Thank you for your contributions to this Chữ Nôm Incubator Wikipedia! This site has been in a state of dormancy till your edits came along.
You truly have a genuine interest in this Wiki project and I hope it will blossom into something great.
(As you may have guessed already, I do not speak Chữ Nôm).
Also, this sentence below probably has some errors:
歡迎𠴞㐌旦喟Wikipedia𡦂喃! 苔纙百科全書𣎏內容𢠩屬礎有共同
(It was supposed to be based on this Vietnamese sentence: Hoan nghênh bạn đã đến với Wikipedia Chữ Nôm! Đây là bách khoa toàn thư có nội dung mở và thuộc sở hữu cộng đồng.)