Wt/lzz/Dudi Buťǩa

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Viǩleksiǩonişe ǩai moxtit!
Viǩleksiǩoni, Oxoşkveri Nenapuna



A B C Ç Ç' D E F G Ğ H X İ J K K' Q L M N O P P' R S Ş T T' U V Y Z Z' Ʒ Ǯ

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Viǩileksiǩonişe ǩuçxe bedineri moxtit! Haya imece te na iven ar nenapuna ren.

Dğaşi Tkvala  comes here.
word n
  1. Please leave a note in the Beer parlour to tell us that there is no word of the day.
Coming soon: Dğaşi galeni tkvala
  • Nominate non-English words of the day here!

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