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w:WP:STUB ꠁ ꠙꠣꠔꠣ ꠁꠈꠣꠘ ꠀꠛꠧ ꠇꠥꠠꠤ ꠞꠂꠍꠦ ⁕ ꠈꠣꠟꠤ ꠝꠣꠔ ꠃꠑꠣꠘꠤꠞ ꠟꠣꠉꠤ ꠀꠞꠝ꠆ꠛ ꠇꠞꠣ ꠅꠁꠍꠦ ⁕ ꠁꠟꠣꠘ ꠀꠞꠅ ꠘꠄꠀ ꠇꠥꠠꠤꠘ꠆ꠔꠞ ꠙꠣꠔꠣꠁꠘ ꠖꠦꠈꠂꠘ ⁕ ꠁ ꠛꠦꠙꠣꠞꠦ ꠀꠙꠘꠣꠁꠘ꠆ꠔꠞ ꠇꠥꠘꠔꠣ ꠙꠥꠞꠣꠘꠤꠞ ꠕꠣꠇ꠆ꠟꠦ ꠟꠇ꠆ꠖꠤ ꠟꠦꠈꠤꠀ ꠙꠣꠔꠣ ꠁꠈꠣꠘ ꠀꠞꠧ ꠛꠟꠣꠁꠔꠣ ꠙꠣꠞꠂꠘ ⁕

ꠎꠦ ꠎꠤꠘꠤꠡꠞcalendar month
ꠔꠟꠞmonth of the Gregorian calendar
ꠏꠦꠈꠣꠘꠞ ꠅꠋꠡꠅJulian calendar, Gregorian calendar, Swedish calendar
ꠘꠣꠝоктября, października, кастрычніка, Winterfylleðes, Kantaray killa, října
ꠘꠣꠝ ꠏꠦꠘꠕꠘꠦ8, yellow, winter, wine, hemp hurds
ꠁꠈꠣꠘꠞ ꠀꠉꠦSeptember
ꠁꠈꠣꠘꠞ ꠛꠣꠖꠦNovember
ꠙꠣꠔꠣꠞ ꠛꠦꠘꠣꠞ
ꠎꠦꠟꠇꠞꠝꠣꠎꠦ ꠛꠣꠔꠣꠁꠖꠦꠅꠀBrockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, New Encyclopedic Dictionary, The Nuttall Encyclopædia, Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890), Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition, The New Student's Reference Work, Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary
P48959.5±0.5 month
P527October 1, October 2, October 3, October 4, October 5, October 6, October 7, October 8, October 9, October 10, October 11, October 12, October 13, October 14, October 15, October 16, October 17, October 18, October 19, October 20, October 21, October 22, October 23, October 24, October 25, October 26, October 27, October 28, October 29, October 30, October 31
ꠅꠐꠣꠕꠘꠦ ꠀꠟꠣꠉOktober, Octobre
P2959Q28790363, Q56299441, Q117477776

ꠀꠞꠅ ꠖꠦꠈꠂꠘ




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