-orang
the good, the bad, and the ugly = si baè', si jelèk, èn si bangpak
many beauties = banyak orang boto
He’s looking at a pair of scissors through [a pair of] binoculars. = Dia lagi nyari gunting sepasang paké kekeran [sepasang]
You use suspenders to hold up your pants (US); you use braces to hold up your trousers (Br). = Lu maké karèt ban bakal nyantèlin lu punya celana.
I bought these sunglasses in the Netherlands. = Gua beli ni kacamata di Nèderlan.
a car; the cars; four cars = mubil; itu mubil; empat mubil
a cat; many cats; a million cats = kucing; banyak kucing; sejuta kucing
the water; some water; three cups of water = aèr; seberapa aèr; aèr tiga cangkir
wood; a lot of wood; two pieces of wood = kayu; banyak kayu; kayu dua potong
Two coffees, please. = Minta' gahwa dua, dong
I’ve tasted many cheeses. = Gua udah nyicipin banyak kèju.
You can’t compare the beauties of Paris and Venice. = Lu kaga' bisa ngebandingin Parès punya kebotoan ama Wènèsi.
Bangrapip (talk) 11:36, 8 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
a male horse, a stallion
a female horse, a mare
grandmother, grandfather
daughter, son
granddaughter, grandson
niece, nephew
wife, husband
aunt, uncle
girl, boy
dame, knight
goddess, god
woman, man
mother, father
queen, king
lady, Mrs; gentleman, Mr
sister, brother
abbot, abbess
baron, baroness
count, countess
duke, duchess
emperor, empress
marquess, marchioness
prince, princess
czar, czarina Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:59, 8 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Here you are
a male horse, a stallion = kuda laki
a female horse, a mare = kuda dara
grandmother, grandfather = nini, engkong
daughter, son = anak wadon, anak lanang
granddaughter, grandson = cucu wadon, cucu lanang
niece, nephew = ponakan wadon, ponakan lanang
wife, husband = harim, laki
aunt, uncle = encing wadon, encing lanang
girl, boy = bocah wadon, bocah lanang
dame, knight = jago wadon, jago lanang
goddess, god = déwi, déwa
woman, man = lanang, wadon
mother, father = enya', baba
queen, king = ratu, raja
lady, Mrs; gentleman, Mr = nyonya/nona; tuan
sister, brother = mpo', abang
abbot, abbess = baba (gerèja), enya' (gerèja)
baron, baroness = baron, baron wadon
count, countess = grap, grawin/grapin (basa Welanda: ''graaf/gravin'')
duke, duchess = adipati lanang, adipati wadon
emperor, empress = kaèsar lanang, kaèsar wadon
marquess, marchioness = radèn tumenggung, rara tumenggung
prince, princess = pengèran, putri
czar, czarina = kaèsar lanang, kaèsar wadon (Wp/bew/Ruslan)
Bangrapip (talk) 14:37, 8 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
  • Jesus (c. 6 to 4 BC – AD 30 or 33), also referred to as Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, and several other names and titles, was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion. Most Christians believe Jesus to be the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited messiah, the Christ that is prophesied in the Hebrew Bible.
  • Paul (also named Saul of Tarsus; c. 5 – c. 64/65 AD), commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul, was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. Generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age, he founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-40s to the mid-50s AD.
  • Abraham (originally Abram) is the common Hebrew patriarch of the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In Judaism, he is the founding father of the special relationship between the Jews and God; in Christianity, he is the spiritual progenitor of all believers, whether Jewish or non-Jewish; and in Islam, he is a link in the chain of Islamic prophets that begins with Adam and culminates in Muhammad.
  • Santo Thomas Aquinas OP (bahasa Italia: Tommaso d'Aquino; 1225 – 7 Maret 1274) adalah seorang frater Dominikan Italia, imam Katolik, dan Pujangga Gereja. Ia adalah seorang yuris, teolog, dan filsuf yang sangat berpengaruh dalam tradisi skolastisisme, yang di dalamnya ia juga dikenal sebagai Doctor Angelicus dan Doctor Communis. Nama Aquinas merupakan identifikasi daerah asal leluhurnya di comune Aquino, Italia dalam regione Lazio masa kini.
  • Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Ghazali ath-Thusi asy-Syafi'i (bahasa Arab: ابو حامد محمد بن محمد الغزالي الطوسي الشافعي) (lahir di Thus; 1058 / 450 H – meninggal di Thus; 1111 / 14 Jumadil Akhir 505 H; umur 52–53 tahun) adalah seorang filsuf dan teolog muslim Persia, yang dikenal sebagai Algazel di dunia Barat abad Pertengahan.
  • Martin Luther, O.S.A. (bahasa Jerman: [ˈmaɐ̯tiːn ˈlʊtɐ] ( simak); 10 November 1483 – 18 Februari 1546) adalah seorang profesor teologi, komponis, imam, dan rahib berkebangsaan Jerman, serta seorang tokoh berpengaruh dalam Reformasi Protestan.
  • Moses (/ˈmoʊzɪz, -zɪs/) is considered the most important prophet in Judaism and one of the most important prophets in Christianity, Islam, the Druze faith, the Baháʼí Faith, and other Abrahamic religions. According to both the Bible and the Quran, Moses was the leader of the Israelites and lawgiver to whom the authorship, or "acquisition from heaven", of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) is attributed.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:38, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
  • Isa (sek. 6 ampé 4 SM – 30 ampé 33 M) atawa Isa Almasih atawa Yèsus Kristus, atawa Isa deri Nasirah, entu atu penda'wah Yahudi èn dedengkot agama. Dalem agama Islam, Isa dianggep sebagé atu deri nabi èn rasulullah. Adapun Isa entuh tokoh sèntral agama Serani, atu agama nyang paling gedé di dunia. Banyak orang Serani nyang pating percaya kalo dia – jelmaan "Tuhan Anak" èn seorang almasih nyang ditunggu-tunggu, serènta Almasih udah dinubuatin dalem Kitab Mugadas Ibrani.
  • Paulus atawa Paules (atawa namanya Saulus deri Tarsus; sek. 5 – sek. 64/65 M), bekèn di kalangan Serani sebagè Paulus si Rasul ama Sint-Paules, entu atu orang penda'wah Serani nyang ngajarin ajaran Isa di abad pertama-tama dunia. Ni orang galibnya dirèken jadi tokoh paling penting di Jaman Kerasulan èn ngeja berapa kuminitèt Serani di Asia Kecit èn Èropa semprakan tenga-tenga tahon 40-an entuk tenga-tenga tahon 50-an M.
  • Ibrahim atawa Ibraham entu tokoh nyang dianggep sebagé babanya para nabi di agama-agama Ibrahimiah, kaé Yahudi, Serani, ama Selam. Di ajaran Yahudi, dia dianggep jadi baba nyang awal-awal ngeja ubungan antara orang Yahudi sama Allah. Adapun dalem ajaran Serani, dia dirèken sebagé orang mu'min punya keruhun, mo orang Yahudi kè', bukan kè'. Sementara entu, dalem ajaran Selam, Ibrahim entu ada cangcangan anternabi-nabi dalem Islam semprakan Adam entuk Muhammad.
  • Sint-Tomas deri Akuinas (Itali: ''Tommaso d'Aquino''; 1225–7 Maret 1274) entu atu orang pratèr atawa bruder Dominikan Itali, imam Katolik, èn tukang sair gerèja. Dia entu orang ahli hukum, ahli kalam, ama pilsup nyang bener-bener nyawab dalem terdisi madrasiah (''skolatisisme''), nyang di dalemnya juga' bekèn sebagé ''Doctor Angelicus'' èn ''Doctor Communis''. Nama "Akuinas" entu nama asal dia punya keruhun di kumine Akuino, Itali, di wilayah Latsio wayah gini.
  • Imam Gajali atawa aslinya Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-Ghazzālī al-Ṭūsī al-Syāfiʿī (Arab: ابو حامد محمد بن محمد الغزالي الطوسي الشافعي) (lair di Tus; 1058 / 450 H – wapat di Tus; 1111 / 14 Jumadilakir 505 H; umur 52–53 tahon) entu surang pilsup ama ahli kalam Muslim deri Parsi. Di Kulon jaman Tenga-Tenga, dia bekènnya sebagé ''Algazel''.
  • Martèn Luter atawa aslinya Martin Luther, O.S.A. (Dèt: [ˈmaɐ̯tiːn ˈlʊtɐ]; 10 Nopèmber 1483 – 18 Pèbruari 1546) entu atu ustad èlmu kalam, tukang bikin musik, imam, ama rahib deri Dètslan. Ni orang atu dedengkot paling nyawab dalem Répormasi Protèstan.
  • Musa entu dirèken sebagé nabi paling penting di agama Yahudi èn atu deri nabi-nabi nyeng paling penting di agama Serani, Selam, kepercayaan Druji, kepercayaan Baha'i, èn laèn-laèn agama Ibrahimiah. Baè' Alkitab ama Kur'an punya kata, Musa entu bani Israèl punya dedengkot èn penèbar hukum Torat nyang sering dinisbatin nerima wahyunya ke dia.
Bangrapip (talk) 07:34, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
  • Augustine of Hippo (Latin: Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis; 13 November 354 – 28 August 430), also known as Saint Augustine, was a theologian and philosopher of Berber origin and the bishop of Hippo Regius in Numidia, Roman North Africa. His writings influenced the development of Western philosophy and Western Christianity, and he is viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers of the Latin Church in the Patristic Period. His many important works include The City of God, On Christian Doctrine, and Confessions.
  • The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tà biblía, 'the books') is a collection of religious texts or scriptures, some, all of which, or a variant of which, are held to be sacred in Christianity, Judaism, Samaritanism, Islam, and many other religions. The Bible is an anthology, a compilation of texts of a variety of forms, originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. These texts include instructions, stories, poetry, and prophecies, and other genres. The collection of materials that are accepted as part of the Bible by a particular religious tradition or community is called a biblical canon. Believers in the Bible generally consider it to be a product of divine inspiration, but the way they understand what that means and interpret the text varies.
  • The Old Testament (OT) is the first division of the Christian biblical canon, which is based primarily upon the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, a collection of ancient religious Hebrew and occasionally Aramaic writings by the Israelites. The second division of Christian Bibles is the New Testament, written in the Koine Greek language.
  • The New Testament (NT) is the second division of the Christian biblical canon. It discusses the teachings and person of Jesus, as well as events in first-century Christianity. The New Testament's background, the first division of the Christian Bible, is called the Old Testament, which is based primarily upon the Hebrew Bible; together they are regarded as sacred scripture by Christians.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 09:34, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
  • Agustinus deri Hipo atawa Agustines deri Hipo (Latin: ''Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis''; 13 Nopèmber 354 – 28 Agustus 430), juga' bekèn digero' Sint-Agustines, entu sorang ahli èlmu kalam ama pilsapat nyang aslinya orang Bèrbèr, serènta atu uskup deri Daèrah Hipo di Numidi, Aprika Lor Romèn. Dia punya tulisan nyawabin pekembangan pilsapat Kulon èn Serani Kulon, serènta dirèken jadi atu Baba Gerèja paling penting deri Gerèja Latin di Jaman Kebabaan. Atu deri dia punya gawéan penting nglingkup ''Kota Allah'', ''Dalem hal ajaran Serani'', èn ''Pengakuan''.
  • "The Bible" has been translated, right? Wp/bew/Kitab Mugadas
  • '''Wasiat Kolot''' atawa '''Perjangjèan Lama''' entu ponggahan pertama deri Serani punya kanun Bèbel, nyang utamanya berales 24 kitab deri Kitab Mugadas Ibrani, atu omplokan suhup Ibrani kolot èn juga' Aram bakal Bani Israèl. Adapun ponggahan kedua deri Serani punya Bèbel – nama '''Wasiat Anyar''' nyang diserat paké basa Yunani Koiné.
  • '''Wasiat Anyar''' atawa '''Perjangjèan Baru''' entu ponggahan kedua deri Serani punya kanun Bèbel. Di ni kitap, pating dijelasin dah tu Nabi Isa punya ajaran, serènta juga' kejadian-kejadia di jaman abad-abad pertama Serani. Wasiat Anyar punya natar, nya'entu ponggahan pertama Serani punya Bèbel, digero sebagé '''Wasiat Kolot''', nyang utamanya berales Kitab Mugadas Ibrani; èn digabreg jadi orang Serani punya kitab suci.
Bangrapip (talk) 10:07, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please translate this?
December is warm in Australia.
Dutch is my original language.
I like bread.
He is the chief of police.
I don’t like eating peanut butter.
We are going to school.
That is an unsolved problem in mathematics.
A comma seems necessary for clarity.
Only a very rotten apple remained.
I met a beautifully intelligent woman.
I met a beautiful, young, and intelligent woman.
The harp is a musical instrument.
A harp is a musical instrument.
Harps are musical instruments.
the Amazon River
the Pacific Ocean
the Isle of Skye
Harvard University
the Ford Foundation
King George V
St. James the Elder
Peter the Great
my friend Simon
the word “inverno”
the book The Little Prince
The dictionary is also available as a PDF file.
She was wearing a blue V-necked T-shirt.
a producer-director
a printer-scanner
the member states
We named him Orion.
I call this shape an obelisk. Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:27, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are.
December is warm in Australia. = Désèmber hawanya anget di Ostrali.
Dutch is my original language. = Basa Welanda – gua punya basa asli.
I like bread. = Gua hodeng ama roti.
He is the chief of police. = Dia – hop pencalang.
I don’t like eating peanut butter. = Gua kaga' demen makan selé kacang.
We are going to school. = Kita pegi ke sekolahan.
That is an unsolved problem in mathematics. = Ni – masalah matimatika kaga' kerampungan.
A comma seems necessary for clarity. = Koma, roman-romanah, perlu kanggo' kedantaan.
Only a very rotten apple remained. = Cuman nyisa apel nyang busuk pisan.
I met a beautifully intelligent woman. = Gua kepapagan ama wadon nyang pinternya ajib.
I met a beautiful, young, and intelligent woman. = Gua kepapagan ama wadon botoh, muda, ama pinter.
The harp is a musical instrument. = Itu harep entu alat musik.
A harp is a musical instrument. = Harep entu alat musik,
Harps are musical instruments. = Harep entu alat musik. (jama')
the Amazon River = Kali Amason
the Pacific Ocean = Laotan Anteng
the Isle of Skye = Pulo Seké
Harvard University = Uniwèrsitèt Harwat
the Ford Foundation = Yayasan Ford
King George V = Raja George V
St. James the Elder = Hadrat Ya'kub si Abang
Peter the Great = Piter Agung
my friend Simon = gua punya temen Simon
the word “inverno” = kata "''inverno''"
the book The Little Prince = kitab ''Pengèran Pitik''
The dictionary is also available as a PDF file. = Ni kamus juga' ada kesedia dalem berekas PDF.
She was wearing a blue V-necked T-shirt. = Dia maké kaos kerah V warna blao
a producer-director = tukang keja-arahin pèlem
a printer-scanner = mesin apdrek-tangkep berekas
the member states = negara anggota
producer-directors = tukang keja-arahin pèlem (jama')
We named him Orion. = Kita namain dia Orion
I call this shape an obelisk. = Gua gero ni bentuk – bentuk cagak tajem
Bangrapip (talk) 12:43, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
All languages are absurd.
I will love you for all time / the whole of time.
The milk went everywhere.
The music was heard throughout the town / all through the town.
Both legs are weak.
I’ve bought a house. The house is small.
I’ve bought a house. The kitchen is large.
She’s lost the phone numbers of her friends.
The music is lovely, isn’t it?
The moon is a long way from the earth.
I don’t understand mathematics.
She loves coffee.
Happiness is more important than wealth.
I want to read a book.
A cat came into the room.
I like coffee / I like the coffee.
I like coffee.
I drink coffee. Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:50, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
All languages are absurd. = Semua basa pada anèh.
I will love you for all time / the whole of time. = Gua bakalan nyintain lu sepanjang jaman.
The milk went everywhere. = Labannya pada kemana-mana.
The music was heard throughout the town / all through the town. = Musiknya kedengeran ke antéro kota.
Both legs are weak. = Kaki dua-duanya pada ngamplé.
I’ve bought a house. The house is small. = Gua udah beli rumah. Rumahnya – kecil.
I’ve bought a house. The kitchen is large. = Gua udah beli rumah. Dapurnya – gedé.
She’s lost the phone numbers of her friends. = Dia ilang nomer telèpon temennya.
The music is lovely, isn’t it? = Musiknya ènak, pan?
The moon is a long way from the earth. = Bulan mah jau punya deri Bumi.
I don’t understand mathematics. = Gua kaga' paham ètung-ètungan.
She loves coffee. = Dia hodeng ama gahwa.
Happiness is more important than wealth. = Kebungahan – pentingan deripada banda.
I want to read a book. = Gua pèngèn ngebaca buku.
A cat came into the room. = Kucing masup ke pangkèng.
I like coffee / I like the coffee. = Gua hodeng ama kupi./Gua demen ana kupinya.
I like coffee. = Gua hodeng ama kupi.
I drink coffee. = Gua nguyub kupi.
Bangrapip (talk) 12:56, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Another common sentence component is the complement. This is an extra description of the subject that can follow verbs like es (be), deveni (become), pare (seem), and resta (remain):
Some languages also allow the object to have a complement, as in “I find this cheese disgusting” or “They elected him president”. This type of complement does not occur in Elefen.
One other major sentence component is the prepositional phrase, which adds detail to a preceding noun or verb, or to the sentence as a whole:
In addition to phrases, some sentences contain clauses, which resemble smaller sentences nested within the larger sentence. They can modify noun phrases, verb phrases, or the whole of the larger sentence: Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:06, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Atu unsur kalimat lumbrah nyang laènnya entu penglengkep. Ni – jabaran tambahan deri hal nyang ngintilin kata kerja kaé ''es'' (ada), ''deveni'' (jadi), ''pare'' (kiatan), èn ''resta'' (tetep):
Ada basa-basa nyang ngeboléin peroléan gableg penglengkep, kaé "Gua rasa ni kèju jiji" atawa "Dia pada milih dia persidèn". Ni penglengkep punya macem kaga' ada di Elefen.
Atu deri laèn unsur kalimat nyang penting entu gabungan pengawalan, nyang nambahin tètèk bengèk ke kata peada atawa kerja nyang sebelonnya, atawa ke kalimat kabèhannya.
Sebagé lagi, ada kalimat nyang ada ujarnya, nyang kaya' kalimat, cuman kecilan, nyang disawangin di dalemnya kalimat nynag gedéan. Ni kena ngerobah arti gabungan peada, gabungan kerja, atawa kabèhan kalimat nyang gedéan: Bangrapip (talk) 13:11, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Computers (subject) … are (verb) … machines (complement).
The air (subject) … seems (verb) … damp (complement).
The food (subject) … becomes (verb) … cold (complement).
The potatoes (subject) … stayed (verb) … hot (complement).
Our task (subject) … is (verb) … to rebuild the wall (complement: a nested sentence).
The idea (subject) … is (verb) … that you sing (complement: a nested sentence).
The man (subject) … fell (verb) … through his chair (prepositional phrase).
In the night (prepositional phrase) … the stars (subject) … appear (verb).
I (subject) … give (verb) … this apple (object) … to you (prepositional phrase).
You (subject) … don’t look (verb) … like your photo (prepositional phrase).
The man who lived here went to Paris.
He will visit in July, when the weather is good.
I wasn’t allowed to do things as I wanted.
I think that she is beautiful. Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:23, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Kumpiuter (hal) … ada (kerja) … mesin (penglengkep).
Hawanya (hal) … kiatan (kerja) … lembap (penglengkep).
Makanannya (hal) … jadi (kerja) … adem (penglengkep).
Artapelnya (hal) … tetep (kerja) … panas (penglengkep).
Kita punya tugas (hal) … ada (kerja) … ngebangun lagi tu tèmbok (penglengkep: kalimat nyang disawang).
Gagasannya (hal) … adaa (kerja) … kalo dia nyanyi (penglengkep: kalimat nyang disawang).
Si orang (hal) … nibla (kerja) … liwat dia punya korsi (prepositional phrase).
Malem-malem (prepositional phrase) … bintang (hal) … nongtot (kerja).
Gua (hal) … ngasi (kerja) … ni apel (object) … ke lu (prepositional phrase).
Lu (hal) … kaga' kiatan (kerja) … kaya' lu punya potrèt (prepositional phrase).
Si orang nyang pernah tinggal di mari pegi nar Parès.
Dia bakal neba bulan Juli, pas cuacanya – bagus.
Gua kaga' diboléin nglakonin gua punya mau.
Gua pikir dia botoh.
Bangrapip (talk) 13:32, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Kumpiuter (hal) … ada (kerja) … mesin (penglengkep).
Hawanya (hal) … kiatan (kerja) … lembap (penglengkep).
Makanannya (hal) … jadi (kerja) … adem (penglengkep).
Artapelnya (hal) … tetep (kerja) … panas (penglengkep).
Kita punya tugas (hal) … ada (kerja) … ngebangun lagi tu tèmbok (penglengkep: kalimat nyang disawang).
Gagasannya (hal) … adaa (kerja) … kalo dia nyanyi (penglengkep: kalimat nyang disawang).
Si orang (hal) … nibla (kerja) … liwat dia punya korsi (gabungan pengawalan).
Malem-malem (gabungan pengawalan) … bintang (hal) … nongtot (kerja).
Gua (hal) … ngasi (kerja) … ni apel (peroléan) … ke lu (gabungan pengawalan).
Lu (hal) … kaga' kiatan (kerja) … kaya' lu punya potrèt (gabungan pengawalan).
Si orang nyang pernah tinggal di mari pegi nar Parès.
Dia bakal neba bulan Juli, pas cuacanya – bagus.
Gua kaga' diboléin nglakonin gua punya mau.
Gua pikir dia botoh.
Bangrapip (talk) 13:34, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I am amazed of how fast you can translate to Basa Betawi.
Kongsi republics
The kongsi republics (Chinese: 公司共和國), also known as kongsi democracies (Chinese: 公司民主國) or kongsi federations (Chinese: 公司聯邦), were self-governing political entities in Borneo that formed as federations of Chinese mining communities known as kongsis. By the mid-nineteenth century, the kongsi republics controlled most of western Borneo. The three largest kongsi republics were the Lanfang Republic, the Heshun Confederation (Fosjoen), and the Santiaogou Federation (Samtiaokioe) after it had split from the Heshun.
Commercial kongsis were common in Chinese diasporic communities throughout the world, but the kongsi republics of Borneo were unique in that they were sovereign states that controlled large swaths of territory. This characteristic distinguishes them from the sultanates of Southeast Asia, which held authority over their subjects, yet did not control the territory where their subjects resided.
The kongsi republics competed with the Dutch over the control of Borneo, culminating in three Kongsi Wars in 1822–24, 1850–54, and 1884–85. The Dutch eventually defeated the kongsi republics, bringing their territory under the authority of the Dutch colonial state.
Kongsi federations were governed by direct democracy, and were first called "republics" by nineteenth century authors. However, modern scholars hold different views as to whether they should be regarded as Western-style republics or a completely independent Chinese tradition of democracy. Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:43, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks! I am used to process these languages almost every day (since in fact, I read more often and more books in English than in Indonesian).
Kiblik kongsi
Kiblik kongsi (Tionghoa: 公司共和國), atawa juga' bekèn digero kera'yatan kongsi (Tionghoa: 公司民主國) atawa pèderasi kongsi (Tionghoa: 公司聯邦) entu atu èntitèt pulitik nyang ngebestir sendèwèk di Kalimantan nyang bentukah pèderasi deri kuminitèt penggalian Tionghoa, nyang digero' "kongsi". Deket-deket tenga-tenga abad ke-19, kiblik kongsi pada bekuku' di ampir kebanyakan bilangan di Kalimantan bekulon. Ada tiga kiblik kongsi nyang paling gedé, nya'entu Kiblik Lanpong, Konpèderasi Posun, ama Pèderasi Samtiaokiu abisnya mecah deri Posun.
Kongsi dagang pada mashur di kumintèt Tionghoa perantoan di mana-mana dunia, walakin kiblik kongsi Kalimantan entu èmang nyang laèn diri dah, dia entu pada – negara daulat nyang nyedèk ama bekuku sebagèan besar ponggahan daèrah. Ni ciri-ciri ngebèdain dia pada deri kesultanan pada nyang ada di Asia-kidul wètan, nyang ada kewenangan atas dia punya bawahan, cuman kaga ngontrolirin wilayah bawahannya punya cedèk.
Kiblik kongsi pada saingan dah tu ama Welanda bakal gedé-gedéan ngontrolir Kalimantan, nyang entakannya jadi ada Perang Kongsi tahon 1822–24, 1850–54, and 1884–85. Welanda ngalahin itu kiblik kongsi pada dah tu, jadinya itu wilayah jadi pada masup guwernemèn kolonial Welanda punya kewenangan.
Pèderasi kongsi langsung diperènta ama kera'yatan langsung, èn pertama kali digero "kiblik" ama mualip jaman abad ke-19. Cuman mah ya, ahli èlmu jaman kita sekarang pada bèda pendapet dah tu apa itu negara pada maké Kulon punya cara kiblik, apa gableg terdisi Tionghoa punya kera'yatannya dèwèk.
Bangrapip (talk) 14:01, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Adding -s to a noun makes it plural. If the singular noun ends in a consonant, -es is added instead. The plural ending does not affect the word’s stress:
Adjectives modifying a noun do not change when the noun is plural. But when an adjective is used as a noun, it can be pluralized:
Some nouns that are plural in English are singular in Elefen:
Like many languages, Elefen distinguishes countable and uncountable nouns. A countable noun (or “count noun”) can be modified by a number, and can accept the plural -s. Typical countable nouns represent objects that are clearly individual entities, such as houses, cats, and thoughts. For example:
By contrast, uncountable nouns (sometimes called “mass nouns”) do not normally accept the plural -s. Uncountable nouns typically denote masses that have no clear individuality, such as liquids (water, juice), powders (sugar, sand), substances (metal, wood), or abstract qualities (elegance, slowness). When they are modified by a number or other quantity word, a unit of measure is often added for clarity. For example:
However, uncountable nouns can be used in a countable manner. They then denote particular examples or instances: Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:04, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Nambahin ''-s'' ke peada ngeja itu peada jadi jama'. Kalo itu peada tunggal akirannya hurup mati, nyang ditambahin entu ''-es''. Akiran jama' kaga' nyawabin tekenan kata:
Kata penyipat nyang ngrobah arti peada kaga' berobah kapan itu peada bentukah jama'. Cuman kalo itu penyipat dipaké kaé peada, bisa aja itu penyipat dijama'in:
Ada peada nyang jama' di basa Inggris, mar tunggal di basa Elefen:
Sepegimana banyak basa, Elefen ngebèdain peada kerèken ama kaga'-kerèken. Peada kerèken bisa dikasi angka, èn bisa dapet akiran jama' ''-s''. Galibnya, peada nyang kerèken entu peada nyang danta-danta èntitèt atuan, kaya' ruma, kucing, ama pikiran. Misalnya:
Sebaliknyah, peada kaga'-kerèkan adatnya kaga' dapet akiran jama' ''-s''. Peada kaga'-kerèken biasanya nyatain masa nyang kaga' ada kedantaannya, kaya' caèran (aèr, jus), bubuk (gula, pasir), jat (logem, kayu), ama kualitèt awang-awang (kemèwahan, kelangsaman). Kapan itu pada ditambahin angka atawa laèn kata kuantitèt, nyang ditambahin entu satuan ukuran biar danta. Misalnya:
Pegimana gè', peada kaga' kerèken bisa baé dipaké kaé peada kerèken punya cara. Mangka, itu nyatain tulad atawa conto husus:
Bangrapip (talk) 14:17, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
How do you say "uncountable"? trakerèken o kaga'-kerèken? Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:20, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
tra- = kaga'- Bangrapip (talk) 14:24, 9 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I own this house.
These books are wonderful.
I like this coffee.
This month was difficult.
This sentence contains five words.
That boy is looking at those girls.
Try that way again.
That cake is inedible.
What animal is that?
What vegetables are the best?
What country do you come from?
Which windows are broken?
Which paint do you prefer?
How many houses are on your street?
How much bread can you eat?
each, every
whichever, any
some, a few, a little, any
Each dog has a name.
I didn’t read every word.
You make the same mistake every time.
Each dog has a name.
I didn’t read every word.
You make the same mistake every time.
I read that in some book (or other).
Maybe I will come back some day.
Something is broken.
I’m going to read some books / a few books.
Some dust fell from the ceiling.
She has some bread in her basket.
I have no trees / I don’t have any trees in my garden.
You will feel no pain.
No tree is taller than the Eiffel tower.
I met nobody in the park.
He is the only doctor in town.
These are the only two words we don’t understand.
I shall destroy the wall with a single blow. Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:20, 10 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I own this house. = Gua munyain ni rumah.
These books are wonderful. = Ni buku pada ajib.
I like this coffee. = Gua demen ni gahwa.
This month was difficult. = Ni bulan – susah.
This sentence contains five words. = Ni kalimat ada lima kata.
That boy is looking at those girls. = Itu bocah lanang mantengin itu bocah dara pada.
Try that way again. = Jal begitu lagi, dah.
That cake is inedible. = Ni kué kaga' kena dimakan.
What animal is that? = Héwan apaan tu?
What vegetables are the best? = Sayuran apaan nyang paling mantep?
What country do you come from? = Deri negara mana lu?
Which windows are broken? = Kaca nyang mana nyang bejat?
Which paint do you prefer? = Cèt mana nyang lu lebi demen?
How many houses are on your street? = Berapa ruma nyang ada di lu punya jalan?
How much bread can you eat? = Berapa roti lu bisa lebok?
each, every = masing, saban, per
whichever, any = nyang mana gè', sebarang
some, a few, a little, any = berapa, sedikit, sebagèan
no = trada
only = cuman, ila
Each dog has a name. = Saban anjing gableg nama.
I didn’t read every word. = Gua kaga' baca saban kata.
You make the same mistake every time. = Lu saban kali bikin itu blunder juga'.
Each dog has a name. = Saban anjing gableg nama.
I didn’t read every word. = Gua kaga' baca saban kata.
You make the same mistake every time. = Lu saban kali bikin itu blunder juga'.
I read that in some book (or other). = Gua baca entu di berapa buku (atawa laènnya).
Maybe I will come back some day. = Gua bakal balik kapan tau murun.
Something is broken. = Ada barang nyang bejat.
I’m going to read some books / a few books. = Gua mao baca berapa buku.
Some dust fell from the ceiling. = Sebagèan debu pada jatoh deri plapon.
She has some bread in her basket. = Dia gableg sedikit roti di dia punya bakul.
I have no trees / I don’t have any trees in my garden. = Gua kaga' ada puun./Gua kaga' ada puun di taman/
You will feel no pain. = Lu kaga' bakal kesakitan.
No tree is taller than the Eiffel tower. = Kaga' ada puun nyang jangkungan deri menara Èpel.
I met nobody in the park. = Gua kaga' ketemu sapa-sapa di taman.
He is the only doctor in town. = Dia doang atu-atunya doktor di kota.
These are the only two words we don’t understand. = Ni cuman dua kata, kita mah kaga' ngatri.
I shall destroy the wall with a single blow. = Gua ancurin tu tèmbok sekali semprit.
Bangrapip (talk) 09:01, 10 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this?

  • Intan Paramaditha (lahir 15 November 1979) adalah seorang pengarang dan akademisi Indonesia. Karya sastra maupun tulisan ilmiahnya sering kali terfokus pada hubungan antara gender, seksualitas, budaya, dan politik. Ia mendapat gelar doktor dari New York University pada tahun 2014. Salah satu karya sastranya yang terkenal yaitu kumpulan cerpen Sihir Perempuan.
    • Daftar Karya
      • Buku
      • Teater
  • Eka Kurniawan (lahir 28 November 1975) adalah seorang penulis asal Indonesia. Ia menamatkan pendidikan tinggi dari Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
    • Eka Kurniawan terpilih sebagai salah satu "Global Thinkers of 2015" dari jurnal Foreign Policy. Pada tahun 2016, ia menjadi penulis Indonesia pertama yang dinominasikan untuk Man Booker International Prize.
  • Norman Erikson Pasaribu (lahir di Jakarta, 1990) adalah seorang pengarang dan penyair berkebangsaan Indonesia.
  • Sulalatu'l-Salatin atau Sulalatus Salatin (Jawi: سلالة السلاطين, secara harfiah bermaksud Penurunan segala raja-raja) merupakan karya dalam Bahasa Melayu dan menggunakan Abjad Jawi. Karya tulis ini memiliki sekurang-kurangnya 29 versi atau manuskrip yang tersebar di antara lain di Inggris (10 di London, 1 di Manchester), Belanda (11 di Leiden, 1 di Amsterdam), Indonesia (5 di Jakarta), dan 1 di Rusia (di Leningrad).
    • Sulalatu'l-Salatin bergaya penulisan seperti babad, di sana-sini terdapat penggambaran hiperbolik untuk membesarkan raja dan keluarganya. Namun, naskah ini dianggap penting karena ia menggambarkan Adat dan istiadat Budaya kerajaan, silsilah raja dan sejarah Kerajaan Melayu dan boleh dikatakan menyerupai konsep Sejarah Sahih (Veritable History), yang mencatat sejarah dinasti sebelumnya.
  • Tuhfat al-Nafis (Bahasa Arab: Hadiah yang berharga)adalah buku sejarah karangan Raja Ali Haji, sastrawan dari Riau dan pangeran Kesultanan Riau-Lingga keturunan Bugis. Buku ini ditulis pada tahun 1885 dalam huruf Jawi. Dalam buku ini dicatat kejadian-kejadian yang berlangsung pada abad ke-18 dan 19 di berbagai negeri Melayu.
    • Ada empat manuskrip Tuhfat al-Nafis yang diketahui. Naskah yang disalin pada 1890 diterbitkan pada 1923 untuk Journal of the Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Society, London.

Thanks for your help. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 09:11, 10 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Here you are:
  • Intan Paramaditha (lair 15 Nopèmber 1979) entu mualip ama akademisi Indonésia. Dia punya gawéan sastra ama ilmiah seringnya bekutet ama hubungan anterjenis, sèksualitèt, budaya, èn pulitik. Dia dapet titel doktor deri Uniwersitèt Niu-Yorek tahon 2014. Dia punya atu gawéan sastra nyang bekèn entu omplokan cerpèn ''Sihir Perempuan''.
    • Daptar gawéan
      • Buku
      • Téater
  • Éka Kurniawan (Indonésia: ''Eka Kurniawan''; lair 28 Nopèmber 1975) entu mualip deri Indonésia. Dia ngelarin onderwès tinggi di Pakultèt Pilsapat Uniwersitèt Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta.
    • Éka Kurniawan kepili jadi atu ''Global Thinkers of 2015'' deri majalah ''Foreign Policy''. Tahon 2016, dia jadi mualip Indonésia pertama nyang dinominirin bakal ''Man Booker International Prize''.
  • Norman Èrikson Pasaribu (Indonésia: ''Norman Erikson Pasaribu''; lair di Jakarta tahon 1990) entu mualip ama tukan sair orang Indonésia.
  • Sulalatussalatin atawa ''Sulālat al-salāṭīn'' (Jawi: سلالة السلاطين, lèterleknya "Penurunan segala raja-raja") entu atu gawéan dalem basa Melayu paké hurup Jawi. Ni gawéan serat paling kaga' gableg 29 pèrsi naskah nyang ketèbar antara laèn di Inggris (10 di Londen, 1 di Mèncèster), Welanda (11 di Lèden, 1 di Amsteredam), Indonésia (5 di Jakarta), èn 1 di Ruslan (di Sint-Pitersbereh).
    • Sulalatussalatin punya setil tulisan kaé babad, di sono-sini ada penggambaran nyang keliwat-liwat (''hiperbolik'') bakal ngagengin raja ama dia punya kulawarga. Cuman, ni naskah dirèken penting bahna ngegambarin adat ama istiadat budaya kerajaan, silsilah raja èn sejarah Kerajaan Melayu, bolé dibilang mèmper kaya' konsèp sejarah sahih (''veritable history''), nyang nyatet sejarah wangsa nyang sebelonnya.
  • Tuhpat napis atawa ''Tuḥfat al-Nafīs'' (lèterleknya: "Hadiah nyang bearga") entu atu buku sejarah Raja Ali Haji punya pikangan, atu tukang sastra deri Rio èn pengèran Kesultanan Rio-Lingga turunan Bugis. Ni buku ditulis tahon 1885 paké hurup Jawi. Di ni buku, dicatet dah tu kejadian-kejadian nyang belangsung di abad 18 ama 19 di mana-mana negeri Melayu.
    • Ada empat naskah Tuhpat napis nyang ditauin. Naskah nyang dijiplak tahon 1890 diterebitin bakal ''Journal of the Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Society'', Londen.
Bangrapip (talk) 10:54, 10 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
My cat ate a mouse.
I like your dance very much.
Our team will win the prize.
That is your house.
The hippopotamus opens its mouth. (reflexive)
We look at its teeth. (not reflexive)
The innkeeper shows her/his guests their room. (the guests’ room)
The guests like their room a lot.
The innkeeper also likes their room. (the guests’ room) Caro de Segeda (talk) 11:02, 10 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
My cat ate a mouse. = Gua punya kucing nggarot curut.
I like your dance very much. = Gua demen pisan ama lu punya tandakan.
Our team will win the prize. = Kita punya tim bakal menangin itu peris.
That is your house. = Ntu dia lu punya rumah.
The hippopotamus opens its mouth. (reflexive) = Kuda nil mangapin dia punya mulut. (balikan)
We look at its teeth. (not reflexive) = Kita ndeleng dia punya gigi. (bukan balikan)
The innkeeper shows her/his guests their room. (the guests’ room) = Penjaga pondok ngasi unjuk kamarnya ke dia punya tamu.
The guests like their room a lot. = Itu tamu pada demen banget ama dia punya kamar.
The innkeeper also likes their room. (the guests’ room) = Penjaga pondok juga' demen ama dia pada punya kamar. (tamu punya kamar)
Bangrapip (talk) 11:16, 10 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
-s (plural marker)
one, a
two, three, four…
many, much
few, little
fewer, less
I’m going to read [some] books.
I’m going to read the books.
I have one brother and two sisters.
I have three fat cats.
I am four years older than my brother.
This house has stood here for many years.
The pigeons eat a lot of bread.
I recognize few people. (really not many)
He can give little help. (really not much)
Compare: I can read a few words. (a small number)
You have more books than me.
Most languages are beautiful.
There’s more bread in the kitchen.
Most mud is revolting.
I want fewer vegetables than her.
You have read the least books of anyone I know.
He has less interest every day. Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:17, 10 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here your are:
-s (plural marker) = ''-s'' (penenger jama')
one, a = atu, se-
two, three, four… = dua, tiga, empat...
many, much = banyak, ngebadeg
few, little = dikit, seemprit
more = lebi banyak, banyakan, lebi
most = paling banyak
fewer, less = lebi dikit, dikitan, kurang
least = paling dikit
I’m going to read [some] books. = Gua mao baca [berapa] buku.
I’m going to read the books. = Gua mao baca itu buku pada.
I have one brother and two sisters. = Gua gableg abang atu ama empo' dua.
I have three fat cats. = Gua gableg kucing gembrot tiga.
I am four years older than my brother. = Gua tuaan empat tahon deri gua punya adè' (lanang).
This house has stood here for many years. = Ni ruma udah ngejegreg taonan.
The pigeons eat a lot of bread. = Itu burung merpati nggarotin banyak roti.
I recognize few people. (really not many) = Gua ngenalin berapa orang. (bener-bener kaga' banyak)
He can give little help. (really not much) = Gua bisa ngasi sedikit bantuan. (bener-bener kaga' banyak)
Compare: I can read a few words. (a small number) = Bandingi: Gua bisa baca berapa kata.
You have more books than me. = Lu gableg banyakan buku deripada gua.
Most languages are beautiful. = Kebanyakan basa pating èndah.
There’s more bread in the kitchen. = Ada banyakan roti di dapur.
Most mud is revolting. = Kebanyakan belok entu jiji'.
I want fewer vegetables than her. = Gua pèngèn sayuran dikitan deripada dia.
You have read the least books of anyone I know. = Lu baca paling dikit buku deri sapa-sapa gua punya kenal.
He has less interest every day. = Dia gableg kurang minat saban ari.
Bangrapip (talk) 13:18, 10 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
You’re wearing the same socks as me.
The war began in the same year.
We will come back to this same topic in a week’s time.
We have these three other problems now.
The other solution was better.
Do you have any other bread?
I’m building a time machine.
Such things are impossible.
I’m looking for a beekeeper.
I don’t know such a person.
Do you want to repaint the room?
I prefer to avoid such work.
Do you have more books like these?
Yes, I have two other such books.
My own idea is even stranger.
She found her husband’s scarf and put it round her (own) neck.
She gathered her few possessions and left.
Another problem is the lack of fresh air in here.
We still haven’t translated those other four sentences.
All the men went to the coast. Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:36, 11 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure. Here you are:
You’re wearing the same socks as me. = Lu maké kaos kaki nyang medu kaya' gua.
The war began in the same year. = Perangnya mulain di itu taon juga'.
We will come back to this same topic in a week’s time. = Kita bakalan balik ke topik nyang sama seminggu punya lama.
We have these three other problems now. = Sekarang, kita gableg ni 3 masalah laèn.
The other solution was better. = Jalan kuar laènnya angguran.
Do you have any other bread? = Lu gableg roti laènnya, kaga'?
I’m building a time machine. = Gua lagi ngebangun mesin waktu.
Such things are impossible. = Kadanan benda kaé gitu, mah.
I’m looking for a beekeeper. = Gua lagi nyari tukang piara nyawan.
I don’t know such a person. = Gua kaga' kenal orang kaé gitu.
Do you want to repaint the room? = Lu pèngèn cèt ulang tu pangkèng?
I prefer to avoid such work. = Angguran gua ngindarin gawéan kaé gitu.
Do you have more books like these? = Lu masing punya buku kaé gini, kaga'?
Yes, I have two other such books. = Ho'oh, gua masing ada dua lagi buku kaé gitu.
My own idea is even stranger. = Gua punya gagasan malah anèhan.
She found her husband’s scarf and put it round her (own) neck. = Dia nemuin lakinya punya cukin èn nyelèmpanginnya di dia punya lèèr sendèwèk.
She gathered her few possessions and left. = Dia ngumpulin sedikit deri dia punya banda èn ninggalin.
Another problem is the lack of fresh air in here. = Atu mas'alah laènnya entu kurangnya hawa seger di mari.
We still haven’t translated those other four sentences. = Kita masing belon nerjemahin empat kalimat laènnya.
All the men went to the coast. = Orang lanang kabèhan pada ke panté.
Bangrapip (talk) 07:13, 11 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi! Could you help us to make Navbox child as in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Navbox? Thanks. Bangrapip (talk) 09:47, 11 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Which particular template do you want to create? Navbox is a general one but the templates from the English Wikipedia are difficult to copy. Caro de Segeda (talk) 11:55, 11 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I was thinking of making an extra subgroup for dependencies as here. But, if it's difficult, no problem. Bangrapip (talk) 13:47, 11 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Can you send me the link to the template you want to create? Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:10, 11 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Here you are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Countries_and_territories_of_Oceania, if it's easy for you, it'd be better to add an extra subgroup as for dependecies here. Thank you! Bangrapip (talk) 14:13, 11 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I made some changes. Caro de Segeda (talk) 19:30, 11 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks then. Bangrapip (talk) 04:00, 12 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this? Aliran-aliran

Realisme: Realisme sastra adalah aliran asal Barat dengan gaya penggambaran kehidupan dan masyarakat kontemporer apa adanya. Dalam kesusastraan Indonesia abad ke-20 nama tokoh-tokoh utamanya meliputi Abdoel Moeis, Marah Roesli, Achdiat K. Mihardja, Utuy Tatang Sontani, Pramoedya Ananta Toer,[14] W.S. Rendra, dan Taufiq Ismail. Para sastrawan dari Lembaga Kebudayaan Rakyat (Lekra) masa 1950–1960-an dipandu oleh realisme sosialis.[15]

Realisme magis: Realisme magis merupakan aliran sastra yang menggunakan pendekatan realitas sehari-hari dengan gabungan elemen magis di dalamnya. Di Indonesia, aliran ini pertama diperkenalkan oleh Danarto.[16] Tokoh-tokoh lainnya adalah Eka Kurniawan, Iwan Simatupang, dan Putu Wijaya. Penulis yang menggunakan realisme magis dalam karya-karyanya ialah Ayu Utami, dan lainnya.

Simbolisme: Tidak seperti Realisme dan Naturalisme, tokoh-tokoh dari aliran Simbolis menggunakan simbol, sindiran, kiasan, gambar misterius dan penuh teka-teki, seperti puisi Toto Sudarto Bachtiar serta W.S. Rendra (masa awalnya).

Modernisme dan Avant-garde: Modernisme seni dan Avant-garde di Eropa telah dimulai sejak abad ke-19 sebagai gerakan yang meliputi beberapa aneka aliran. Karya-karya mereka yang bersifat eksperimental, radikal, dan tidak lazim. Di Indonesia, misalnya, gaya ini ditemukan di dalam sajak-sajak bebas oleh penyair-novator Chairil Anwar dan karya Iwan Simatupang.

Neo-romantisisme: Gerakan Neoromantik muncul pada dasawarsa 1880-an sebagai reaksi terhadap Modernisme dan mencoba untuk memberikan tekanan pada perasaan dan kehidupan sang hero, bagai di karya zaman Romantisisme. Sastrawan Indonesia menyambut gerakan tersebut lewat sastra Belanda. Sifat romantik ada di karya oleh Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana[17] serta Rivai Apin.

Surealisme: Surealisme merupakan salah satu aliran Modernis dan Avangardis. Selain dari Realisme, karya Surealis memiliki unsur nonlogis, kejutan, barang tak terduga yang ditempatkan berdekatan satu sama lain tanpa alasan yang jelas. Penyair Dimas Arika Mihardja merupakan sastrawan Indonesia yang menggunakan gaya aliran ini.

Absurdisme: Filsafat Absurdisme didasarkan pada kepercayaan pada ketidakadaan makna, bahwa usaha manusia untuk mencari arti dari kehidupan ialah absurd dan akan berakhir dengan kegagalan. Di antara sastrawan Indonesia, pengikut gaya absurdis adalah Budi Darma,[18] Putu Wijaya serta Aloysius Slamet Widodo.

Sastra pop: Fiksi populer sebagai gejala budaya populer ditujukan untuk kesuksesan komersial. Sastra pop berbentuk genre cerita detektif, cerita cinta, cerita kembara, fantasi, dan lainnya. Misalnya di Indonesia, novel-novel cinta oleh Herlinatiens serta Primadonna Angela. Salah satu bentuk sastra pop adalah fiksi "metropop", karya sastra yang mengangkat cerita tentang kawasan perkotaan menengah yang tinggal di kota-kota besar dengan segala sisi kehidupannya, disajikan dengan gaya bahasa pop.[19] Penulis Indonesia yang terkenal dengan karya-karya metropop di antaranya: Ika Natassa, Ilana Tan, dan Ria N. Badaria.

Sastra wangi: Sastra wangi adalah sebutan yang diberikan untuk karya-karya sastra Indonesia dari beberapa penulis wanita (Ayu Utami, Dewi Lestari, Djenar Maesa Ayu, Fira Basuki, Nova Riyanti Yusuf) bertema pembebasan dan seksualitas perempuan.

Thank you. Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:49, 12 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sorry for late response. I have a lot of work today. Here are the translations:
Réalisme: Réalisme entu atu aliran sastra deri Kulon paké setil penggambaran keidupan èn masarakat sejaman apa adanya. Dalem kesastraan Indonésia abad ke-20, nama-nama tokoh utama nyang alirannya réalisme antara laèn: Abdoel Moeis, Marah Roesli, Achdiat K. Mihardja, Utuy Tatang Sontani, Pramoedya Ananta Toer, W.S. Rèndra, ama Taufiq Ismail. Tukang sastra deri ''Lembaga Kebudayaan Rakyat'' (Lekra) jaman 1950–1950-an juga diarain ama réalisme sosialis.
Réalisme ajaib: Réalisme ajaib entu aliran sastra nyang maké pendeketan kenyataan saban sarian paké gabregan ama unsur ajaibnya juga di dalem. Di Indonésia, ni aliran sanonya dikenalin ama Danarto. Adapun laèn-laèn tokohnya entu Éka Kurniawan, Iwan Simatupang, èn Putu Wijaya. Mualip nyang maké réalisme ajaib dalem dia punya gegawéan entu Ayu Utami, èn laènnya.
Simbolisme: Kaga' kaé réalisme ama natiralisme, tokoh-tokoh deri aliran simbolisme entu maké perlambangan, sindiran, kiasan, gambar resia, èn banyak badé-badéannya, kaya' Toto Sudarto ama W.S. Rèndra (awal-awalnya) punya sair.
Modèrenisme èn wanggar: Modèrenisme seni èn wanggar (''avant-garde'') di Èropa udah mulain semprakan abad ke-19 jadi gerakan nyang nglingkup macem-macem aliran. Dia punya gawéan sipatnya jajal-jajalan, ngoyod (''radikal''), èn kaga' lumbrah. Di Indonésia, misalnya, ni setil ditemuin dalem saja'-saja' bèbas pikangan tukang sair pembaru Chairil Anwar èn Iwan Simatupang punya gawéan.
Néo-romantisisme: Harkat Néoromatik nongtot di dékade 1880-an jadi tanggepan bakal modèrenisme èn ngejal bakal ngasi tekenan ama si tokoh punya perangsaan èn keidupan, sepegimana jaman Romantisisme punya gawéan. Tukang sastra Indonésia pada nyambut ini harkat liwat sastra Welanda. Sipat romantik kena ditemuin di Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana ama Rivai Apin punya gawéan.
Suréalisme: Suréalisme entu atu aliran modèrenis ama wanggardis. Selaènnya réalisme, gawéan suréalis gableg unsur kaga' masup akal, kagètan, barang kaga' kenyana nyang ditaro sili dedeketan sonder alesan danta. Tukang sair Dimas Arika Mihardja entu atu tukang sastra Indonésia nyang maké ni setil aliran.
Kekaga'-masupakalan: Pilsapat kekaga'-masupakalan (''absurdisme'') berales ama kepercayaan ama kaga' adanya ma'na kalo manusia punya usaha dalem nyari arti keidupan entu kadanan èn bakalan ujungnya bantet. Di antara tukang sastra Indonésia nyang nganut ni setil kekaga'-masupakalan entu Budi Darma, Putu Wijaya, ama Aloysius Slamet Widodo.
Sastra populèr: Karang-karangan populèr sebagé lamatan budaya populèr dimaksudin bakal komersil punya berasil. Sastra populèr bentuk jandrahnya entu cerita tukang serep (''detektif''), ceritra cinta-cintaan, cerita kelayaban, angen-angen (''fantasi''), èn laènnya. Misalnya di Indonésia, ada roman-roman cinta Herlinatiens ama Primadonna Angèla punya bikinan. Atu bentuk sastra populèr entu karangan (''fiksi'') "mètropop", atu gawéan sastra nyang ngangkat ceritra pasal kawasan kota nenga nyang tinggal di kota-kota gedé dengen sisik melik keidupannya, diangsrongin paké setil basa populèr. Mualip Indonésia nyang bekèn lantaran dia punya gawéan mètropop antara laèn: Ika Natassa, Ilana Tan, èn Ria N. Badaria.
Sastra wangi: Sastra wangi entu geroan bakal gawéan sastra Indonésia deri mualip dames (Ayu Utami, Déwi Lestar, Djenar Maésa Ayu, Fira Basuki, Nova Riyanti Yusuf) nyang dia punya tèma entu pengènggalan èn sèksualitèt wadon.
Bangrapip (talk) 14:20, 12 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • To err is human, to forgive is divine.
  • Ante means “before” or “in front of”. Its opposite is pos.
  • In space, ante indicates a location at the more important side of a specified object. Which side is more important depends on the object and its context. Many things have an obvious front side with which they face the world; in other cases ante just means “at the nearer side of”:
  • My chest is in front of my back.
  • The magazines are in front of the books.
  • It’s so dark that I can’t see my hand in front of my eyes.
  • A dog is lying in front of the shop.
  • We have a lot of work ahead of us.
  • In time, ante indicates a point that precedes a specified time:
  • January comes before February.
  • They intend to finish work before sunset.
  • Turn left before the end of the street.
  • We experience lightning before thunder.
  • Ante can also indicate movement to a point in front of something (= a ante):
  • They put a pile of books in front of me.
  • I come before you to apologize.
  • Ante cuando, or ante ce, means “before” as a conjunction (“before the time when”):
  • We see lightning before we hear thunder.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 19:47, 12 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • Bikin salah itu manusiawi, maapin entu sipat ilahi.
  • ''Ante'' artinya “sebelon” atawa “di depan”. Lawannya – ''pos''.
  • Dalem waktu jarak, ''ante'' ngasi unjuk tempat nyang ada di sisi paling penting di atu benda. Itu sisi – pentingan begantung ama benda ama dia punya kontèksnya. Banyak benda nyang gableg sisi depan nyang danta nyang dengennya madep; di laèn hal, ''ante'' artinya cuman "di sisi paling deket deri...":
  • Gua punya tètè' di depannya gua punya geger.
  • Majalah – pada di depannya kitab.
  • Gelep pisan ampé-ampé gua kaga' bisa ngiat gua punya tangan di depan mata gua sendèwèk.
  • Anjing gegolèran di depannya toko.
  • Kita gableg gawéan ngebadeg di kita punya adepan.
  • Dalem hal waktu, ''ante'' ngasi unjuk titik nyang sebelonnya atu kejadian ketentu:
  • Januari dateng sebelonnya Pèbruari.
  • Dia pada maksudin ngerampungin dia punya gawéan pada sebelonnya menggerip.
  • Pèngkol ngèbot sebelonnya ujung setrat.
  • Kita ngalamin kilap sebelonnya gelèdèk.
  • ''Ante'' juga' bisa ngasi unjuk ke depannya atu barang (= ''a ante''):
  • Dia pada ngombolin kitab ke depan gua.
  • Gua dateng ke adepan lu bakal minta maap.
  • ''Ante cuando'', atawa ''ante ce'', artinya “sebelonnya” jadi pengubung (“sebelonnya pas”):
  • Kita ngiat kilap sebelonnya kita ndenger gelèdèg.
Bangrapip (talk) 10:52, 13 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
The special subordinating conjunctions ce and esce introduce noun clauses. Ce introduces a reported statement, and esce introduces a reported question about the truth of a statement.
  • I think (that) you need a vacation.
  • I don’t know if/whether he’ll come.
They can be used after certain nouns, adjectives, and prepositions to complete the meaning:
  • The idea that the Sun orbits the Earth is a mistake.
  • We are surprised (that) you didn’t complain.
  • I’m glad (that) you succeeded.
  • They weren’t sure if/whether the train had already left.
  • The cat entered the room without anyone seeing it.
Ce can also be used to introduce a clause that expresses a result:
  • She was so tired (that) she couldn’t think.
  • He was so hungry (that) he could hear his stomach rumbling.
The special subordinators afin, car, si, and ca introduce adverbial clauses:
  • I will come if you call.
  • I work so that my children can eat.
  • It is hot because the sun is shining.
  • This is more work than I expected.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 05:31, 14 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure. Sorry for late response.
The special subordinating conjunctions ce and esce introduce noun clauses. Ce introduces a reported statement, and esce introduces a reported question about the truth of a statement. = Pengubung bawahan husus ''ce'' and ''esce'' ngawalin ujar peada. ''Ce'' ngawalin pernyataan nyang diriwayatin, èn ''esce'' ngawalin pertanyaan nyang diriwayatin pasal bener apa kaga'nya pernyataan.
  • I think (that) you need a vacation. = Gua nyana (kalo) lu butuh pakansi.
  • I don’t know if/whether he’ll come. = Gua kaga' tau dia dateng, apa kaga'.
They can be used after certain nouns, adjectives, and prepositions to complete the meaning: = Entu bisa dipaké abisnya peada, penyipat, ama pengawal ketentu bakal njengkepin ma'na:
  • The idea that the Sun orbits the Earth is a mistake. = Pikiran kalo Mataari ngiterin Bumi entu klèru.
  • We are surprised (that) you didn’t complain. = Kita pada kagèt (kalo) lu kaga' sambat.
  • I’m glad (that) you succeeded. = Gua seneng (kalo) lu berasil.
  • They weren’t sure if/whether the train had already left. = Dia pada kaga' yakin tu sepur udah mèrad, apa kaga'.
  • The cat entered the room without anyone seeing it. = Itu kucing masup ke pangkèng kaga' kiatan ama orang.
Ce can also be used to introduce a clause that expresses a result: = ''Ce'' juga' bisa ngawalin ujar nyang nyatain hasil:
  • She was so tired (that) she couldn’t think. = Dia capé pisan ampé kaga' bisa' mikir.
  • He was so hungry (that) he could hear his stomach rumbling. = Dia laper pisan ampé dia punya perut nggrendeng.
The special subordinators afin, car, si, and ca introduce adverbial clauses: = Adapun pembawah husus ''afin'', ''car'', ''si'', èn ''ca'' ngawalin ujar penerangan:
  • I will come if you call. = Gua dateng kalo lu bèl.
  • I work so that my children can eat. = Gua gawé biar gua punya anak pada bisa makan.
  • It is hot because the sun is shining. = Panas pisan lantaran mataarinya mentèr.
  • This is more work than I expected. = Ni gawéan lebi deripada nyang gua nyana.
Bangrapip (talk) 13:52, 14 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
A relative clause is a clause that modifies a noun. Relative clauses follow the nouns they modify, and they usually start with one of the relative pronouns ci and cual:
  • The man who lived here went to New York.
  • The apple which fell from my bag is now inedible.
For clarity, a relative clause can be separated from the rest of the sentence by commas, especially if it’s long or complicated:
  • The apple, which fell from my bag into the mud yesterday morning, is now inedible.
Some relative clauses are not essential to the meaning of the sentence, but simply add a comment in passing. Such clauses are always set off by commas:
  • The dog, which has black markings, bit the policeman.
  • My father, who is retired, lives in Mexico.
  • This juice, which Anna made, tastes good.
Ci and cual can behave as either the subject or the object of the relative clause. Objects normally follow the verb, but when one of these is the object, it precedes both the subject and the verb:
  • The woman (whom) I love comes from France.
  • The robot I built doesn’t work.
  • Let’s go to my house, which is nearby.
When the relative pronoun is the object of a preposition, the preposition comes first:
  • The woman of whom we speak works at my office.
  • Your book, in which I wrote her name, is on the table.
When de ci or de cual introduces a possessed noun within the relative clause, that noun is usually introduced by sua for clarity:
  • This woman, whose husband works at the bank, is an excellent cook.
  • The woman, whose husband you know, works at my office.
  • The woman, whose husband you gave the letter to, is charming.
  • My car, whose motor is broken, is now garbage.
In some languages, a relative clause can modify the whole of the preceding clause. In Elefen, if that would be ambiguous, an expression such as lo cual, e lo, e esta or e acel can be used instead:
  • He can jump a meter high, which surprised me.
  • I chose to learn Elefen, which was a very good decision.
Another way to start a relative clause is with a relative adverb:
  • I work in Paris, where I live.
  • He will visit in July, when the weather is good.
  • That’s the reason why Juan left.
Such relative clauses are often similar to adverbial clauses:
  • I work where I live.
  • He will visit when the weather is good.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 05:50, 15 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
A relative clause is a clause that modifies a noun. Relative clauses follow the nouns they modify, and they usually start with one of the relative pronouns ci and cual: = Ujar ubungan entu atu ujar nyang ngedantain peada. Ujar ubungan ngintilin peada nyang didantain, èn biasanya mulain paké atu pengganti ubungan ''ci'' atawa ''cual'':
  • The man who lived here went to New York. = Orang nyang tau tinggal di mari pegi ke Niu-Yorek.
  • The apple which fell from my bag is now inedible. = Apel nyang jatoh deri gua punya kompèk sekarang kaga' kena dimakan.
For clarity, a relative clause can be separated from the rest of the sentence by commas, especially if it’s long or complicated: = Biar mangkin danta, ujar ubungan kena dibelèk deri rèstan kalimat paké tenger koma, wabilkusus kalo itu ujar panjang lagi ribet:
  • The apple, which fell from my bag into the mud yesterday morning, is now inedible. = Apel, nyang jatoh deri gua punya kompèk ke debèl marèn pagi, sekarang kaga' kena dimakan.
Some relative clauses are not essential to the meaning of the sentence, but simply add a comment in passing. Such clauses are always set off by commas: = Sebagéan ujar ubungan kaga' pati penting bakal ma'na kalimat, mangka tibang tambahin tenger koma aja di situ. Ujar begitu poko'nya pasti dikasi tenger koma:
  • The dog, which has black markings, bit the policeman. = Anjing, nyang ada tanda itemnya, nyokot pulisi.
  • My father, who is retired, lives in Mexico. = Baba gua, nyang udah pangsiun, tinggal di Mèksiko.
  • This juice, which Anna made, tastes good. = Ni jus, Ana punya bikin, èco rasanyah.
Ci and cual can behave as either the subject or the object of the relative clause. Objects normally follow the verb, but when one of these is the object, it precedes both the subject and the verb: = ''Ci'' ama ''cual'' bisa belakon jadi hal atawa peroléan di ujar ubungan. Peroléan biasanya ngintilin kata kerja, cuman kalo salah atunya peroléan, ni ngeduluin hal ama kata kerjanya.
  • The woman (whom) I love comes from France. = Wadon nyang gua demen asalnya deri Prasman.
  • The robot I built doesn’t work. = Robot nyang gua keja' kaga' jalan.
  • Let’s go to my house, which is nearby. = Nyo' ke rumah gua, nyang deket.
When the relative pronoun is the object of a preposition, the preposition comes first: = Kapan pengganti ubungannya entu benda nyang ada pengawalnya, pengawalnya di depan pengganti ubungan:
  • The woman of whom we speak works at my office. = Wadon nyang pasalnya kita omongin begawé di kantor gua.
  • Your book, in which I wrote her name, is on the table. = Lu punya buku, nyang di dalemnya gua tulis namanya, ada di atas mèja.
When de ci or de cual introduces a possessed noun within the relative clause, that noun is usually introduced by sua for clarity: = Kapan ''de ci'' atawa ''de cual'' ngawalin peada nyang dipunyain dalem ujar ubungan, itu peada biasanya diawalin juga' ama ''sua'' biar danta:
  • This woman, whose husband works at the bank, is an excellent cook. = Ni wadon, nyang lakinya gawé di bang, tukang masak nyang jago.
  • The woman, whose husband you know, works at my office. = Ni wadon, nyang lakinya lu kenal, gawé di kantor gua.
  • The woman, whose husband you gave the letter to, is charming. = Ni wadon, nyang lakinya lu kasi surat, ngebèngbat.
  • My car, whose motor is broken, is now garbage. = Mobil gua, nyang mesinnya rusak, rongsok sekarang.
In some languages, a relative clause can modify the whole of the preceding clause. In Elefen, if that would be ambiguous, an expression such as lo cual, e lo, e esta or e acel can be used instead: = Di berapa basa, ujar ubungan bisa ngedantain ujar sebelonnya. Di basa Elefen, ini hal bisa ngeja nyaru, mangka ungkepan kaya' ''lo cual'', ''e lo'', ''e esta'', atawa ''e acel'' dipaké sebagé gantinya:
  • He can jump a meter high, which surprised me. = Dia bisa mèclèing ampé semèter, nyang ngeja gua kagèt.
  • I chose to learn Elefen, which was a very good decision. = Gua milih mbelajarin basa Elefen, nyang mana atu keputusan nyang baè'.
Another way to start a relative clause is with a relative adverb: = Cara laèn bakal mulain ujar ubungan ya' bisa paké penerangan ubungan:
  • I work in Paris, where I live. = Gua gawé di Parès, di mana gua gawé.
  • He will visit in July, when the weather is good. = Dia bakal nyaba' bulan Juli, kapan cuacanya bagus.
  • That’s the reason why Juan left. = Entu dia alesan ngapa si Ju'èng mèrad.
Such relative clauses are often similar to adverbial clauses: = Ujar ubungan kaé gitu sering mèmper ama ujar penerang:
  • I work where I live. = Gua gawé di mana gua tinggal.
  • He will visit when the weather is good. = Dia bakal nyaba kapan cuacanya bagus.
Bangrapip (talk) 09:23, 15 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
An adverbial clause modifies either the verb of the main clause or the main clause itself. An adverbial clause is introduced by one of the adverb subordinators (como, cuando, cuanto, do) or one of the special subordinators si, car, afin, and ca:
  • I am not afraid of the dog, because it is very small.
  • If they lose weight too quickly, they will regain it.
  • I’m running so that the rhinos don’t catch me.
  • This is more work than I expected.
  • He wrote when his mother asked.
  • He says that he is happy where he lives.
  • I wasn’t allowed to do things as I wanted.
An adverbial clause introduced by an adverb subordinator (como, cuando, cuanto, do) can be thought of as an abbreviated relative clause. For example, the last three examples above can also be expressed as follows:
  • He wrote at the time his mother asked.
  • He says that he is happy at the place where he lives.
  • I wasn’t allowed to do things in the way I wanted.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 17:43, 15 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
An adverbial clause modifies either the verb of the main clause or the main clause itself. An adverbial clause is introduced by one of the adverb subordinators (como, cuando, cuanto, do) or one of the special subordinators si, car, afin, and ca: = Ujar penerang ngedantain kata kerja deri ujar utama atawa itu ujar utama sendiri. Ujar penerang entu diawalin salah atu pembawah penerang (''como'', ''cuando'', ''cuanto'', ''do'') atawa salah atu pembawah husus ''si'', ''car'', ''afin'', èn ''ca'':
  • I am not afraid of the dog, because it is very small. = Gua kaga' takut ama tu anjing, lantaran entu kecit pisan.
  • If they lose weight too quickly, they will regain it. = Kalo dia pada turun berat badannya cepet, dia cepet juga' naèknya.
  • I’m running so that the rhinos don’t catch me. = Gua ngibrit ampé-ampé itu badak pada kaga' bisa nyandak gua.
  • This is more work than I expected. = Ni gawéan lebi deripada nyang gua nyana.
  • He wrote when his mother asked. = Dia nulis pas nya'nya minta.
  • He says that he is happy where he lives. = Dia bilang kalo dia seneng di mana dia tinggal.
  • I wasn’t allowed to do things as I wanted. = Gua kaga' diboléin nglakonin apa-apa gua punya mao.
An adverbial clause introduced by an adverb subordinator (como, cuando, cuanto, do) can be thought of as an abbreviated relative clause. For example, the last three examples above can also be expressed as follows: = Ujar penerang nyang diawalin ama pembawah penerang (''como'', ''cuando'', ''cuanto'', ''do'') bisa dirèken jadi atu ujar ubungan singketan. Misal, tiga tulad belakangan di atas juga' kena dinyatain begini: =
  • He wrote at the time his mother asked. = Dia nulis pas waktunya dia punya enya' minta.
  • He says that he is happy at the place where he lives. = Dia bilang kalo dia seneng di tempat dia tinggal.
  • I wasn’t allowed to do things in the way I wanted. = Gua kaga' diboléin nglakonin apa-apa dalem hal gua punya mau.
Bangrapip (talk) 02:38, 16 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, this is the next one:
A noun clause functions like a noun: it can be the subject or object of a verb or preposition. Noun clauses are introduced by the special subordinators ce or esce, by one of the pronoun subordinators ci and cual, or by one of the adverb subordinators.
To see if a clause is really a noun clause, substitute “he”, “she”, “it”, or “they” for the clause. If that produces a good sentence, the clause is a noun clause. Noun clauses are typically objects of verbs of thinking, sensing, or emotion:
  • I see where you are.
  • When I will depart, I don’t know.
  • I know where you come from.
  • I know who said that.
  • I heard what you said.
  • I can guess which one he’s reading.
Many noun clauses are introduced by the special subordinators ce (“that”) or esce (“whether”):
  • I think that she is beautiful.
  • I think that he can jump a meter high.
  • I think so.
  • I doubt whether/that he can jump a meter high.
Noun clauses often report what someone has said, thought, or asked. In all cases, the tense of the verb in the noun clause remains the same as that in the original speech, thought, or question:
  • I said: “I come from London.” → I said that I came from London.
  • She thinks: “The train was late.” → She thinks the train was late.
  • He asked: “When are we going to leave?” → He asked when we would leave.
  • I’ll want to know: “Where’s the party?” → I’ll want to know where the party is.
Relative and adverbial clauses can sometimes be confused with noun clauses. To clarify that a relative or adverbial clause is meant, add a noun or pronoun before cual or ci:
  • I don’t understand the action you intend.
  • I heard what you said.
  • I don’t know the person who you pointed to.
  • I see the place where you are.
  • I don’t know the hour when I will leave.
An infinitive verb can also be thought of as introducing a type of noun clause. Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:08, 16 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
A noun clause functions like a noun: it can be the subject or object of a verb or preposition. Noun clauses are introduced by the special subordinators ce or esce, by one of the pronoun subordinators ci and cual, or by one of the adverb subordinators. = Ujar peada punya guna sama kaya' peada: bisa jadi hal, peroléan, atawa abisnya kata pengawal. Ujar peada diawalin ama pembawah husus ''ce'' atawa ''esce'', atawa salah atu deri pembawah pengganti ''ci'' èn ''cual'', atawa salah atu pembawah penerang.
To see if a clause is really a noun clause, substitute “he”, “she”, “it”, or “they” for the clause. If that produces a good sentence, the clause is a noun clause. Noun clauses are typically objects of verbs of thinking, sensing, or emotion: = Buat ngiat kalo itu ujar beneran ujar perada, tuker “dia” atawa “dia pada” ama itu ujar. Kalo pas, bearti èmang bener. Ujar peada biasanya peroléan deri kata kerja mikir, ngindera, atawa ngrasa.
  • I see where you are. = Gua liat lu di mana.
  • When I will depart, I don’t know. = Kapan gua bakal berangkat, gua kaga' tau.
  • I know where you come from. = Gua tau deri mana lu.
  • I know who said that. = Gua tau sapa nyang bilang entu.
  • I heard what you said. = Gua denger nyang lu bilang.
  • I can guess which one he’s reading. = Gua bisa badé nyang mana dia punya baca.
Many noun clauses are introduced by the special subordinators ce (“that”) or esce (“whether”): = Banyak ujar peada nyang diawalin ama pembawah husus ''ce'' (“kalo”) atawa ''esce'' (“apa”):
  • I think that she is beautiful. = Gua pikir kalo dia boto.
  • I think that he can jump a meter high. = Gua pikir kalu dia bisa mèclèing ampé semèter.
  • I think so. = Gua pikir sekèan.
  • I doubt whether/that he can jump a meter high. = Gua cemplèngan dah apa dia bisa mèclèing semèter, apa kaga'.
Noun clauses often report what someone has said, thought, or asked. In all cases, the tense of the verb in the noun clause remains the same as that in the original speech, thought, or question: = Ujar peada sering ngriwayatin nyang orang laèn bilang, pikir, atawa tanya. Dalem saben hal, tèmpo nyang dipaké di kata kerja di ujar peada tetep sama kaya' di omongan, pikiran, atawa pertanyaan aslinya:
  • I said: “I come from London.” → I said that I came from London. = Gua (dulu) bilang: “Gua deri Londen.” → Gua (dulu) bilang kalu gua (dulu) deri Londen.
  • She thinks: “The train was late.” → She thinks the train was late. = Dia pikir: “Kerètanya (tadi) telat.” → Dia pikir kalu kerètanya (tadi) telat.
  • He asked: “When are we going to leave?” → He asked when we would leave. = Dia (tadi) nanya: “Kapan kita bakalan pegih?” → Dia (tadi) nanya kapan kita bakalan pegih.
  • I’ll want to know: “Where’s the party?” → I’ll want to know where the party is. = Gua bakal pèngèn tau: “Kendurènnya di mana?” → Gua bakal pèngèn tau di mana kendurènnya.
Relative and adverbial clauses can sometimes be confused with noun clauses. To clarify that a relative or adverbial clause is meant, add a noun or pronoun before cual or ci: = Ujar ubungan ama penerang kadang bisa ketuker ama ujar peada. Bakal ngedantain kalo ujar ubungan atawa penerang nyang dimaksud, tambahin peada atawa pengganti sebelonnya ''cual'' atawa ''ci'':
  • I don’t understand the action you intend. = Gua kaga' ngarti piil lu punya maksud.
  • I heard what you said. = Gua denger apa lu kata.
  • I don’t know the person who you pointed to. = Gua kaga' kenal orang lu punya unjuk.
  • I see the place where you are. = Gua liat tempat di mana lu ada.
  • I don’t know the hour when I will leave. = Gua kaga' tau jem kapan kita bakal berangkat.
An infinitive verb can also be thought of as introducing a type of noun clause. = Kata kerja dasar bisa' dirèken sebagé pemulain atu macem deri ujar peada.
Bangrapip (talk) 11:44, 16 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. This is the next one:
Two main clauses can be linked together into a single sentence by means of coordinating conjunctions. A comma is often included before the conjunction:
  • I wanted the car, but I didn’t have the money.
  • I want a good career and I also want to find a beautiful wife.
Such clauses can stand as independent sentences, with or without conjunctions:
  • He wanted to sing and he wanted to dance, but he was afraid.
  • He want to sing. And he wanted to dance. But he was afraid.
  • He wanted to sing. He wanted to dance. He was afraid.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 05:33, 17 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Here you are:
Two main clauses can be linked together into a single sentence by means of coordinating conjunctions. A comma is often included before the conjunction: = Dua ujar utama kena dibungsel barengan jadi atu kalimat paké wasilah pengubung sekupu:
  • I wanted the car, but I didn’t have the money. = Gua pèngèn tu mubil, cuman ora gableg duit gua.
  • I want a good career and I also want to find a beautiful wife. = Gua pèn karir bagus èn juga' pèngèn nyari bini boto.
Such clauses can stand as independent sentences, with or without conjunctions: = Ujar begitu bisa' ngejegreg jadi kalimat mandiri, paké atawa sonder pengubung:
  • He wanted to sing and he wanted to dance, but he was afraid. = Dia pèn nyanyi èn dia pèn nandak, cuman takut dia.
  • He want to sing. And he wanted to dance. But he was afraid. = Dia pèn nyanyi. Èn dia pèn nandak. Cuman takut dia.
  • He wanted to sing. He wanted to dance. He was afraid. = Dia pèn nyanyi. Dia pèn nandak. Takut dia.
Bangrapip (talk) 13:25, 17 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
thanks. This is another part.
In Elefen, adverbs and adjectives have the same form. The difference is made clear by positioning: adjectives follow nouns; adverbs follow verbs and precede other words:
  • The man studied the text carefully. (modifying a verb)
  • I came here on a ridiculously slow train. (modifying an adjective)
  • The train moved absurdly slowly. (modifying another adverb)
  • I can’t hear you very well. (“multe” modifying “bon”, and “multe bon” modifying “oia”)
  • Almost a hundred people were waiting on the platform. (modifying a quantifier)
  • They’ve dug a hole right in front of my door. (modifying a preposition)
  • Only the handle is broken. (modifying a noun phrase)
  • Strangely, he was carrying a bucket of fish. (modifying a sentence)
An adverb (or adverbial phrase) that modifies a verb (or the whole sentence) can also be placed at the beginning of the sentence. And if it doesn’t cause confusion, an adverb can also be placed after the object of the verb, or at the end of the sentence:
  • He dances well.
  • Soon he will fall.
  • Surprisingly, he is a very good boy.
  • I cannot hear you very well.
  • I read the book happily.
In some cases, an adverb preceding an adjective can be joined to it with a hyphen to clarify the meaning:
  • the newly created words
Another way to make an adverbial meaning clear is to say en modo or a grado:
  • The tune is surprisingly good.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:37, 17 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
In Elefen, adverbs and adjectives have the same form. The difference is made clear by positioning: adjectives follow nouns; adverbs follow verbs and precede other words: = Dalem basa Elefen, penerang ama penyipat bentuknya medu. Bèdanya cuman narohnya doang: penyipat abisnya peada; penerang abisnya kerja atawa sebelonnya laèn kata:
  • The man studied the text carefully. (modifying a verb) = Itu lanang belajar tèksnya telatèn.
  • I came here on a ridiculously slow train. (modifying an adjective) = Gua dateng di mari naèk kerèta nyang bukan maèn langsamnya.
  • The train moved absurdly slowly. (modifying another adverb) = Itu kerèta geraknya ora danta langsamnya.
  • I can’t hear you very well. (“multe” modifying “bon”, and “multe bon” modifying “oia”) = Gua ora gableg denger lu danta. (''multe'' ngedantain ''bon'', èn ''multe bon'' ngedantain ''oia'')
  • Almost a hundred people were waiting on the platform. (modifying a quantifier) = Cepé' orang ampir dah pada nunggu di pèron. (ngedantain pembilang)
  • They’ve dug a hole right in front of my door. (modifying a preposition) = Dia udah pada ngeduk lobang percis di depannya gua punya pintu. (ngedantain pengawal)
  • Only the handle is broken. (modifying a noun phrase) = Cuman gagangnya doang nyang bejad. (ngedantain gabungan peada)
  • Strangely, he was carrying a bucket of fish. (modifying a sentence) = Anèhnya, dia ngebawa' ikan seèmbèr.
An adverb (or adverbial phrase) that modifies a verb (or the whole sentence) can also be placed at the beginning of the sentence. And if it doesn’t cause confusion, an adverb can also be placed after the object of the verb, or at the end of the sentence: = Peada (atawa gabungan penerang) nyang ngedantain kata kerja (atawa kabèhan kalimat) kena juga ditaroh di awalnya kalimat. Kalo kaga' ngeja kèder, penerang kena ditaroh abisnya kata kerja punya peroléan, atawa di akirnya kalimat:
  • He dances well. = Dia ngibingnya bagus.
  • Soon he will fall. = Dia bakal sigra jato.
  • Surprisingly, he is a very good boy. = Kaga' taunya, tu orang – bocah pinter pisan.
  • I cannot hear you very well. = Gua kaga' bisa ndenger lu danta.
  • I read the book happily. = Gua seneng ngebaca bukunya.
In some cases, an adverb preceding an adjective can be joined to it with a hyphen to clarify the meaning: = Dalem berapa hal, penerang nyang sebelonnya penyipat kena dicangkol paké tenger setrip bakal ngedantain ma'nanya:
  • the newly created words = kata nyang baru dikeja
Another way to make an adverbial meaning clear is to say en modo or a grado: = Cara laènnya bakal ngeja ma'na penerang danta paké ''en modo'' atawa ''a grado'':
  • The tune is surprisingly good. = Ni cèngkok kaga' taunya ènak.
Bangrapip (talk) 16:08, 17 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
  • Comparison of adverbs is exactly like comparison of adjectives.
In addition to the huge number of adverbs derived from adjectives, Elefen has a few words that are only adverbs:
apena – hardly, barely
cisa – perhaps
cuasi – almost
tan – so (to such an extent)
tro – too (excessively)
asi – here
ala – there
an – even (contrary to expectation)
ance – also
ancora – still
aora – now
alora – then (at that time)
denova – again
ja – already
nunca – never
sempre – always
ier – yesterday
oji – today
doman – tomorrow
Tan is used in exclamations:
Un vista tan bela! – What a lovely view!
Tan stonante! – How amazing!
Certain quantifiers can be converted to adverbs, indicating the extent or degree to which something is the case.
no – not
alga – some
multe – much
poca – little
plu – more
min – less
la plu – most
la min – least
No as an adverb means “not”, “to no extent”. It negates what it modifies. As a special case, when it modifies a verb, it precedes the verb:
Los no va comprende. – They won’t understand.
Nos ave no sola un orania, ma ance du bananas. – We’ve got not only an orange, but two bananas as well.
O, no esta problem denova! – Oh, not this problem again!
Alga as an adverb means “some”, “somewhat”, “fairly”, “to some extent”:
Acel es un caso alga spesial. – That’s a rather special case.
Alga confusada, el ia cade en la lago. – Somewhat confused, he fell into the lake.
Multe as an adverb means “much”, “very”, “to a large extent”:
Me es multe coler. – I am very angry.
El ama multe la femes. – He loves women a lot.
Poca as an adverb means “little”, “not much”, “to only a small extent”:
Me es poca interesada. – I’m not very interested.
El core poca. – He runs only a little.
Plu and min as adverbs mean “more” and “less”, “to a greater extent” and “to a lesser extent”:
Tu aspeta plu joven ca me. – You look younger than me.
No parla plu. – Don’t talk any more.
Me es min contente con la resulta ca me ta prefere. – I’m less pleased with the result than I would like.
La plu and la min as adverbs mean “most” and “least”, “to the maximum extent” and “to the minimum extent”:
“Pardona” es la parola la plu difisil. – “Sorry” is the hardest word.
El es la om la min interesante en la mundo. – He is the least interesting man in the world.
A la min, nos ave ancora la un la otra. – At least we still have each other. Caro de Segeda (talk) 17:44, 17 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • Comparison of adverbs is exactly like comparison of adjectives. = Perbandingan penerang percis kaé perbandingan penyipat.
In addition to the huge number of adverbs derived from adjectives, Elefen has a few words that are only adverbs: = Selaèn ngebadegnya penerang nyang deri penyipat, basa Elefen ada punya kata nyang èmang dia cuman penerang doang:
apena – ampir kaga'
cisa – mentak, engkalé
cuasi – ampir
tan – pati, sekèan
tro – keliwat
asi – di mari
ala – di sono
an – malahan
ance – juga'
ancora – masing, misi
aora – sekarang
alora – lagi to, itu waktu, tèmpo ari denova – lagi (misal: sekali lagi)
ja – udah
nunca – kaga' pernah
sempre – melulu, selalu
ier – marèn
oji – ni ari
doman – bèsok
''Tan'' dipaké di pengalohan:
Un vista tan bela! – = Cakep amat tu pemandangan! Tan stonante! – Ajib amat!
Certain quantifiers can be converted to adverbs, indicating the extent or degree to which something is the case. = Berapa pembilang bisa' dituker jadi penerang, nyang ngasi unjuk jaunya atawa derajatnya.
no – kaga'
alga – bebrapa, berapa
multe – banyak
poca – dikit, seemprit
plu – lebi, lebi banyak
min – kurang, lebi dikit
la plu – paling banyak
la min – paling dikit
No as an adverb means “not”, “to no extent”. It negates what it modifies. As a special case, when it modifies a verb, it precedes the verb: = ''No'' sebagé penerang artinya “kaga'”, “kaga' acan”. Ni ngurungin nyang didantainnya. Dalem hal husus, kapan ngedantain kerja, ''no'' di depannya kata kerja:
Los no va comprende. – Dia pada kaga' bakal paham.
Nos ave no sola un orania, ma ance du bananas. – Kita dapet kaga' cuman jeruk sebiji, mar juga' pisang dua biji juga'.
O, no esta problem denova! – Busèt dah, amit-amit ama ni mas'alah lagi!/Busèt dah, jangan ampé ni mas'alah lagi!
Alga as an adverb means “some”, “somewhat”, “fairly”, “to some extent”: = ''Alga'' sebagé penerang artinya “rada”:
Acel es un caso alga spesial. – Entu si hal nyang rada husus.
Alga confusada, el ia cade en la lago. –Rada kèder, dia nibla' ke sètu.
Multe as an adverb means “much”, “very”, “to a large extent”: = ''Multe'' sebagé penerang artinya “banyak”, “banget”:
Me es multe coler. – Gua marah banget.
El ama multe la femes. – Dia demen pisan ama wadon.
Poca as an adverb means “little”, “not much”, “to only a small extent”: = ''Poca'' sebagé penerang artinya “dikit”, “kurang”, “kaga pati/kaga gitu”:
Me es poca interesada. – Gua kurang kebèngbat/kaga' pati kebèngbat/kaga' gitu kebèngbat.
El core poca. – Dia rari cuman seemprit.
Plu and min as adverbs mean “more” and “less”, “to a greater extent” and “to a lesser extent”: = ''Plu'' èn ''min'' sebagé penerang artinya “lebi” èn “kurang”, “bener-bener” èn “acan”:
Tu aspeta plu joven ca me. – Lu kiatan lebi muda (mudaan) deri gua.
No parla plu. – Ontong ngomong lagi dah.
Me es min contente con la resulta ca me ta prefere. – Gua kurang puas ama hasilnya deri gua punya pèngèn.
La plu and la min as adverbs mean “most” and “least”, “to the maximum extent” and “to the minimum extent”: = ''La plu'' èn ''la min'' sebagé penerang artinya “paling banyak” èn “paling dikit”, “paling banter” èn“paling kaga'”:
“Pardona” es la parola la plu difisil. – “Maap” entu kata nyang paling angèl.
El es la om la min interesante en la mundo. – Dia – orang nyang paling kurang ngebèngbat di dunia.
A la min, nos ave ancora la un la otra. – Paling kaga', kita masing sili gableg atu ama laèn.
Bangrapip (talk) 11:49, 18 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. This is the next part:
Primary adverbs
Quantifier adverbs
Interrogative and relative adverbs
The following adverbs can be used in several ways:
cuando – when
do – where
como – how
cuanto – how many, how much
perce – why
They create direct and indirect questions, and they introduce relative clauses. As an extension of their relative use, they also behave like conjunctions introducing adverbial clauses – cuando, for example, is then short for a la tempo cuando. They can also be introduced by prepositions.
Cuando means “when” (a cual tempo, en cual tempo):
Cuando nos va come? – When are we going to eat?
La enfante demanda cuando nos va come. – The child is asking when we are going to eat.
En la anio cuando me ia nase, la clima ia es multe calda. – In the year when I was born, the weather was very hot.
Cuando nos ariva, me va dormi. – (At the time) when we arrive, I will sleep.
Nos va canta ante cuando nos dansa. – We will sing before we dance.
Nos va dansa pos cuando nos canta. – We will dance after we sing.
Nos va dansa asta cuando nos adormi. – We will dance until we fall asleep.
Do means “where” (a cual loca, en cual loca). When used with a verb of movement, do often means “to where”:
Do es la can? – Where’s the dog?
Me no sabe do nos vade. – I don’t know where we’re going.
En la pais do me ia nase, la clima es multe calda. – In the country where I was born, the weather is very hot.
El ia dormi do el sta. – He slept where he stood.
Me veni de do tu ia visita me. – I’m coming from where you visited me.
La polisior ia desinia un sirculo sirca do el ia trova la clave. – The policewoman drew a circle around where she found the key.
Como means “how” (en cual modo). It also serves as a preposition meaning “like”, “as”:
Como tu conose mea nom? – How do you know my name?
Me no comprende como tu conose mea nom. – I don’t understand how you know my name.
La manera como tu pasea es riable. – The manner in which you walk is ridiculous.
Me parla como me pensa. – I speak as/how I think.
La descrive ia difere multe de como la loca aspeta vera. – The description differed greatly from how the place really looks.
Tua oios es como los de un falcon. – Your eyes are like those of a hawk.
Cuanto means “how much” or “how many” (en cual cuantia). It also serves as a quantifier with the same meaning:
Cuanto la orolojo custa? – How much does the watch cost?
Cuanto tu ia compra? – How many/much did you buy?
Cuanto tu desira esta torta? – How much do you want this cake?
Me va demanda cuanto ia ariva. – I will ask how many have arrived.
Nos va aida cuanto nos pote. – We will help as much as we can.
Tu sabe cuanto me ama tu? – Do you know how much I love you?
Perce means “why” (in various senses: par cual causa, per cual razona, con cual intende). The corresponding conjunctions are car (“because”, “for the reason that”) and afin (“so that”, “with the intention that”). The special word perce is always used, not per cual:
Perce tu core? – Why are you running?
La fem ia demanda perce la fenetra es rompeda. – The woman asked why the window was broken. Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:32, 20 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Primary adverbs = Penerang utama
Quantifier adverbs = Penerang pembilang
Interrogative and relative adverbs = Penerang penanya èn ubungan
The following adverbs can be used in several ways: = Ni penerang bisa' dipaké macem-macem caranya:
cuando – kapan
do – di mana
como – pegimana
cuanto – berapa
perce – ngapa
They create direct and indirect questions, and they introduce relative clauses. As an extension of their relative use, they also behave like conjunctions introducing adverbial clauses – cuando, for example, is then short for a la tempo cuando. They can also be introduced by prepositions. = Tu pada bisa dipaké kanggo pertanyaan langsung ama kaga'-langsung, èn ngawalin ujar ubungan. Sebagé perlèngan deri dia punya pemakéan ubungan, dia juga betingka jadi pengubung ngawalin ujar penerangan – ''cuando'', tulad, entu pèndèkan deri ''a la tempo cuando''. Dia juga' bisa diawalin ama pengawal. =
Cuando means “when” (a cual tempo, en cual tempo): = ''Cuando'' artinya “kapan” (''a cual tempo, en cual tempo''):
Cuando nos va come? –Kapan kita bakalan madang?
La enfante demanda cuando nos va come. – Ni bocah nanyain kapan kita bakalan madang.
En la anio cuando me ia nase, la clima ia es multe calda. – Di tahon pas gua lahir, cuacanya parak pisan.
Cuando nos ariva, me va dormi. – Pas kita nyampé, gua bakal bobo.
Nos va canta ante cuando nos dansa. – Kita bakal nyanyi sebelon kita ngibing.
Nos va dansa pos cuando nos canta. – Kita bakal ngibing abis kita nyanyi.
Nos va dansa asta cuando nos adormi. – Kita bakal ngibing ampé kita ketiduran.
Do means “where” (a cual loca, en cual loca). When used with a verb of movement, do often means “to where”: = ''Do'' artinya “di mana” (''a cual loca, en cual loca''). Kapan dipaké ama kata kerja gerak, artinya sering “ke mana”:
Do es la can? – Di mana tu anjing?
Me no sabe do nos vade. – Gua kaga' tau ke mana kita pegih.
En la pais do me ia nase, la clima es multe calda. – Di negara tempat gua lahir, cuacanya parak pisan.
El ia dormi do el sta. – Dia tidur di tempat dia sebelonnya nangtung.
Me veni de do tu ia visita me. – Gua dateng deri tempat nyang lu sabain gua.
La polisior ia desinia un sirculo sirca do el ia trova la clave. – Pulisi (wadon) ngegambar kalangan di sekitaran tempat dia nemuin tu konci.
Como means “how” (en cual modo). It also serves as a preposition meaning “like”, “as”: = ''Como'' artinya “pegimana” (''en cual modo''). Ni juga' bisa jadi ma'na pengawal nyang artinya “kaya'”, “macem”:
Como tu conose mea nom? – Pegimana lu tau gua punya nama?
Me no comprende como tu conose mea nom. – Gua kaga' ngarti pegimana lu tau gua punya nama.
La manera como tu pasea es riable. – Cara pegimana lu jalan anéh.
Me parla como me pensa. – Gua bilang sepagimana nyang gua pikir.
La descrive ia difere multe de como la loca aspeta vera. – Jabarannya bèda banget deri pegimana tu tempat kiatan benerannya.
Tua oios es como los de un falcon. – Lu punya mata kaya' alap-alap punya mata.
Cuanto means “how much” or “how many” (en cual cuantia). It also serves as a quantifier with the same meaning: = ''Cuanto'' artinya “berapa” (''en cual cuantia''). Bisa juga' jadi pembilang dengen arti nyang sama.
Cuanto la orolojo custa? – Berapa duit ni èrluji?
Cuanto tu ia compra? – Berapa lu beli?
Cuanto tu desira esta torta? – Berapa lu pèngèn ni tarcis?
Me va demanda cuanto ia ariva. – Gua bakalan nanya lu berapa nyang udah dateng.
Nos va aida cuanto nos pote. – Kita bakal bantu sebisa (seberapa bisanya) kita.
Tu sabe cuanto me ama tu? – Lu tau, kaga', seberapa demennya gua ama lu?
Perce means “why” (in various senses: par cual causa, per cual razona, con cual intende). The corresponding conjunctions are car (“because”, “for the reason that”) and afin (“so that”, “with the intention that”). The special word perce is always used, not per cual: = ''Perce'' artinya “ngapa” (dalem ma'na roncèt: ''par cual causa, per cual razona, con cual intende''). Pengubung kupu'annya entu ''car'' (“sebab”, “lantaran”, “bahna”_èn ''afin'' (“biar”, “supaya”). Kata husus ''perce'' pasti dipaké, tapi ''per cual'' kaga'.
Perce tu core? – Ngapa lu ngincring?
La fem ia demanda perce la fenetra es rompeda. – Tu wadon nanyain ngapa tu jendèla bejad.
Bangrapip (talk) 05:56, 21 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
The future tense is marked with va (a word of French origin). Past tenses, including perfect and pluperfect, are marked with ia (of Chavacano origin). These are special adverbs that precede the verb. The present tense is unmarked:
Me canta. – I sing / I am singing.
Me va canta. – I will sing / I am about to sing.
Me ia canta. – I sang / I was singing / I have sung / I had sung.
Stories often describe events that take place in the past (or an imagined past), or whose location in time is of no concern to the reader. In such cases, the ia may be omitted.
Elefen does not distinguish perfect and imperfect aspects of the verb (e.g. “I ate”, “I used to eat”, “I have eaten”, “I had eaten”). However, one can easily clarify the temporal sequence of two actions by marking the earlier one with ja (“already”):
Cuando tu ia encontra nos, nos ia come ja. – When you met us, we had (already) eaten.
Si tu reveni doman, me va fini ja la labora. – If you come back tomorrow, I will have (already) finished the work.
Sempre cuando me ateni la fini de un capitol, me oblida ja la titulo. – Whenever I reach the end of a chapter, I’ve (already) forgotten the title.
There are other ways to clarify the temporal sequence:
Me ia come ante aora. – I ate before now.
Me ia come plu temprana. – I ate earlier.
Me ia fini come. – I finished eating.
Me va come pronto. – I will eat soon.
Me comensa come. – I start to eat.
Me va come pos acel. – I will eat after that.
Me va come plu tarda. – I will eat later.
Me ia abitua come en la note. – I used to eat during the night.
Me ia come abitual en la note. – I used to eat during the night.
Elefen has an optional “irrealis” particle ta (of Haitian origin) that can be used to indicate that something is unreal, or in doubt, or merely possible or desired. A sentence with ta addresses an alternative reality. In sentences using si (“if”), ta is added in the main clause, but it is usually omitted in the “if” clause – although including it there is not prohibited. It can suggest a future that is less probable than one using va. Ta can also convey a polite request. It can be used in various situations where many languages would use subjunctive or conditional moods, and it often corresponds to the English word “would”:
Si me ta rena la mundo, cada dia ta es la dia prima de primavera. – If I ruled the world, every day would be the first day of spring.
Si lo no esiste, on ta debe inventa lo. – If it didn’t exist, you’d have to invent it.
Si tu canta, me va escuta. – If you sing, I will listen.
Si tu va canta, me va escuta. – If you will sing, I will listen.
Si tu canta, me ta escuta. – If you sing, I would listen.
Si tu ta canta, me ta escuta. – If you were to sing, I would listen.
Me duta ce tu ta dise acel. – I doubt you would say that.
Tu ta dona la sal, per favore? – Would you pass the salt, please?
Normally, only one of va, ia, and ta can be used with each verb. An exception is ia ta, which has the same meaning as the past conditional in the Romance languages and “would have” in English. An example is an amusing comment by Richard Nixon:
Me ia ta es un bon pape. – I would have made a good pope.
Unlike in English, reported speech in Elefen retains the tense of the original utterance:
El ia dise ce la sala es fria. = El ia dise: “Oji, la sala es fria.” – He said the room was cold. = He said: “The room is cold today.”
El ia demanda esce la sala es fria. = El ia demanda: “Esce la sala es fria?” – He asked if the room was cold. = He asked: “Is the room cold?”
El ia pensa ce la sala ia es fria. = El ia pensa: “Ier, la sala ia es fria.” – He thought the room had been cold. = He thought: “The room was cold yesterday.” Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:52, 21 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
The future tense is marked with va (a word of French origin). Past tenses, including perfect and pluperfect, are marked with ia (of Chavacano origin). These are special adverbs that precede the verb. The present tense is unmarked: = Tèmpo bakal ditengerin ama ''va'' (kata asal basa Prasman). Tèmpo-tèmpo dulu, masup di dalemnya tèmpo rampung ama rampunganan, ditengerin ama ''ia'' (asal basa Cabakano). Ni – penerang husus nyang ngeduluin kata kerja. Adapun tèmpo sekarang kaga' ditengerin:
Me canta. – Gua nyanyi. / Gua lagi nyanyi.
Me va canta. – Gua bakal nyanyi. / Gua mao nyanyi.
Me ia canta. – Gua (dulu/udah) nyanyi.
Stories often describe events that take place in the past (or an imagined past), or whose location in time is of no concern to the reader. In such cases, the ia may be omitted. = Hikayat sering ngejabarin kejadian nyang kejadian di tèmpo dulu (atawa tèmpo dulu bayangan), atawa nyang kejadiannya waktunya kaga' penting bakal pembaca. Dalem ni hal, ''ia'' bisa diilangin.
Elefen does not distinguish perfect and imperfect aspects of the verb (e.g. “I ate”, “I used to eat”, “I have eaten”, “I had eaten”). However, one can easily clarify the temporal sequence of two actions by marking the earlier one with ja (“already”): = Basa Elefen kaga' ngebèdain pendelengan kata kerja rampungan ama kaga'-rampungan (tulad: “Gua (dulu) madang”, “Gua perna madang”, “Gua uda mangan”, “Gua dulu uda mangan”). Cuman, ni bisa didantain paké rèndèngan tèmpo deri dua piil dengen nengerin nyang kejadian lebi duluan paké ''ja'' (“uda”):
Cuando tu ia encontra nos, nos ia come ja. – Kapan lu ketemu kita, kita uda mangan.
Si tu reveni doman, me va fini ja la labora. – Kalo lu balik bèsok, gua bakal (udah) ngelarin gawéannya.
Sempre cuando me ateni la fini de un capitol, me oblida ja la titulo. – Kapan aja gua ngranggeh ujung bab, gua (uda) lupa dah ama judulnya.
There are other ways to clarify the temporal sequence: = Ada laèn-laèn cara bakal ngedantain rèntètan tèmpo.
Me ia come ante aora. – Gua uda madang tadi sebelon sekarang.
Me ia come plu temprana. – Gua uda madang tadi.
Me ia fini come. – Gua udah sudah madang.
Me va come pronto. – Gua sigra lekas madang.
Me comensa come. – Gua mulain madang.
Me va come pos acel. – Gua bakal madang abis entu.
Me va come plu tarda. – Gua bakal madang entaran.
Me ia abitua come en la note. – Gua perna madang malem-malem.
Me ia come abitual en la note. – Gua dulu biasa madang malem-malem.
Elefen has an optional “irrealis” particle ta (of Haitian origin) that can be used to indicate that something is unreal, or in doubt, or merely possible or desired. A sentence with ta addresses an alternative reality. In sentences using si (“if”), ta is added in the main clause, but it is usually omitted in the “if” clause – although including it there is not prohibited. It can suggest a future that is less probable than one using va. Ta can also convey a polite request. It can be used in various situations where many languages would use subjunctive or conditional moods, and it often corresponds to the English word “would”: = Basa Elefen gableg petilan “kaga' nyata” ''ta'' (deri basa Haiti) nyang bisa ngasi unjuk kalo atu hal entu kaga' nyata, atawa masi ragu-ragu, atawa cuman angen-angen doang. Atu kalimat paké ''ta'' nyatain juga' kenyataan alternatip. Kalo kalimat nyang maké ''si'' (“kalo”), ''ta'' ditambahin ke ujar utama, cuman biasanya dibuang di ujar “kalo” – bagèn kata nyerèntain juga' bolé aja. Ni juga' bisa nyatain tèmpo dateng nyang rasa-rasanya kurang mungkinin deripada kalo maké ''va''. ''Ta'' juga' bisa nyatain permèntaan sopan. Bisa juga' dipaké dalem macem-macem kewontenan nyang basa laèn biasany pada maké keanak-kalimatan atawa pengandéan, èn sering surup ama basa Inggris “''would''”:
Si me ta rena la mundo, cada dia ta es la dia prima de primavera. – Kalo gua merènta dunia, saban ari gua bikin ari pertama musim kembang.
Si lo no esiste, on ta debe inventa lo. – Kalo kaga' ada, lu kudu bikin bid'ah.
Si tu canta, me va escuta. – Kalo lu nyanyi, gua bakal dengerin.
Si tu va canta, me va escuta. – Kalo lu bakal nyanyi, gua bakal dengerin.
Si tu canta, me ta escuta. – Kalo lu nyanyi, gua bisa aja dengerin.
Si tu ta canta, me ta escuta. – Andé lu mau nyanyi, gua bisa aja dengerin.
Me duta ce tu ta dise acel. – Gua ragu lu bakal ngomong entu.
Tu ta dona la sal, per favore? – Apa bisa lu oper garemnya?
Normally, only one of va, ia, and ta can be used with each verb. An exception is ia ta, which has the same meaning as the past conditional in the Romance languages and “would have” in English. An example is an amusing comment by Richard Nixon: = Biasanya, cuman atu deri ''va'', ''ia'', èn ''ta'' nyang bisa dipaké ama masing-masing kata kerja. Pengecualian ''ia ta'', nyang ma'nanya medu ama pengandéan dulu di basa-basa Roman èn “''would have''” di basa Inggris. Tuladnya entu atu tanggepan narik Richard Nixon punya kata:
Me ia ta es un bon pape. – Gua bisa aja ngeja paus nyang baè'.
Unlike in English, reported speech in Elefen retains the tense of the original utterance: = Laèn ama basa Inggris, ujar riwayatan dalem basa Elefen bentuk tèmponya sama kaya' tèmpo ujar aslinya.
El ia dise ce la sala es fria. = El ia dise: “Oji, la sala es fria.” – Dia (dulu) bilang pangkèngnya dingin. = Dia (dulu) bilang: “Ni pangkèng ni ari dingin.”
El ia demanda esce la sala es fria. = El ia demanda: “Esce la sala es fria?” – Dia (dulu) nanya apa tu pangkèng dingin. = Dia (dulu) nanya: “Pangkèngnya dingin, kaga'?”
El ia pensa ce la sala ia es fria. = El ia pensa: “Ier, la sala ia es fria.” – Dia (dulu) mikir kalo itu pangkèng tadinya udah dingin. = Dia (dulu) mikir: “Pangkèngnya dingin marèn.”
Bangrapip (talk) 15:07, 22 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
The imperative, or command form of the verb, is unmarked. It differs from the present tense in that the subject is omitted. The subject would normally be tu or vos, i.e. the person addressed. Ta or ta ce can be used if a subject has to be included:
Para! – Stop!
Pardona me. – Excuse me / Sorry.
Toca la tecla de spasio per continua. – Press the spacebar to continue.
Vade a via, per favore! – Please go away!
Ta ce tua rena veni! – May thy kingdom come!, would that thy kingdom come!
Ta ce nos dansa! – Let’s dance!
Verbs are negated with the adverb no, which precedes both the verb and va, ia, or ta:
Me no labora oji, e me no va labora doman. – I’m not working today, and I won’t be working tomorrow.
El no ia pensa ce algun es asi. – He didn’t think anyone was here.
No traversa la strada sin regarda. – Don’t cross the street without looking. Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:07, 24 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
The imperative, or command form of the verb, is unmarked. It differs from the present tense in that the subject is omitted. The subject would normally be tu or vos, i.e. the person addressed. Ta or ta ce can be used if a subject has to be included: = Bentuk perènta kata kerja kaga' ditengerin. Laèn ama tèmpo sekarang nyang dalem ni hal halnya diilangin. Halnya galibnya ''tu'' atawa ''vos'', tulad, orang alokan. ''Ta'' atawa ''ta ce'' kena dipaké kalu halnya kudu diserèntain:
Para! – Op!
Pardona me. – Misi / maap.
Toca la tecla de spasio per continua. – Pijet tombol apstan buat terus.
Vade a via, per favore! – Tulung dong, mè'rat!
Ta ce tua rena veni! – Dateng kè' lu punya kerajaan!, andé kata lu punya kerajaan dateng!
Ta ce nos dansa! – Ngibing, nyo'!
Verbs are negated with the adverb no, which precedes both the verb and va, ia, or ta: = Kata kerja diurungin ama penerang ''no'', nyang ngeduluin kata kerja ama ''va'', ''ia'', atawa ''ta''-nya:
Me no labora oji, e me no va labora doman. – Gua kaga' lagi gawé ni ari, èn gua kaga' bakal lagi gawé bèsok.
El no ia pensa ce algun es asi. – Dia kaga'mikir kalu ada orang nyang perna di mari.
No traversa la strada sin regarda. – Ontong nyebrangin setrat kaga' liat-liat.
Bangrapip (talk) 09:35, 24 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this?

  • Hans Christian Andersen (2 April 1805 – 4 August 1875) was a Danish author. Although a prolific writer of plays, travelogues, novels, and poems, he is best remembered for his literary fairy tales.
  • Matsuo Bashō (松尾 芭蕉, 1644 – November 28, 1694; born Matsuo Kinsaku [松尾 金作], then Matsuo Chūemon Munefusa [松尾 忠右衛門 宗房]) was the most famous poet of the Edo period in Japan. During his lifetime, Bashō was recognized for his works in the collaborative haikai no renga form; today, after centuries of commentary, he is recognized as the greatest master of haiku (then called hokku). He is also well known for his travel essays beginning with Records of a Weather-Exposed Skeleton (1684), written after his journey west to Kyoto and Nara.
  • Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (16 July 1872 – c. 18 June 1928) was a Norwegian explorer of polar regions. He was a key figure of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.

Thanks --Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:41, 30 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi. Yes, here you are:
  • Hans Christian Andersen (2 April 1805 – 4 Agustus 1875) entu atu mualip Dèn. Bagèn dia atu ngeja lakon, catetan sapar, roman, èn sair nyang setumbra-tumbra, dia bekènnya lantaran dia punya gawéan bulèngnya.
  • Matsuo Bashō (松尾 芭蕉, 1644 – 28 Nopèmber 1694; lairnya: Matsuo Kinsaku [松尾 金作], terus jadi: Matsuo Chūemon Munefusa [松尾 忠右衛門 宗房]) entu atu penyair bekèn pas jaman Èdo di Jepang. Selamanya dia punya idup, Bashō diakuin lantaran dia punya gawéan barengan ''haikai no renga''; ni ari, jaman bejaman abis ditulisnya itu tapsir, dia mashur jadi atu suhu ''haiku'' (entinya digero ''hokku''). Dia juga' bekèn ama dia punya catetan sapar nyang dimulain ama ''Catetan bebalung diremuk cuaca'' (1684), nyang ditulis abisnya dia punya sapar mengulon ke Kioto èn Nara.
  • Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (16 Juli 1872 – sek. 18 Juni 1928) entu atu tukang janggla Nor nyang ngayab di bilangan kutub. Dia entu atu tokoh konci di jaman nyang bekèn sebagé Jaman Stèrnya Penyusuran Kutub Kidul.
Bangrapip (talk) 13:50, 30 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
  • Ernst Ingmar Bergman (14 July 1918 – 30 July 2007) was a Swedish stage and movie director. Ingmar Bergman found bleakness and despair as well as comedy and hope in his indelible explorations of the human condition. He is regarded as one of the great masters of modern cinema.
  • Walter Elias "Walt" Disney (/ˈdɪzni/; December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1966) was an American entrepreneur, animator, writer, voice actor and film producer. Disney was an important person in the American animation industry and throughout the world. He is regarded as an international icon and philanthropist. He is well known for his influence and contributions to the field of entertainment during the 20th century. Along with his brother Roy Disney, he was the founder of Walt Disney Productions. The corporation is now known as The Walt Disney Company. He is also famous for Disneyland.
  • Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein ([Сергей Михайлович Эйзенштейн Sergej Mihajlovič Ejzenštejn] Error: Template:Lang-xx: text has italic markup (help); January 23, 1898 – February 11, 1948) was a Soviet Russian movie director and movie theorist. He was known mostly for his silent movies Strike, The Battleship Potemkin and October. He was also known for his historical epics Alexander Nevsky and Ivan the Terrible. His work had a major impact on early movie directors because of his creative use of and writings about montage.
  • Federico Fellini (born 20 January 1920 in Rimini, died 31 October 1993 in Rome) was an Italian movie-maker and director. Fellini's movies combine memory, dream, and fantasy.
  • Stanley Kubrick (July 26, 1928 – March 7, 1999) was an American movie director. Kubrick is thought to have been one of the great directors of the 20th century.
  • Akira Kurosawa (March 23, 1910 – September 6, 1998) was a Japanese movie director. Kurosawa's movies are liked in Japan. Kurosawa's movies are also liked by people in other countries. He made 30 movies in 50 years. He is thought to be one of the most important movie directors.
  • Satyajit Ray (Shottojit Rae (help·info)) (2 May 1921–23 April 1992) was a Bengali Indian movie director. Many people consider him as one of the greatest film-makers of 20th century movie business. He was born in the city of Kolkata. His Bengali family was prominent in arts and letters. Ray studied at Presidency College and at the Visva-Bharati University. He started his career as a commercial artist. Ray was interested in filmmaking by meeting French filmmaker Jean Renoir and seeing the Italian movie Bicycle Thieves during a visit to London.
  • Steven Allan Spielberg KBE (born December 18, 1946) is an American film director, producer and screenwriter. A major figure of the New Hollywood era and pioneer of the modern blockbuster, he is the most commercially successful director in history. He is the recipient of many accolades, including three Academy Awards, two BAFTA Awards, and four Directors Guild of America Awards, as well as the AFI Life Achievement Award in 1995, the Kennedy Center Honor in 2006, the Cecil B. DeMille Award in 2009 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015. Seven of his films have been inducted into the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant".
  • Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock KBE (13 August 1899 – 29 April 1980) was a British movie director who later became an American citizen, but still kept his British citizenship. He mostly made mystery and suspense movies. Despite having a successful career, Hitchcock never won an Academy Award.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 05:52, 31 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
  • Ernst Ingmar Bergman (14 Juli 1918 – 30 Juli 2007) entu atu tukang ngarahin panggung ama pèlem. Ingmar Bergman nemuin gerasa keblangsakan èn keputusasaan sepegimana bodoran èn arepan di dia punya pengayaban keadaan manusia nyang kaga' kelalènan. Dia dirèken jadi atu suhu gedé dalem dunia perpèleman modèren.
  • Walter Elias "Walt" Disney (/ˈdɪzni/; 5 Désèmber 1901 – 15 Désèmber 1966) atawa dibetawiin jadi '''Baba Disni''' entu atu tukang usaha, tukang bikin gambar cèmèn, mualip, tukang lakon suara, èn pengeja pèlem Amrik. Disni entu atu orang penting di dalem dunia industri pèlem cèmèn Amrik èn ngaur ke mana-mana bagèn dunia. Dia dianggep jadi atu lambang antérobangsa èn tukang congosim. Dia bekèn lantaran dia punya sawaban ama ikut sumbang ke rungkun hiburan selamanya abad ke-20. Barengan ama adè'nya Roy Disney, dia ngeja Ruma Sènter Pèlem Walt Disney (''Walt Disney Productions''). Ni maskepé sekarang bekènnya jadi Maskepé Walt Disney (''The Walt Disney Company''). Dia juga bekèn ama dia punya Disneyland.
  • Sarkis bin Mikail Ésensetèn atawa aslinya ''Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein'' ([Сергей Михайлович Эйзенштейн Sergej Mihajlovič Ejzenštejn]; 23 Januari 1898 – 11 Pèbruari 1948) entu atu tukang ngarahin pèlem Rus Sowièt èn atu ahli téori pèlem. Dia bekèn banyakannya lantaran dia punya pèlem meneng nama Anpal, Kapal perang Potiomkin, èn Oktober. Dia juga bekèn lantaran dia punya babad sejarah Iskandar Nèpski èn Iwan Si Bènggol. Dia punya gawéan ada punya sawaban gedé ama tukang-tukang ngarahin pèlem awal-awal lantaran dia punya lihé di nulis ama nyènter pèlem.
  • Federico Fellini (lahir 20 Januari 1920 in Rimini, wapat 31 Oktober 1993 di Roma) entu atu tukang bikin èn tukang ngarahin pèlem deri Itali. Fellini punya pèlem nggabregin ingetan, mimpi, ama lamunan.
  • Stanley Kubrick (26 Juli 1928 – 7 Maret 1999) entu atu tukang ngarahin pèlem deri Amrik. Kubrick dianggep jadi atu deri tukang ngarahin pèlem nyang bekèn selamanya abad ke-20.
  • Akira Kurosawa (23 Maret 1910 – 6 Sèptèmber 1998) entu atu tukang ngarahin pèlem Jepang. Kurosawa punya pèlem pada didemenin di Jepang. Kurosawa punya pèlem juga' pating didemenin ama orang deri laèn-laèn negara. Dia ada ngebikin 30 pèlem dalem 50 tahon. Dia dianggep sala atu tukang ngarahin pèlem paling penting.
  • Satyajit Ray (Shottojit Rae) (2 Méi 1921–23 April 1992) entu tukang ngarahin Benggala asal Hindi. Orang pating nganggep dia jadi atu tukang bikin pèlem bekèn dalem bisnis pèlem abad ke-20. Dia brojol di negeri Kalkuta. Dia punya kulawarga Benggala entu bekèn dalem kesenian èn sastra. Ray belajar di Presidency College èn Uniwersitèt Wiswabarati. Dia mulain dia punya perjalanan gawéan jadi atu seniman komersil. Ray kebèngbat ama pembikinan pèlem lantaran kepapagan ama tukang bikin pèlem Prasman nama Jean Renoir èn juga' lantaran ngiat pèlem Itali nama Maling Pèdah pas neba ke Londen.
  • Steven Allan Spielberg KBE (lahir Désèmber 1946) entu atu tukang ngarahin pèlem, tukang ngeja pèlem, ama tukang nulis cerita pèlem Amrik. Jadi atu tokoh penting dalem jaman Holiwud Anyar, dia entu tukang ngarahin pèlem nyang secara komersilnya paling berasil dalem sejarah. Dia dapet banyak pengargaan jasa, masup juga' di dalemnya tiga Pengargaan Akademi, dua Pengargaan BAFTA, èn empat Pengargaan Peréngkoan Tukang Ngarahin Pèlem Amrik, èn juga' Pengargaan Ranggehan Idup AFI tahon 1995, Penghormatan Sintrem Kennedy tahon 2006, Pengargaan Cecil B. DeMille tahon 2009, èn Medali Persidèn pasal Kebèbasan tahon 2015. Tuju deri dia punya pèlem udah diakuin bener-bener penting dari segi budaya, sejarah, ama kecakepannya di dalem Penyatetan Pèlem Sional ama Bibliotik Konggrès.
  • Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock KBE (13 Agustus 1899 – 29 April 1980) entu atu tukang ngarahin pèlem deri Britani nyang entinya jadi warga Amrik, cuman tetep ngedekep Britaninya. Dia banyakannya bikin pèlem resia ama badé-badéan. Bagèn jadi orang, dia kaga' perna dapet Pengargaan Akademi.
Bangrapip (talk) 14:16, 31 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • Akbar (Abu'l-Fath Jalal ud-b din Muhammad Akbar, 25 October 1542 – 27 October 1605), also known as Akbar the Great was the 3rd Mughal Emperor. He was born in Umerkot (now Pakistan). He was the son of 2nd Mughal Emperor Humayun. Akbar became the de jure king in 1556 at the age of 13 when his father died. Akbar was too young to rule, so Bairam Khan was appointed as Akbar's regent and chief army commander. Soon after coming to power Akbar defeated Himu, the general of the Afghan forces, in the Second Battle of Panipat. After a few years, he ended the regency of Bairam Khan and took charge of the kingdom. He initially offered friendship to the Rajputs. However, he had to fight against some Rajputs who opposed him. In 1576 he defeated Maharana Pratap of Mewar in the Battle of Haldighati. Akbar's wars made the Mughal empire more than twice as big as it had been before, covering most of the Indian subcontinent except the south (excluding the Deccan Plateau).
  • Ashoka (/əˈʃoʊkə/, IAST: Aśoka; also Asoka; c. 304 – 232 BCE), popularly known as Ashoka the Great, was the third Mauryan Emperor of Magadha in the Indian subcontinent during c. 268 to 232 BCE. His empire covered a large part of the Indian subcontinent, stretching from present-day Afghanistan in the west to present-day Bangladesh in the east, with its capital at Pataliputra. A patron of Buddhism, he is credited with playing an important role in the spread of Buddhism across ancient Asia.
  • Augustus (Latin: Imperator Caesar Dīvī Fīlius Augustus; 23 September 63 BC – 19 August 14 AD) was the first Roman Emperor, ruling from 27 BC until his death in AD 14. He led Rome in its transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. When Julius Caesar was assassinated, Augustus and his allies fought against the assassins and defeated them. Later, Augustus fought against his allies and defeated them.
  • Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen Duke of Lauenburg, (1 April 1815 – 30 July 1898), was an aristocrat and statesman of the 19th century in Europe. As Prime Minister of Prussia from 1862 to 1890, he was most responsible for the uniting most of the many independent German countries into the new German Empire in 1871 and became its first chancellor until 1890.
  • Simón Bolívar (1783 - 1830) was a Venezuelan military and political leader. He was born in Caracas, Venezuela. He liberated many colonies from the Spanish Empire in South America. Those colonies included Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. For a few years he was president of Gran Colombia, a country that no longer exists. The country Bolivia is named after Simón Bolívar. Independence of these South American countries inspired the independence of Central America And Mexico in 1811
  • Napoleon Bonaparte (French: Napoléon Bonaparte) was a French politician and army leader who ruled France from 1799 to 1814 and for a short period (the "Hundred Days") in 1815. He became Emperor of the French and King of Italy as Napoleon I. He had power over most of Europe at the height of his power, and his actions shaped European politics in the early 19th century.
  • Gaius Julius Caesar (12 July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC) was a military commander, politician and author at the end of the Roman Republic. Caesar became a member of the First Triumvirate, and when that broke up, he fought a civil war against Pompey the Great. Winning the war, Caesar became Roman dictator for life. He was killed by his enemies in Rome. Later rulers of Rome called themselves “Caesar” and this title also became “Kaiser” and “Tsar”.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 17:24, 31 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • Akbar (''Abū 'l-Fatḥ Jalāl al-dīn Muḥammad Akbar'', 25 Oktober 1542 – 27 Oktober 1605) atawa bekèn Akbar Ageng entu Kaèsar Mogol ketiga. Dia berojol di Umarkot (sekarang Pakistan). Dia entu anak kedua deri Kaèsar Mogol Humayun. Akbar secara hukum jadi raja tahon 1556 pas dia punya umur 13 pas dia punya baba wapat. Akbar, lagito, masing kemudaan bakal merènta, mangkanya Béram Han nyang dibenum jadi Akbar punya wali èn hop kumendan soldadu. Sigra abisnya bekuku, Akbar ngalahin Himu, jèndral tentara Apgan, di Tempur Panipat Kedua. Entak berapa tahon, dia sudahin Béram Han punya kewalian èn ngambil kuasa kerajaan. Sanonya, dia ngajak temenan ama bangsa Rajaputra. Cuman, dia kudu ngelawan sebagèan orang Rajaputra nyang nantang dia. Dalem tahon 1576, dia na'lukin Maharana Pratapa deri Méwar atawa Udayapura di Tempur Haldigati. Perang Akbar punya pimpin ngeja kekaèsaran Mogol dua kali gedéan deri nyang sebelon-sebelonnya, nglingkup sebagèan besar anakbenua Hindi kecuali bilangan kidul (kaga' masup Dataran Tinggi Kidul Hindi).
  • Asoka (IAST: Aśoka; sek. 304 – 232 SM), atawa bekèn di masarakat sebagé Asoka Ageng, entu Kaèsar Morya Magada ketiga di anakbenua Hindi selamanya sekitaran 268 entuk 232 SM. Dia punya kuasa nglingkup sebagèan besar anakbenua Hindi, ngampar deri bekulon nyang sekarang Apganistan ampé belètan nyang sekarang Benggaladésa, dengen dia punya hopstad nama Pataliputra. Sebagé atu wali Buda, dia dinisbatin gableg rol penting dalem penjeprahan agama Buda di mana-mana Asia jaman kolot.
  • Kaèsar Agustus (Latin: ''Imperator Caesar Dīvī Fīlius Augustus''; 23 Sèptèmber 63 SM – 19 Agustus 14 M) entu kaèsar pertama Kekaèsaran Romawi, merèntah semprakan 27 SM ampé dia punya wapat tahon 14 M. Dia mimpin Roma dalem pegèrotan deri Kiblik Romawi ke Kekaèsaran Romawi. Pas Julius Kaèsar dibunu, Agustus ama dia punya éngko ngelawan itu pembunu èn ngalahin dia pada. Entakonoh, Agustus ngelawan dia punya éngko èn ngalahin juga' dia pada.
  • Pangèran Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen Adipati Lauenbereh (1 April 1815 – 30 Juli 1898), entu atu priyayi ama negarawan jaman abad ke-19 di Èropa. Sebagé Wajiralam Negeri Prèsen semprakan 1862 ampé 1870, dia orang nyang gableg rol dalem nggabregin banyakan negeri-negeri Dèt nyang tadinya napsi-napsi jadi atu Kekaèsaran Dètslan nyang anyar selamanya tahon 1871 èn jadi kanselir pertamanya ampé 1890.
  • Simón Bolívar (1783 - 1830) atawa dibetawiin jadi Bolibar entu atu pemimpin soldadu ama pulitik Bénésuèla. Dia ada brojol di Karakas, Bénésuèla. Dia ngebèbasin banyak daèrah jajahan deri Kekaèsaran Spanyol di Amrik Kidul. Adapun negara jajahan dia punya bèbasin antara laèn Bénésuèla, Kolombia, Èkuador, Péru, ama Boliwi. Ada berapa tahon dia jadi persidèn Kolombia Gedé, atu negara nyang udah kaga' lagi. Negara Boliwi dinamain deri Simón Bolívar punya nama. Ni negara-negara Amrik Kidul punya kemerdèkaan keilhaman ama Amrik Tenga èn Mèksiko punya kemerdèkaan tahon 1811.
  • Napoléon Bonaparte (Prasman: Napoléon Bonaparte) entu atu pimpinan soldadu èn pulitik Prasman nyang merèntah di Prasman sedari 1799 ampé 1819 èn sebentaran ("Cepé' Ari") di tahon 1815. Dia jadi Kaèsar Prasman èn Raja Itali sebagé Napoléon I. Dia bekuku di banyak bagèan Èropa di dia punya puncak kuasa, èn dia punya piil ngebentuk pultik Èropa di awal-awal abad ke-19.
  • Julius Kaèsar atawa nama Latinnya ''Gaius Julius Caesar'' (12 Juli 100 SM – 15 Maret 44 SM) entu atu kumendan, tokoh pulitik, èn mualip di ujung-ujung jaman Kiblik Romawi. Kaèsar jadi atu anggota deri Tiga Kuasa Pertama, èn kapan rengkah, dia mimpin perang sudara lawan Pompé Ageng. Menang perang, Kaèsar jadi atu pimpinan diktator seumur idup. Dia dibunu ama dia punya musu di Roma. Pimpinan Roma enti-entinya nggero dèwèknya paké gelar ''caesar'' èn ni gelar juga' dipungut ama laèn-laèn bangsa jadi ''Kaiser'' ama ''tsar''.
Bangrapip (talk) 07:36, 1 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please translate this?
  • The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church, with 1.3 billion baptized Catholics worldwide as of 2019. It is among the world's oldest and largest international institutions, and has played a prominent role in the history and development of Western civilization. The church consists of 24 sui iuris churches, including the Latin Church and 23 Eastern Catholic Churches, which comprise almost 3,500 dioceses and eparchies located around the world. The pope, who is the bishop of Rome, is the chief pastor of the church. The bishopric of Rome, known as the Holy See, is the central governing authority of the church. The administrative body of the Holy See, the Roman Curia, has its principal offices in Vatican City, a small enclave of the Italian city of Rome, of which the pope is head of state.
  • The pope (Latin: papa, from Greek: πάππας, romanized: páppas, lit. 'father'), also known as the supreme pontiff (pontifex maximus or summus pontifex), Roman pontiff (Romanus pontifex) or sovereign pontiff, is the bishop of Rome (or historically the patriarch of Rome), head of the worldwide Catholic Church, and has also served as the head of state or sovereign of the Papal States and later the Vatican City State since the eighth century. From a Catholic viewpoint, the primacy of the bishop of Rome is largely derived from his role as the apostolic successor to Saint Peter, to whom primacy was conferred by Jesus, who gave Peter the Keys of Heaven and the powers of "binding and loosing", naming him as the "rock" upon which the Church would be built. The current pope is Francis, who was elected on 13 March 2013.
  • The Rosary (Latin: rosarium, in the sense of "crown of roses" or "garland of roses"), also known as the Dominican Rosary, refers to a set of prayers used primarily in the Catholic Church, and to the physical string of knots or beads used to count the component prayers. When referring to the prayer, the word is usually capitalized ("the Rosary", as is customary for other names of prayers, such as "the Lord's Prayer", and "the Hail Mary"); when referring to the prayer beads as an object, it is written with a lower-case initial letter (e.g. "a rosary bead").
  • Mary, mother of Jesus: Mary was a first-century Judean woman of Nazareth, the wife of Joseph and the mother of Jesus. She is a central figure of Christianity, venerated under various titles such as virgin or queen, many of them mentioned in the Litany of Loreto. The Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, Church of the East, Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran churches believe that Mary, as mother of Jesus, is the Mother of God. Other Protestant views on Mary vary, with some holding her to have considerably lesser status.
  • Canon law: The canon law of the Catholic Church ("canon law" comes from Latin ius canonicum) is "how the Church organizes and governs herself". It is the system of laws and ecclesiastical legal principles made and enforced by the hierarchical authorities of the Catholic Church to regulate its external organization and government and to order and direct the activities of Catholics toward the mission of the Church. It was the first modern Western legal system and is the oldest continuously functioning legal system in the West, while the unique traditions of Eastern Catholic canon law govern the 23 Eastern Catholic particular churches sui iuris.
  • Scholasticism: Scholasticism was a medieval school of philosophy that employed a critical organic method of philosophical analysis predicated upon the Aristotelian 10 Categories. Christian scholasticism emerged within the monastic schools that translated scholastic Judeo-Islamic philosophies, and thereby "rediscovered" the collected works of Aristotle. Endeavoring to harmonize his metaphysics and its account of a prime mover with the Latin Catholic dogmatic trinitarian theology, these monastic schools became the basis of the earliest European medieval universities, contributing to the development of modern science; scholasticism dominated education in Europe from about 1100 to 1700. The rise of scholasticism was closely associated with these schools that flourished in Italy, France, Portugal, Spain and England.
  • Eucharistic adoration is a Eucharistic devotional practice primarily in Western Catholicism, but also to a lesser extent in certain Lutheran and Anglican traditions, in which the Blessed Sacrament is adored by the faithful. This practice may occur either when the Eucharist is exposed, or when it is not publicly viewable because it is reserved in a place such as a church tabernacle.
  • Sacred Heart: The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (Latin: Cor Jesu Sacratissimum) is one of the most widely practised and well-known Catholic devotions, wherein the heart of Jesus Christ is viewed as a symbol of "God's boundless and passionate love for mankind". This devotion to Christ is predominantly used in the Catholic Church, followed by high-church Anglicans, and some Western Rite Orthodox. In the Latin Church, the liturgical Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated the third Friday after Pentecost. The 12 promises of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus are also extremely popular.
Thanks. Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:02, 6 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
  • Gerèja Katolik, atawa juga bekèn sebagé Gerèja Katolik Romèn, entu pèrkah gerèja Serani nyang paling gedé di dunia dengen 1,3 miliar orang Katolik nyang udah dibaptis di mana-mana selamanya tahon 2019. Ni juga atu deri dunia punya kelembagaan antérobangsa nyang paling gedé lagi kolot, èn gableg rol penting dalem sejarah èn perkembangan Kulon punya peradaban. Ni gerèja isinya ada 24 gerèja ''sui iuris'', masup di dalemnya ada Gerèja Latèn èn 23 Gerèja Katolik Wètan, nyang nglingkup ada ampir 3.500 keuskupan nyang ada di mana-mana di antéro dunia. Paus, nyang jadi Roma punya uskup, entu hoppastor deri ni gerèja. Roma punya keuskupan, nama Tahta Kudus, entu kuasa sintrem nyang bekuku atas ni gerèja. Lembaga bestir Tahta Kudus, Kuri Romèn, gableg dia punya hopkantor di Kota Watikan, atu cempètan di tenga-tenganya Itali punya kota Roma, nyang paus jadi hop negaranya.
  • Paus (Latèn: ''papa'', deri basa Yunani: πάππας ''páppas'' lèt. 'baba'), atawa bekèn juga digero sebagé dedengkot pendèta agung (''pontifex maximus'' atawa ''summus pontifex''), dedengkot Romèn (''Romanus pontifex''). atawa dedengkot daulat, entu uskup Roma (atawa dulunya patriarek Roma), entu Gerèja Katolik seantéro dunia punya hop, èn juga' belakon jadi hop negara atawa nyang daulat deri Negeri Papus èn entakonoh juga' di Kota Watikan semprakan abad kedelapan. Deri Katolik punya pendelengan, kededengkotan uskup Roma diturunin deri dia punya rol sebagé kalipah rasul bakal Sint-Piter, nyang dapet kededengkotan deri Isa, nyang ngasi Piter Konci Sorga èn kekuatan "ngiket ama ngelosin", serènta ngasi dia poyokan "batu" nyang entinya Gerèja dibangun deri situ. Paus nyang sekarang namanya Pransiskus, nyang kepilih ari bulan 13 Maret 2013.
  • Doa Tasbèh Serani (Latèn: ''rosarium'', dengen ma'na "kerun ros" atawa "roncé ros"), atawa bekèn juga' digero sebagé Doa Tasbèh Dominikan, maran ke omplokan doa nyang dipaké utamanya di Gerèja Katolik, èn juga' maran ke tasbèh bakal ngètung doa. Kalo maran ke doanya biasanya ditulis paké hurup gedé ("Tasbèh", sepegimana laèn-laèn nama doa, kaya' "Doa Baba", èn "Salam Mariam"); kalo maran ke barang pengètungnya, biasanya ditulis paké hurup kecil (tulad: "tasbèh").
  • Mariam, enya' Isa: Mariam entu wadon Yahudi deri Nasirah jaman abad pertama, bininya Yusup èn enya'nya Isa. Dia – atu tokoh penting di ajaran Serani, èn dihormatin dengen macem-macem gelar kaya' perawan atawa ratu, banyak deri tu gelar pada nyang disebut-sebut di Pedo'aan Loréto. Gerèja Ortodok Wètan, Gerèja Wètan, Katolik, Angglikan, èn Luteran pada percaya kalo Mariam sebagé "Ibu Tuhan", sementara Protèstan punya pendelengan bisa macem-macem dengen patokan nyang seila-ilanya di bawahnya entu. Di dalem agama Selam, Mariam juga' ada satu wadon paling dihormatin di dalem ni agama, nyang jadi ibu bagi atu nabi èn rasul. Di dalem Kur'an disebutin kalo dia dihormatin sebab dia bisa ngejaga dia punya perawan deripada bikin dosa jinah serènta taat sama Allah. Sebagé lagi, Mariam juga' atu-atunya wadon nyang dia punya nama jadi nama surat di dalem Kur'an.
  • Hukum kanun gerèja: Gerèja Katolik punya hukum kanun (deri basa Latèn: ''ius canonicum'') entu pegimana "Gerèja bebenah ama ngatur dia punya sendèwèk". Ni – sistim hukum èn asas wèt gerèja nyang dikeja èn diterepin ama kewenangan tingkat-tingkatan di jeronya Gerèja Katolik bakal ngatur paguyuban luaran èn guwernemèn serènta ngasi perènta ama ngarahin Gerèja Katolik punya piil dalem hal ni Gerèja punya da'wah. Ni – sistim wèt Kulon modèren nyang paling pertama èn nyang paling tua nyang pepes belakon jadi sistim wèt di Kulon ampé sekarang, sementara di Katolik Wètan punya terdisi bèda sendèwèk itu hukum kanun merènta 23 gerèja terindilan Katolik Wètan ''sui iuris''.
  • Madrasiah: Madrasiah ièlah atu mashab pilsapat Jaman Tenga nyang maké manhad orhanik kritis deri telaah pilsapat nyang dilandasin ama Aristo punya 10 Omplokan. Madrasiah Serani nembèl di dalem mashab rahbaniah nyang narjim pilsapat Yahudi-Selam punya madrasiah, èn mangkanya deri mari, omplokan gawéan Aristo dibilangnya "ditemuin lagi". Ngebolain bakal ngeragemin ni èlmu luar tabèat ama Katolik Latèn punya ajaran kalam Taslis, ni mashab rahbaniah jadi dasaran bakal uniwersitèt-uniwersitèt Èropa nyang awal-awal di Jaman Tenga, nyang ada sumbangsih ama èlmu pengetauan modèren punya perkembangan. Madrasiah pating ngejeprah di onderwès Èropa barang semprakan tahon 1100 entuk 1700. Madrasiah punya tanjak ada kaètannya ama ni mashab pada nyang ngebadeg di Itali, Prasman, Portugal, Spanyol, ama Inggris. Sorry, I couldn't translate some of them since it's difficult for me to translate into our language, especially when it comes to Christian technical terms, since I am not very familiar with it. Anyways, what are the requirements for Incubating Wikipedia to be taken into a new Wikipedia? We have already 1,100s articles with several editors in last several months. Thanks.
Bangrapip (talk) 09:21, 6 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please ask here under my comment? Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:48, 6 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Okay, thanks. Bangrapip (talk) 14:00, 6 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this?

  • The national emblem of Indonesia is called Garuda Pancasila. The main part is the Garuda with a heraldic shield on its chest and a scroll gripped by its legs. The shield's five emblems represent Pancasila, the five principles of Indonesia's national ideology. The Garuda claws gripping a white ribbon scroll inscribed with the national motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika written in black text, which can be loosely translated as "Unity in Diversity". Garuda Pancasila was designed by Sultan Hamid II from Pontianak, supervised by Sukarno, and was adopted as the national emblem on 11 February 1950.
  • Indonesian cuisine is a collection of various regional culinary traditions that formed the archipelagic nation of Indonesia. There are a wide variety of recipes and cuisines in part because Indonesia is composed of approximately 6,000 populated islands of the total 17,508 in the world's largest archipelago, with more than 1,300 ethnic groups.
  • There are many regional cuisines, often based upon indigenous culture with some foreign influences.
  • Example of Indonesian Sundanese meal; ikan bakar (grilled fish), nasi timbel (rice wrapped in banana leaf), ayam goreng (fried chicken), sambal, fried tempeh and tofu, and sayur asem; the bowl of water with lime is kobokan.
  • "Indonesia Raya" ("Great Indonesia") is the national anthem of Indonesia. It has been the national anthem since the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on 17 August 1945. The song was introduced by its composer, Wage Rudolf Supratman, on 28 October 1928 during the Youth Pledge in Jakarta. The song marked the birth of the all-archipelago nationalist movement in Indonesia that supported the idea of one single "Indonesia" as successor to the Dutch East Indies, rather than split into several colonies. The first newspaper to openly publish the musical notation and lyrics of "Indonesia Raya" — an act of defiance towards the Dutch authorities — was the Chinese Indonesian weekly Sin Po (newspaper).

Thanks. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:55, 7 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sure, here you are:
  • Lambang negara Indonésia namanya Garuda Pancasila. Dia punya bagèan utamanya ièlah burung Garuda ada tamèng di dadanya èn ada gulungan tulisan dicekel ama cèkèrnya. Itu tamèng punya lambang lima biji nglambangin Pancasila, Indonésia punya dasar negara. Garuda punya cèkèr nyekel atu ban puti nyang ada tulisan semboyan negara ''Bhinneka Tunggal Ika'' warna item, nyang artinya kurang lebi "Bèda tapi atu". Garuda Pancasila ada dirancang ama Sultan Hamid II deri Pontianak, èn dipantengin ama Sukarna, nyang entakonoh diambil jadi lambang negara per 11 Pèbruari 1950.
  • Makanan Indonésia entu omplokan macem-macem terdisi daèrah punya makanan nyang ada di bilangan Nusantara. Ada segabreg-gabreg macem resèp èn masakan bahna Indonésia ada punya kurang lebi 6.000 pulo nyang dimukimin deri kabèhannya 17.508 pulo di kepuloan paling gedé seantéro dunia, dengen lebi deri 1.300 kaum (ètnis).
  • Ada ngejeprah makanan daèrah, seringnya dasaran makanan asli nyang kesawaban ama asing punya sawaban.
  • Tuladnya di makanan Sunda (èmang sebenernya kaga' cuman makanan Sunda doang nyang gini); ikan bakar, nasi timbel (nasi dibungkus daon pisan), ayam gorèng, sambel, témpé gorèng, ama tahu, serènta sayur asem; diangsrongin juga' kobokan ama jeruk tipis di dalemnya itu aèr.
  • ''Indonesia Raya'' ièlah Indonésia punya tembang kebangsaan. Ni udah jadi Indonésia punya tembang kebangsaan semprakan Proklamasi Kemerdèkaan Indonésia 17 Agustus 1945. Ni tembang dikenalin ama dia punya pembikin lagu, nama Wagé Rudolep Supratman, ari bulan 28 Oktober 1928 pas Sumpah Pemuda di Betawi. Itu lagu nengerin muludnya harkat kebangsaan antéronusantara nyang ngedukung atu pikiran "atu Indonésia" sebagé penerusnya Hindia Welanda, ketimbang mecah jadi berapa jajahan. Koran pertama nyang terang-terangan ngebèbèrin dia punya tangga-tangga nada ama kata-katanya ni tembang— an act of defiance towards the Dutch authorities — The first newspaper to openly publish the musical notation and lyrics of "Indonesia Raya" —nyang nantang Welanda punya kuasa—ièlah surat kabar Tionghoa Indonésia saban mingguan nama Sin Po.
Bangrapip (talk) 09:06, 7 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this?

  • The politics of Indonesia take place in the framework of a presidential representative democratic republic whereby the President of Indonesia is both head of state and head of government and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the bicameral People's Consultative Assembly. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature.
  • Geography of Indonesia: Indonesia is an archipelagic country located in Southeast Asia, lying between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. It is located in a strategic location astride or along major sea lanes connecting East Asia, South Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world.[2] Indonesia's various regional cultures have been shaped—although not specifically determined—by centuries of complex interactions with its physical environment.
  • The Indonesian National Armed Forces (Indonesian: Tentara Nasional Indonesia, lit. 'Indonesian National Military'; abbreviated as TNI) are the military forces of the Republic of Indonesia. It consists of the Army (TNI-AD), Navy (TNI-AL), and Air Force (TNI-AU). The President of Indonesia is the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. As of 2021, it comprises approximately 395,500 military personnel including the Indonesian Marine Corps (Korps Marinir RI), which is a branch of the Navy.
  • The economy of Indonesia is one of the emerging market economies in the world and the largest in Southeast Asia. As an upper-middle income country and member of the G20, Indonesia is classified as a newly industrialized country. Estimated at over 21 quadrillion rupiah in 2023, it is the 16th largest economy in the world by nominal GDP and the 7th largest in terms of GDP (PPP). Indonesia's internet economy reach US$77 billion in 2022, and is expected to cross the US$130 billion mark by 2025. Indonesia depends on the domestic market and government budget spending and its ownership of state-owned enterprises (the central government owns 141 enterprises). The administration of prices of a range of basic goods (including rice and electricity) also plays a significant role in Indonesia's market economy. However, since the 1990s, the majority of the economy has been controlled by individual Indonesians and foreign companies.
  • Tourism in Indonesia is an important component of the Indonesian economy as well as a significant source of its foreign exchange revenues. Indonesia was ranked at 20th in the world tourist Industry in 2017, also ranked as the ninth-fastest growing tourist sector in the world, the third-fastest growing in Asia and fastest-growing in Southeast Asia. In 2018, Denpasar, Jakarta and Batam are among of 10 cities in the world with fastest growth in tourism, 32.7, 29.2 and 23.3 percent respectively. The tourism sector ranked as the 4th largest among goods and services export sectors.
  • The islands of Indonesia, also known as the Indonesian Archipelago (Indonesian: Kepulauan Indonesia) or Nusantara, may refer either to the islands composing the country of Indonesia or to the geographical groups which include its islands. Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state, stretching from Sumatra in Asia to the western part of New Guinea in Oceania.
  • Subdivisions of Indonesia: Indonesia is divided into provinces (Indonesian: Provinsi). Provinces are made up of regencies (kabupaten) and cities (kota). Provinces, regencies, and cities have their own local governments and parliamentary bodies. Since the enactment of Law Number 22 of 1999 on Local Government (the law was revised by Law Number 32 of 2004 and Law Number 23 of 2014), local governments now play a greater role in administering their areas. Foreign policy, defence (including armed forces and national police), system of law, and monetary policy, however, remain the domain of the national government. Since 2005 as the enactment of Law Number 32 of 2004, heads of local government (governors, regents and mayors) have been directly elected by popular election.

Thanks. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:06, 7 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sure, heare you are:
  • Pulitik Indonésia gableg watonan kiblik kera'yatan permusawaratan perwakilan persidènsiil nyang itu Persidèn jadi hop negara ama hop guwernemèn serènta ada sistim banyakparté. Kuasa penglakon (''eksekutif'') dijalanin ama guwernemèn. Kuasa perundangan (''legislatif'') dijalanin ama guwernemèn kè', Majelis Permusawaratan Ra'yat ama Dèwan Perwakilan Ra'yat kè'. Adapun kuasa penjagjagan hukum (''yudikatif'') entu mandiri bèda sendèwèk deri kuasa penglakon ama perundangan.
  • Gambar bumi Indonésia: Indonésia ièlah atu negara pulo-pulo nyang adanya di Asia Kidul-wètan, ngampar di antara Laotan Hindi èn Laotan Teduh. Ni letaknya di tempat nyang ènak di rèndèngan jalur laot nyang nyangcangin Asia Wètan, Asia Kidul, èn Oséani. Indonésia entu atu negara pulo-pulo nyang paling gedé di dunia.[2] Indonésia punya budaya daèrah kebentuk—biar kaga' sabit pastinya—lantaran papagan ama laèn-laèn budaya.
  • Soldadu Sional Indonésia (Indonésia: ''Tentara Nasional Indonesia''; disingket jadi TNI) ièlah kekuatan soldadu negara Kiblik Indonésia. Ni kediri deri Soldadu Darat (TNI-AD), Soldadu Merin (TNI-AL), èn Soldadu Udara (TNI-AU). Persidèn Indonésia ièlah hopkumendan deri ni Soldadu. Per 2021, ni kesoldaduan nglingkup barang 395,500 personil soldadu, masup juga' di dalemnya ada Korep Merin Indonésia (''Korps Marinir RI''), nyang jadi atu cabang deri Soldadu Merin.
  • Èkonomi Indonésia entu sala atu èkonomi pasar nyang melingsat di dunia èn paling gedé se-Asia Kidul-wètan. Sebagé negara dengen pemasupan nenga-atas èn anggota G20, Indonésia dirungkunin jadi atu negara baru keindustrian. Diancer-ancer ada kali 21rb triliun rupiah selamanya tahon 2023, ni negara paling gedé èkonominya nomer 16 di dunia berales jumblah GDP èn nomor 7 berales GDP (PPP). Indonésia punya èkonomi internèt ngeranggeh 77 miliar dolar AS selamanya tahon 2022, èn diarep nglantasin 130 miliar dolar AS tahon 2025. Indonésia begantung ama pasar dalem negeri ama guwernemèn punya anggaran belajar serènta BUMN (guwernemèn sintrem gableg 141 usaha). Pengaturan ranggehan arga barang pasaran (masup juga' beras ama lèstrik) juga' gableg rol penting dalem Indonésia punya èkonomi pasar. Walakin, semprakan 1990-an, banyakan èkonominya dikukuin ama cukong-cukong Indonésia ama matskepé asing pada.
  • Pelancongan di Indonésia entu unsur penting di Indonésia punya èkonomi, juga' jadi atu sumber pemasupan tukeran asing nyang ngebadeg. Indonésia diperingkatin nomer 20 di dunia dalem hal industri pelancongan tahon 2017, juga' diperingkatin nomer 9 paling melesat pelancongannya di dunia, juga' melesat nomer 3 di Asia, serènta paling melesat di Asia Kidul-wètan. Tahon 2018, Dènpasar, Jakarta, ama Batam entu masup 10 kota di dunia nyang pelancongannya melesat, masing-masing 32,7, 29,2 and 23,3 prosèn. Bidang pelancongan diperingkatin nomer 4 paling gedé di antara bidang èkspor ladènan èn barang.
  • Nusantara, atawa Pulo-pulo Indonésia (Indonésia: ''Kepulauan Indonesia''), bisa maran ke pulo-pulo nyang ngeja negara Indonésia atawa ke omplokan gambar bumi nyang nglingkup itu pulo-pulonya. Indonésia ièlah negara pulo-pulo paling gedé di dunia, ngamprah deri Sumatra di bilangan Asia ampé bekulonnya pulo Ginéa Baru di bilangan Oséani.
  • Anakpembagèan di Indonésia: Indonésia dibelèk-belèk jadi propinsi (Indonésia: ''Provinsi''). Saban propinsi ada kabupatèn ama kotanya. Propinsi, kabupatèn, ama kota gableg dia punya guwernemèn setempatnya sendèwèk-sendèwèk èn juga' Dèwan Perwakilan Daèrahnya juga'. Semprakan penerepan Wèt No. 22 tahon 1999 pasal Guwernemèn Daèrah (itu wèt diperbaèkin ama Wèt No. 32 tahon 2004 èn Wèt No. 23 tahon 2014), guwernemèn daèrah sekarang maènin rol gedéan dalem bestir daèrahnya. Adapun belèd luar negeri, pertahanan (masup di dalemnya soldadu èn pulisi negara) sistim wèt, èn belèd keduitan, gimana gè', tetep guwernemèn pusat punya urusan. Semprakan tahon 2005 dalem penerepan Wèt No. 32 tahon 2004, hop guwernemèn setempat (gubernur, bupati, berehmister) langsung dipili liwat pemilian umum.
Bangrapip (talk) 11:42, 8 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Is it "Pulitik Indonésia" or "Pulitik di Indonésia"? Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:51, 9 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Both are possible in this context. It's okay to use one of them. Bangrapip (talk) 14:54, 9 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Géograpi or gambar? Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:56, 9 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Gambar bumi = Géograpi Bangrapip (talk) 14:58, 9 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please translate this?
As it is a country with many different tribes and ethnic groups, the music of Indonesia (Indonesian: Musik Indonesia) itself is also very diverse, coming in hundreds of different forms and styles. Every region has its own culture and art, and as a result traditional music from area to area also uniquely differs from one another. For example, each traditional music are often accompanied by their very own dance and theatre. Contemporary music scene have also been heavily shaped by various foreign influences, such as America, Britain, Japan, Korea, and India.
The music of Java, Sumatra, Bali, Flores (Lesser Sunda Islands) and other islands have been well documented and recorded, and further research by Indonesian and international scholars is also ongoing. The music in Indonesia predates historical records, various Native Indonesian tribes often incorporate chants and songs accompanied with musical instruments in their rituals. The contemporary music of Indonesia today is also popular amongst neighbouring countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.
In general, traditional music and songs of Indonesia compromises a strong beat and harmony with strong influence from Indian,Java,Arabic,Chinese and Malay classical music. The influence is strongly visible in the popular traditional music genre of Dangdut.
Various hanging Gongs (gong ageng, gong suwukan, kempul) of Gamelan in Indonesia
Thanks Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:04, 9 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
Sebagé negara nyang gableg suku ama kaum nyang ngebadeg, gending Indonésia juga' roncèt bener, gableg cepé'an bentuk ama gaya. Saban daèrah gableg dia punya budaya ama seninya sendèwèk, mangkanya jadi laèn dah atu daèrah ama nyang laènnya. Misalnya, saban gending terdisionil sering diarakin ama ibingan atawa tonilnya sendiri. Adapun gending wayah gini bener-bener kesawaban ama sawaban asing, kaya' Amrik, Inggris, Jepang, Koréa, ama Hindi.
Gending Jawa, Sumatra, Bali, Plorès (Nusa Tenggara) ama laèn-laèn pulo udah pada rapih ketelepek di catetannya ama kerekem, èn perdataan lebi lanjut ama sarjana Indonésia ama asing pepes masing tangi. Gending di Indonésia udah ada semprakan jaman sebelonnya ada rekeman sejarah, macem-macem suku pribumi Indonésia sering masupin rapalan ama tembang-tembang nyang ditimpalin ama alat gending di dia punya upacara. Gending wayah gini Indonésia juga' bekèn di negara-negara jirannya, kaya' Malésia, Singapur, ama Bruné. Umumnya, gending ama tembang terdisionil Indonésia nglingkup ketokan nyang kuat èn rageman ama sawaban kuat deri Hindi, Jawa, Arab, Tionghoa, ama Melayu punya gending klasik. Ni sawaban kentara pisan di jandrah gending terdisionil dangdut.
Macem-macem go'ong (gong ageng, gong suwukan, kempul) deri Gamelan di Indonésia Bangrapip (talk) 15:36, 9 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Before you translated "Music of Indonesia" as "Musik Indonésia", however, in the first sentence, I don't see the word "musik", I presume it is "gending", right? Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:42, 10 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Yes, "musik" and "gending" is synonymous. "Musik" is an internationalism, "gending" is the local word. I chose to change it to gending in several places. Bangrapip (talk) 11:05, 10 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Also, could you please translate this?
Traditional performing arts
Drama and theatre
Martial arts
Traditional visual arts
Wood carvings
National costumes
Mythology and folklores
Recreation and sports
Popular media
Religion and philosophy
Celebrations Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:46, 10 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Traditional performing arts = Tonil terdisionil
Music = Gending
Dance = Ibingan
Drama and theatre = Lakon èn lènong
Martial arts = Maèn pukulan
Traditional visual arts = Seni gambar terdisionil
Painting = Gambar
Wood carvings = Pahat kayu
Sculpture = Pahat batu
Architecture = Rancang gedong
Crafts = Kerajinan
Clothing = Pakéan
National costumes = Pakéan adat
Batik = Batik
Kebaya = Kebaya
Peci = Pèci
Foods = Makanan
Mythology and folklores = Tahayul èn ceritra ra'yat
Literature = Sastra
Recreation and sports = Plesir èn olahraga
Popular media = Média bekèn
Cinema = Pèlem
Television = Tipi
Radio = Radio
Religion and philosophy = Agama èn pilsapat
Celebrations = Keriaan
Bangrapip (talk) 11:08, 10 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please translate this?
Indonesia is home to with those from the islands of Java, Sumatra and Bali being frequently recorded. The traditional music of West, Central, and East Java and Bali is the gamelan (traditional instruments include: gambang, bonang, saron, kenong, gong, and many more). Gamelan has been recognized as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
On 29 June 1965, Koes Plus, a leading Indonesian pop group in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, was imprisoned in Glodok, West Jakarta, for playing Western-style music. After the resignation of President Sukarno, the law was rescinded, and in the 1970s the Glodok prison was dismantled and replaced with a large shopping mall.
Kroncong is a musical genre that uses guitars and ukulele as the main musical instruments. This genre had its roots in Portugal and was introduced by Portuguese traders in the 15th century. There is a traditional Keroncong Tugu music group in North Jakarta and other traditional Keroncong music groups in Maluku, with strong Portuguese influences. This music genre was popular in the first half of the 20th century; a contemporary form of Kroncong is called Pop Kroncong.
Angklung musical orchestra, native of West Java, received international recognition as UNESCO has listed the traditional West Java musical instrument made from bamboo in the list of intangible cultural heritage.
The soft Sasando music from the province of East Nusa Tenggara in West Timor is completely different. Sasando uses an instrument made from a split leaf of the Lontar palm (Borassus flabellifer), which bears some resemblance to a harp. Caro de Segeda (talk) 11:43, 10 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here your are:
Indonésia ièlah tempat aslinya gamelan dengen gamelan pèrsi pulo Jawa, Sumatra, ama Bali nyang paling sering kecatet. Gending terdisionil Jawa Kulon, Jawa Tenga, ama Jawa Wètan, serènta Bali, ièlah gamelan (nglingkup: gambang, bonang, saron, kenong, go'ong, èn ngebadeg lagi dah nyang laènnya). Gamelan uda diakuin jadi Gawéan Ajib Budèl Budaya Lisan èn Bukanbenda Gamelan ama UNESCO (Paguyuban Onderwès, Ilmiah, èn Kebudayaan Peserèkatan Bangsa-Bangsa).
Ari bulan 29 Juni 1965, Koes Plus, atu paguyuban gending pop Indonésia nyang kesohor di tahon 1960-an, 1970-an, èn 1980-an, dibui di Glodok, Jakarta Wètan, lantaran maènin gending has Kulon. Abis lèngsèrnya itu Persidèn Sukarna, itu hukum dicabut, èn tahon 1970-an, to Penjara Glodok dibubarin ama dijadiin pasar mol gedé.
Kroncong ièlah jandrah gending nyang maké gitar ama kentrung bakal jadi dia punya alat gending nyang utama. Ni jandrah ada asal-muasalnya deri Portugal èn dikenalin ama sudagar Portugis selamanya abad ke-15. Ada atu paguyuban Kroncong Tugu di Jakarta Lor èn laèn-laèn paguyuban gending kroncong di Maluku, nyang gableg sawaban stèrek deri Portugis. Ni jandrah tau bekèn di ponggahan pertama abad ke-20. Adapun kroncong punya bentuk wayah gini namanya pop kroncong..
Angklung ièlah atu orkès gending nyang asalnya deri Jawa Kulon. Ni orkès dapet antérobangsa punya pengakuan bahna UNESCO udah nyatutin dah itu alat gending bambu jadi budèl budaya bukanbenda.
Gending Sasando alus deri Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Wètan di Timor Kulon bener-bener laèn dah. Sasando maké alat nyang dikeja deri kobètan daon lontar (Borassus flabellifer), nyang bentukah mèmper ama arpa.
Bangrapip (talk) 12:42, 10 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this to Indonesian?

  • Jitasama is an international auxiliary language that maximises ease of pronunciation, simplistic grammar and a vocabulary based on the 16 most spoken and influential languages in the world. Its main structural influences are Interlingua, Toki Pona and the creole languages of the Caribbean.
  • It has the following characteristics:
  • 18 letters abdefgijklmnoprstu.
  • No capitalization of words.
  • It is written as it sounds.
  • No dipthongs.
  • Its grammar is regular and simple, similar to the world's creoles.
  • No gender.
  • No articles.
  • No verb conjugation.
  • A very limited set of affixes for word derivation.

Thank you. Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:40, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sure, here you are:
  • Jitasama ièlah atu basa bikinan tambahan antérobangsa nyang ngutamain gampilnya pengucapan, ringkesnya kaèdah basa, ama kata-kata nyang berales deri16 basa nyang paling banyak serènta paling nyawab di dunia. Dia punya sawaban telepekan utamanya ièlah basa Interlingua, Toki Pona, èn basa-basa kacukan Karaiben.
  • Tu basa gableg ni ciri pada:
  • 18 hurup abdefgijklmnoprstu.
  • Kaga' ada hurup gedé.
  • Pegimana baca, pegimana tulis.
  • Kaga' ada bunyi ayunan.
  • Kaèdah basanya keatur lagi ringkes, sama kaya' banyak basa kacukan laènnya.
  • Kaga' ada jenis kelamin.
  • Kaga' ada pemula.
  • Kaga' ada tasrip kata kerja.
  • Tetambahan (''afiks'') cuman sekelemit doang bakal turunan.
Bangrapip (talk) 10:50, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Is that Bahasa Indonesia or Basa Betawi? Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:33, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
My bad. It's basa Betawi. I thought you asked as usual to translate in basa Betawi. :)) Here you are in Indonesian:
  • Jitasama adalah bahasa pendukung internasional yang memaksimalisasi kemudahan pengucapan, kesederhanaan tata bahasa, dan kosakata yang berdasarkan 16 bahasa yang paling banyak dituturkan dan berpengaruh di dunia. Pengaruh struktur utamanya adalah bahasa Interlingua, Toki Pona, dan bahasa-bahasa kreol Karibia.
  • Bahasa tersebut memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut:
  • 18 huruf abdefgijklmnoprstu.
  • Tidak memiliki kapitalisasi pada kata.
  • Ditulis sebagaimana diucap.
  • Tidak ada diftong.
  • Tata bahasanya teratur dan sederhana, seperti kebanyakan kreol dunia pada umumnya.
  • Tidak memiliki gender.
  • Tidak memiliki kata sandang.
  • Tidak memiliki konjugasi kata kerja.
  • Hanya terdapat beberapa afiks terbatas untuk derivasi kata.
Bangrapip (talk) 13:46, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Would you be able to please translate it to Polish and Russian as well? Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:53, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
  • Język jitasama służy jako język pomoczny, jaki maksymalizuje łatwość na wymowie, prostą gramatykę oraz słownictwo na podstawie 16 najczęściej używanych i wpływowych języków świata. Jego głowne wpływy konstrukcyjne pochodzą od języków Interlingua, Toki Pona oraz języków kreolskich karaibsckih.
  • On ma poniższe cechy:
  • 18 liter abdefgijklmnoprstu.
  • Nie ma wielkości liter słowa.
  • Dokładnie się pisze jak to się wymawia.
  • Nie ma dyftongów.
  • Gramatyka jest regularna i prosta, podobna do więlu kreolów świata.
  • Nie ma rodzajów gramatycznych.
  • Nie ma artykułu.
  • Nie ma koniugacji.
  • Ma tylko niewielki zestaw afiksów dla słowotwórstwa.
  • Язык Jitasama является международным вспомагательным языком, который оптимизирует легкость произношения, простую грамматику и слова на основе 16 самых распространенных и влиятельных языков мира. Его основные структурные влияния происходят от языков Interlingua, Toki Pona и карибских креольских языков.
  • У него есть нижеследующие характеристики:
  • 18 букв abdefgijklmnoprstu.
  • Нет заглавных букв.
  • Пишется точно как произносится.
  • Нет дифтонгов.
  • Его грамматика регулярна и проста, похожа на много креольских языков мира.
  • Нет родов имена.
  • Нет артиклей.
  • Нет спряжений.
  • Есть только ограниченный набор аффиксов для словообразования.
Bangrapip (talk) 14:29, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Would you be able to translate it to Polish, Dutch or Arabic? Caro de Segeda (talk) 18:11, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
I've translated in into Polish above.
Here is in Dutch:
  • Het Jitasama is een internationale hulptaal die uitspraakgemak, eenvoudige grammatica en woordenschat op basis van 16 meest gesproken en invloedrijke talen van de wereld optimaliseert. Zijn voornaamste constructie is gebaseerd op Interlingua, Toki Pona en Caribische creoolse talen.
  • Er zijn verschillende karakteristieken:
  • 18 letters abdefgijklmnoprstu.
  • Geen kapitalisatie.
  • Het is precies geschreven als het uitgesproken wordt.
  • Geen diftong.
  • Zijn grammatica is regelmatig en eenvoudig, vergelijkbaar met andere creoolse talen van de wereld.
  • Geen grammaticaal geslacht.
  • Geen lidwoord.
  • Geen conjugaties.
  • Een weinig setje van affixes voor de woordvorming.
Bangrapip (talk) 22:20, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
As for Russian name for the language, you can use:
Язык джитасама Bangrapip (talk) 02:40, 12 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Anyway, how to read "jitasama"? Bangrapip (talk) 02:40, 12 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Like you transliterated: джитасама. Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:07, 12 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • الجيتاساما هى لغة مساعدة دولية التى تعظم السهولة اللفظية والقواعد البسيطة والمفردات على أساس 16 لغة أكثر استعمالا وأكثر تأثيرا فى العالم. وجاءت تأثيراتها التركبية الأساسية من لغات إنترلنغوا وتوكي بونا واللغات الكريولية الكاربية الأخرى.
  • وعندها الخصائص التالية
  • 18 حرفا abdefgijklmnoprstu.
  • لا يوجد الحرف الكبير فى كليمة.
  • هى تُكتَب كما تُلفَظ.
  • لا توجد صوائت مزدوجة.
  • قواعدها عادية وبسيطة كما فى اللغات الكريولية الأخرى.
  • لا يوجد النوع النحوية لكل اسم.
  • لا توجد أداوات التعريف والتنكير.
  • لا يوجد تصريف الفعل.
  • عندها مجموعة محدودة من الزوائد لتشكيل الكلمة.
Bangrapip (talk) 22:45, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you so much. Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:19, 12 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
You're welcome. Bangrapip (talk) 11:20, 12 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Could you please translate this?
A participle is a verb used as an adjective or adverb. Verbs form active participles in -nte, and passive participles in -da. These are adjectives equivalent to those in “-ing” and “-ed” (or “-en”) in English, and can be used equally well as adverbs and nouns. The active participle normally also implies an ongoing action, while the passive participle suggests that the action occurred in the past:
  • Un ruido asustante ia veni de la armario. – A frightening noise came from the cupboard. (adjective)
  • La om creante scultas es amirable. – The man creating sculptures is admirable. (adjective; = la om ci crea scultas)
  • El ia sta tremante en la porta. – She stood shivering in the doorway. (adverb)
  • Nos ia colie tota de la composantes. – We have collected all of the components. (noun)
  • Per favore, no senta sur la seja rompeda. – Please do not sit on the broken chair. (adjective)
  • El ia leje xocada la reporta. – He read the report in shock. (adverb)
  • Sua novela va es un bonvendeda. – Her novel will be a bestseller. (noun)
The active participle can have an object. Furthermore, it can be used as a complement of the verb es to convey a progressive sense:
  • Me es lenta asorbente la informa. – I am slowly absorbing the information.
  • Me no ia disturba tu, car tu ia es laborante. – I didn’t disturb you, as you were working.
But a participial construction is often unnecessary, as there are others ways to express this meaning:
  • Me asorbe lenta la informa. – I slowly absorb / am slowly absorbing the information.
  • Vade a via, me labora. – Go away, I’m working.
  • Me continua come. – I continue to eat.
  • Me come continual. – I eat continually.
  • Me come tra la dia intera. – I eat throughout the day.
The passive participle can be used as a complement of the verbs es or deveni, producing a passive sense. Par (“by”) introduces the agent of a passive action:
  • Esta sala ia es pintida par un bufon. – This room was painted by a clown.
  • La sala deveni pintida. – The room is being painted.
  • Acel ponte ia es desiniada par un injenior famosa. – That bridge was designed by a famous engineer.
  • Lo ia deveni conoseda ce el ia es un om perilosa. – It became known that he was a dangerous man.
An active sentence with on or algun as its subject is often an elegant alternative to a passive sentence:
  • On pinti la sala. – The room is being painted.
  • On no sabe cuanto persones teme aranias. – It’s not known how many people are afraid of spiders.
  • Algun ia come lo. – It was eaten by someone.
The active participle of es is esente:
  • Esente un bufon, el ia senta sur la seja rompeda. – Being a clown, he sat on the broken chair.*
Caro de Segeda (talk) 17:02, 13 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
Dumanan ièlah kata kerja nyang dipaké jadi penyipat atawa penerang. Kata kerja dikeja jadi dumanan seregepan paké ''-nte'' èn dumanan kenaan – ''-da''. Ni – kurang lebi surup ama basa Inggris punya “''-ing''” èn “''-ed''” (atawa “''-en''”) nyang bisa dipaké bakal penerang juga' ama peada (kalo di basa Betawi jadinya “''nyang (nglakonin)''” ama “''nyang (dilakonin)''” atawa “''sembari; sembèn''”). Dumanan seregepan galibnya nyatain piil nyang masing tangi, kalo dumanan kenaan – piil nyang udah di wayah dulu:
  • Un ruido asustante ia veni de la armario. – Berisikan nyang nakutin dateng deri gerobog. (penyipat)
  • La om creante scultas es amirable. – Si orang nyang ngeja patung na'jubin. (penyipat; = ''la om ci crea scultas'')
  • El ia sta tremante en la porta. – Dia ngayar baé sembari ndekukul di pintu. (penerang)
  • Nos ia colie tota de la composantes. – Kita udah omplokin semua onderdilnya. (peada; onderdil = nyang nyusun)
  • Per favore, no senta sur la seja rompeda. – Tulung jangan duduk di bangku nyang rusak. (penyipat)
  • El ia leje xocada la reporta. – Dia ngebaca laporannya sembari kagèt. (penerang)
  • Sua novela va es un bonvendeda. – Dia punya roman bakal dijual jadi jualan paling apik. (peada; jualan paling apik = nyang dijual paling apik)
Dumanan seregepan bisa gableg peroléan. Sebagé lagi, tu dumanan bisa juga' jadi penglengkep kata kerja ''es'' nyang artinya “lagi...”:
  • Me es lenta asorbente la informa. – Gua lagi ngresep langsam-langsam itu inpormasinya.
  • Me no ia disturba tu, car tu ia es laborante. – Gua kaga' ngeganggu lu, sebab lu itu waktu lagi gawé.
Cuman, bentukan dumanan sering kaga' perlu, sebab masing ada laèn cara bakal ngungkepin ni ma'na:
  • Me asorbe lenta la informa. – Gua langsam-langsam ngresep itu inpormasinya/Gua lagi ngresep langsam-langsam itu inpormasinya.
  • Vade a via, me labora. – Mè'rat sonoh, gua lagi gawé.
  • Me continua come. – Gua nerusin madang.
  • Me come continual. – Gua pepes madang.
  • Me come tra la dia intera. – Searian gua madang.
Adapun dumanan kenaan kena dipaké bakal jadi penglengkep kata kerja ''es'' atawa ''deveni'', nyang ma'nanya kenaan. ''Par'' (“ama”) nengerin penglakonnya itu piil kenaan:
  • Esta sala ia es pintida par un bufon. – Ni pangkèng dicèt ama badut.
  • La sala deveni pintida. – Itu pangkèng lagi dicèt.
  • Acel ponte ia es desiniada par un injenior famosa. – Itu jembatan dirancang ama atu tukang insinyur kenamaan.
  • Lo ia deveni conoseda ce el ia es un om perilosa. – Itu jadi dikenal kalu dia orang – orang bahaya.
Atu kalimat seregepan paké ''on'' atawa ''algun'' sebagé dia punya hal sering dipaké bakal cara laènnya bentuk kenaan nyang rada perlénté:
  • On pinti la sala. – Itu pangkèng lagi dicèt.
  • On no sabe cuanto persones teme aranias. – Kaga' ditauin dah berapa orang nyang takut ama kawa-kawa.
  • Algun ia come lo. – Itu dimakan ama orang.
Dumanan seregepan deri ''es'' entu ''esente'':
  • Esente un bufon, el ia senta sur la seja rompeda. – Jadi badut, dia duduk di korsi bejad.*
Bangrapip (talk) 13:55, 14 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
A transitive verb is one that can be directly followed by a noun phrase (an object), with no intervening preposition. An intransitive verb does not have an object. For example:
Me senta. – I am sitting. (senta is intransitive)
La patatas coce. – The potatoes are cooking. (coce is intransitive)
El usa un computador. – She’s using a computer. (usa is transitive)
Los come bananas. – They’re eating bananas. (come is transitive)
Transitivity is flexible in Elefen. For example, if you add an object after an intransitive verb, the verb becomes transitive. The object corresponds semantically to the intransitive subject, and the verb now means “causes (the object) to …”:
Me senta la enfantes. – I seat the children. (= Me causa ce la enfantes senta)
Me coce la patatas. – I cook the potatoes. (= Me causa ce la patatas coce)
The object of a transitive verb can be omitted if it’s obvious from the situation or the context:
El canta un melodia. – She’s singing a tune. > El canta. – She’s singing. (= El canta alga cosa)
When a verb’s object and subject are the same thing, you can use a reflexive pronoun as the object:
Me senta me. – I seat myself / I sit down. (= Me deveni sentante)
La porte abri se. – The door opens (itself). (= La porte abri – but emphasizing that nobody seems to be opening it; it’s opening by itself)
And to make it clear that a verb is being used transitively, you can use expressions with fa or causa:
Me fa ce la enfantes senta. – I make the children sit. (= Me senta la enfantes)
Me causa ce la fango adere a mea botas. – I cause the mud to stick to my boots. (= Me adere la fango a mea botas)
In some languages, the object of a transitive verb can have a complement. Elefen uses other constructions instead:
Los ia eleje el a presidente. – They elected him president. (preposition of resulting state)
Me ia pinti la casa a blanca. – I painted the house white. (preposition of resulting state)
Me ia fa ce el es felis. – I made him happy. (noun clause)
El ia dise ce me es stupida. – He called me stupid. (noun clause)
The one exception involves the verb nomi, and is regarded as an example of apposition:
La esplorores ia nomi la rio la Amazon. – The explorers named the river the Amazon. (= los ia dona la nom “la Amazon” a la rio)
Thanks for your help. Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:35, 14 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
Kata kerja peroléanan entu kata kerja nyang bisa langsung diintilin ama atu gabungan peada (peroléan), sonder rècokan pengawalan. Kata kerja sonderperoléanan entu kata kerja nyang kaga' gableg peroléan. Misalnya:
Me senta. – Gua lagi ngejogrog. (''senta'' entu sonderperoléanan)
La patatas coce. – Artapelnya mateng. (''coce'' entu sonderperoléanan)
El usa un computador. – Dia lagi maké kumpiuter. (usa entu peroléanan)
Los come bananas. – Dia pada lagi makan pisang. (come entu peroléanan)
Keperoléanan entu sipatnya lentur di basa Elefen. Misalnya, kalu lu tambahin peroléan abisnya kata kerja sonderperoléanan, itu kata kerja bakal jadi peroléanan. Itu peroléanan secara ma'nanya surup ama hal sonderperoléanan, èn kata kerjanya artinya “ngeja .../nge-in”:
Me senta la enfantes. – Gua ngeja duduk/ngejogrogin tu bocah pada. (= ''Me causa ce la enfantes senta'')
Me coce la patatas. – Gua masak itu artapel. (= ''Me causa ce la patatas coce'')
Peroléan kata kerja peroléanan bisa diilangin kalo udah danta deri kewontenan ama kontèksnya:
El canta un melodia. – Dia nyanyiin nada. > ''El canta''. – Dia nyanyi. (= ''El canta alga cosa'')
Kapan peroléan ama halnya kata kerja sama, lu bisa paké nyang namanya pengganti balikan bakal jadi peroléannya:
Me senta me. – Gua ngejogrogin diri sendèwèk / Gua ngejogrog. (= ''Me deveni sentante'')
La porte abri se. – Itu pintu ngebuka' (diri sendèwèk). (= ''La porte abri'' – artinya lebi ke èmang udah ngablag sendèwèk; bukan dibuka sengaja ama orang)
Bakal ngeja danta kalu tu kata kerja dipaké peroléanan, lu bisa paké ''fa'' atawa ''causa'':
Me fa ce la enfantes senta. – Gua ngeja tu bocah pada ngejogrog. (= ''Me senta la enfantes'')
Me causa ce la fango adere a mea botas. – Gua ngeja tu belok debèl di gua punya patu. (= ''Me adere la fango a mea botas'')
Di berapa basa, peroléan kata kerja peroléanan kena gableg penglengkep. Basa Elefen maké laèn bentukan:
Los ia eleje el a presidente. – Dia milih dia jadi persidèn. (pengawalan keadaan hasil)
Me ia pinti la casa a blanca. – Gua ngecèt tu rumah jadi puti. (pengawalan keadaan hasil)
Me ia fa ce el es felis. – Gua ngeja dia girang. (ujar peada)
El ia dise ce me es stupida. – Dia nggero gua goblok. (ujar peada)
Atu pengecualian nyang nglibatin kata kerja ''nomi'', èn dirèken jadi badal:
La esplorores ia nomi la rio la Amazon. – Tukang kumbara ngasi nama itu kali Amasonah. (= ''los ia dona la nom “la Amazon” a la rio'')
Bangrapip (talk) 13:09, 15 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
Every finite verb in Elefen must have a subject, even if only as a placekeeper.
In some languages, it’s possible to omit the subjects of verbs that refer to the weather or the general environment. In Elefen, lo (“it”) is used:
Lo neva. – It’s snowing.
Lo va pluve. – It’s going to rain.
Lo es tro calda en esta sala. – It’s too hot in this room.
Lo es bon – It’s good.
Another example is when the subject is effectively a trailing noun clause. Because it comes after the verb, lo is used as a dummy subject:
Lo pare ce tu es coreta. – It seems that you are correct.
Lo es importante ce me no oblida esta. – It’s important that I don’t forget this.
Likewise, with the verb es, if the subject is a pronoun (typically el, lo, or los) followed by a relative clause, one can move the real subject to the end of the sentence and substitute lo as a dummy subject:
Lo es me ci ama Maria. = El ci ama Maria es me. – It’s me who loves Mary. = The one who loves Mary is me.
Lo es Maria ci me ama. = El ci me ama es Maria. – It’s Mary that I love. = The one that I love is Mary.
Lo es la bal blu cual me ia perde. = Lo cual me ia perde es la bal blu. = La bal blu es lo cual me ia perde. – It’s the blue ball that I’ve lost. = What I’ve lost is the blue ball. = The blue ball is what I’ve lost.
On ave indicates the presence or existence of something:
On ave un serpente en la rua. – There is a snake in the road.
On no ave pexes en esta lago. – There aren’t any fish in this lake.
On ave multe persones asi oji. – There are many people here today. Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:15, 18 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
Saban kata kerja tasripan di basa Elefen kudu gableg hal, hata cuman bakal taroh-tarohan di situ doang.
Di berapa basa, bisa aja tu ngilangin halnya deri kata kerja nyang maran ke cuaca atawa lingkungan umum. Dalem basa Elefen, kudu pake' ''lo'' (“itu”):
In some languages, it’s possible to omit the subjects of verbs that refer to the weather or the general environment. In Elefen, lo (“it”) is used:
Lo neva. – Lagi turun salju.
Lo va pluve. – Bentar lagi mao ujan.
Lo es tro calda en esta sala. – Keliwat panas di ni ruangan.
Lo es bon – Bagus.
Atu tulad laèn ièlah pas itu hal ièlah ujar peada nyang gandèngan. Bahna itu adanya sebelonnya kata kerja, ''lo'' dipaké bakal hal jadi-jadian doang:
Lo pare ce tu es coreta. – Leliatanah lu bener.
Lo es importante ce me no oblida esta. – Penting jangan ampé gua lupa.
Gitu juga', ama kata kerja ''es'', kalo halnya ièlah pengganti (biasanya ''el'', ''lo'', atawa ''los'') nyang dikintilin ama aut ujar ubungan, itu hal aslinya bisa digèrot ke belakang kalimat èn digantiin ama ''lo'' bakal jadi hal jadi-jadian:
Lo es me ci ama Maria. = El ci ama Maria es me. – Gua – nyang demen ama Mariah. = Nyang demen ama Mariah – gua.
Lo es Maria ci me ama. = El ci me ama es Maria. – Mariah – nyang gua demenin. Nyang gua demenin = Mariah.
Lo es la bal blu cual me ia perde. = Lo cual me ia perde es la bal blu. = La bal blu es lo cual me ia perde. – Itu bola blao – nyang gua ilangin. = Nyang gua ilangin – bola blao. = Bola blao nyang gua ilangin.
''On ave'' nyatain ada apa kaga'nya barang:
On ave un serpente en la rua. – Ada ula di jalanan.
On no ave pexes en esta lago. – Kaga' ada ikan di ni sètu.
On ave multe persones asi oji. – Ada ngejeprah orang di mari ni ari.
Bangrapip (talk) 11:51, 19 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wy/id/Buku frase Betawi


Halo, terima kasih atas kontribusi anda pada halaman tersebut. Namun, selalu utamakan para pelancong, jangan membuat mereka terlalu bingung.

Contohnya seperti angka Cina yang sebenarnya bisa dijelaskan pada laman Hokian, karena yang beda bahasan.

Lalu, untuk perbedaan dialek, agar tidak membuat pembaca bingung, sebaiknya dibuatkan halaman baru saja. Bahasa Jawa saja ada laman dialek Surabaya-nya juga.

Salam. Veracious (talk) 04:27, 23 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Terima kasih atas sarannya, terutama untuk pemisahan dialek. Ide tersebut memang ide yang bagus. Tetapi, satu pertimbangan yang membuat kami memasukkan angka Cina, sebab memang secara kultural, kami menggunakan angka tersebut dalam perniagaan dan hal tersebut sangat lazim di kalangan orang Betawi (terutama Betawi asli), terlebih ada frasa-frasa yang berkaitan dengan uang. Mungkin ke depannya akan dikembangkan dengan lebih komprehensif seperti buku frasa bahasa Jawa Surabaya yang cukup komprehensif. Terlebih lagi, saya juga masih baru dalam penyuntingan Wikiwisata yang mungkin sedikit berbeda dengan Wikipedia atau Inkubator Wikimedia.
Terima kasih atas masukannya,
Bangrapip (talk) 05:20, 23 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Maaf bila agak membingungkan, Anda dapat pula membaca panduan Wikiwisata bagi Wikipediawan. Intinya dalam menulis di Wikiwisata ya... utamakan wisatawan, jangan bikin bingung wisatawan, bila cukup pakai bahasa Betawi saat berurusan dengan uang, sebenarnya tidak perlu pakai bahasa Hokkien (sebab lebih sering dipakai sama orang Cina). Untuk dialek sepertinya tidak perlu buru-buru dibuat laman terpisah karena sepertinya masih pas dengan halaman tersebut.
Terima kasih. Veracious (talk) 05:52, 2 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this?

Elefen has two ways to use verbs as nouns: the infinitive and the verbal noun. Both use the verb unmodified.

The infinitive ​introduces a special kind of noun clause, called ​an “infinitive ​clause”​, whose meaning is like a clause introduced by ce. The infinitive is still really a verb, capable of being followed by adverbs and an object, and of negation by the word no placed before it. Importantly, it does not accept a subject or an indicator of tense or mood. These are conveyed by the context.

The most common use of an infinitive clause is as the object of another verb. The subjects of both verbs are usually the same, but they can be different if the meaning suggests this, as in the example with proibi come below:

  • Me espera ariva ante tua parti. – I hope to arrive before you leave.
  • Me ia gusta multe escuta oji mea musica. – I greatly enjoyed listening to my music today.
  • On pote nunca spele coreta mea nom. – People can never spell my name correctly.
  • El teme no velia en la matina. – He fears not waking up in the morning.
  • La empleor proibi come sanduitxes en la ofisia. – The employer forbids eating sandwiches in the office.

Infinitives are also often found after prepositions, ​where they can still accept no before them, and adverbs and an object after them:

  • Me viaja per vide la mundo. – I’m travelling (in order) to see the world.
  • El ia mori pos nomi sua susedor. – She died after naming her successor.
  • El ia abri la noza par colpa lo forte con un martel. – He opened the nut by hitting it hard with a hammer.
  • On no pote pasea tra la mundo sin lasa impresas de pede. – You can’t walk through the world without leaving footprints.

By contrast, the verbal noun is just a noun, and is normally preceded by la or another determiner. The noun denotes either an occurrence of the verb’s action, or its immediate result.

  • It can accept adjectives, but a preposition (most commonly de) must be used if an object needs to be included:
  • Sua condui ia es vera xocante. – His behaviour was really shocking.
  • El ia destrui sua labora intera. – She destroyed her entire work.
  • La valsa e la samba es dansas. – The waltz and the samba are dances.
  • Esta va es un ajunta bela a la ragu. – This will be a fine addition to the stew.
  • Me ia prepara du traduis de la testo. – I’ve prepared two translations of the text.
  • Tu ave no comprende de la problemes. – You have no understanding of the problems.
  • “LFN” es un corti de “Lingua Franca Nova”. – “LFN” is an abbreviation of “Lingua Franca Nova”.
  • La universo ia es estrema peti a la momento de sua crea. – The universe was extremely small at the moment of its creation.

With a verb such as ajunta, there is little difference between un ajunta and un ajuntada. But la traduida is the original text from which la tradui is produced, and un crea is an act of creating un creada. This follows from the meaning of the objects of the verbs themselves: -da always refers to the object. With crea, the object is also the result of the action; but with tradui, the object and the result are two different things. With a few verbs, such as dansa, where the object and the action are the same thing, we say un dansa, not un dansada.

An infinitive clause can be used as the subject of a sentence:

  • Nada es un eserse gustable. – Swimming / To swim is an enjoyable exercise.
  • Nada en fango no es un eserse gustable. – Swimming in mud / To swim in mud is not an enjoyable exercise.
  • Scrive ​la novela ia aida el a boni sua stilo. – Writing the novel helped her to improve her style.

But, in writing, if an infinitive clause is long, the reader may risk mistaking the infinitive verb for a command, at least until they get to the main verb of the sentence. One can avoid this by changing the infinitive to a verbal noun by adding la or another determiner before it, or by using the plural:

  • La nada en fango no es un eserse ​gustable. – Swimming in mud is not an enjoyable exercise.
  • La scrive de ​la novela ia aida el a boni sua stilo. – Writing the novel / The writing of the novel helped her to improve her style.
  • Eras es umana, pardonas es divin. – To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Thanks. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:12, 23 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sure, here you are:
Basa Elefen gableg dua cara bakal maké kata kerja sebagé peada: kata kerja dasar ama kata peada kerja. Dua-duanya kaga' dirombak-rambèk lagi kata kerjanya.
Kata kerja dasar ngawalin atu macem ujar peada, nama “ujar kata kerja dasar”, nyang artinya kaya' ujar nyang diawalin ama ''ce''. Kata kerja dasar mah masing kata kerja, nyang gableg diintilin ama penerang atawa peroléan, ama pengurungan. Nyang kudu ditandesin, ni kata kerja dasar kaga' nerima hal atawa penenger tèmpo atawa rasa (''mood''). Poko'nya udah kesirat dah di dalemnya.
Atu pemakéan nyang paling sering deri ujar kata kerja dasar ièlah sebagé peroléan bakal kata kerja laènnya. Hal deri itu kata kerja dua-duanya biasanya medu, cuman mentak bèda kalo ma'nanya èmang gitu, kaya' conto ama ''proibi'' di bawah ni:
  • Me espera ariva ante tua parti. – Gua ngarep nyampé sebelon lu mangkat.
  • Me ia gusta multe escuta oji mea musica. – Gua ni'matin betul ngedengerin gua punya gending ni ari.
  • On pote nunca spele coreta mea nom. – Orang pada kaga' gableg bener ngèja gua punya nama.
  • El teme no velia en la matina. – Dia takut kaga' mendusin pagi-pagi.
  • La empleor proibi come sanduitxes en la ofisia. – Itu bas ngrarang makan roti tumplek di kantornya.
Kata kerja dasar juga' sering dipaké abisannya pengawal nyang masing bisa kena penerang ama peroléan abisannya tu kata kerja:
  • Me viaja per vide la mundo. – Gua sapar bakal ngiat dunia.
  • El ia mori pos nomi sua susedor. – Dia wapat abis namain penerusnya.
  • El ia abri la noza par colpa lo forte con un martel. – Dia ngrengkahin kacang paké nggeprèk paké martil.
  • On no pote pasea tra la mundo sin lasa impresas de pede. – Lu kaga' bisa jalan nglantasin dunia sonder ninggalin jejek kaki.
Kebalikannya, kata peada kerja entu cuman peada doangan, nyang galibnya diduluin ama ''la'' atawa laèn pembèda arti. Ni peada nyatain kejadian deri piil kerja, atawa hasil langsungnya.
  • Ni bisa dikasi penyipat, cuman pengawal (umumnya ''de'') kudu dipaké kalu mau ditambahin peroléan abisannya:
  • Sua condui ia es vera xocante. – Dia punya abet bener-bener ngagètin.
  • El ia destrui sua labora intera. – Dia ngencagin kabèhan dia punya gawéan.
  • La valsa e la samba es dansas. – Was ama samba entu ibing-ibingan.
  • Esta va es un ajunta bela a la ragu. – Ni bisa jadi tetambahan bagus bakal itu sayur godog.
  • Me ia prepara du traduis de la testo. – Gua udah nyiapin dua terjemahan itu tèks.
  • Tu ave no comprende de la problemes. – Lu kaga' gableg pemahaman mas'alahnya.
  • “LFN” es un corti de “Lingua Franca Nova”. – “LFN” ièlah pèndèk lèter deri “Lingua Franca Nova”.
  • La universo ia es estrema peti a la momento de sua crea. – Jagat dulunya bener-bener kecit pas penyiptaannya.
Paké kata kerja kaya' ''ajunta'', ada bèda sedikit antara ''un ajunta'' ama ''un ajuntada''. Cuman, ''la traduida'' entu tèks asalnya ''la tradui'', èn ''un crea'' ièlah piil ngeja ''un creada''. Ni – deri arti benda deri itu kata kerjanya: ''-da'' mesti maran ke bendanya. Paké ''crea'', benda juga' jadi hasilnya itu piil; cuman kalu ''tradui'', benda ama hasilnya laèn. Berapa kata kerja, kaya' ''dansa'', nyang benda ama piilnya medu, kita bilangnya ''un dansa'', bukan ''un dansada''.
Ujar kata kerja dasar kena dipaké jadi hal kalimat:
  • Nada es un eserse gustable. – Ngojay entu latian nyang nyenengin.
  • Nada en fango no es un eserse gustable. – Ngobak di pengèmpang entu bukan latian nyang nyenengin.
  • Scrive ​la novela ia aida el a boni sua stilo. – Nulis roman ngebantu dia ngebagusin dia punya setil.
Cuman, di basa tulis, kalu ujar kata kerja dasar kepanjangan, orang nyang ngebaca mentak salah ngartiin kata kerjanya ama perènta, paling kaga' ampé dia ntuk ke kata kerja utama kalimatnya. Orang bisa ngandangin ni tibang ngrobah kata kerja dasarnya jadi kata peada kerja dengen nambahin ''la'' atawa laèn pembèda arti sebelonnya, atawa maké jama':
  • La nada en fango no es un eserse ​gustable. – Ngobak di pengèmpang bukan latian nyang nyenengin.
  • La scrive de ​la novela ia aida el a boni sua stilo. – Nulis/penulisan roman ngebantu dia ngebagusin dia punya setil.
  • Eras es umana, pardonas es divin. – Bikin salah entu manusiawi, ngampunin entu ilahi.
Bangrapip (talk) 10:14, 23 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sorry but here you translated to Betawi certain words that have to be in Elefen:

The infinitive ​introduces a special kind of noun clause, called ​an "infinitive ​clause"​, whose meaning is like a clause introduced by **ce**. The infinitive is still really a verb, capable of being followed by adverbs and an object, and of negation by the word **no** placed before it. Importantly, it does not accept a subject or an indicator of tense or mood. These are conveyed by the context.
  • By contrast, the verbal noun is just a noun, and is normally preceded by **la** or another determiner. The noun denotes either an occurrence of the verb’s action, or its immediate result. It can accept adjectives, but a preposition (most commonly **de**) must be used if an object needs to be included:
The most common use of an infinitive clause is as the object of another verb. The subjects of both verbs are usually the same, but they can be different if the meaning suggests this, as in the example with **proibi come** below:

--Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:11, 28 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sorry, here is the translation:
Kata kerja dasar ngawalin atu macem ujar peada, nama “ujar kata kerja dasar”, nyang artinya kaya' ujar nyang diawalin ama **ce**. TKata kerja dasar mah masing kata kerja, nyang gableg diintilin ama penerang atawa peroléan, ama pengurungan paké kata **no** sebelonnya. Nyang kudu ditandesin, ni kata kerja dasar kaga' nerima hal atawa penenger tèmpo atawa rasa (''mood''). Poko'nya udah kesirat dah di dalemnya.
  • Kebalikannya, kata peada kerja entu cuman peada doangan, nyang galibnya diduluin ama **la** atawa laèn pembèda arti. Ni peada nyatain kejadian deri piil kerja, atawa hasil langsungnya. Ni bisa dikasi penyipat, cuman pengawal (umumnya **de**) ) kudu dipaké kalu mau ditambahin peroléan abisannya:
Atu pemakéan nyang paling sering deri ujar kata kerja dasar ièlah sebagé peroléan bakal kata kerja laènnya. Hal deri itu kata kerja dua-duanya biasanya medu, cuman mentak bèda kalo ma'nanya èmang gitu, kaya' conto ama **proibi come** di bawah ni:
Bangrapip (talk) 09:20, 28 September 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Could you please translate this?
Infinitives are also often found after prepositions, ​where they can still accept **no** before them, and adverbs and an object after them: Caro de Segeda (talk) 16:18, 7 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
Kata kerja dasar juga' sering abisannya pengawal, nyang bisa dikasi **no** sebelonnya, èn penerang serènta peroléan abisnya. Bangrapip (talk) 17:32, 7 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. could you please translate this?
  • A means “at”. It presents a place or a time as a simple point, or as a general space or period, ignoring its internal structure:
  • In addition, a can express movement towards a point. This includes metaphorical movements such as transfers to recipients, and changes into new states:
  • In fact, any preposition that indicates a location can also indicate movement towards that location. For example, in me pone mea libros en mea saco (“I put my books in my bag”), en obviously implies motion “into”. When extra clarity is needed, a can be placed before the preposition to clarify the sense of movement towards:
  • A special use of a is before another preposition, to create an adverb. If the preposition denotes a place, the combination suggests movement in the direction indicated. A ante and a pos are also used to denote earlier or later times:
  • Another special use of a is to add a complement to the object in a sentence. (In some cases, other prepositions can also be used for this purpose.)
  • The complement can be an infinitive. Per can be used instead of a, but then the meaning is that the subject of the main verb intends to perform the action of the infinitive verb. A indicates that the subject intends the object to do it:
Caro de Segeda (talk) 10:32, 11 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
  • A artinya “di”. Poko'nya bakal ngasi tau tempat atawa waktu tok, atawa sebagé tempat ama waktu umum, sonder ngopènin betuk bentukan jeronya:
  • Tambahannya, a bisa artinya “ke”. Ni juga' bisa artinya orang nyang dikasi, atawa perobahan “jadi...”:
  • Nyatanya, pengawalan apa baé nyang ngasi unjuk tempat juga' bisa artinya ngarah ke itu tempat. Tuladnya, in me pone mea libros en mea saco (“Gua naroh buku di dalem kempèk gua”), en nyiratin pegerakan “ke dalem”. Kapan perlu dantaan, a bisa ditaroh di sebelonnya pengawalan laèn bakal ngasi unjuk arah ke situ:
  • Pemakéan husus a entu sebelonnya pengawaan, bakal ngeja penerang. Kalo pengawalannya artinya tempat, mangka artinya ngarah ke itu tempat. A ante ama a pos juga' dipaké bakal nyatain tadé atawa ntar:
  • Pemakéan husus a nyang laèn entu nambahin penglengkep ke peroléan di kalimat. (Dalem berapa hal, pengawalan laèn kena juga' dipaké bakal ni tujuan.)
  • Penglengkep mentak aja bentuk dasar kata kerja. Per juga' kena dipaké gantinya a, cuman enti artinya itu hal deri kata kerja utama pèngèn nglakonin itu piil kata kerja dasar. A ngasi unjuk kalo itu hal èmang pèngèn kalo itu peroléan nyang nglakonin entu:
Bangrapip (talk) 14:39, 11 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
By metaphorical extension, a introduces the point of reference in a relationship: Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:26, 12 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Kalu deri penglèbaran pengibaratan, a ngasi unjuk titik paranan dalem ubungan: Bangrapip (talk) 09:54, 12 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Nos senta a la table. – We are sitting at the table.
Me va encontra tu a la crus de vias. – I’ll meet you at the crossroads.
La scala apoia a la mur. – The ladder is leaning on the wall.
Tua casa es a lado de mea casa. – Your house is next to mine.
El reposa a casa. – He’s resting at home.
Sudan es a sude de Misre. – Sudan is to the south of Egypt.
La barco es a mar. – The boat is at sea.
El ia fini la labora a la comensa de la anio. – She finished the work at the start of the year.
A medianote, on va vide focos artal. – At midnight, there will be fireworks.
Me debe parti a la ora des-ses. – I have to leave at four o’clock.
Tu sta tro prosima a la borda. – You’re standing too close to the edge.
La forma de Italia es simil a un gama. – The shape of Italy is similar to a leg.
Esta pen parteni a me. – This pen belongs to me.
Cual aveni si on no conforma a la regulas? – What happens if you don’t conform to the rules?
A la min tredes persones espeta. – At least thirty people are waiting.
Me viaja a New York. – I am travelling to New York.
Pone tua libros a via. – Put your books away.
El leva sua oios a la sielo. – He raises his eyes to the sky.
El ia dona un oso a la can. – She gave a bone to the dog / She gave the dog a bone.
La sorsor ia cambia se a un capra. – The wizard changed himself into a goat.
La seja ia cade a pesos. – The chair fell to bits.
La xico ia ajunta sua nom a la lista. – The boy added his name to the list.
Dise a me tua nom. – Tell me your name.
Me no va responde a acel demanda. – I will not answer that question.
Nos desira a tu un bon aniversario. – We wish you a happy birthday.
Tua idea pare asurda a me. – Your idea seems absurd to me.
Me pasea longo la strada, de un fini a la otra. – I walk down the street, from one end to the other.
Tu irita me de tempo a tempo. – You annoy me from time to time.
La note progresa a la lus prima. – The night is progressing towards dawn.
De lundi a jovedi es cuatro dias. – From Monday to Thursday is four days.
Core a la casa. – Run to the house.
Core en la casa. – Run in the house.
Core a en la casa. – Run into the house.
La gato salta sur la table. – The cat jumps on the table.
La gato salta a sur la table. – The cat jumps onto the table.
La can core a ante. – The dog runs forward.
Tu pote pone tua saco a supra. – You can put your bag overhead.
La sumerjor ia vade a su. – The diver went down.
Vide a su. – See below.
Me ia visita esta vila a ante. – I have visited this town before.
Nos pote reveni a pos. – We can return later.
El ia pinti sua casa a blanca. – He painted his house white.
Me va servi la gambas a/en fria. – I will serve the shrimp cold.
Los ia eleje Maria a/per presidente. – They elected Maria (as) president.
El comanda la soldatos a ataca la fortres. – He orders the soldiers to attack the fort.
Me va instrui vos a parla la lingua. – I will teach you to speak the language. Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:06, 13 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Here you are:
Nos senta a la table. – Kita nangkring di atas mèja.
Me va encontra tu a la crus de vias. – Gua bakal papagin lu di prapatan.
La scala apoia a la mur. – Stègernya nyèndèr ke tèmbok.
Tua casa es a lado de mea casa. – Ruma lu di samping gua punya.
El reposa a casa. – Dia lagi ngasoh di ruma.
Sudan es a sude de Misre. – Sudan ada di bekidulnya Mesir.
La barco es a mar. – Prau ada di laot.
El ia fini la labora a la comensa de la anio. – Dia ngelarin gawéannya di awal tahon.
A medianote, on va vide focos artal. – Pas tenga malem, enti bakal ada kembang api.
Me debe parti a la ora des-ses. – Gua kudu mangkat jem empat pas.
Tu sta tro prosima a la borda. – Lu ngayar kedeketan ama lingirnya.
La forma de Italia es simil a un gama. – Itali punya bentuk mèmper ama kaki.
Esta pen parteni a me. – Ni pulpèn – gua punya.
Cual aveni si on no conforma a la regulas? – Apa nyang kejadian kalo kaga' ngikutin aturannya?
A la min tredes persones espeta. – Paling kaga' ada tiga pulu orang nyang lagi nunggu.
Me viaja a New York. – Gua plesiran ke Niu-Yorek.
Pone tua libros a via. – Singkirin lu punya buku.
El leva sua oios a la sielo. – Dia naèkin matanya ke langit.
El ia dona un oso a la can. – Dia ngasi tulang ke anjing.
La sorsor ia cambia se a un capra. – Si dukun ngejegleg (ngrobah dèwèknya) jadi kambing.
La seja ia cade a pesos. – Korsi jatoh jadi encag.
La xico ia ajunta sua nom a la lista. – Itu bocah nambahin namanya ke daptar.
Dise a me tua nom. – Kasi gua tau nama lu.
Me no va responde a acel demanda. – Gua kaga' bakalan ngejawab itu pertanyaan.
Nos desira a tu un bon aniversario. – Kita arep selamet milad bakal lu.
Tua idea pare asurda a me. – Pikiran lu kaya'nya anèh bakal gua.
Me pasea longo la strada, de un fini a la otra. – Gua jalan nurunin jalan, deri atu huk ke sebelahnya.
Tu irita me de tempo a tempo. – Lu ngrècokin gua mulu terus-terusan.
La note progresa a la lus prima. – Malem mulain terus jadi pagi.
De lundi a jovedi es cuatro dias. – Deri Senèn ke Kemis ada empat hari.
Core a la casa. – Rari ke ruma.
Core en la casa. – Rari di ruma.
Core a en la casa. – Rari ke dalem ruma.
La gato salta sur la table. – Kucing ngingkrog di atas mèja.
La gato salta a sur la table. – Kucing ngingkrog ke atas mèja.
La can core a ante. – Anjing rari ke depan.
Tu pote pone tua saco a supra. – Lu bisa junjung tas lu di atas.
La sumerjor ia vade a su. – Tukang nyelem mudun.
Vide a su. – Liat bawah.
Me ia visita esta vila a ante. – Gua udah perna ke ni kota sebelonnya.
Nos pote reveni a pos. – Kita bisa balik entar.
El ia pinti sua casa a blanca. – Dia nglèpo tèmboknya jadi puti.
Me va servi la gambas a/en fria. – Kita angsrogin udangnya dingin-dingin.
Los ia eleje Maria a/per presidente. – Dia pada mili Maria jadi persidèn.
El comanda la soldatos a ataca la fortres. – Dia nyuruh soldadu nganpal bèntèngnya.
Me va instrui vos a parla la lingua. – Gua bakal ngajarin lu ngomong tu basa.
Bangrapip (talk) 12:48, 15 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
Asta means “up to” or “as far as” a specified object or location:
  • El ia acompania me asta mea auto. – She accompanied me to my car.
  • La tera es covreda con neva asta la montania. – The ground is covered in snow as far as the mountains.
  • Me es empapada asta mea pel. – I am soaked to the skin.
  • La custa ia cade asta sola un euro. – The price fell to just one euro.
  • El ia visita cada pais de Andora asta Zambia. – He’s visited every country from Andorra to Zambia.
  • Studia la pajes dudes-sinco asta cuatrodes-du. – Study pages 25 to 42 (inclusive).
This leads to the temporal sense of asta, which is “until”:
  • El labora asta medianote. – He works until midnight.
  • Espeta asta la estate. – Wait until the summer.
  • Asta doman! – Until tomorrow / See you tomorrow!
Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:43, 16 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
Asta artinya “ampé” atawa “sejaoh” tempat atawa waktu nyang ditentuin:
  • El ia acompania me asta mea auto. – Dia nemenin gua ampé mubil.
  • La tera es covreda con neva asta la montania. – Tana pada ditutupin ama salju ampé gunung punya jaoh.
  • Me es empapada asta mea pel. – Gua lèpèk ampé kulit-kulitnya.
  • La custa ia cade asta sola un euro. – Harganya jatoh ampé cuman seèuro.
  • El ia visita cada pais de Andora asta Zambia. – Dia udah nyabain saban negara deri Andora ampé Sambia.
  • Studia la pajes dudes-sinco asta cuatrodes-du. – Belajarin halaman 25 ampé 42.
Ni juga' gableg arti waktu nyang sementara kalu paké asta, nya'entu “ampé”:
  • El labora asta medianote. – Dia gawé ampé tenga malem.
  • Espeta asta la estate. – Tunggu ampé usum pentèr.
  • Asta doman! – Ampé bèsok / Ampé kepapag bèsok!
Bangrapip (talk) 03:18, 17 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
Ca means “than”. It indicates the reference point for an inequality comparison:
  • Mea can es plu intelijente ca me. – My dog is more intelligent than me.
  • Acel es multe min interesante ca esta. – That is much less interesting than this.
  • La sielo e tera ave plu cosas ca tu imajina en tua filosofia. – There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Como means “as” or “like”. It indicates the reference point for an equality comparison:
  • El rie como un iena. — He laughs like a hyena.
  • Tua cor es dur como petra. – Your heart is hard as stone.
  • Iogurte es como crema. – Yoghurt is like cream.
  • Tu ia veni a la mesma conclui como me. – You’ve reached the same conclusion as me.
  • Me pote salta tan alta como tu. – I can jump as high as you.
  • Condui como un adulte. – Behave like an adult.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:10, 17 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
Ca artinya “deri(pada)”. Ni ngasi unjuk pancer paranan bakal perbandingan sanggelir:
  • Mea can es plu intelijente ca me. – Anjing gua lebi pinter deri gua.
  • Acel es multe min interesante ca esta. – Entu bener-bener kurang ngebèngbat deri ni.
  • La sielo e tera ave plu cosas ca tu imajina en tua filosofia. – Ada lebi banyak benda di langit ama bumi deripada nyang diimpiin di lu punya pilsapat.
Como artinya “kaya'”. Ni ngasi unjuk pancer paranan bakal perbandingan sembabad:
  • El rie como un iena. — Dia ketawa kaya' hiéna.
  • Tua cor es dur como petra. – Ati lu keras kaya' batu.
  • Iogurte es como crema. – Tèrua entu kaya' krèm.
  • Tu ia veni a la mesma conclui como me. – Lu udah nyampé ke kesimpulan nyang medu kaya' gua.
  • Me pote salta tan alta como tu. – Gua bisa ngingkrog tinggi kaya' lu.
  • Condui como un adulte. – Betingka kaya' orang gedé.
Bangrapip (talk) 14:06, 17 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
A sentence can be turned into a yes/no question by adding esce (“is it the case that…”) at the start:
  • Esce tu parla deutx? – Do you speak German?
  • Esce tu ia come la salada? – Did you eat the salad?
There are two other ways. In speech, in questions that present a possibility and merely ask for confirmation, si? or no? can be added at the end of the sentence. And in very simple questions, a speaker can simply raise the pitch of their voice at the end:
  • Tu ia come la salada, si?
  • Tu ia come la salada, no?
  • Tu ia come, si?
  • Nos es perdeda, no?
  • Vos comprende?
The answer to a yes/no question is si (“yes”) or no (“no”). Si states that the possibility expressed in the question is true; no states that it is false:
  • Tu desira bir? – Do you want beer?
  • Si, per favore. – Yes, please. (I do want beer)
  • No, grasias. – No, thanks. (I don’t want beer)
If the question was phrased in the negative, si and no convey the same meanings as they would if the question had not been negative. But this can be confusing, so it can be clearer to answer with a full sentence:
  • Tu no desira bir? – Don’t you want beer?
  • Si. – Yes. (I do want beer)
  • No. – No. (I don’t want beer)
  • Si, me desira bir. – Yes, I want beer.
  • No, me no desira bir. – No, I don’t want beer.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:17, 18 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Here you are.
Kalimat bisa dibikin pertanyaan ya/kaga' tibang nambahin esce (“apa…”) di depan:
  • Esce tu parla deutx? – Apa lu [bisa] ngomong basa Dèt?
  • Esce tu ia come la salada? – Apa lu lebok lalapannya?
Ada dua cara laènnya. Dalem basa omongan, di pertanyaan nyang ada mentakannya ama cuman nanya penandesan doang, bisa maké si? or no? di buntut kalimat. Èn di pertanyaan nyang ringkes banget, orang bisa cuman tibang naèkin nada suaranya jadi nanya di buntutnya:
  • Tu ia come la salada, si?
  • Tu ia come la salada, no?
  • Tu ia come, si?
  • Nos es perdeda, no?
  • Vos comprende?
Jawabannya pertanyaan ya/kaga' ya si (“ya”) atawa no (“kaga'”). Si nyatain kalo mentakan nyang ada di pertanyaan entu bener; no – kalo entu salah:
  • Tu desira bir? – Lu pèngèn bir?
  • Si, per favore. – Ya, dong. (Gua pèngèn bir)
  • No, grasias. – Ga', makasi. (Gua kaga' mao bir)
Kalo pertanyaannya dibikin dalem urungan, si èn no artinya sama kaya' kalo tu pertanyaan bukan urungan. Cuman, ni mentak ngèderin, jadinya bisa jadi dantaan kalo ngejawabnya pol kalimatnya:
  • Tu no desira bir? – Lu pèngèn bir?
  • Si. – Ya. (Gua beneran pèngèn bir)
  • No. – Kaga'. (Gua beneran kaga' mao bir)
  • Si, me desira bir. – Ya, gua pèngèn bir.
  • No, me no desira bir. – Ga', gua kaga' mao bir.
Bangrapip (talk) 14:27, 20 October 2023 (UTC)Reply



Hi, how have you been? Could you please translate this to Bahasa Betawi?

  • Languages of Indonesia
    • More than 700 living languages are spoken in Indonesia.[1] This figure indicates that Indonesia has about 10% of the world's languages,[2] establishing its reputation as the second most linguistically diverse nation in the world after Papua New Guinea.[3] Most languages belong to the Austronesian language family, while there are over 270 Papuan languages spoken in eastern Indonesia.[4] The language most widely spoken as a native language is Javanese.
    • Languages in Indonesia are classified into nine categories: national language, locally used indigenous languages, regional lingua francas, foreign and additional languages, heritage languages, languages in the religious domain, English as a lingua franca, and sign languages.[5][6]
  • French and British interregnum in the Dutch East Indies
    • The French and British interregnum in the Dutch East Indies of the Dutch East Indies took place between 1806 and 1816. The French ruled between 1806 and 1811, while the British took over for 1811 to 1816[c] and transferred its control back to the Dutch in 1816.[8]
    • The fall of the Netherlands to the French Empire and the dissolution of the Dutch East India Company led to some profound changes in the European colonial administration of the East Indies, as one of the Napoleonic Wars was fought in Java.[9] This period, which lasted for almost a decade, witnessed a tremendous change in Java, as vigorous infrastructure and defence projects took place, followed by battles, reformation and major changes of administration in the colony.
  • Indonesian National Awakening
    • Indonesian stamp commemorating the 100th year anniversary of the beginning of the national awakening
    • The Indonesian National Awakening (Indonesian: Kebangkitan Nasional Indonesia) is a term for the period in the first half of the 20th century, during which people from many parts of the archipelago of Indonesia first began to develop a national consciousness as "Indonesians".[1]
    • In the pursuit of profits and administrative control, the Dutch imposed an authority of the Dutch East Indies on an array of peoples who had not previously shared a unified political identity. By the start of the 20th century, the Dutch had formed the territorial boundaries of a colonial state that became the precursor to modern Indonesia.
    • In the first half of the 20th century, new organisations and leadership developed. Under its Ethical Policy, the Netherlands helped create an educated Indonesian elite. These profound changes amongst the indigenous Indonesian population are often referred to as the "Indonesian National Revival". They were accompanied by increased political activism and culminated in Indonesian nationalists' proclaiming independence on 17 August 1945.[1]

Thanks. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:35, 27 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi! Life goes well, thanks. And you? I hope you are well. Sure, here you are:
  • Basa di Indonésia
    • Ada 700 basa idup lebi nyang dipaké di Indonésia.[1] Ni angka ngasi unjuk kalu Indonésia punya basa daèrah entu sembabad barang 10%-nya deri basa dunia,[2] nyang ngeja dia punya pamor jadi bangsa nomer dua paling roncèt basanya di dunia abisnya Papua Ginéa Baru.[3] Banyakan basanya mah masup ke kuarga basa Austronési, sementara ada 270 lebi basanya entu basa Papua nyang dipaké di Indonésia belètan.[4] Basa nyang paling ngebadeg dipaké entu basa Jawa.
    • Languages in Indonesia are classified into nine categories: national language, locally used indigenous languages, regional lingua francas, foreign and additional languages, heritage languages, languages in the religious domain, English as a lingua franca, and sign languages.[5][6]
  • Anterkuku Prasman èn Inggris di Hindia Welanda
    • Anterkuku Prasman èn Inggris di Hindia Welanda deri Hindia Welanda kejadiannya anatara tahon 1806 ama 1816. Prasman bekuku antara tahon 1806 ama 1811, sementara Inggris cedèk tahon 1811 ampé 1816[c] èn nyerahin kukuannya balik ke Welanda tahon 1816.[8]
    • Jatohnya Welanda ke Kekaèsaran Prasman ama bubarannya Kumpeni Welanda ngeja perobahan nyang betul-betul di bestir kolonial Èropa di Hindia Welanda, bahna Perang Napoléoniah juga' kejadian di Jawa.[9] Ni jaman, nyang kejadian ampé ampir 10 tahon, nyaksiin perobahan nyang kebina-bina di Jawa, bahna ngebadeg dah tu proyèk bangun-bangunan ama pertahanan nyang jor-joran, diintilin ama gucel-gucelan, pengrombakan, èn perobahan gedé di bestir jajahan.
  • Kengaclèngan Sional Indonésia
    • Prangko Indonésia ngèlingin perèlingan 100 tahon mulainnya ngaclèngnya bangsa
    • Kengaclèngan Sional Indonésia (Indonésia: ''Kebangkitan Nasional Indonesia'') entu istilah bakal jaman ponggahan pertama abad ke-20, pas orang deri mana-mana negeri Nusantara pertama kalinya mulain pada sadar dèwèk jadi atu bangsa nama "bangsa Indonésia".[1]
    • Ngongkodin untung ama kuasa bestir, Welanda ngrejengin dia punya kewenangan di Hindia Welanda ama orang-orang nyang sebelonnya kaga' pernah gableg atu idèntitèt pulitik nyang kegabreg barengan. Mulain awal abad ke-20, Welanda ngebikin wates daèrah negeri jajahan nyang takanu jadi negara Indonésia wayah gini.
    • Ponggahan pertama abad ke-20, mulain pada merontok dah tu paguyuban-paguyuban ama kepemimpinan nyang pada mentis. Di bawah Pulitik Ahlak, Welanda nimuin onderwès bakal orang-orang Indonésia gedongan. Ni perobahan nyang danta kalu di kalangan orang asli kita digeronya "Kengaclèngan Sional Indonésia". Itu gerakan dibarengin ama mingkin merontoknya kegetapan pulitik èn diujungin ama Proklamasi Kemerdèkaan Indonésia 17 Agustus 1945.[1]
Bangrapip (talk) 07:48, 28 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, could you please translate this?
  • Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies
    • The Empire of Japan occupied the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) during World War II from March 1942 until after the end of the war in September 1945. It was one of the most crucial and important periods in modern Indonesian history.
    • In May 1940, Germany occupied the Netherlands, and martial law was declared in the Dutch East Indies. Following the failure of negotiations between the Dutch authorities and the Japanese, Japanese assets in the archipelago were frozen. The Dutch declared war on Japan following the 7 December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies began on 10 January 1942, and the Imperial Japanese Army overran the entire colony in less than three months. The Dutch surrendered on 8 March. Initially, most Indonesians welcomed the Japanese as liberators from their Dutch colonial masters. The sentiment changed, however, as between 4 and 10 million Indonesians were recruited as forced labourers (romusha) on economic development and defense projects in Java. Between 200,000 and 500,000 were sent away from Java to the outer islands, and as far as Burma and Siam. Of those taken off Java, not more than 70,000 survived the war. Four million people died in the Dutch East Indies as a result of famine and forced labour during the Japanese occupation, including 30,000 European civilian internee deaths.
    • In 1944–1945, Allied troops largely bypassed the Dutch East Indies and did not fight their way into the most populous parts such as Java and Sumatra. As such, most of the Dutch East Indies was still under occupation at the time of Japan's surrender in August 1945.
    • The invasion and occupation was the first serious challenge to Dutch colonial rule and brought about changes so extensive the subsequent Indonesian National Revolution became possible. Unlike the Dutch, the Japanese facilitated the politicisation of Indonesians down to the village level. The Japanese educated, trained and armed many young Indonesians and gave their nationalist leaders a political voice. Thus, through both the destruction of the Dutch colonial regime and the facilitation of Indonesian nationalism, the Japanese occupation created the conditions for the proclamation of Indonesian independence within days of the Japanese surrender in the Pacific. However, the Netherlands sought to reclaim the Indies, and a bitter five-year diplomatic, military and social struggle ensued, resulting in the Netherlands recognising Indonesian sovereignty in December 1949.
  • Indonesian National Revolution
    • The Indonesian National Revolution, or the Indonesian War of Independence, was an armed conflict and diplomatic struggle between the Republic of Indonesia and the Dutch Empire and an internal social revolution during postwar and postcolonial Indonesia. It took place between Indonesia's declaration of independence in 1945 and the Netherlands' transfer of sovereignty over the Dutch East Indies to the Republic of the United States of Indonesia at the end of 1949.
    • The four-year struggle involved sporadic but bloody armed conflict, internal Indonesian political and communal upheavals, and two major international diplomatic interventions. Dutch military forces (and, for a while, the forces of the World War II allies) were able to control the major towns, cities and industrial assets in Republican heartlands on Java and Sumatra but could not control the countryside. By 1949, international pressure on the Netherlands, the United States threatening to cut off all economic aid for World War II rebuilding efforts to the Netherlands and the partial military stalemate became such that the Netherlands transferred sovereignty over the Dutch East Indies to the Republic of the United States of Indonesia.
    • The revolution marked the end of the colonial administration of the Dutch East Indies, except for New Guinea. It also significantly changed ethnic castes as well as reducing the power of many of the local rulers (raja). It did not significantly improve the economic or political fortunes of the majority of the population, although a few Indonesians were able to gain a larger role in commerce.
  • United States of Indonesia
    • The United States of Indonesia (Dutch: Verenigde Staten van Indonesië, Indonesian: Republik Indonesia Serikat; lit. 'Federal Republic of Indonesia'; abbreviated as RIS) was a short-lived federal state to which the Netherlands formally transferred sovereignty of the Dutch East Indies (except Netherlands New Guinea) on 27 December 1949 following the Dutch–Indonesian Round Table Conference. This transfer ended the four-year conflict between Indonesian nationalists and the Netherlands for control of Indonesia. It lasted less than a year, before being replaced by the unitary Republic of Indonesia.
Caro de Segeda (talk) 10:40, 28 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
  • Penjogrogan Nipong di Hindia Welanda
    • Kekaèsaran Nipong nyedèk Hindia Welanda (sekarang Indonésia) pas jaman Perang Dunia II punya lama semprakan Maret 1942 ampé ujungnya perang Sèptèmber 1945. Ni jadi atu jaman nyang paling penting di sejarah Indonésia.
    • Bulan Méi 1940, Dètslan nyedèk Welanda, èn darurat perang diumumin di Hindia Welanda. Bahna boncosnya tawar-tawaran antara kewenangan Welanda ama Nipong, Nipong punya banda di Nusantara dibekuin. Welanda ngumumin perang lawan Nipong abisnya anpal 7 Désèmber 1941 di Pèl Harbor (''Pearl Harbor''). Serbuan Nipong ke Hindia Welanda mulain 10 Januari 1942, èn Tentara Kekaèsaran Nipong cuman kurang deri tiga bulan punya lama langsung nglibas antéro jajahan. Welanda nyerah 8 Maret. Pada ngebadeg dah tu orang Indonésia nyang nyambut Nipong sebagé dia punya pembèbas deri penjajah Welanda. Cuman ya, sikapnya berobah sebab lantaran 4 ampé 10 juta orang Indonésia pada diambil-ambilin bakal jadi pegawé rejengan (''romusha'') bakal proyèk pengembangan atur banda ama pertahanan di Jawa. Barang 200.000 ampé 500.000 orang dikirim deri Jawa ke pulo-pulo luar, malahan ampé-ampé ke Birma ama Siam. Deri entu nyang dicomot deri Jawa, kaga' ampé 70.000 lebi nyang tetep idup. Empat juga orang wapat di Hindi Welanda lantaran kelaperen ama gawé rejengan jaman Nipong, masup juga' keitung 30.000 kematian sipil Èropa nyang dirangkèng.
    • Tahon 1944–1945, soldadu Éngko pada mampir di Hindia Welanda èn kaga' ampé masup ke wilayah nyang banyak orangnya kaya' Jawa ama Sumatra. Sebab begitu, banyakan wilayah Hindia Welanda misi di bawah penjajahan pas Nipong nyerah bulan Agustus 1945.
    • Serbuan ama penjogrogan entu tantangan nyang bener-bener dah bakal pemerèntahan kolonial Welanda ama ngeboyong perobahan nyang seajug-ajug bakal entakanu bisanya gerakan Répolusi Sional Indonésia. Laèn ama Welanda, Nipong ngasi wasilah pulitik bakal orang Indonésia ampé ke kampung-kampung. Nipong ngasi onderwès, nglatih, ama ngasi senjata ama pemuda Indonésia èn ngasi dedengkot sionalisnya suara pulitik. Jadi, liwat ngencagin réjim kolonial Welanda ama ngewasilahin kebangsaan Indonésia, penjogrogan Nipong ngeja kewontenan bakal Proklamasi Kemerdèkaan Indonésia pas Nipong nyerah kèok di Laotan Teduh. Cuman ya, Welanda pèngèn nyedèk balik itu Hindia. Abisannya pait getir lima tahon joang diplomatik, perang, ama joang kemasarakatan, marinya Welanda ngakuin Indonésia punya daulat bulan Désèmber 1949.
  • Jaman Siap-siapan
    • Répolusi Sional Indonésia, atawa Perang Kemerdèkaan Indonésia—atawa kalu kata orang Betawi "jaman siap-siapan" atawa "jaman stèling"—entu selèk senjataan ama joang diplomatik antara Kiblik Indonésia ama Kerajaan Welanda ama atu perobahan kemasarakatan dalem negeri abisnya perang ama penjajahan di Indonésia. Ni kejadiannya abisnya Proklamasi Kemerdèkaan Indonésia tahon 1945 ampé seserahan kedaulatan deri Welanda ke Kiblik Indonésia Serèkat di ujungan 1949.
    • Empat tahon joang nglibatin selèk senjataan darah-darahan cuman èmang kaga' pepes, ketimplingan masarakat ama pulitik dalem negeri Indonésia, èn dua pengrècokan diplomatik antérobangsa nyang penting. Tentara Welanda (èn, cuman sebentaran, tentara kaum Éngko Perang Dunia II) bisa kukuan di kota-kota gedé, banda industri di jantungnya Kaum Kiblik di Jawa ama Sumatra, cuman kaga' gableg nyedèk peminggirannya. Deket-deket tahon 1949, deseran antérobangsa ke Welanda, pemongèsan bantuan pulus deri Amrik Serèkat bakal ngebangun ulang abisannya Perang Dunia II, èn kebuntuan militèr seponggah ngeja Welanda jadi mau dah tuh nyerahin kedaulatannya di Hindia Welanda ke Kiblik Indonésia Serèkat.
    • Itu jaman siap-siapan nengerin udahannya bestir kolonial di Hindia Welanda, kecuali di Papua. Entu juga' jor-joran ngerobah sistim undak-undak kasta kaum ama ngurangin kuasa banyak kerajaan setempat. Èmang si, ni kaga' ningkatin nasib asian atur banda ama pulitik bakal banyak penduduk Indonésia jadi mendingan nyang bener-bener, bagèn kata ya ada semètèt orang Indonésia nyang jadi gableg rol di perdagangan.
  • Kiblik Indonésia Serèkat
    • Kiblik Indonésia Serèkat (Welanda: ''Verenigde Staten van Indonesië''; Indonésia: ''Republik Indonesia Serikat''; potong lèter: RIS) entu negara serèkat nyang cuman ada bentaran doang nyang diserahin kedaulatan Hindia Welanda (kecuali Papua Welanda) pas 27 Désèmber 1949 abisnya Konperènsi Mèja Bunder Indonésia–Welanda. Ni penyerahan nyudahin empat tahon selèk antara kaum sional Indonésia ama Welanda nyang pada rebut-rebutan kukuan di Indonésia. Ni negara cuman ada setahon jengkep gè' kaga' nyampé sebelonnya digantiin ke Negara Kesatuan Kiblik Indonésia.
Bangrapip (talk) 09:04, 29 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Does "Jaman Siap-siapan" mean "Indonesian National Revolution"? Caro de Segeda (talk) 13:51, 29 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Yes, that's how the Batavians refer to this period, literally means: "The Period of Alert/Stand by". Bangrapip (talk) 14:32, 29 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Here are more things to translate:
  • Liberal democracy period in Indonesia
    • The official translation of the 1950 provisional Constitution
    • The Liberal Democracy period in Indonesia (Indonesian: Demokrasi Liberal), also known as the Era of Parliamentary Democracy, was a period in Indonesian political history, when the country was under a liberal democratic system. During this period, Indonesia held its first and only free and fair legislative election until 1999, but also saw continual political instability. The period began on 17 August 1950 following the dissolution of the federal United States of Indonesia, less than a year after its formation, and ended with the imposition of martial law and President Sukarno's decree, which resulted in the introduction of the Guided Democracy period on 5 July 1959.
    • On August 17, 1950, the Republic of the United States of Indonesia (RIS), which was a state created as a result of the Round Table Conference and the recognition of Indonesian sovereignty by the Netherlands, was officially dissolved. The system of government was also changed to a parliamentary democracy based on the Provisional Constitution of 1950.
    • The period of liberal democracy was marked by the growth of political parties and the enactment of a parliamentary system of government, but also by a long period of political instability, with governments falling one after another. The 1955 legislative elections saw the first free and fair elections in Indonesian history, as well as the only free and fair election until the 1999 legislative elections, which were held at the end of the New Order regime.
  • Guided Democracy in Indonesia
    • President Sukarno reading his decree of 5 July 1959
    • Guided Democracy (Indonesian: Demokrasi Terpimpin) was the political system in place in Indonesia from 1959 until the New Order began in 1966. It was the brainchild of President Sukarno, and was an attempt to bring about political stability. Sukarno believed that the parliamentarian system implemented during the liberal democracy period in Indonesia was ineffective due to its divisive political situation at that time. Instead, he sought a system based on the traditional village system of discussion and consensus, which occurred under the guidance of village elders. With the declaration of martial law and the introduction of this system, Indonesia returned to the presidential system and Sukarno became the head of government again.
    • Sukarno proposed a threefold blend of nasionalisme (nationalism), agama (religion), and komunisme (communism) into a co-operative Nas-A-Kom or Nasakom governmental concept. This was intended to satisfy the four main factions in Indonesian politics—the army, the secular nationalists, Islamic groups, and the communists. With the support of the military, he proclaimed Guided Democracy in 1959 and proposed a cabinet representing all major political parties including the Communist Party of Indonesia, although the latter were never actually given functional cabinet positions.
  • Transition to the New Order
    • Indonesia's transition to the New Order in the mid-1960s ousted the country's first president, Sukarno, after 22 years in the position. One of the most tumultuous periods in the country's modern history, it was the commencement of Suharto's 31-year presidency.
    • Described as the great dhalang ("puppet master"), Sukarno drew power from balancing the opposing and increasingly antagonistic forces of the army and Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). By 1965, the PKI extensively penetrated all levels of government and gained influence at the expense of the army.
    • On 30 September 1965, six of the military's most senior officers were killed in action (generally labelled an "attempted coup") by the so-called 30 September Movement, a group from within the armed forces. Within a few hours, Major General Suharto mobilised forces under his command and took control of Jakarta. Anti-communists, initially following the army's lead, went on a violent purge of communists throughout the country, killing an estimated half a million people and destroying the PKI, which was officially blamed for the crisis.
    • The politically weakened Sukarno was forced to transfer key political and military powers to General Suharto, who had become head of the armed forces. In March 1967, the Indonesian parliament (MPRS) named General Suharto acting president. He was formally appointed president one year later. Sukarno lived under virtual house arrest until his death in 1970.
Thanks. I am trying to give you articles related to Indonesia for now, as I believe most Betawians will read more of those. Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:07, 31 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sure, here you are:
  • Kera'yatan Liberal
    • Terjemah resmi Wèt Dasar Sementara 1950
    • Jaman Kera'yatan Liberal di Indonésia (Indonésia: ''Demokrasi Liberal''), atawa bekèn juga' digero Jaman Kera'yatan Parlemèntèr, entu atu jaman dalem Indonésia punya sejarah pulitik, pas ni negara di bawah kukuan sistim kera'yatan liberal. Ni jaman punya lama, Indonésia ada ngadain pemilihan pembikin wèt (lègislatip) pertama èn atu-atunya nyang ènggal lagi sucèng ampé tahon 1999, mar juga' ada keontèkan pulitik nyang pepes. Ni jaman muncuk 17 Agustus 1950 abisnya bubaran Negara Indonésia Serèkat, setahon belon jengkep atu itu abisnya pembikinannya, èn udahan dengen belakonnya darurat perang ama Persidèn Sukarna punya dekrit nyang entakanuh jadi Jaman Kera'yatan Keangon per 5 Juli 1959.
    • Ari bulan 17 Agustus tahon 1950, Kiblik Indonésia Serèkat (RIS), nyang ada jadi negara ngerikut Konperènsi Mèja Bunder punya hasil ama Welanda punya pengakuan kedaulatan Indonésia, ada resmi bubaran. Sistim guwernemènnya juga' berobah jadi kera'yatan parlemèntèr berales Wèt Dasar Sementara tahon 1950.
    • Jaman kera'yatan liberal juga' ditengerin ama mingkin merontok ngebadegnya parté pulitik èn pembelakonan sistim guwernemèn parlemèntèr, cuman juga' jadi olèng lama ituh, nyang guwernemènnya pada aur-auran. Pemilihan pembikin wèt (lègislatip) tahon 1955 entu pemilihan umum nyang pertama nyang bèbas lagi adil dalem sejarah Indonésia, hata entu malah atu-atunya nyang bèbas ama adil di lat semprakan tu waktu ampé pemilihan pembikin wèt (lègislatip) 1999, nyang diadain pas bubarannya réjim Orde Baru.
  • Kera'yatan Keangon di Indonésia
    • Persidèn Sukarna ngebacain dia punya dekrit 5 Juli 1959
    • Kera'yatan Keangon (Indonésia: ''Demokrasi Terpimpin'') ièlah sistim pulitik di Indonésia semprakan tahon 1959 ampé muncuknya Orde Baru tahon 1966. Entu Persidèn Sukrana punya pikiran nyang pikirannya mah aturan biar pulitiknya pada panteng. Sukarna mikirnya sistim parlemèntèr nyang diterepin pas jaman kera'yatan liberal di Indonésia entu kaga' tokcèr bahnanya pada selèk-selèkan tu waktu. Mangkanya, dia ambil dah sistim nyang berales musawarah mepakat terdisi kampung-kampung nyang di bawahnya dedengkot kampung punya angon. Dengen diumuminnya darurat perang ama penerepannya ni sistim, Indonésia balik lagi jadi sistim persidènsiil èn Sukarna jadi hop guwernemèn lagi.
    • Sukarna ngongsogin pengamprogan lempit tiga deri ''nasionalisme'' (kebangsaan), ''agama'' (agana), èn ''komunisme'' (kuminisme) jadi peengehan pemerèntahan nyang namanya Nas-A-Kom atawa Nasakom. Ni mah maksudnya biar empat kelompok utama di pulitik Indonésia pada puas—soldadu, sionalis sèkulèr, rombongan Selam, ama kuminis. Dengen bantuan deri militèr, dia umumin dah Kera'yatan Keangon tahon 1959 èn ngongsogin kabinèt nyang ngewakilin parté-parté pulitik gedé, masup juga' di dalemnya Parté Kuminis Indonésia, bagèn kata kaga' pernah keduman jabatan kabinèt pungsionil.
  • Pemingsèran ke Orde Baru
    • Pemingsèran ke Orde Baru di Indonésia pas teng