Wt/aoi/Help:Non-Anindilyakwa speakers

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Wiktionary is the free online dictionary anyone can edit. This is the test wiki for Wiktionary in Anindilyakwa. Poorly translated material will be removed.

What is Anindilyakwa? edit

Anindilyakwa is an Australian Aboriginal language spoken on Groote Eylandt by over 1,000 people.

Can non-Anindilyakwa speakers contribute? edit

Yes, however you must not remove good material created by Anindilyakwa speakers. You must also abstain from vandalism or other banned things.

Where can I find a good Anindilyakwa dictionary? edit

A good Anindilyakwa dictionary can be found here.

Can I make entries in foreign languages? edit

Wiktionary provides entries in various languages. However, you must provide a translation of the word into Anindilyakwa.

How big do entries need to be? edit

Wiktionary is not Wikipedia. Entries cannot be too short or too long, however.