Welcome edit

Welcome to the Wikimedia Incubator! At the right there are some links, and here are some tips and info:

  • You can find help and information on Help:Contents. If your English knowledge is good, you can translate that page to other language you know so more people can understand it!
  • If you haven't created a user page yet, please create one with for example babel templates on it.
  • You can select your interface language in your preferences.
  • If you make articles, templates or categories, don't forget to add a prefix!
  • If you want to translate the interface, please go to Betawiki, create an account and follow the instructions you will see.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask it on my talk page. Greetings, Ooswesthoesbes 13:33, 5 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hallo Päge bintën! Ich sehe das du kein English sprichst, ich werde versuchen Deutsch zu kallen :D Ich bin sehr glücklich dass du gekommen bist, da waren noch nicht soviel kontributionen gemacht in Mentawei. Ich hoffe dass du stehen bleibst und noch viel solst kontributieren. Slëmetin, --Ooswesthoesbes 13:33, 5 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hallo. Aku pöt këmin pidö sëndä kaë pöt gäncih behäsuë bagas Betawiki. Sëndä kaë made terihjengjeng aku këmin tulung. Slëmetin, --Ooswesthoesbes 14:55, 6 May 2008 (UTC)Reply