User talk:Пан Хаунд 2/archive

This page is an archive. Please do not edit the contents of this page. Direct any additional comments to the current discussion page.

Ласкаво просимо до Інкубатора Вікімедіа! Праворуч знаходяться деякі важливі посилання, а тут декілька порад і інформація:

Якщо у вас є якісь питання, запитайте мене на моїй сторінці обговорень.

--ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 06:07, 18 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

дякую за привітання

@ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ. Добрий вечір. На жаль, як я раніше казав, не знаю вашої мови, тому не можу допомогти з перекладами. З тих даних, що ви надали, я дізнався, що щоб запустити ще якусь вікі, крім Вікіпедії, треба перекласти усі 4608 повідомлень MediaWiki. Завтра мабуть, поговорим ще. На добраніч. Пан Хаунд (talk) 20:25, 18 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
дякую за привітання. Пан Хаунд (talk) 20:25, 18 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Пан Хаунд дякуємо за вашу підтримку та цінний відгук. це те, що нам було потрібно. не турбуйтеся про переклад, ми можемо це зробити. я вважаю, що мова — це наша мова, але Вікіпедія — для світу (всіх). Надобраніч.--ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 20:56, 18 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

@ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ. ꠅꠛꠣ. Думав, вам буде цікаво. Ви чули про "Статті, що мають бути у всіх Вікіпедіях"? Я знайшов список перших 10 — найнеобхідніших: Ще я знайшов критерії хорошої статті . Успіху. Пан Хаунд (talk) 07:14, 19 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

@Пан Хаунд ꠅꠛꠣ🇺🇦ꠜꠣꠁꠍꠣꠛ Цікаво, будь ласка, чи можете ви висловити це на моїй сторінці обговорення, тому я не забуваю пізніше. Я зроблю це пізніше. багатозадачність зараз. Також скажіть мені якусь популярну українську співачку, модель, яку ми можемо додати в нашу вікі, я буду додавати їх повільно через кілька місяців.-- ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 07:21, 19 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
@ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ. Тобто список знаменитих людей з України? Пан Хаунд (talk) 07:44, 19 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

⁕ Нагорода ⁕

ꠅꠛꠣ ꠜꠣꠁꠍꠣꠛ ꠪ Дякую за підтримку ⁕ Дякуємо ꠨ що дали нам надію ⁕ Ви хороша людина ⁕ Ви хороший посол для своєї країни ⁕

ꠘꠣꠝ | archive
ꠀꠝ꠆ꠞꠣꠞꠦ ꠀꠡꠣ ꠖꠦꠈꠣꠘꠤꠞ ꠟꠣꠉꠤ ꠀꠡꠣꠞ ꠖꠥꠀꠞ ꠙꠥꠞꠥꠡ꠆ꠇꠣꠞ ꠖꠦꠅꠀ ꠅꠁꠟꠧ
ꠁꠎꠣꠔ ꠙꠥꠞꠥꠡ꠆ꠇꠣꠞ ꠙꠣꠅꠞꠣꠁꠘ꠆ꠔꠞ ꠟꠤꠡ꠆ꠐꠤ

-- ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 13:41, 27 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Дякую вам! Буду старатися ще більше! Пан Хаунд (talk) 14:09, 27 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Thanks Giving

thank you for being supportive নবাব (talk) 16:45, 27 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

ꠅꠛꠣ! You are welcome.Пан Хаунд (talk) 16:58, 27 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

ꠅꠛꠣ/Hello. ꠄꠞꠦ/Hi

@ নবাব, ꠅꠛꠣ! Did you want do ask something? Пан Хаунд (talk) 09:31, 29 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

No. Thanks নবাব (talk) 09:34, 29 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
OK. Have nice day. Пан Хаунд (talk) 09:36, 29 May 2023 (UTC)Reply


я перекладу тут і підготую, а ви можете створювати-- ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 08:43, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

@ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ. Я можу створювати новини? Пан Хаунд (talk) 08:44, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
якщо я все правильно зрозумів. Пан Хаунд (talk) 08:45, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
так, звісно. ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 08:47, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
дякую вам.))) Пан Хаунд (talk) 08:48, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

1.створити цю порожню сторінку Wn/syl/Draft:ꠃꠇ꠆ꠞꠦꠘꠤ

  ꠇꠞꠣ ꠅꠁꠍꠦ Пан Хаунд (talk) 09:12, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Перепрошую, лише скажіть, як перекладаються назви цих категорій, щоб я знав, що саме я створюю. Пан Хаунд (talk) 09:43, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

2. категорія дати Category:Wn/syl/Γ0Γ৩/d ꠎꠥꠘ   ꠇꠞꠣ ꠅꠁꠍꠦ
3. у цій категорії є червоні посилання, ви можете створити їх таким чином (Category:Wn/syl/Γ0ΓΓ)  ꠇꠞꠣ ꠅꠁꠍꠦ
4. Template: Template:Wn/syl/Kyiv Post
[[File:Wikidata-logo.svg|30px|link=d:Q1795015]][[d:Q1795015|Kyiv Post]] (Template:Wn/syl/ꠖꠂꠘꠤꠇ ꠎꠣꠟꠣꠟꠣꠛꠣꠖ)  ꠇꠞꠣ ꠅꠁꠍꠦ
5. Template: Template:Wn/syl/RBC Ukraine
[[File:Wikidata-logo.svg|30px|link=d:Q16713875]][[d:Q16713875|ꠀꠞ×ꠛꠤ×ꠌꠤ ꠃꠇ꠆ꠞꠦꠘ]]  ꠇꠞꠣ ꠅꠁꠍꠦ
6. Template: Template:Wn/syl/BBC Ukrainian
[[File:Wikidata-logo.svg|30px|link=d:Q3631725]][[d:Q3631725|ꠛꠤ×ꠛꠤ×ꠌꠤ ꠃꠇ꠆ꠞꠦꠘꠤ]]  ꠇꠞꠣ ꠅꠁꠍꠦ

@ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ добрий день, я можу іще чимось допомогти? --Пан Хаунд (talk) 08:35, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ви чули хороші новини? Sylheti Wikipedia надсилається до мовного комітету для затвердження. Мільйон завдяки вам і всім українцям. -- ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 02:15, 16 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
ꠅꠛꠣ! Чув. Я радий. Хотів би, щоб вашу Вікіпедію затвердили пошвидше.Пан Хаунд (talk) 10:27, 16 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
До речі, щоб якийсь ще вікіпроєкт мовою Силеті був затверджений, треба перекласти 4600 MediaWiki core messages. Пан Хаунд (talk) 10:33, 16 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
B translatewiki. Пан Хаунд (talk) 10:34, 16 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
+ я знайшов список "Найважливіші статті 2 й 3 рівнів" Пан Хаунд (talk) 10:38, 16 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sylheti Wikinews
ꠍꠤꠟꠐꠤ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠈꠛꠞꠞ ꠙꠇ꠆ꠇꠕꠘꠦ ꠙꠥꠞꠥꠡ꠆ꠇꠣꠞ
⁕ archive ⁕
ꠍꠤꠟꠐꠤ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠈꠛꠞ ꠅ ꠅꠛꠖꠣꠘ ꠞꠣꠈꠣꠞ ꠖꠣꠄ ꠁ ꠙꠥꠞꠥꠡ꠆ꠇꠣꠞ ꠖꠦꠅꠀ ꠅꠁꠟꠅ
ꠁꠎꠣꠔ ꠙꠥꠞꠥꠡ꠆ꠇꠣꠞ ꠙꠣꠅꠞꠣꠁꠘ꠆ꠔꠞ ꠟꠤꠡ꠆ꠐꠤ

--ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 15:55, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Я вдячний, це для мене честь. Буду працювати іще. Пан Хаунд (talk) 17:11, 10 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

ꠃꠇ꠆ꠞꠦꠘꠤ (Українська)

Нарешті зробив це для вас {{Wp/syl/Ukrainian user}}

  ꠁ ꠛꠦꠛꠀꠞ ꠇꠞ꠆ꠞꠣ ꠃꠇ꠆ꠞꠦꠘꠤ ꠘꠣꠉꠞꠤꠇ ꠀꠞ ꠍꠤꠟꠐꠤ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀꠞ ꠡꠝ꠆ꠝꠣꠘꠤ ꠡꠖꠁꠡ꠆ꠡ ⁕

-- ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 07:48, 20 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Добрий день! Дякую. Я не міг раніше, але завтра почну активну роботу. Мені приємно за подарунок. Пан Хаунд (talk) 18:33, 20 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Солодощі для вас

  ꠀꠙ꠆ꠘꠣꠞ ꠟꠣꠉꠤ ꠁꠖꠞ ꠝꠤꠡ꠆ꠐꠤ ꠝꠤꠑꠣꠁ --ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 01:34, 1 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
@ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ. Добрий день. Вибачте за пасивність. Дякую за подарунок. У мене є певні проблеми, через що я не завжди можу зайти в Інкубатор. Пан Хаунд (talk) 15:11, 2 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Амбарна зірка для вас!

  The Original Barnstar 🇺🇦
ꠅꠛꠣ ! Дякуємо за ваш внесок у Sylheti Wikipedia (ꠍꠤꠟꠐꠤ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀ). --ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 12:05, 20 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Дуже дякую. Чесно. Мені приємно за ариз і за те, що вам не байдуже, що відбувається в Україні. Пан Хаунд (talk) 12:10, 20 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

+ в мене є ідеї, якими я б хотів поділитися з вами на Вашій сторінці обговорення.

Your edits to Incubator:Featured wikis

For some months, I have a question on your several edits to this Incubator: namespace page, which is a part of Incubator's (itself, not belong to any individual test projects) Main Page. If I read the top comment codes correctly:

CONTRIBUTORS: if your test wiki is active, you are allowed to add it to the appropriate section; but only up to 10 projects should be featured per column at the same time.

It looks like some of your edits over past months are purposely to break this rule (if using this word isn't errorneous):

  1. In March, you added 3 Wikipedia entries, so that the "Wikipedia" column became 12 entries;
  2. After removal of some no longer active/approved entries (so that 10 entries), your 10 April addition cause it 11 entries, just some days later, you added 2 so far 13 entries, and then added one on 29 April (after one previous entry approved);
  3. On 4 May, you added one so that became 11, and in the rest days of May you re-populated it to be 13 by adding 2 more;
  4. Then in June, you preserve the left to be 13, and some days later you added to more on the right, so the right column also breaks the above requirement by 12 entries;
  5. In July, some entries that you added got approved and moved to the first column, when we hope that the middle two columns can be re-reduced, on 14 August you added 3 to the left, cause it 13, and some days later you even added two more so that the left became 15.

I'd love to not warn someone, but just an interested thing, that what's your purpose of breaking that requirement, are you planning to change that? Or just find a place to show your thirsts? Or for else reasons this requirement shall be deprecated? Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 10:23, 24 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

@Liuxinyu970226. Hello, no. I didn't know about that rule. So I will try do not to break this rule. Thank you for your notice. Пан Хаунд (talk) 15:39, 24 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Добрый день.

Пожалуйста, займитесь чем-нибудь, в чём действительно хорошо разбираетесь. Эвенский Викиучебник — раздел Викиучебника на эвенском языке, распространённом в Азии, а не раздел Википедии на английском, украинском и урумском языках.
Всего хорошего. Таёжный лес (talk) 18:40, 15 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

@Таёжный лес Okay. Thank you for the advice. Пан Хаунд (talk) 10:38, 23 September 2023 (UTC)Reply


   The Indo-Bangladesh Sylheti Excellence Award
Thanks for helping PRIMARY Language of 30 people groups and SECONDARY Language of 149 people groups. (1)

-- ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 13:15, 23 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

@ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ, Мені дуже приємно.
Дякую. За потреби — звертайтеся. Пан Хаунд (talk) 13:35, 23 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

thank you - HVALA

Thank you for contributing to HBS Wikivoyage! Zblace (talk) 08:13, 5 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

question about autonyms

By checking edit history of Template:Tests/wp, it looks like you provided some autonyms as "|local=" parameters to entries previously don't have, but they don't seem from a common-known source, so that it might be doubtful whether they are all correct:

  1. Special:Diff/6122467, you copy-pasted "Unserdeutsch", where Wikipedia didn't specific informations on this
  2. Special:Diff/6134012, you typed "ꯃꯩꯇꯩꯂꯣꯟ", that looks like just mean "Meitei/Manipuri" and might be conflicted with mni:, associated with the modern Meitei language
  3. Special:Diff/6134019, you typed "کھیترانی", where Wikipedia didn't mention either

hopefully you can answer with sources. (there seems to be also doubts from Meta that whether you can really understand so many languages, where they are part of several different language families, as their sense of tradition is that "if you're contributing a test project, you're likely understanding/understood that language used, if you can't understand it, better not to contribute, as we don't aim to create several Scots projects problems") Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 11:53, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

@Ok. I will be careful and try not to do I don't know or can't found. I tried to correct issues 1. and 3. And, you are right, issue 2. is my mistake. Пан Хаунд (talk) 12:08, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
Well, I'm afraid that you have to continue on explaining the source of "Falshe Deutsch / Kaputene Deutsch / Kapute Deutsch" for uln, as far as I've checked the Ethnologue, there's nothing indicated its autonym, and due to its Population field that said "10 in Papua New Guinea (2016 P. Maitz)." I wonder who even know the actual value of uln's autonym.
Likely, for xhe, Ethnologue ditto doesn't mention its autonym, even "Barāzai/Jāfaraki" (you recently provided), and while it has appr. 20000 speakers, it also says "Writing: Unwritten [Qaax]." which probably means that this isn't a written-able language, so still, I wonder where both new local values you provided are from. Better to answer me with sources, not "I will be careful/I don't/didn't know/My mistake..." or other answers that avoided the major issues and only engage in the trivial ones, sincerely, please and thanks. Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 10:47, 21 November 2023 (UTC)Reply
keke ^^ Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 05:47, 18 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Liuxinyu970226. You won. I haven't found enough reliable sources to prove my words so you may revert my last two edits.Пан Хаунд (talk) 15:15, 19 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Гарні новини!

@Пан Хаунд Веселого Різдва та щасливого нового року. Ми обговорюємо створення Вікідії в Сілоті, тут. --ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 22:07, 24 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Дякую, @ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ. Приємно це чути.
А що таке Вікідія?
Пан Хаунд (talk) 10:20, 25 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

ꠅꠛꠣ ꠜꠣꠁꠍꠣꠛ

Для вікісловника (Wt/syl) нам потрібно Module:ta-translit, Module:uk-translit and Module:(language code)-translit. Дякую. -- ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 06:42, 25 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

@ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ, Я вже створив 2 з 3. Пан Хаунд (talk) 10:20, 25 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Happy New Year 2024!

ꠍꠤꠟꠐꠤ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠈꠛꠞ

🎉 Wishing you a Fantastic Year Ahead! 🎉

As we step into the fresh pages of 2024, I wanted to send out a massive shoutout to all the amazing editors, contributors, reviewers, administrators, and Langcom members who make this platform what it is.

Your dedication to Wikimedia Incubator is what keeps it thriving. Here's to another year of breaking stories, collaborative efforts, and expanding our knowledge base.

May your 2024 be filled with exciting news, fruitful collaborations, and a multitude of successful projects. Thank you for your hard work, and let's make this year even more fantastic together!

Happy New Year! 🎊

Sylheti Wikinews Family

--ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ (talk) 23:53, 31 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

ꠗꠁꠘ꠆ꠘꠛꠣꠖ, @ꠢꠣꠍꠘ ꠞꠣꠎꠣ. Бажаю Вам успіхів у житті, в тому числі у створенні sylwiki, wikt, books, voyage, news, versity, source i quote до кінця року. Хай закінчаться війни у М'янмі, в Бангладеші, в Україні, і всюди, де вони є. Хай Силхет процвітає, а мова не вимре. І хай у вікіпроєктах мовою силхеті ніколи не меншатиме, а більшатиме учасників. Пан Хаунд (talk) 19:14, 1 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

Reminder to vote now to select members of the first U4C

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear Wikimedian,

You are receiving this message because you previously participated in the UCoC process.

This is a reminder that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) ends on May 9, 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members were invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

On behalf of the UCoC project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 23:11, 2 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Your Doppelgänger account? Or you want to clean start?

Recently I found User:Пан Хаунд 2 which looks like a duck to me associated with you (your username with just a digit "2"). Note that using sockpuppet accounts may be allowed in some certain cases, see w:Wikipedia:Sockpuppetry#Legitimate uses, however most of such legitimate cases don't allow normal contributions to contents, especially as a Doppelgänger account, it should never participant in any editing events (except clarification just on userpage). Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 05:52, 6 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

@Liuxinyu970226. I can't log in my old account, so I created a new one and focused only on it. You can remove the older one, if you want. Пан Хаунд 2 (talk) 06:29, 6 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Sorry not only I can't "remove the older one", but also else (Wikimedia account can't be deleted), but if you decide to clean start using Пан Хаунд 2 (in this case, remember, that you shouldn't edit using your former Пан Хаунд account anymore), you may just redirect your former userpage (the User:Пан Хаунд (without "2")) to your new one, better to clarify that situation. Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 06:32, 6 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for your idea. Пан Хаунд 2 (talk) 07:11, 6 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Ehh, and how about this talk page, archive it? Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 12:38, 8 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Only if you don't have any objections. Пан Хаунд 2 (talk) 12:40, 8 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
When I said that I will object it? Feel free to archive so. Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 12:41, 9 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
Return to the user page of "Пан Хаунд 2/archive".