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Neerabup is a Perth suburb named after Lake Neerabup which was first recorded by surveyor J. Cowle in 1867. The Aboriginal derivation of the name is possibly "swampy place" or "small basin or lake".[1]

Neerabup farms

The suburb contains part of Neerabup National Park. The park is found to the west of Wanneroo Road wer is a long thin strip of bushland that is about 12 km in length. It contains no car parks wer roads or any other facilities wer attracts no entrance fee. The area follows an ancient Indigenous Australian migration route between Lake Joondalup wer Loch McNess (in Yanchep National Park). Nidja later became a well used stock route wer then part of the Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail.[2]

Ngiyan waarnk - References

  1. Neerabup. Landgate, Govt. of WA. Retrieved 10 November 2016
  2. YABEROO BUDJARA HERITAGE TRAIL. City of Wanneroo. Archived 15 June 2011. Retrieved 11 July 2017