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Carramar is a Perth suburb which came into being, together with Tapping to the south, in 1995 as a subdivision of Neerabup. Neerabup was named after Lake Neerabup which was first recorded by surveyor J. Cowle in 1867. The (Noongar?) Aboriginal meaning of Neerabup is possibly 'swampy place' or 'small basin or lake'.[1]

The meaning of Carramar is possibly from a Queensland Aboriginal language meaning 'shade of trees'.[2]

Alternatively Carramar is a Noongar name meaning 'a water soak'.[3]

Or, as Professor Collard suggested in his research, disputing the Landgate derivation of 'shade of trees', the meaning was more closely related to the Noongar 'house of the spider' or 'ant', or even the 'red tailed cockatoo' - karra(k).[4]

Ngiyan waarnk - References

  1. Neerabup. Landgate, Govt. of WA. Retrieved 10 November 2016
  2. Carramar. Landgate, Govt. of WA. Retrieved 10 November 2016
  3. Bernard Rooney (2011). "The Nyoongar Legacy". Batchelor Press. ISBN 978 174131 232 4
  4. Len Collard. "House of spider or no brunettes? - Nyungar scholar sets record straight". News. University of WA. 15 October 2012. Retrieved 13 August 2020