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Goodfellas botiya film tawunu 1990 sisilita mobongu wawu lolohubu totolu gangster to masa totolu dekade.

Ela-elato'olau, wau tawu ngota Gengster.


Henry Hill

  • Paulie might've moved slow, but it was only because Paulie didn't have to move for anybody.
    • Paulie moboyu mokoniyo'o, sakaliyo te Paulie ja paralu mokoniyo'o dungo-dungohu to tawuwalo.

  • One day some of the kids from the neighborhood carried my mother's groceries all the way home. You know why? It was outta respect.
    • Toboyito oluwo ngota takekeinga tawu leye dedelowa pututa li mama liyo yindali ledungga to bele. Otawamu, longola? Sababu moharagawa.