Wq/mul/Capital city

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Wq > mul > Capital city
  • (English) capital city
  • (Français) la capitale
  • (日本語) 首都
  • (한국어) 수도(首都)
  • (中文) 首都
Date Place Author Work Quote Remark
1787-09-17 United States of America Federal Convention of 1787 (English) Constitution of the United States of America

(中文) s:zh:美利坚合众国宪法#第八款

Article 1, Section 8
The Congress shall have Power

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of Particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States,


Legally current
1931-06-01 China, Republic of Nationalist Government promulgation (中文) 中華民國訓政時期約法 第5條 中華民國國都定於南京。

(English) Article 5. The national capital of the Republic of China is Nanking. (Wiki translation)

(Français) Article 5. La capitale nationale de la République de Chine est Nankin. (traduction de wiki)

(한국어) 제5조 중화민국의 수도는 남경(난징)이다. (위키번역)
第5條 中華民國의 首都는 南京이다. (위키飜譯)

Legally obsolete
1936-05-05 China, Republic of Nationalist Government promulgation (中文) 中華民國憲法草案公佈案 第7條 中華民國,國都定於南京。

(English) Article 7. The national capital of the Republic of China is Nanking. (Wiki translation)

(Français) Article 7. La capitale nationale de la République de Chine est Nankin. (traduction de wiki)

(한국어) 제7조 중화민국의 수도는 남경(난징)이다. (위키번역)
第7條 中華民國의 首都는 南京이다. (위키飜譯)

Legally obsolete
1946-04-19 China, Republic of (中文) 政治協商會議對五五憲草修正案草案 第7條 中華民國國都定於南京。

(English) Article 7. The national capital of the Republic of China is Nanking. (Wiki translation)

(Français) Article 7. La capitale nationale de la République de Chine est Nankin. (traduction de wiki)

(한국어) 제7조 중화민국의 수도는 남경(난징)이다. (위키번역)
第7條 中華民國의 首都는 南京이다. (위키飜譯)

Legally obsolete
1947-12-05 China, Republic of Nationalist Government promulgation (中文) 國葬法

(English) National Burial Act

第 7條 內政部應會同南京市政府於首都所在地擇定地點,設置國葬墓園,呈請行政院轉呈國民政府備案。 Legally obsolete
1947-12-05 China, Republic of Nationalist Government promulgation (中文) 國葬法

(English) National Burial Act

第 9條 前條墓園及祭堂之設計、建築,墓位及碑碣之式樣,由內政部會同南京市政府擬訂,呈由行政院核定,轉呈國民政府備案。 Legally obsolete
1947-12-05 China, Republic of Nationalist Government promulgation (中文) 國葬法

(English) National Burial Act

第10條 國葬墓園之管理警衛等事宜,授權南京市政府辦理之。 Legally obsolete
1948-11-26 China, Republic of President promulgation (中文) 國葬法

(English) National Burial Act

第 7條 內政部應會同首都所在地市政府,於首都擇定地點設置國葬墓園,呈請行政院核定之。

Article 7. The Ministry of the Interior, together with the city government of the place where the capital is located, shall select a location in the capital to establish a national burial cemetery. Such selection shall be submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval.[1]

Legally current
1948-11-26 China, Republic of President promulgation (中文) 國葬法

(English) National Burial Act

第 9條 前條墓園及祭堂之設計建築墓位及碑碣之式樣,由內政部會同首都所在地市政府擬訂,呈請行政院核定之。

Article 9. The design and architecture of the cemetery and memorial hall and the style of the tomb quarters and tombstone mentioned in the previous article shall be established by the Ministry of the Interior, together with the city government of the place where the capital is located. The proposal shall be submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval.[2]

Legally current
1948-11-26 China, Republic of President promulgation (中文) 國葬法

(English) National Burial Act

第10條 國葬墓園之管理警衛等事宜,授權首都所在地市政府辦理之。

Article 10. The city government of the place where the capital is located is authorized to handle matters regarding the management of security guards in the national burial cemetery.[3]

Legally current
1949-09-27 China, People's Republic of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (中文) 關於中華人民共和國國都、紀年、國歌、國旗的決議




1. It is unanimously adopted that Beiping shall be the capital of the People's Republic of China and shall be renamed Beijing beginning from today.

1. É aprovado, por unanimidade, que a capital da República Popular da China é Beiping que é designada, a partir de hoje, por Beijing.

Legally current
1954-09-20 China, People's Republic of (中文) 中華人民共和國憲法

(English) Constitution of the People's Republic of China

(Français) Constitution de la république populaire de Chine

(한국어) 중화인민공화국헌법(中華人民共和國憲法)

第106條 中華人民共和國首都是北京。

Article 106 The capital of the People's Republic of China is Beijing. (Wiki translation)

Article 106. La capitale de la République populaire de Chine est Pékin. (traduction de wiki)

제106조 중화인민공화국의 수도는 북경(베이징)이다. (위키번역)
第106條 中華人民共和國의 首都는 北京이다. (위키飜譯)

Legally obsolete
1961-03-29 United States of America (English) 23rd Amendment to the United States Constitution

(中文) s:zh:美国宪法修正案#第二十三条修正案_(一九六一年)

The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct: A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State; they shall be in addition to those appointed by the States, but they shall be considered, for the purposes of the election of President and Vice President, to be electors appointed by a State; and they shall meet in the District and perform such duties as provided by the twelfth article of amendment.

合众国政府所在地的特区,应依国会规定方式选派: 一定数目的总统和副总统选举人,特区如同州一样,其选举人的数目等次它有权在国会拥有的参议员和众议员人数的总和,但决不得超过人口最少之州的选举人数目。他们是各州所选派的选举人以外另行增添的选举人,但为选举总统和副总统目的,应被视为一个州选派的选举人;他们应在特区集会,履行第十二条修正案所规定的职责。

Legally current
1974-01-31 Taiwan, Republic of China President promulgation (中文) 區域計畫法

(English) Regional Plan Act



Article 5
Regional plans shall be established for the following areas:
2. Areas allocated centered on the capital, municipalities, provincial capitals, or province (county) administrated cities to promote the actual urban development[4]

Legally current
1975-01-17 China, People's Republic of (中文) 中华人民共和国宪法

(English) Constitution of the People's Republic of China

(Français) Constitution de la république populaire de Chine

(한국어) 중화인민공화국헌법(中華人民共和國憲法)


Article 30
The capital is Beijing. (Wiki translation)

Article 30
La capitale est Pékin. (traduction de wiki)

수도는 북경(베이징)이다. (위키번역)
首都는 北京이다. (위키飜譯)

Legally obsolete
1978-03-05 China, People's Republic of (中文) 中华人民共和国宪法

(English) Constitution of the People's Republic of China

(Français) Constitution de la république populaire de Chine

(한국어) 중화인민공화국헌법(中華人民共和國憲法)


Article 60
The capital of the People's Republic of China is Beijing. (Wiki translation)

Article 60
La capitale de la République populaire de Chine est Pékin. (traduction de wiki)

중화인민공화국의 수도는 북경(베이징)이다. (위키번역)
中華人民共和國의 首都는 北京이다. (위키飜譯)

Legally obsolete
1982-12-04 China, People's Republic of (中文) 中华人民共和国宪法

(English) Constitution of the People's Republic of China

(Français) Constitution de la république populaire de Chine

(한국어) 중화인민공화국헌법(中華人民共和國憲法)

第138条 中华人民共和国首都是北京。

Article 138 The capital of the People's Republic of China is Beijing. (Wiki translation)

Article 138. La capitale de la République populaire de Chine est Pékin. (traduction de wiki)

제138조 중화인민공화국의 수도는 북경(베이징)이다. (위키번역)
第138條 中華人民共和國의 首都는 北京이다. (위키飜譯)(ko)

Legally current
1992-11-19 Taiwan, Republic of China Mainland Affairs Council (中文) 中共黨政軍機關企業學術機構團體旗歌及人員職銜統一稱謂實施要點

(English) Main Points for Implementing Unifying Names for Zhonggong's Party, Governmental, and Military Organizations, Enterprises, Academic Institutions, Groups, Flags and Anthems, and Personnel Titles[5]



Chinese communist capital peking (Beijing)

Legally current
2012-04-13 Korea, North (한국어) 조선민주주의인민공화국 사회주의헌법

(English) Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

(Français) La constitution socialiste de la République populaire démocratique de Corée

(中文) 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國社會主義憲法

제172조 조선민주주의인민공화국의 수도는 평양이다.

第172條 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國의 首都는 平壤이다.

Article 172. The capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is Pyongyang. (Wiki translation)

Article 172. La capitale de la République populaire démocratique de Corée est Pyongyang. (traduction de wiki)

第一百七十二条 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国首都是平壤。