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Date Place Author Work Quote Remark
1898 China: Qing Dynasty Yan Fu 天演論‧譯例言

Evolution and Ethics: Translator's Preface

(中文) 譯事三難︰信、達、雅。

(English) There are three difficulties in translation: faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance.

Neutral comment
1981-01-30 Taiwan, Republic of China Presidential Promulgation 行政院新聞局組織條例

Government Information Office Organizational Act

(中文) 第17條


(English) Article 17
The personnel specified in Articles 13 to 16 ...... is to be selected based on ...... edition, translation ...... (Wiki translation)

Legally obsolete
2014-01-22 Taiwan, Republic of China Presidential Promulgation 著作權法

Copyright Act

(中文) 第53條 中央或地方政府機關、非營利機構或團體、依法立案之各級學校,為專供視覺障礙者、學習障礙者、聽覺障礙者或其他感知著作有困難之障礙者使用之目的,得以翻譯、點字、錄音、數位轉換、口述影像、附加手語或其他方式利用已公開發表之著作。

(English) Article 53
For the purpose of exclusive use by the visually impaired, learning disabled, hearing impaired or other persons with a perceptual disability, works that have been publicly released may be exploited by local or central government agencies, non-profit organizations and all levels of legally established schools, by means of translation, Braille, sound-recording, digital transformation, verbal imagery, accompanying sign language or otherwise.

Legally current