ما حاضنة ويكيميديا؟
- Wikimedia Incubator, founded on 2 June 2006, is a wiki-based website hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization which also hosts Wikipedia and other projects.
ابدأ الويكي الخاص بك!
- Incubator serves as a platform where anyone can build up a community in a certain language edition of a Wikimedia project (Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikinews, Wikiquote and Wikivoyage) that does not yet have its own subdomain, provided that it is a recognized language. These so-called "test wikis" on Incubator can be used like any other real wiki. When the community desires so, they can request to move to an own subdomain through the requests for new languages process. The decision is made by the Language committee.
- اختبارات ويكي الجامعة وويكي مصدر يتم استضافتها في ويكيات مختلفة: beta.wikiversity.org و wikisource.org على الترتيب.
- ويكيميديا إنكوباتور فريد نظرا لأنه ليس مشروع محتوى مثل ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة، ولا مشروعا تنظيميا مثل ميتاويكي، والذي ينظم مشاريع مؤسسة ويكيميديا المختلفة.
- When reading, using, or contributing to Incubator, please read the pages Privacy policy and General disclaimer.
- If you want to know more about the internal working of Incubator, you can read our frequently asked questions at Help:FAQ. Other help is at Help:Contents.
ما ليس ويكيميديا إنكبوباتور عليه؟
- Although closed subdomains are often moved back to Incubator so they can re-build a community, Incubator is not a dumping project that hosts abandoned projects.
- Although Incubator is a special project, it should not be regarded as a "behind the scenes" project.