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Wp > xmm > Pangatahuan

Pangatahuan tu informasi yang pe dapa dari pamahaman, balajar, dan pengalaman. Pangatahuan tu maso, mar nda dibatasi pada deskripsi, hipotesis, konsep, teori, prinsip dan prosedur yang sacara Probabilitas Bayesian tu banar atau pu guna.

Sumber pangatahuan

  • Kaparcayaan dari tradisi
  • Kabiasaan dan Agama
  • Pancaindra/pengalaman
  • Akal pikiran
  • Intuisi individual


  • Créath, Richard, "Induction and the Gettier Problem", Philosophy and Phenomenological Reséarch, Vol.LII, No.2, June 1992.
  • Feldman, Richard, "An Alleged Defect in Gettier Counterexamples", Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 52 (1974): 68-69.
  • Gettier, Edmund, "Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?", Analysis 23 (1963): 121-23.
  • Goldman, Alvin I., "Discrimination and Perceptual Knowledge", Journal of Philosophy, 73.20 (1976), 771-791.
  • Hetherington, Stephen, "Actually Knowing", The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol.48, No. 193, October 1998.
  • Lehrer, Keith and Thomas D. Paxon, Jr., "Knowledge: Undefeated Justified True Belief", The Journal of Philosophy, 66.8 (1969), 225-237.
  • Levi, Don S., "The Gettier Problem and the Parable of the Ten Coins", Philosophy, 70, 1995.
  • Swain, Marshall, "Epistemic Defeasibility", American Philosophical Quarterly, Vol.II, No.I, January 1974.