Jonathan Weiner (pilotutu 26 November 1953 di New York) tawu ngota ta hemoluladu buku nonfiksi. Tiyo lololimo Penghargaan Pulitzer tomimbihu pengamatan biologiliyo, khususnya evolusi to Kepulauan Galapagos, genetika, wawu lingkungan.
The Beak of the Finch: A Story of Evolution in Our Time (1994)
- Taken together, these new studies suggest that Darwin did not know the strength of his own theory. He vastly underestimated the power of natural selection. Its action is neither rare nor slow. It leads to evolution daily and hourly, all around us, and we can watch.
- To nganga'amilaliyo, studi obohu lopobilohu olanto te Darwin diila motota lo lotolo teoriliyo lohihilawo. Tiyo dila boti morekeni lotolo seleksi alamu. Utiye diila moloto meyalo moboyu. Utiye pona-pona'o ode ovolusi timi'idu huyi wawu jam, to tilinto, wawu mowali bilohento.
- Chapter 1, Daphne Major (p. 9)
- To nganga'amilaliyo, studi obohu lopobilohu olanto te Darwin diila motota lo lotolo teoriliyo lohihilawo. Tiyo dila boti morekeni lotolo seleksi alamu. Utiye diila moloto meyalo moboyu. Utiye pona-pona'o ode ovolusi timi'idu huyi wawu jam, to tilinto, wawu mowali bilohento.