படக பாக்ஷே முக்கிய பக்கம் ! - Badaga Ba:she: Mukkiya Pakkam! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vikkipi:dia Do you speak Badaga? Then we need your help! .
Elle bradhu hadhuvadhuna [article], dhayavu maadi olliya Badaga Bashega mathi [translate] enaga ubhagaara maadudhaga mudadharava? விக்கிபீடியா Do you speak Badaga? Then we need your help! .
இல்லி பரது ஹடவதுன தயவு மாடி படகு பாக்ஷக மாததி ஏனக உபகார மாடுதக முடதரவா? This series of pages is for a test-wikipedia in Badaga . Your Badaga input here will be appreciated. The request for the creation of the Badaga Wikipedia will be approved if and when there is sufficient article content. When it is approved, all content here would be moved to the actual Wikipedia. Because this is a test-wikipedia all articles here must begin with the format Wp/bfq/Name of article. Badaga people For example, an article about Nilgiris should be titled here as Wp/bfq/Niligiris. (Of course in the actual wikipedia, the article would be titled as Niligiris)
Tasks that the Wikipedia-Badaga needs to focus on (your wishlist here) (Create your wishlist of work you'd like to see done -- specially what YOU can contribute to -- here.) Contributors to the Badaga Wikipedia (Please add your name to this list if you are working on the Badaga Wikipedia. This will help keep in collaboration.) (Please go through this!! especially new users!)