Hello, Salam! I'm Sadid Muhammad Mibzal, also known as Sadid Mibzal on various social platforms. I consider myself as an individual with a passion for calligraphy, design, and art. Additionally, I'm a writer with a deep interest in languages and history. I hail from the culturally rich Greater Sylhet region.

Wiki Syl

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User:Sadik Siful User:Sadik Siful User:Sadik Siful User:Sadik Siful User:Sadik Siful User:Sadik Siful
User:Пан Хаунд User:Пан Хаунд User:Пан Хаунд User:Пан Хаунд User:Пан Хаунд
User:Celpe73 User:Celpe73
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Native Sylheti Wikimedians in the Wikimedia Incubator (31)

User:Jabiyan, User:ApurboWiki2024, User:Ali.Okta, User:Taher Ali Khan, User:Ri132, User:Sadik Siful, User:Sadidiye, User:Alim Uddin Chowdhury, User:Celpe73, User:AbuSayeed, User:Minhajakm, User:Arrpqfa, User:LisonDecker3, User:Monz~incubatorwiki, User:Pinguipedista, User:Fanzhwz, User:Sadidmibzalhan, User:Sylhetiwiki, User:Saeedmoin, User:Naik Mahbub, User:Sajib sylhet, User:Hutkishira, User:Cyborg T-800, User:Syloti Baha, User:Msasag, User:Asm sultan, User:Ahm Imran Shah, User:SuryaNarayanMishra, User:Sylheti84, User:Asmani Haz, User:ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ, User:নবাব, User:Monsur

About Me

I am an artist, calligrapher, and designer with a keen eye for aesthetics and a love for creative expression. My artistic journey has allowed me to explore various forms of visual art and calligraphy, reflecting my fascination with different scripts and their cultural significance.

Language Proficiency

Languages have always captivated me, and I take pride in my ability to communicate in 7 languages and able to understand 16 more. Additionally, I am familiar with 14 scripts, which have allowed me to delve into the beauty and intricacies of various writing systems. This polylingual background has been a great asset in connecting with diverse cultures and understanding their histories through their native tongues.

Writing and Poetry

As a writer, I find solace in the written word. Through my poems and writings, I endeavor to convey emotions, experiences, and stories that resonate with others. Language, to me, is not merely a tool of communication but a vehicle to explore the depths of human emotions and creativity.

Focus on Sylheti Language Resurrection

One of my major undertakings is working on the resurrection of the Sylheti language. Being from the Greater Sylhet region, I have a deep-rooted connection with this language and its cultural heritage. My aim is to promote and preserve Sylheti, which holds immense value as a part of our linguistic diversity.

Contributions to the Artistic Community

Throughout my journey as an artist, I have participated in numerous exhibitions, workshops, and cultural events. These experiences have enriched my understanding of different art forms and allowed me to collaborate with fellow artists, fostering a sense of unity within the artistic community.


As a privacy-conscious individual, I must prioritize the safety of my personal information. Therefore, I have chosen to share only certain aspects of my life that I feel comfortable making public. Please understand that my decision to withhold some information is solely to protect my privacy and ensure a safe online presence.

Thank you for visiting my Wikipedia user page. If you have any questions or wish to discuss art, language, or history, feel free to reach out on my talk page.


You can contact me through my Wikipedia talk page.


This user page has been created by the user themselves and complies with Wikipedia's guidelines on user pages. The user is responsible for the accuracy and appropriateness of the content published on this page.