Wp/kge/Bahasa Shina

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Wp > kge > Bahasa Shina

Basa Shina joda da salah osay basa say dituturko Jolma Shina di nagara Pakistan.[1] Di Pakistan, joda da basa mayoritas di Gilgit-Baltistan say sabagiyan balak dituturko jolma say ngaman di Gilgit-Baltistan rik Kohistan.[2][3]

ݜݨیاٗ زبان - ݜݨیاٗ گلیتوࣿ زبان Ṣiṇyaá
Nagara Pakistan
Pok Asia Hulu
Jumlah Panutur 720.200 jiwa
Sistim Panulisan Arab
Status Lokok tipakai
Etnis Jolma Shina
Kaluwarga Bahasa 1. Indo-Eropa
2. Indo-Iran
3. Indo-Arya
4. Bahasa Shina
Bahasa say Tikahik


  1. Danesh Jain, The Indo-Aryan Languages George Cardona, 26 Juni 2007, Routledge, ISBN 978-1-135-79710-2, hal 1018 dilom Bahasa Inggris
  2. Anju Saxena, Lesser-Known Languages of South Asia: Status and Policies, Case Studies and Applications of Information Technology Lars Borin, 22 Agustus 2008, Walter de Gruyter, ISBN 978-3-11-019778-5, hal 137 dilom Bahasa Inggris

    Shina is an Indo-Aryan language of the Dardic group, spoken in the Karakorams and the western Himalayas: Gilgit, Hunza, the Astor Valley, the Tangir-Darel valleys, Chilas and Indus Kohistan, as well as in the upper Neelam Valley and Dras. Outliers of Shina are found in Ladakh (Brokskat), Chitral (Palula and Sawi), Swat (Ushojo; Bashir 2003: 878) and Dir (Kalkoti).

  3. Shina, Ethnologue dilom Bahasa Inggris