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Va drumbaca ise kiavá
editClaudia, tí kalaf gu rinafa artfira batliz, grewapá !
Gu rinaf taneaf teliz grewá. Va tezama ta sutelara va teliz icde lingesik fu egá. Arti tanka ok tolka...
Icde rinaf teliz icde trutceem ke Ingres, su redú va tezama ( Template:Wp/avk/Brizkicek1 ) ta atoera va cek ke toleaf briz. Rinafa askirinda tire tir kiewafa, voxen mantode favera va teza tir lokiewafa is lodrikafa is lokaliafa gu fintara. Va toloy ironokaf emacek ke rinafa wafra disukel, ton toldoraf tazuk {Wp/avk/Brizkicek1|Portrait de Jacques-Louis Leblanc|Delt va Jacques-Louis Leblanc} ( vox dem toloya runwalzaga isu artwalzaga ta skuracka ). Ede va ar emacek valev ko wafra loplekul, batkane lagaskil, kore rinafa taneafa dioterinda dere flir. ;)
Va ara cobama : koe staksa koe prilaxo ke ar webesik, ta sugdara, va tazukoy kan ~~ ~~ ( 4 kruna staa ) favel, dum tel jinaf valeveon. Batkane, mil webesik va korik stakseyes grupecketer.
Boreon... mia bellissima ! --Axel xadolik (talk) 11:19, 29 January 2019 (UTC)
- Va Axel grewapá. Va wafra dem trutca al wanú milkane al bazel, batcoba al guyundecker, anye ! Va flira ke bata xadola is envarinda va teliz lokiewon toz gildá. Va konak teliz icde lanyona trutca ke Ingres fu toz egá. Viele rinafa teza titir rodadina, pu jin bazel isen inde godioteté. Isen... gu cpara grewá. Boreon. ClaudiaVisentini (talk) 14:05, 29 January 2019 (UTC)
Teza ta teliz icde trutca
editVa rotisu teza su redú, koe weslasu bu ( User:Axel xadolik/Weslara trutca ). Disukel nume di kalil ede batcoba va rin co puver. Gu batu bu rotomaval enide va taneaf teliz di redul. Obral, ta yoltara va man teliz, lasutarkal : Vergumvelt ke trutca + (trutca), tulon : Turkafe kolavaxe (trutca).
Noton. --Axel xadolik (talk) 16:36, 29 January 2019 (UTC)
- Kotunafa, Axel, en grewapá. Va taneaf teliz tuke rin su redú ( Wp/avk/Napoléon_moe_gindaf_uskej_(trutca) ). Tí valeackaf. Disukel nume va gracas plek loplekul !! Boreon. ClaudiaVisentini (talk) 20:32, 29 January 2019 (UTC)
- Anye, Claudia ! Rinaf teliz tid dulapepes is atoenyen... to kobaranya tir ! Wan askil, tire !!
- Opelon va cobama : arte teliz, va lomafa gluyaxa laloplekul, vay. Disukel inde koe rinaf toloy teliz su askí. Loma lidam gluyaxa tid zolonafa ta exulera is artfira va ar milaf teliz. Kottode, va rinyon webeks disuketé nume di loplekutú ede olegara co tir. Ware grewá. --Axel xadolik (talk) 10:42, 30 January 2019 (UTC)
- Fogildacká. Va jinaf daref teliz ( Wp/avk/Turkafe kolavaxe (trutca) ) disukel. Va Axel grewá. :) ClaudiaVisentini (talk) 12:13, 30 January 2019 (UTC)
- Anye, kiewapon, kotunafa ! Kan tezama, va buyup ta blirizva va Ingres lingesik ( banliz : Wp/avk/Jean-Auguste-Dominique_Ingres ). Ede co rovonemetel, batcoba co noveter da gu teliz icde inyona trutca di kagluyatat. Pu jin kalil ede loa giva koe teza co tid adrafa oken lanyona betara co zo gonaskid... Noton. --Axel xadolik (talk) 08:53, 31 January 2019 (UTC)
Exulera vanmia trutca ke Ingres
editVa Claudia kiavá. Larde va jontik teliz icde trutca ke Ingres plekul, va exulesa teza roloplekuna su envá. Va Wp/avk/Zeus is Tetis (trutca) teliz disukel, titeroneon valeve iyelt ke lingesik. Ede batcoba va rin puver, pune va gluyaxa va warzaf teliz icde trutca ko tezabor darpeon loplekutú. Isen ede va aryona katcalara djumaskil. :) --Axel xadolik (talk) 11:38, 3 February 2019 (UTC)
- Anye Axel ! Geniale! Til norlik va atoera. Bu tid luntanyafu is drikafu gu exulera. Grewapá. ClaudiaVisentini (talk) 21:34, 3 February 2019 (UTC)
- Va Claudia kiavá. Gu rinafa kobaverapa is warzaf teliz icde trutca grewá. Su sonké da jontik lingesik va trutca icde milyona watsa konakviele al linged isen dile trutca milon yoltayana ke konak krulded. Acum medoluneteson, va vergumvelt ke trutcateliz lovaron fu yoltat, kan ovarot : Vergumvelt ke trutca + (trutca ke "lingesik"), ikaplekuson va "lingesik" ra gu yolt ke lingesik, tulon : Turkafe kolavaxe (trutca ke Ingres). Va teliz ixam tigis koe xadola su viunsú. Tulon : Wp/avk/Delt va Jacques Marquet de Montbreton de Norvins (trutca ke Ingres)
- Noton. --Axel xadolik (talk) 15:17, 7 February 2019 (UTC)
- Ok. Batinde re askí. Grewá. ClaudiaVisentini (talk) 10:25, 8 February 2019 (UTC)
Boyara va betara va AVK emudexo
edit- (avk) Kiavá. Va bata prilara vay disukel !! Nume me klabul da boyal. Grewá.
- (fr) Bonjour. Regarde SVP cette discussion et n'hésite pas à donner ton avis. Merci.
- (en) Hello. Please watch this discussion and do not hesitate to give your opinion. Thank you.
Talk:Wp/avk/Wikipedia:Weslara_va_emudexo --Axel xadolik (talk) 21:24, 23 February 2019 (UTC)
Tuveli icde lingeropa
- Ind icde lingeropa toz tir zolonackaf koe minafa kotavafa xadola, tulon tuke rin is rinyona webera.
- Ta tukeskotara is tujekusara va bat ind ton kotrafi tuveli lagrustav.
- Gané da di webel, ede djumel. Ta batcoba, me klabul da ko vexala dem vuesten webesik va int di loplekul, kofison va banu bu : Tuveli icde lingeropa : prilaxo.
- Va rin grewá ise boreon. --Nevatovol (talk) 11:53, 17 March 2019 (UTC)
Warzafa siba ta interwiki gluyeem / Nouveau module pour les liens Interwiki
editTemplate:Wp/avk/User:Axel xadolik/Staksa icde Interwiki siba:::Axel xadolik (talk) 15:09, 18 April 2019 (UTC)
- Va Axel grewá, voxen va dulap gildansá. ClaudiaVisentini (talk) 16:05, 29 April 2019 (UTC)
Community Insights Survey
editShare your experience in this survey
Hi ClaudiaVisentini,
The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey about your experience with Wikimedia Incubator and Wikimedia. The purpose of this survey is to learn how well the Foundation is supporting your work on wiki and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
Reminder: Community Insights Survey
editShare your experience in this survey
Hi ClaudiaVisentini,
A couple of weeks ago, we invited you to take the Community Insights Survey. It is the Wikimedia Foundation’s annual survey of our global communities. We want to learn how well we support your work on wiki. We are 10% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! Your voice matters to us.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
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Reminder: Community Insights Survey
editShare your experience in this survey
Hi ClaudiaVisentini,
There are only a few weeks left to take the Community Insights Survey! We are 30% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! With this poll, the Wikimedia Foundation gathers feedback on how well we support your work on wiki. It only takes 15-25 minutes to complete, and it has a direct impact on the support we provide.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
Trutca ke Modigliani
editVa Claudia kiavá.
Wí da va yon teliz va trutca ke Modigliani su redul. Taxá !
Koeon ( Aulafa lebikya, Almaiisa lebafa moe saxatca, Senyesa lebikya moe faltafa merna) ), va ewavak ke mila watsa al rundal, kotviele dem milyona ewava. Battode lokiewafa diotera tir to yazgara va teza. Batcoba tir loon opelafa isu turojadiana isu drikafa ta direfa kiewagira. Disukel kane al skú aze milinde lagaskil.
Ware taxá !! Axel xadolik (talk) 14:09, 18 October 2019 (UTC)
- Grewá, Axel. Rinafa askirinda tir lokiewafa, ovel. Va tokcoba a rin co askí ? :) ClaudiaVisentini (talk) 19:18, 21 October 2019 (UTC)
- Va Claudia kiavá. Va konak rinaf teliz icde trutca ke Modigliani su tuwadá, ikaplekuson va ewavak gu teza, larde bat aptaf ewavak tir dof gu konak teliz, milinde vamoeon al stragayá. Tulon icde Alice teliz. Bata askirinda tir efe lokiewafa. Noton. Axel xadolik (talk) 16:45, 18 November 2019 (UTC)
Klapara va warzaf ristusik dene
editPu kottan kiavá.
Minaf abdumimaks wetce mivvexaxo ke Wikipedia winugon tere zo kevnaleyer. Batcoba tiyir abrotcifa ise va kobaverapa is vobucapa vebayar voxen al tcedet. Voxen sibla ta jupara va vuestesa dugapafa xadola mu kotavusikeem tire anton tozuwer.
Re reduyun bueem men zo arbureyer voxen batcoba boreon sye fu dilizer. Keson va betcoba mea robetat. Soe va winugaf ristusik geditis va abdumimaks isu ageltatas batvielu godasugdat.
Vanpitison ristusik, kottan va int rodrager. Ota ke rictan ristulasikeem me zo kimar, voxen oye « moruca » ke minaf abdumimaks ( kapbure avapa ), ota vas mon baroy ristusik ( icle tozion ) co tir kiewaca. Azon, klapara ke doda di godilizer. Kredeem ta mancoba me tid aftaf, voxen trakú da gogotut :
- Klaparedja : 14 viel mali taneaf parintayan klapaks ;
- Jadif klapas wiz : icle 5 klapaks ;
- Vugota dem muklapaks :5 klapaks
- Enuca ke muklapakseem :toloya bareaca ( tulon : 7/10 ; 7 muf klapaks vox cugon 3 kevaf );
- Roka ta klapara : icle 50 webeks skuyun xuton ice abdumimaks dene Incubator xo ( banliz : [1] )* ;
- Metan mu int ronoklapar ;
- Kot klapasik va int wetce ristusik rodrager nume va mufa/kevafa diotexa rofenkur ( va vengas krentam mantode gonaykar ).
Paketeson, va telo warzafo xo godenfit. Bam kan intafa refa pilkomaca isu remravlem godogluyat ( numen Wikipedia va pateem wetce rictan favesik bam di kagluyar ). Azon diotexa dasugdasa va ristusik moe Communauté bu tigir.
Banliz va sint katrasit !! Va kottan grewat ise ware lozardon wan askit !!
Vexala dem dostegan klapasik ( kot givan kane olkafa staksa ) :
@ Axel xadolik, Nevatovol, Zveri ke Abitibi, Herakles2000, Catskill Painter, ClaudiaVisentini, Kuroselo, Katxis, Seramikya, Askolds lietuvik, Angelalux, Recaredo, Biscuit 26507, Onontio Capitanal, Riimsth, Viking dem Kerusuk, Kotavusik, Yuyapachay, Svensk Strelets, Curacaví Marisel, Ravanui, Gabriel Antiange
(FR) Bonjour à tous. Notre projet a enfin été officiellement accepté en tant que domaine autonome de Wikipedia. Cela a été long et a nécessité beaucoup d'abnégation et de travail de nous tous, mais nous y sommes parvenus. Mais le challenge d'en faire une encyclopédie de référence de haute qualité à disposition de toute la communauté kotavophone ne fait que commencer en réalité. Pour l'instant, l'ensemble des pages créées n'ont pas encore été transférées, mais cela ne devrait pas tarder. En attendant, nous ne pouvons plus modifier temporairement quoi que ce soit. Néanmoins, nous devons nous soucier de désigner dès à présent des administateurs officiels qui auront en charge la gestion et la supervision du projet. Chacun peut se proposer pour devenir administrateur. Le nombre d'administrateurs autorisés n'est pas limité, mais compte tenu de la "modestie" de notre projet (par rapport aux grandes langues), un nombre autour de trois administrateurs (au moins au début) serait bien. Ensuite, un vote de la communauté doit intervenir. Les conditions pour cela ne sont pas très claires, mais je pense qu'on doit fixer : - Délai de vote : 14 jours, à compter du premier vote enregistré ; - Quorum général de vote : au minimum 5 votes ; - Minimum de votes positifs : 5 votes ; - Validité de votes positifs : deux tiers ( par ex. 7/10, 7 positifs et 3 négatifs maximum) ; - Qualité pour pouvoir voter : avoir contribué au moins 50 fois dans le cadre du projet Kotava dans l'Incubateur ( voir ici : [2] )* ; - Personne ne peut voter pour lui-même ; - Chacun peut se proposer et ouvrir une procédure pour ou contre (mettre alors un petit texte de justification). Pour participer, il faut se rendre dans le nouvel espace Il faut se connecter avec ses identifiants actuels (et Wikipedia va alors relier les comptes et vous référencer comme utilisateur autorisé). Ensuite, la procédure de désignation des administreurs se trouve à la page Communauté. Retrouvons-nous y. Merci à vous tous et continuons avec encore plus de ferveur. Liste des votants autorisés, informés par message individuel :