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-- Welcoming Bot 03:46, 7 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

Translation request


Could you please translate this to Musi?

Vital articles
Asia is the largest continent on Earth It is mainly located in the northern hemisphere.
Jakarta, officially the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, is the capital and largest city of Indonesia.

I can help you adding templates to the wiki if you want. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 17:51, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Asia itu benua tebesak di Bumi ini teutamo teletak di belahan bumi utara. Jakarta, secaro resmi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta itu ibu kuto sekaligus kuto tebesak di Indonesia. Robu Mariana (talk) 17:55, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

thank you for helping me. Robu Mariana (talk) 17:57, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

You are welcome

How do you say in Musi?

  • Vital articles
  • Biography
  • Philosophy
  • Religion
  • Social sciences
  • Language and literature
  • Measurements
  • Science
  • Food and agriculture
  • Technology
  • Arts and recreation
  • History
  • Geography

Thanks --Caro de Segeda (talk) 18:24, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

All the words above are terms in English that are rarely used in everyday life. We prefer to use the same term in Indonesian directly. • Artikel penting • Biografi • Filsafat • Agama • Ilmu Sosial • Bahasa dan sastra • Pengukuran • Sains • Pangan dan pertanian • Teknologi • Seni dan rekreasi • Sejarah • Geografi

Robu Mariana (talk) 18:36, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Thanks. Also, could you please translate this?

  • Country
  • Capital
  • Area
  • Population

Thanks --Caro de Segeda (talk) 18:40, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

I have created a template for countries that you can see been used here. Also, how do you say "city"? --Caro de Segeda (talk) 18:50, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Thank you, City : Kuto Robu Mariana (talk) 18:53, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

that's all correct Robu Mariana (talk) 19:01, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

I have created a template for cities, which you can see here. Also, could you please translate this "Literature The main literary texts in Occidental appeared in Cosmoglotta. There were also some works, both original and translated, published in Interlingue."

Thanks --Caro de Segeda (talk) 19:02, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

I want to say something. actually "Area" is usually written "Luas Wilayah". sorry I was wrong. Robu Mariana (talk) 19:16, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

I have changed it now. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 19:17, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sastra Teks-teks sastra utamo di Occidental muncul di Cosmoglotta. Ado pulo beberapo karya, baik asli maupun terjemahannyo, diterbitke di Interlingue. Robu Mariana (talk) 19:23, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Also, could you please translate this? The National Monument (Indonesian: Monumen Nasional, abbreviated Monas) is a 132 m obelisk in the centre of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta, symbolizing the fight for Indonesia. It is the national monument of the Republic of Indonesia, built to commemorate the struggle for Indonesian independence. Caro de Segeda (talk) 19:29, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Thank You Robu Mariana (talk) 19:26, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Monumén Nasional (Baso Indonésia: Monumén Nasional, disingkat Monas) itu obelisk 132 m di tengah Lapangan Merdeka, Jakarta Pusat, melambangke perjuangan untuk Indonesia. Monas itu monumén nasional Républik Indonésia, dibangun untuk meringati perjuangan kemerdékaan Indonesia. Robu Mariana (talk) 19:40, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Thanks. Also this please:
Merdeka Square (Indonesian: Medan Merdeka or Lapangan Merdeka) is a large square located in the center of Jakarta, Indonesia.
Edgar de Wahl (23 August 1867 – 9 March 1948) was a Baltic German teacher, mathematician and linguist. He is most famous for being the creator of Interlingue, a naturalistic constructed language, which was initially published in 1922. Caro de Segeda (talk) 19:48, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Lapangan Merdéka (Baso Indonésia: Medan Merdeka atawa Lapangan Merdeka) itu lapangan besak yang ado di tengah kuto Jakarta, Indonésia. Robu Mariana (talk) 20:04, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Edgar de Wahl (23 Agustus 1867 – 9 Maret 1948) itu iolah guru, matematikawan, samo ahli baso Jerman Baltik. Dio tekenal sebagé pencipto Interlingue, baso yang dibangun secaro naturalistik, yang awalnyo diterbitke pado taon 1922. Robu Mariana (talk) 20:10, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Could you please translate this?
International auxiliary languages
Jakarta Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Jakarta, Indonesia, which is also the seat of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Jakarta.
Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta, commonly abbreviated as HI, is one of the oldest and best known hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Thanks. Caro de Segeda (talk) 20:20, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Referensi Bahasa bantu internasional Katedral Jakarta itu sikok geréja katedral Katolik Roma di Jakarta, Indonesia, yang jugo merupoke tempat kedudukannyo Uskup Agung Katolik Roma Jakarta. Robu Mariana (talk) 20:44, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Hotél Indonésia Kempinski Jakarta, galak disingkat HI, itu salah sikok hotél paling tuo jugo tekenal di Jakarta, Indonésia. Robu Mariana (talk) 20:47, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

What does "Diucapkan dalam" mean? Caro de Segeda (talk) 21:15, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Diomongke jero/dalem Pronounced in Robu Mariana (talk) 21:42, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

What does it mean in English? Caro de Segeda (talk) 21:48, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Pronounced in = Diucapkan dalam Robu Mariana (talk) 21:52, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Can you please translate this?

Diatur oleh Robu Mariana (talk) 22:48, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Please help me. I want to edit the Ogan Komering Ulu district page. Robu Mariana (talk) 05:00, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

but i can't erase the error Robu Mariana (talk) 05:02, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Which error is it? Do you want me to add a template? Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:52, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

I can't to add a template Robu Mariana (talk) 06:53, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Don't worry, I will do the template. How do you say "Province"? --Caro de Segeda (talk) 06:54, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Propinsi Robu Mariana (talk) 06:56, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Check it now > Ogan Komering Ulu Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:01, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Thanks. Robu Mariana (talk) 07:03, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

I have added a new template to the same article. Take a look. And I have also created a template for provinces, which you can see here Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:05, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply
Could you please translate this?
History of Palembang
Palembang is the capital city of South Sumatra province of Indonesia. Currently, this city the oldest existing city in Indonesia, dates back to 7th century.
The Interlingue-Union is an organisation whose goal is to popularise Interlingue, an international auxiliary language. It has existed since 1929 and is currently based in Switzerland. It is totally neutral on political and religious matters. The Interlingue-Union publishes a magazine called Cosmoglotta.
Thanks. Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:12, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sejarah Pelémbang Pelémbang itu ibu kutonyo propinsi Sumatera Selatan di Indonesia. Kuto ini merupoke kuto paling tuo yang maseh ado di Indonesia,lah afo sejak abad ke 7. Robu Mariana (talk) 12:10, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sorry i got wrong. This is correction.

Sejarah Pelémbang Pelémbang itu ibu kutonyo propinsi Sumatera Selatan di Indonesia. Kuto ini merupoke kuto paling tuo yang maséh ado di Indonesia,lah ado sejak abad ke 7.

Robu Mariana (talk) 12:15, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Interlingue-Union itu organisasi yang tujuannyo ngenalke Interlingue, baso bantu internasional. Lah ado dari 1929, mak ini bebasis di Swiss. Ini bener-bener bebas dari masalah politik samo agama. Interlingue-Union nerbitke majalah benamo Cosmoglotta. Robu Mariana (talk) 12:22, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Could you also please translate this?
Palembang was once the capital city of Srivijaya, a Malay kingdom which ruled parts of the western archipelago and controlled maritime trade routes especially in the Strait of Malacca. Palembang incorporated into Dutch East Indies in 1825 after the abolishment of Palembang Sultanate.
Cosmoglotta is the central journal of the Interlingue movement. Edgar von Wahl founded it in the year 1922 under the name Kosmoglott. Since 1927 (number 38) the journal has the name Cosmoglotta. It is the official journal of the Interlingue-Union.
Thanks. Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:56, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Pelémbang pernah jadi ibu kuto Sriwijaya yaitu kerajaan Melayu yang nguasoi sebagéan kepuloan barat samo nguasoi jalur peniagoan laot khususnyo di Selat Melaka. Pelémbang dimasokke ke Hindia Belando pado taon 1825 sesudém pengapusan Kesultanan Pelémbang Darussalam. Robu Mariana (talk) 13:09, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Cosmoglotta itu jurnal utamo gerakan Interlingue. Edgar von Wahl yang ngedirikennyo pado taon 1922 dengen naml Kosmoglott. Sejak taon 1927 (nomer 38) jurnal itu dienjuk namo Cosmoglotta. Yaitu jurnal resmi Interlingue-Union. Robu Mariana (talk) 13:11, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Could you please translate this?
Palembang is chartered as a city on 1 April 1906. Palembang today is the second largest city in Sumatra and the ninth largest city in Indonesia. The city has become host of several international events, including 2011 Southeast Asian Games and 2018 Asian Games.
Alphonse Matejka (9 January 1902 in St. Gallen, Switzerland - 27 October 1999 in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland) was a famous support of Interlingue of Czech origin.
Artists and architects
Authors, playwrights and poets
Composers and musicians
Explorers and travelers
Film directors, screenwriters and actors
Inventors, scientists and mathematicians
Philosophers and social scientists
Political leaders
Religious figures and theologians

Caro de Segeda (talk) 17:01, 21 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Pelémbang diresmike sebagé kuto pado 1 April 1906. Pelémbang mak ini yaitu kuto tebesak keduo di Sumatera jugo kuto tebesak kesemilan di Indonesia. Kuto ini pernah jadi tuan rumah beberapo acara internasional, temasok Sea Games 2011 samo Asian Games 2018. Robu Mariana (talk) 02:25, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Alphonse Matejka (9 Januari 1902 di St. Gallen, Swiss - 27 Oktober 1999 di La Chaux-de-Fonds, Swiss) iolah pendukung Interlingue Cesko yang tekenal. Seniman jugo arsitek, Penulis, drama, dan penyair Komposer dan musisi Penjelajah dan pelancong Sutradara film, penulis skenario dan aktor Penemu, ilmuwan, dan matematikawan Filsuf dan ilmuwan sosial Pemimpin politik Paro pemuka agama dan teolog Robu Mariana (talk) 02:29, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

New requests


Sorry, I forgot to tell you: every single article needs to have this at the end [[Category:Wp/mui]].

Also, could you please translate this:

  • Srivijaya period
  • Post-Srivijaya period
  • Palembang Sultanate period
  • Colonial period
  • Japanese occupation period
  • National revolution period
  • Old Order and New Order period
  • Reformasi period
  • Srivijaya Archaeological Park located Southwest from Palembang city centre (green). The site forming axis connecting Bukit Seguntang and Musi River.
  • A statue of Buddha, discovered in Bukit Seguntang archaeological site, today displayed in Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum Palembang.
  • The walled city of Palembang with its three fortresses in 1682.
  • Local elders of Palembang during colonial period.

Thanks --Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:59, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Thanks Robu Mariana (talk) 08:06, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Zaman Sriwijayo

Zaman Sesudém-Sriwijayo

Zaman Kesultanan Pelémbang

Maso Kolonial

Maso Pendudukan Jepang

Maso Revolusi Nasional

Maso Orde Lamo dengen Orde Anyar

Zaman Reformasi

Taman Purbakala Sriwijayo ado di Barat Daya dari pusat kuto Pelémbang (ijo). Sumbu pembentuk situs yang ngobongke Bokét Seguntang samo Sungi Musi.

Patong Buddha yang ditemuke di situs purbakala Bokét Seguntang, ari ini dipajang di Muséum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Pelémbang.

Kuto Pelémbang bedéndéng dengen tigo bénténgnya pado taon 1682.

Tetuo setempat Pelémbang pado maso kolonial Robu Mariana (talk) 08:20, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

The Kedukan Bukit Inscription, which is dated 682 AD, is the oldest inscription found in Palembang. The inscription tells of a king who acquires magical powers and leads a large military force over water and land, setting out from Tamvan delta, arriving at a place called "Matajap," and (in the interpretation of some scholars) founding the polity of Srivijaya. The "Matajap" of the inscription is believed to be Mukha Upang, a district of Palembang.
The National Museum of Indonesia (Indonesian: Museum Nasional), is an archeological, historical, ethnological, and geographical museum located in Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, right on the west side of Merdeka Square.

--Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:35, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Prasasti Kedukan Bukit yang berangko taon 682 M merupoke prasasti tetuo yang ditemuke di Pelémbang. Prasasti itu ngesahke tentang sikok rajo yang meroléh kekuatan magis dan memimpin kekuatan militer besak di pocok banyu dan tanah, berangkat dari delta Tamvan, tibo di sikok tempat yang disebot "Matajap," dan (dalem interpretasi beberapo sarjana) negakke pemerintahan Sriwijayo . Prasasti "Matajap" diyakini sebagé Mukha Upang, sikok daérah di Pelémbang. Muséum Nasional Indonesia (baso Indonesia: Muséum Nasional), itu muséum arkeologi, sejarah, etnologi, dan geografis yang ado di Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta Pusat, tepat di sisi barat Lapangan Merdeka. Robu Mariana (talk) 09:15, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

According to George Coedes, "in the second half of the 9th century Java and Sumatra were united under the rule of a Sailendra reigning in Java...its centre at Palembang."
A painting of Palembang during Dutch rule.
Coat of Arms of Palembang during colonial era, adopted in 1925.
Imperial Japanese Army paratroopers are landing during the battle of Palembang, 13 February 1942.
The opening ceremony of 2011 Southeast Asian Games in Jakabaring Stadium, Palembang, 11 November 2011.

Uji George Coedes, "pado paroh keduo abad ke-9 Jawo dengen Sumatera besatu di bawah kekuasaan dinasti Sailendra yang merintah di Jawo. Pusatnyo di Pelémbang." Gambaran Pelémbang pado maso pemerintahan Belando. Lambang Pelémbang pado maso kolonial, diadopsi pado taon 1925. Pasukan terjun payung Tentero Kekaisaran Jepang mendarat selamo petempuran Pelémbang, 13 Februari 1942. Upacara pembukaan SEA Games 2011 di Stadion Jakabaring, Pelémbang, 11 November 2011. Robu Mariana (talk) 12:14, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Could you please translate this?

As the capital of the Srivijaya kingdom, this second oldest city in Southeast Asia has been an important trading centre in maritime Southeast Asia for more than a millennium. The kingdom flourished by controlling the international trade through the Strait of Malacca from the seventh to thirteenth century, establishing hegemony over polities in Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. Sanskrit inscriptions and Chinese travelogues report that the kingdom prospered as an intermediary in the international trade between China and India. Because of the Monsoon, or biannual seasonal wind, after getting to Srivijaya, traders from China or India had to stay there for several months waiting the direction of the wind changes, or had to go back to China or India. Thus, Srivijaya grew to be the biggest international trade centre, and not only the market, but also infrastructures for traders such as lodging and entertainment also developed. It functioned as a cultural centre as well.[10] Yijing, a Chinese Buddhist pilgrim who stayed in today's Palembang and Jambi in 671, recorded that there were more than a thousand Buddhist monks and learned scholars, sponsored by the kingdom to study religion in Palembang. He also recorded that there were many "states" under the kingdom called Srivijaya (Shili Foshi). --Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:38, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sebagé ibu kuto kedatuk'an Sriwijayo, kuto tetuo keduo di Asia Tenggara ini sudém jadi pusat peniagoan penting di maritim Asia Tenggara selamo lebih dari satu milenium. Kedatuk'an berkembang dengen ngendalike peniagoan internasional léwat Selat Melako dari abad ketujuh sampé ketigo belas, mangun hegemoni pemerintahan di Sumatera samo Semenanjung Malaya. Prasasti samo catetan pejalanan Cino ngésahke amun kedatuk'an itu sebagé perantaro jero peniagoan internasional antaro Cino samo India. Kerno angin muson atawa angin musiman duo taonan, sesudém sampé di Sriwijayo, paro peniago dari Chino atawa India mesti tinggal di sano selamo beberapo bulan nunggu arah angin beubah, atawa mesti balék ke Chino atawa India. Dengen mak itu, Sriwijayo tomboh jadi pusat peniagoan antaro bangso tebesak, jugo idak cuman pasar, tetapi jugo infrastruktur bagi paro peniago cak penginepan samo hiburan jugo bekembang. Ini befungsi sebagé pusat budayo jugo.Yijing, peziarah Buddha Cino yang tinggal di Pélembang samo Jambi mak ini pado taon 671, nyatet amun ado lebih dari sibu biksu samo ulama terelajar, yang disponsori oleh kedatuk'an ontok belajar agama di Pelémbang. Dio pulo nyatet amun ado banyak "negaro" di bawah kedatuk'an yang disebot Sriwijayo (Shili Foshi). Robu Mariana (talk) 14:39, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

I have translated it Robu Mariana (talk) 14:40, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Could you please translate this?
  • Grammar
  • Articles: Definite li and indefinite un.
  • Infinitives: They end in -r.
  • Adjectives: Non compulsory ending in -i.
  • Adverbs: They finish by -men.
  • Present of the verbs: Just the root.
  • Past: It ends in -t.
  • Present perfect: With ha-r + the infinitive.
  • Future: Va + infinitive
  • Conditional: Vell + infinitive
  • Imperative: Ples + infinitive or just the infinitive
  • Present participle It ends in -nt
  • Past Participle It ends in -t
  • Gerundive: It ends in -nte
  • Masculine: It ends in -o
  • Feminin: It ends in-e
  • Plural: It ends in (e)s
Thanks Caro de Segeda (talk) 15:07, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sosonan Baso Artikel: Li ontok kepastian dan un ontok dak tentu. Infinitif: Mereka berakhiran -r. Kata sifat: Tidak wajib diakhiri dengan -i. Kata keterangan: Dowong dengen -men. Present dari kato kerjo: Cuman akarnyo. Past: Beakhir dengen -t. Present perfect: Dengen ha-r + infinitive. Masa Depan: Va + infinitif Bersyarat: Vell + infinitif Imperatif: Ples + infinitive atawa cuman infinitive Present participle Beakhir dengen -nt Past Participle Beakhir dengen -t Gerundive: Beakhir di -nte Maskulin: Beakhir dengen -o Feminin: Beakhir di-e Jamak: Ini beakhiran (e)s Robu Mariana (talk) 15:32, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Brunei is a country in Southeast Asia. It is north of Malaysia on the island of Borneo. The country is rather landlocked by Malaysia. To the north is the South China Sea and the Philippines to the northeast. The capital of Brunei is Bandar Seri Begawan. Caro de Segeda (talk) 17:44, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

no need, I've added. Thank you very much. Robu Mariana (talk) 17:48, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

You're welcome. Could you please translate this?
Leonardo da Vinci (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519) was an Italian man who lived in the time of the Renaissance. He is famous for his paintings, but he was also a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician, and a writer. Leonardo wanted to know everything about nature. He wanted to know how everything worked. He was very good at studying, designing and making all sorts of interesting things. Caro de Segeda (talk) 18:01, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Leonardo da Vinci (15 April 1452 – 2 Mei 1519) iolah wong Italia yang idop pado maso Renaisans. Dio tekenal dengen lukisannyo tetapi dio jugo ilmuwan, matematikawan, insinyur, penemu, ahli anatomi, pematung, arsitek, ahli botani, musisi, samo penulis. Leonardo nak tau segalonyo tentang alam. Dio nak tau mak mano segalonyo begawé. Dio pinter nian jero pelajaran, ngedesain samo ngawéke segalo macem hal yang menarik. Robu Mariana (talk) 18:08, 22 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Hi, could you please translate this?
  • Italian people
  • Inventors
  • Italian mathematicians
  • Italian architects
  • Italian sculptors
  • Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, 1st Marquess of Dalí of Púbol (11 May 1904 – 23 January 1989) was a Spanish painter who became famous for the unusual images he used in his paintings. He was born in Figueres, Catalonia, Spain. He was a key figure in surrealist art. Caro de Segeda (talk) 08:07, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, Marquess Pertama Dalí dari Púbol (11 Mei 1904 – 23 Januari 1989) itu wong pelukis Spanyol yang jadi tekenal oléh gambar-gambar idak biaso yang dio gawé jero lukisannyo. Dio lahir di Figueres, Catalonia, Spanyol. Dia itu tokoh kunci jero seni surealis. Robu Mariana (talk) 12:13, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

why i can't add language family information in language template ? Robu Mariana (talk) 12:14, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Check now. --Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:28, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply
Please don't forget to add [[Category:Wp/mui]] at the end of each article. Caro de Segeda (talk) 12:29, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Thank you Robu Mariana (talk) 13:42, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Could you please translate this?
  • Psychology
  • Family and relationships
  • Politics
  • Business and economics
  • Law
  • International organizations
  • War and military
  • Social issues
Thanks Caro de Segeda (talk) 14:33, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Psikologi Keluargo dengen dulur Politik Bisnis samo ekonomis Hukum Organisasi Antarbangso Perang samo Militer Social issues Robu Mariana (talk) 16:51, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Could you please translate this?
  • Jesus, (Greek: Ἰησοῦς, romanized: Iēsoûs, likely from Hebrew/Aramaic: יֵשׁוּעַ‎, romanized: Yēšūa) also known as Jesus Christ, was a Jewish teacher and reformer of religion who has become the main and central figure of Christianity. Christians follow the example of Jesus, accept his words to be true, and worship him as the Jewish messiah and incarnation of God. He is one of the most famous, most recognized, and most influential persons in the world's history.
  • Islam (Arabic: ٱلْإِسْلَام‎, romanized: al-Islām, is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion. All of its teachings and beliefs are written out in the Quran (also spelled Qur'an or Koran), the holy scripture of Islam. Believers of Islam are called Muslims. Islam means submission to the will of God. They believe that the Quran was spoken to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. The Quran is regarded as the word of God (or Allah). The muslims view Muhammad as a prophet and messenger of God. Other beliefs and rules about what Muslims should do come from reports of what Muhammad taught (Hadith).
  • Judaism (Hebrew: יהדות) is the world's oldest Abrahamic religion. It is almost 4,000 years old and originated in Israel. There are about 15 million followers. They are called Jews. It is the oldest monotheistic religion. The Torah is the most important holy book of Judaism. The laws and teachings of Judaism come from the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible and oral traditions. Some of these were first oral traditions and later written in the Mishnah, the Talmud, and other works.
Thanks Caro de Segeda (talk) 18:10, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Ok, wait Robu Mariana (talk) 18:11, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Yésus, (Yunani: Ἰησοῦς, diromanisasi: Iēsoûs, kemungkinan dari baso Ibrani/Aram:יֵשׁוּעַ , diromanisasi: Yēšūa) jugo dikenal sebagé Yésus Kristus, itu guru Yahudi jugo pembaharu agama yang lah jadi tokoh utamo samo séntral Kekréstenan. Wong-wong Krésten méloki teladan Yésus, nerimo omongan-omongannyo sebagé kebeneran, samo mujanyo sebagé mesias Yahudi jugo inkarnasi Tuhan. Dio itu salah sikok wong paling tekenal, paling dikenal, jugo paling bepengaruh jero sejarah dunia.

Islam (Baso Arab: لْإِسْلَام‎, diromanisasi: al-Islām, itu agama monoteistik Abrahamik. Segalo ajaran Tuhan jugo kepecayoannyo tetolés di jero Al-Qur'an (jugo dieja Qur'an), kitab suci Islam. Wong-wong yang beiman Islam disebot Muslim. Keyakinan samo atoran lain tentang apo yang mesti digawéke Muslim asalnyo dari laporan tentang apo yang diajarke Muhammad (Hadis).

Yudaisme (Ibrani:יהדות) itu agama Ibrahim tuo di dunio. Usionyo hampir 4.000 taon samo asalnyo dari Israél. Ado sekitar 15 juta wong pengikut. Diowong disebot Yahudi. Ini itu agama monoteistik tetuo. Taurat itu kitab suci Yudaisme yang paling penting. Hukum samo ajaran Yudaisme asalnyo dari Taurat, limo buku petamo dari Alkitab Ibrani samo tradisi lisan. Beberapo di antaronyo itu tradisi lisan petamo samo kemudian ditolés jero Misnah, Talmud, samo karyo-karyo lainnnyo. Robu Mariana (talk) 18:30, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris (birth name), (6 October 1887 – 27 August 1965), known by the popular name of Le Corbusier, was an architect and writer born in Switzerland. In the 1930s, he became a French citizen. He is famous for his theories about modernism in architecture. His plans included the improvement of housing for people in large cities. This was because many people lived in poverty at that time. Many of his designs have been built across the world.
Albrecht Dürer (21 May 1471 – 6 April 1528) was a German painter, engraver and mathematician.
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (30 March 1746 – 30 April 1828) was a Spanish painter. He painted many portraits of the Spanish Royal Family. His most famous paintings are Charles IV of Spain and His Family and The Third of May 1808. He regularly painted the famous Duchess of Alba. Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:21, 24 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris (birth name), (6 October 1887 – 27 August 1965), dikenal dengen namo populer populer Le Corbusier, itu arsitek jugo penulis lahir di Swiss. Pado tahin 1930-an, Dio jadi wargo negaro Prancis. Dio tekenal dengen teorinyo jero modernisasi arsitektur. Rencanonyo temasok pebaikan perumahan ontok wong di kuto besak. Ini kerano banyak wong idop jero kemiskinan waktu itu. Banyak arsitekturnyo dibangon di segalo dunio.

Albrecht Dürer (21 May 1471 – 6 April 1528) itu pelukis, pengukir, samo matematikawan dari Jerman.

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (30 March 1746 – 30 April 1828) itu pelukis tekenal dari Spanyol. Dio ngelukis banyak lukisan keluargo rajo Spanyol. Lukisannyo yang paling tekenal itu Charles IV of Spain and His Family samo The Third of May 1808. Dio secaro teator ngelukis adipati Alba yang tekenal.

Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾北斎, Katsushika Hokusai, October 31, 1760–May 10, 1849), also called Hokusai, was a Japanese artist. He was a master of the ukiyo-e style of woodblock prints and painting.[1]
Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón (6 July 1907 – 13 July 1954), usually known as Frida Kahlo, was a Mexican painter. She was known for her surreal and very personal works. She was married to Diego Rivera, also a well-known painter.
Henri Matisse (Le Cateau-Cambrésis, Nord, 31 December 1869 – 3 November 1954) was a French artist known for his use of colour and his original ideas.

Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾北斎, Katsushika Hokusai, 31 oktober 1760– 10 Mei 1849), jugo dipanggil Hokusai, itu seniman Jepang. Dio itu master dari gaya ukiyo-e dari cetakan samo lukisan blok kayu.

Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón (6 Juli 1907 – 13 Juli 1954), biaso dikenal Frida Kahlo, itu pelukis Meksiko. Dio dikenal kerano karyo-karyonyo yang nyato samo pribadi nian. Dio kahwin dengen Diego Rivera, pelukis pulo.

Henri Matisse (Le Cateau-Cambrésis, Nord, 31 Desember 1869 – 3 November 1954) itu seniman Prancis yang dikenal kerano pemakéan warno samo gagasan aslinyo.

  • Fundamentalism
  • God
  • Monotheism
  • Polytheism
  • Mythology
  • Religion
  • Soul
  • Specific religions
  • Buddhism
  • Christianity
  • Catholic Church
  • Confucianism
  • Hinduism
  • Trimurti
  • Islam
  • Sunni Islam
  • Jainism
  • Judaism
  • Sikhism
  • Taoism
  • Zoroastrianism
  • Spiritual practices
  • Sufism
  • Yoga
  • Zen
  • Fundamentalisme
  • Tuhan
  • Monotheisme
  • Polytheisme
  • Mitologi
  • Agama
  • Jiwo
  • Agama
  • Buddhisme
  • Krésten
  • Geréja Katolik
  • Konghucu
  • Hinduisme
  • Trimurti
  • Islam
  • Islam Sunni
  • Jainisme
  • Yudaisme
  • Sikhisme
  • Taoisme
  • Zoroasterianisme
  • Praktek Spritilual
  • Sufisme
  • Yoga
  • Zen

Translation request


Could you please translate this?

Buddhism originated in India, based on the teachings, of Siddhartha Gautama, later known as Gautama Buddha. A Buddha is one who is said to be awake to the truth of life. While many people see Buddhism as a religion, others see it as a philosophy, and others as a way of finding reality.
The Catholic Church is the largest Christian church in the world. It has over one billion members, and is the world's largest religious group. Its members believe that Jesus Christ started the Catholic Church 2,000 years ago. The Church’s headquarters are in the Vatican City.
Confucianism is the philosophy based on the teachings of Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC), who was an important Chinese philosopher. Confucianism has a complete system of moral, social, political, and religious thought, and has had a large influence on the history of Chinese civilization. Some people think Confucianism should be called a religion but others do not agree.

Thanks --Caro de Segeda (talk) 07:20, 25 January 2022 (UTC)Reply