User talk:Jose77/Archive 4

Latest comment: 13 years ago by Ivan Zeruwsky in topic translate to Fataluku



i am a MUSLIM Laz, and i believe the brotherhood of people, everybody must believe whatever thay want So i translated it with big pleasure.


Lazuri vik'ip'edia


i want your help for Laz wikipedia :) please add your comments.

Thanks for your support, if you want some translation into Laz language, just tell me. Good bye

Hi! I'm sorry but I do not speak in English, I know only a little Spanish

Hello Could you help me with the Language committee / Status / wp / kbd, on the main page a link to this page but they are all in English and I do what I can not understand and deal

Azamat 23:02, 26 April 2010 (UTC)БогупсReply



Help me. Can you change the my template from this be this? Thank you. Ezagren 11:55, 27 April 2010 (UTC)Reply

Pijin translation


OK. Thanks for helping me out with my misplaced front page and such. I will clearly be in need of assistance for quite some time while I try to add to the Pijin project. I'm surprised that someone else with no knowledge of pijin started it up a month or so ago. I didn't even know it was there.

Anyway, here's my attempt at translating the spiel about the church:

"True Jesus Church" hemi wanfala sos hemi stanap seleva. Hemi no blo narawan famili. Hem stat lo Beijing, Saina lo 1917. Distaem hemi garem kolsap 2.5 milion pipol lo 52 kandre. Diswan sos hemi blo Pentacostal grup blo Krisian relison. Pentacostal grup stat fo gro fostaem lo 1900s. Diswan sos hemi trae fo prisim Gospel lo ol'ta kandre bifo Jesus bae kam bak lo iumi. Sos hemi garem tenfala bilif olsem:

1. Holi spirit 2. Baptism 3. Waswas blo fut 4. Holi Komiunion 5. Dae blo Sabas 6. Jesus Christ 7. Baebol 8. Salveson 9. Sos 10. Dae blo Sasmen



Incubator listing (Pijin wikipedia test)


Hi Jose77. Would you know how to get the pijin wikipedia request and test pages put into the list for test wikis ( Thanks. -- 03:18, 5 May 2010 (UTC)Reply

Hello You could help with the creation of templates for pages? This proved problematic, always show any links to jump on him

Azamat 06:12, 8 May 2010 (UTC)БогупсReply

Translation to Meänkieli


My translation to Meänkieli as you asked about it Translation after the English version

Welcome/Tervetuloa • Help & FAQ/Apua & FAQ • Manual (to create a wiki)/Manyaali (luoa yhen wikin) • Community portal/ Yhteinen purtaali • Editing help/ Tekstin käsittelyapua • Upload file/ Lattaa ylös fiili • Sandbox/ Santaloova

[translate] Welcome to the Wikimedia Incubator! /Tervetuloa Wikimedia Incubatorhiin! Language select/Kielen valinta:

At the right there are some important links, and here are some tips and info: Oikeala on muutama tärkeä linkki, ja tässä on muutama tipsi ja informasjuunia

• If you haven't created a user page yet, please create one with for example babel templates on it. • Jos et vielä ole luonu käyttäjän sivua, ole ystävälinen ja luo sellaisen missä on esimerkiks babel sivunmallina. • You can select your interface language in your preferences. • Saatat valita oman intterfeisi kielen sinun preferänsissä. • If you make articles, templates or categories, don't forget to add a prefix! • Jos tehet artikkelia, sivumallia eli katekorioita, muistathan lisätä prefiksin! • If your knowledge of English is good, you can help with translating pages to other language you know, so more people can understand it! • Jos sinun engelska on hyvä, sie saatat auttaa kääntämhään sivuja muuhun kielheen mitä sie ymmärät, niin ette enemän ihmisiä saattavat ymmärtää sitä. • If you want to translate the interface, please go to Betawiki, create an account and follow the instructions you will see. • Jos haluat kääntää intterfeisin, ole ystävälinen ja mene Betawikhiin, luo yhen kontun ja seuraa instryksjuunia mitä näet. If you have any questions, feel free to ask it on my talk page. Jos sulla on kysymyksiä, älä ujoaa mutta kysy niistä minun puhe sivula.

Translation to Meänkieli: Jeesuksen kirkko


Toelisen Jeesuksen kirkko” on ittenhäinen kiinalainen kirkko, joka on saanu alunsa helluntaiherräyksestä. Kirkko perustethiin Beijingissä, Kiinassa, vuona 1917. Nykyaikana kirkko toimii kolmessakymmenessäyheksässä maassa ja viiessä maanosassa ja sillä on arvattavasti 1,5 miljoonaa uskovaista. Kirkon kymmenen keskeisintä oppia ja uskon kappaletta on:

1. Pyhän Hengen 2. Kaste 3. Jaloitten peso 4. Pyhä ehtoolinen 5. Sapattipäivä 6. Jeesus Kristus 7. Pyhä Raamattu 8. pelastus 9. Kirkko 10. Herran toinen tuleminen

How to get licence for own work?


I have images which are mien and I want to upload them to Meänkieli Wikipedia, but I cannot get licence for the, The images ar emine, but that is not sufficient. There must be some kind of licence and where can I get that. I troed many times, but to no avail

Thanks for any assistance

Thnkas from Mestos

Toelisen Jeesuksen kirkko - meänkielelä


“Toelisen Jeesuksen kirkko” on ittenhäinen kiinalainen kirkko, joka on saanu alunsa helluntaiherräyksestä. Kirkko perustethiin Beijingissä, Kiinassa, vuona 1917. Nykyaikana kirkko toimii kolmessakymmenessäyheksässä maassa ja viiessä maanosassa ja sillä on arvattavasti 1,5 miljoonaa uskovaista. Kirkon kymmenen keskeisintä oppia ja uskon kappaletta on: 1. Pyhän Hengen: "Pyhän Hengen vasthaanottaminen, mikä kielilä puhuminen toistaa, on takuu meän perinöstä taivhaitten valtakunnassa." 2. Kaste: "Kaste on sakramäntti, jonka tarkotus on synnitten antheeksianto ja uuen hengelisen elämän alottaminen. Kaste annethaan luononveessä niinkun väylässä, meressä tai kaltiossa. Kastaja, joka on saanu kastheen veelä ja Pyhälä Hengelä, suorittaa kastheen Herran Jeesuksen Kristuksen nimessä. Kastheen vasthaanottajan tulisi olla kokohnaan veen alla pää kumarussa ja kasuvet alaspäin." 3. Jaloitten peso: "Jaloitten peso sakramäntti antaa vasthaanottajalle maholisuuen olla osa Herra Jeesusta. Se muistuttaa kans aina ja jatkuvasti rakkauen, pyhhyyen, nöyryyen, antheeksiannon ja palvelemisen tärkeyestä. Jokhainen, joka on saanu vesikastheen, saapi jalkansa pestyksi Herran Jeesuksen nimessä. Jalat pesthään aina vastavuorosesti, koska se on soveliasta." 4. Pyhä ehtoolinen: "Pyhä ehtoolinen vietethään Herran Jeesuksen Kristuksen muistoksi. Sen kautta saatama osalistua Herran ruuhmiisheen ja verheen ja olla yhteyessä hänheen, niin että saama ikuisen elämän ja nousema ylös viimisenä päivänä. Tämä sakramäntti on oltava tarjola maholisiman usein. Siinä käytethään vain yhtä nousematonta leipää ja rypälesaftia." 5. Sapattipäivä: "Sapattipäivä, viikon seittemäs päivä (lauantai), on pyhäpäivä, Jumalan siunaama ja pyhittämä. Sitä tarkkailaan Herran armon alla, Jumalan luomisen ja vapahtuksen muistojuhlana toivoen ikuista lepoa tulevassa elämässä." 6. Jeesus Kristus: "Jeesus Kristus, sana joka tuli lihaksi, kuoli ristilä synnitten pelastamiseksi, heräsi henkhiin kolmantena päivänä ja nousi taihvaasheen. Hän on ihmiskunnan ainua Pelastaja, taihvaitten ja maan luoja, ja ainua oikea Jumala." 7. Pyhä Raamattu: "Pyhä Raamattu, joka koostuu uuesta ja vanhaasta testamäntista, on Jumalan sanan innoittama, ainua kirjalinen tottuus, ja kristilisen elämän pohja." 8. Pelastus: "Jumala antaa pelastuksen uskon kautta. Uskovitten pittää luottaa Pyhhään Henkheen tavoitellessaan pyhhyyttä, kunnioittaa Jumalaa, ja rakastaa ihmiskuntaa." 9. Kirkko: "Toelisen Jeesuksen kirkko, jonka perusti meän herra Jeesus Kristus, Pyhän Hengen kautta 'myöhäissatheen' aikana, on apostolisen aijan toelinen herätetty kirkko. 10. Herran toinen tuleminen: "Herran toinen tuleminen tapahtuu viimisenä päivänä, kun hän laskeutuu taihvaasta tuomittemhaan mailmaa: oikeamieliset saavat ikusen elämän, kun syntiset tuomithaan ikuseksi aijoiksi."



kindly this wiki be transfered to actual wikipedia.all links of urdu be posted and from right to left. thanks

According Wikimedia policy, these 485 most-used interface messages need to be translated into Saraiki before the project can become eligible for approval.
To translate those system messages, simply follow these steps. --Jose77 02:57, 8 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

kindly this wp/skr be trasfered from right to left And all translations of urdu be posted thanks



"Gereja Yesus Bener" yaitu gereja independen nyang didiriin di Beijing, Cina taun 1917. Sekarang, ade kire-kire 2,5 juta anggotanye di delapan pulu negare dan enem benue. Gereja ini anggota kelompok Kristen Pentakosta nyang muncul pade awal abad kedua pulu. Taun 1939, gereja ini udah didiriin juge di Indonesia. Tujuan mereka mau ngabarin injil ke semue bangse sebelum Kedatengan Yesus nyang Kedue. Sepulu kepercayaan uteme ini gereja, adalah:

  1. Roh Kudus
  2. Pembaptisan
  3. Pencucian Kaki
  4. Komuni Suci
  5. Hari Sabbath
  6. Yesus Kristus
  7. Injil
  8. Penyelamatan
  9. Gereja
  10. Pengadilan Akhir

Here's my shot at it. I'm not 100% sure though, since I have not heard the Christian terminologies in this language. Naval Scene 05:02, 11 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

Regarding a contact to Thai Wikipedia


Hello Jose77! From many of your contact to Thai Wikipedia in Thai Language, regarding the translation of "True Jesus", it is better to request such things in English, especially if you don't know Thai Language. When you use Thai words provided by certain Wikipedians, Many Wikipedians would likely response in Thai, and they wouldn't realize you don't understand Thai, especially response that one couldn't translate such things. Note that this is only my suggestions, and you could ignore it. Thanks. --Harley Hartwell 10:55, 27 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

You're correct in the last paragraph. Some Thais don't know English, and it is better to use Thai. But you should remember that Google Translate is only Machine-Translated. Thus, certain message would be very misleading. For example, Danieliness answered on your talk page in Thai "I'm sorry, I couldn't translate it, and I don't think no one could", but Google says "Translation not blame me, And still no one translated into" (The italic part said "No one will do it" which doesn't have the same meaning of "No one could do it", right?) Regards. --Harley Hartwell 02:23, 28 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

Translation: True Jesus Church


Greetings Jose77

Here I have tried to translate the passage as precisely as possible. I did not try word-to-word translation at any occasion. It was for sure very difficult a work to do, as most of the text comprised of terminology specific to Christianity Religion. I did not hear or read any alternatives for these terms in my language. There might be established terminology but I am myself ignorant of that.

I have invented some terms which may or may not be appropriate. But this will certainly reflect my understanding of Jesus and Christianity. I have given some explanation of the terms at the end in an effort to explain the terminology I have used or invented. I hope that helps.

In the end I will recommend you not to use my translated work unless you are sure of the meaning of each word and term.

Regards, --Imdadb 22:14, 28 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for supporting Brahui Wikipedia


I thank you for supporting Brahui Wikipedia. I will certainly take your time, and ask for help sometimes when i needed. And you too feel free to ask me if I could assist at any time. Regards --Imdadb 09:09, 29 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

Logo of Zazaki Wikipedia


Dear Jose!
The logo of the Zazaki-Wikipedia has been written with the Kurdish characters. It must be written as Wikipediya with a normal i and not as Wîkîpedîya, because we have no î character in Zazaki. Who is responsible for the new system of front view? I ask you politely about to change that. Thanks in advance! --Mirzali 16:37, 2 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

I thank you for the information. --Mirzali 10:34, 5 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

Update your user page


Please update your user page at part "Banjarese". I had to translate (partly), but why is still 0%? Ezagren 請談談 01:28, 4 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

Translate update Bahasa Banjar


Hi Jose, Can you please update the translate status and test contents of test wiki Bahasa Banjar? Thank you.--J Subhi pemandiran 14:27, 14 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Greetings Mr Jose 77. Nice to meet you too! Oh, sure, i can translate an article into Lezgian language, thank you for your asking.

Oh, thank you very much for the support. And as i seen, you asked me to translate an article into Lezgian language. Show me please the article, i would gladly help you. User from Dag 00:14, 19 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Oh, sorry Jose77, i didn't see the content you sended me, but now i've seen it and i promice you this article will be translated by me. User from Dag 00:39, 19 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Pipil (Nawat) translation


Ne "Yekkaya Tiupan Ipal Yeshu" se tiupan mukwajpilua. Pejki tik Beijing (China) tik ne shiwit 1917. Ashan nemit anka ume wan tajku millones tik ne tiupan ijtik unpual-majtakti-yey tal tik ne chikwasen wejweytal. Ne tiupan nemi ijtik ne tepewa Protestantej ipal ne Cristianojkayut, ne pejki tik ne ajachtu shiwit ipal ne sentzunshiwit senpual (siglo veinte) tik America. Kinekit kinmachtiat ne yeknawatilis muchi ne tejtechan achtu ma wiki senpa Yeshu. Ini ne majtakti tayulmatilis sea wey ipal ne tiupan:

  1. Ijiutzin
  2. Ulyujmakalis
  3. Ikshipakalis
  4. Musentepewalis ipal Tiut
  5. Tunal ipal Sewilis
  6. Yeshu Mawaltijtuk
  7. Ne Bibliaj
  8. Tamakishtilis
  9. Ne tiupan
  10. Tipan Juicioj

--A R King 06:54, 19 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Hi, Jose77! I've translated the article. It's ready

User from Dag 09:13, 19 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Answer and about the Lezgi Wikipedia


Good evening, Mr. Jose77. I am very glad, that i can be helpful for you. I hope, my translation satisfacted you. Oh, yes i have. Couldn't you tell me please, what should we (i mean Lezgian groupe of Wikipedia) do for creating of Lezgi Wikipedia? Now we create articles and support the creating. What should we do more?

Oh, thank you very much for advice. Now i will make links correctly. :-) User from Dag 15:58, 22 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

About Lezgi Wikipedia


Hi Mr. Jose77. Thank you very very much for your advices, for your help to us. For your corrections of my mistakes. I don't know what would i do without you. Thanks! User from Dag 00:34, 24 August 2010 (UTC)Reply



Halo, Anda membuat artikel Wp/mad/Gereja Yesus Sejati. Dialek mana yang Anda pakai untuk membuat artikel itu? Kok berbeda dengan Bahasa Madura yang baku? Gunakan bahasa Madura yang baku. Ezagren 請談談 06:43, 26 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Oooo.... Begitu. Baiklah jika memang begitu, walau saya masih merasa janggal dengan artikel di atas karena bahasanya berbeda sekali dengan bahasa Madura (karena saya sedikit mengerti bahasa Madura). Ezagren 請談談

Wikipedia Banjar


Untuk sementara, hanya saya (orang Banjar) yang tahu bahwa ada kartun Nabi Muhammad di Wikipedia. Saya "no comment" dalam hal itu (meski tak setuju dengan pemuatan gambar Nabi Muhammad). Jika masyarakat Banjar tahu, mungkin diboikot juga Wikipedia. --Ezagren 請談談 03:42, 27 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Kutai Wikipedia


Bisakah Anda mengajukan permintaan (request for new language) untuk Bahasa Melayu Kutai? Nanti saya buat sendiri halaman utamanya. Terima kasih Ezagren 請談談 04:04, 27 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Kalau penutur asli yang sudah mendaftar di Wikimedia, belum. Tetapi, kalau penutur asli di luar, banyak yang saya kenal. Wah, entahlah. Antara "Kota Bangun Kutai" dan "Tenggarong Kutai", nanti saya diskusikan kepada penutur aslinya. Ezagren 請談談 14:36, 27 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Help for Devnagri Tool


We r really very much thankful to you for extending your invaluable help to develop Angika Wikipedia. Could u help to incorporate Devnagri Tools on the Angika Test Wikipedia to enable any layman to write in Devnagri fonts. Best Regards. Angpradesh 20:14, 18 September 2010 (UTC)

translate to Fataluku


nice to meet you too. this is

"True Jesus Church" ia igreja uni jenate em Beijing, China na namai aiaira 1917 micane. Karu e micane ma´ar lauhana hay milaun 2.5 nasaun ta´an lime utue la´an nu muacauvele neme micane nu igreja e nere. Igreja en Grupu Pentecostes Cristianidade ihini fon sikulo vigésimo na lauhe. Tavar i heluhana ia evanjeliu em ma´erlauhana ere fanave antes Jejus ihec i fain mundo e napema´u. Fiarana ta´an igreja e ihini it eni´i:

  1. Hututeinu uruvacu
  2. Batismu
  3. Ia vahu
  4. Comunga teinu
  5. Vaci teinu
  6. Jejus Kristu
  7. Sorot Teinu
  8. Salvasaun
  9. Igreja
  10. Juicio i huranana

Ivan Zeruwsky 13:24, 26 September 2010 (UTC)Reply

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