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Nikanhanawak se estadoj ipal ne Shiktal, Nikanhanawak kiyawaluat Honduras ka ajkuikpa wan Costa Rica ka tatzinu. Nikanhanawak ne estadoj mas wey tik ne Shiktal ika kipia 129,494 km² wan nemit achka 6 millon chanejket. Ne tatuktiani ipal Nikanhanawak itukay Daniel Ortega Saavedra wan ne weytechan itukay Managua. Ne tumin ipal Nicaragua itukay Cordoba, pero ne takamet wan siwatket nusan kikwit ne dolar.

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Panti Chimal
Himnoj Salve a ti, Nicaragua
Chanejket 6 millon
Keski tal kipia 129 494 km²
Weytechan Managua
Tatuktiani Daniel Ortega Saavedra
Tajtaketzalis Kastiyaj (oficial), Miskitu
Tumin Cordoba(C$)
Horaj UTC -6:00 (Central)

Tik Nikanhanawak ne takamet wan ne siwatket taketzat kastiyaj. Tik Atlantico Norte (se taltakutun ipal Nicaragua) muchi taketzat Miskitu. Nusan, tik Atlántico Norte nemit seki takamet wan seki siwatket ne taketzat Ingles.

Tik Nikanhanawak nemit 18 taltakuntun (Atlántico Norte, Atlantico Sur, Boaco, Carazo, Chinandega, Chontales, Estelí, Granada, Jinotega, León, Madriz, Managua, Masaya,Matagalpa, Nueva Segovia, Río San Juan wan Rivas) Ne ume taltakutun mas wey Atlántico Norte wan Atlántico Sur. Yejemet mas wey que Kushkatan.

Tik Nikanhanawak nemit ume ajat, intukay Managua (Xolotan) wan Nikanhanawak ( o At ipal Granada).5* Ne at itukay Managua kipia 1.049 km² wan nemi itzalan ne tajtaltakutun intukay León wan Managua. Ne at itukay Nicaragua kipia 8.624 km², yey islaj wan ume tepet. Uni at nemi itzalan ne tajtaltakutun intukay Granada, Rivas, Río San Juan,Chontales wan Boaco. Nusan uni at ne mas wey ipal ne Shiktal.

Ne at itukay Nicaragua.
Tajtaltakutun ipal Nikawak
Taltakutun Chanejket (2002) Supeficiej (km²) Densidad Weytechan
01 Flag of the Región Autónoma del Atlántico Norte Atlántico Norte 236 560 32 159 6 Bilwi
02 Flag of the Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur Atlántico Sur 332 752 27 407 10 Bluefields
03 Flag of the Department of Boaco Boaco 156 649 2 155 32 Boaco
04 Flag of the Department of Carazo Carazo 170 808 1 051 142 Jinotepe
05 Flag of the Department of Chinandega Chinandega 419 757 4926 71 Chinandega
06 Flag of the Department of Chontales Chontales 167 424 6378 23 Juigalpa
07 Flag of the Department of Estelí Estelí 201 305 2335 75 Esteli
08 Flag of the Department of Granada Granada 179 163 929 168 Granada
09 Flag of the Department of Jinotega Jinotega 319 908 9755 26 Jinotega
10 Flag of the Department of Leon León 383 221 5107 66 León
11 Flag of the Department of Madriz Madriz 122 182 1602 67 Somoto
12 Flag of Managua Managua 1 868 297 3672 298 Managua
13 Flag of the Department of Masaya Masaya 290 421 590 409 Masaya
14Matagalpa 501 229 8523 45 Matagalpa
15 Flag of the Department of Nueva Segovia Nueva Segovia 181 038 3123 47 Ocotal
16 Flag of the Department of Rio San Juan De Nicaragua Río San Juan 90 867 7473 9 San Carlos
17 Flag of the Department of Rivas Rivas 159 649 2155 65 Rivas
18 Nicaragua 5 900 100 130 494 45 Managua
(*)= Censoj ipal 2002.

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