Wq/syl/ꠞꠤꠅꠞꠤ ꠔꠤꠃꠔꠤꠃꠘ꠆ꠘꠤꠇ

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Hryhoriy Mychailovych Tiutiunnyk (укр. Григорій Михайлович Тютюнник or укр. Григорій Тютюнник; April , , Shylivka, Poltava region, USSR — August , , Lviv, USSR) is a Ukrainian writer, journalist, publicist, teacher. Brother of ꠞꠤꠅꠞꠤ ꠔꠤꠃꠔꠤꠃꠘ꠆ꠘꠤꠇ.

ꠞꠤꠅꠞꠤ ꠔꠤꠃꠔꠤꠃꠘ꠆ꠘꠤꠇ
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ꠜꠣꠁꠞ ꠉꠦꠍꠦ ꠟꠦꠈꠣ ꠌꠤꠑꠤꠕꠘꠦ


So, you build your story on impressions. That's good. You can present with a few strokes the situation in which the hero acts, you are good at dialogues and conversations; without realizing it yourself, you draw images wonderfully (and this is very important, and not everyone can do it, even some of venerable writers)...[1]From a letter dated January 6, 1954.


So, Hrytsko, what I'm interested in. Please, take such a notebook and write down literally everything that our glorious Fylymon Vasyliovych will say. Especially what concerns the Shylivka chronicle. Everything he says. Because this is a gold dust, gems of folk humor, which our generation is no longer capable of, my brother. [...] And then forward all the records to me. Record some apt, interesting words, which his speech is so rich in. Because, my brother, I decided to write a novella or a whole novel about Shylivka.[2]. — From a letter dated October 30, 1956.


But your main drawback is still the inability to use words. And Words, my brother, are diamonds from which beautiful things are built. Your words are imprecise and often "off the mark", as people say, inappropriate. I underlined these places[3]... — From a letter dated October 30, 1956



  1. Тютюнник. Холодна М'ята. — 2014. — С. 797. — ISBN 978-966-579-430-1
  2. Тютюнник. Холодна М'ята. — 2014. — С. 803. — ISBN 978-966-579-430-1
  3. Тютюнник. Холодна М'ята. — 2014. — С. 797. — ISBN 978-966-579-430-1