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Per altre domande, sentiti libero di esprimerti sulla mia pagina di discussione.

StevenJ81 (talk) 13:56, 11 July 2019 (UTC)Reply

Tarantino Wiktionary edit

Hello, Joetaras, and my apologies for writing in English. (I do not speak Italian, let alone Neapolitan or Tarantino.)

In principle, we'd allow this project, given that there is already a Tarantino Wikipedia, and the special language code is "grandfathered". Still, do you see this project as being meaningfully different from the Neapolitan Wiktionary project? Wouldn't that project incorporate content in Tarantino? Remember that for Wiktionaries, the project language is the language of the definitions, not the language of the entries/lemmas. So unless you think this project is going to look a whole lot different from Neapolitan Wiktionary, I'd strongly encourage you to focus your energy there. (You can answer me here; I will watch this page.) StevenJ81 (talk) 13:56, 11 July 2019 (UTC)Reply

Dear, two language are bit different. Some words of Neapolitan can be found in Tarantino, as in other southern Italy dialects. I try to grow this project, although I'm busy on Tarantino Wikipedia and TranslateWiki localization project. -- 14:37, 11 July 2019 (UTC)Reply