Wp/nys/Peter Farmer

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Wp > nys > Peter Farmer

Peter Farmer is a Whadjuk artist. His projects include:

Sculptural lightwalls at Elizabeth Quay


Four Whadjuk artists, including Peter, created the sculptural lightwalls at Elizabeth Quay.[1] Peter created "Kwillena Moort, Dolphin Family". The other Whadjuk artists are Aurora Abraham, Sharyn Egan, wer Rod Collard.

see main page Yaburgurt Memorial Art Project

The Yaburgurt Public Art Project in Mandjoogoordap (Mandurah), will celebrate wer commemmorate the life of Noongar elder Yaburgurt as a warda kadak within the local Bindjarap Noongar community.

Ngiyan waarnk - References

  1. Elizabeth Quay Lightwalls Round One. Publik. Retrieved 19 April 2019