Hello, I'm Muskwatch. I'm a language teacher and language activist for two communities that call me their member - the Metis community and the Michif language, and the Nuxalk community and itNuxalkmc. I'm the primary contributor as of yet to the nascent Nuxalk wikipedia project, though I have hopes that out of the half dozen speakers of our language, at least one of the other speakers will be able to eventually play a role.
Yaw, nts ta Nukikliktmacw. Acwsalctnmts alh Acwsalcta, alh Qiqipi. Ksnmakts silip'tsuts wa slhk'mstalh ts ulh lhmilh, si7alhtsimtmacwilh suts' alh ts.
Taanishi. Ndatoshkaan ashkaaw chii-wiichihakik li mood aan Michif chiipiikishkweechik apishiish. Giikishkinahamaashon chiipiikshkweeyaan Grace Zoldie Oschi, Verna Demontigny oshchi, eekwa Norman Fleury, Harvey Peltier, pii Rita Flamand. Ninohteekishkinahamawaawak lii zheun chii-piikishkweechik. Eekoshi pitamaa