Wp/nys/Whadjuk Mia Kwel - Whadjuk Placenames

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Nitja mia, mia balga. Gnullar moort barruniny nitja.

Nitja mia "Bal" "Katta".







Nidja kura kura Midjegoorong mia [5]

Nidja mia "Karda Mia".















Derbal Nara


[6] [7]





[8] [9]





























[18] [19]


































- need a photo - need information about the bush rat its named after - stories of the area - plants of the area - animals of the area










North Lake








Penguin Island was probably first used by the Aboriginal people who have believed to have been in the area up to 12,000 years ago.

  • legend tells the story of Singing Rock located just to the north of Penguin Island. Apparently a local girl who ran off with her lover against tribal law was chased and caught. Her lover was speared to death while her punishment was to be imprisoned inside the rock. Legend has it that you can still hear the girl singing out to her lover today! [1]









Nidja mia baal Yonga Koorliny [38]

This is a list of place names associated with Derbal Yerrigan.[2]

  • Abup - Place for digging holes at entrance to Canning River. (H) (I) (K)
  • Beenabup - The place of the mungaitch ceremony or place where honey bearing banksia were fermented in fresh water holes to create alcoholic substances. Mungaitch was consumed by local and visiting Nyungars. Nyungars talk about becoming Yowar-ung (under influence of alcohol) after consuming too much of mungaitch.
  • Beenanup - The place of the Nyungar named Beenan who lived in this area. Beenan was Garreen/Karreen’s brother.
  • Beenyup - Place for digging holes for the warrain (native potatoes). (B) (I)
  • Beereegup - The place of banksias. (F) (H) (I) (K)
  • Biabulup - The place of breasts. (M)
  • Booneenboro - Very big river. (G) (H) (I) (K)
  • Booragoon - Lower reaches of the Canning River. (H) (K)
  • Boorianup - The place of swampy country. (H) (I) (M)
  • Booriarup - The place of swampy country. (H) (I) (M)
  • Boornoolup - The place of the trees and wood near the angle between the two main branches of the river; also the Nyungar word for chin. (H) (K) (M)
  • Booryulup - The place of the booryul (magic people). (F) (H) (I)
  • Bootanup - The place of pelicans (place of the one with a big mouth). (L)
  • Byerbup - The place of zamia plants and nuts. (H) (H) (I)
  • Byererup - The place of zamia plants and nuts. (G)
  • Dood-dta(lup) - Place of white gums. (P) p. 30.
  • Dootanboro - Place of pelicans on the river (Melville Water). (H) (I) (K)
  • Dyeedyallalup - Clay; Area between water and sand. (I)
  • Dyoondalup - The place of white sand (Point Walter). (H) (K)
  • Dyarlgarro - Southern branch of the Canning river. (C) (H) (I) (K)
  • Gabbee Derbal - Body of Water; estuary (F) (I) (M)
  • Gabbi Kalgarda(up) - The place of the mullet. (M) p. 11 Gabbee (water)
  • Gabbi Kowangulup - The place of swimming and also a talking place by the Gabbee Darbal. (I) (K) (M)
  • Gabb Kow Gool Up - Nyungar name for a spit; sand split. Swimming place. (P) p.71 (Q) p.1
  • Galbamaanup - Place of the black water (Lake Claremont). (H) (I)
  • Galup - The home fires or camp (Mongers Lake). (C) (H) (I) (M)
  • Gareenup - The place of the Nyungar named Gareen (Mill Point area). (F) (H) (I) (K)
  • Gargalup - Place of the hawk; looking a long way. (G) (I)
  • Gargatup - Karra Katta (Mount Eliza) the resting place of the Waakul. (F) (G) (H) (I)
  • Gar-katta - The place of the hill where the crabs are located on the banks of Swan River where City of Perth is built “Crab head”. (H) (I) (M)
  • Garreenup - See Karreenup.
  • Garrgatup - Karra Katta (Mount Eliza). (G) (I) See Gargatup.
  • Goobabilup - A good place. (I)
  • Goobabbilup - Yalgunga’s camping ground at Galup (Lake Monger). (H)
  • Goodaniboorup - The place of loved ones near the property of Captain Currie. (K) (N) (P) p10 12 45 See Goor-Doo-Dalup & Kardo-Dalup
  • Goodinup - Springs beside Yellagonga’s camp at the west end of Perth; a baby’s place. (F) (G) (H) (I) (O).
  • Goodenup - Springs beside Yellagonga’s camp at the west end of Perth; a baby’s place. (F) (G) (H) (I) (O).
  • Goodroo - Eliza Bay. (G) (I) (K)
  • Gooleegatup - The place of the Casuarina’s Sheoak. Point Heathcote. (H) (K) (M)
  • Gooliliup - A good place. (H)
  • Goologoolup - The place children go where the red clay and where the Waakul came down. (F) (H) (I) (O)
  • Gooloogoolup - The place of children go where the red clay and where the Waakul came down. (F) (H) (I) (O)
  • Goomap - The place of the young humans and animals. See also Nyoo-map. (M)
  • Goonialup - The springs at the base of Karra Katta (Mount Eliza) where the Waakul opened its bowels. (G)
  • Goonininup - The track where the Waakul opened its bowels up (Karra Katta, Mount Eliza). (F) (G) (H) (I)
  • Gooninnup - Camp west of the narrows near the Swan Brewery site. (H)
  • Gooniwinyup - The Narrow’s Old Man’s Depot near Mount Street. (H)
  • Goor-Doo-Dalup - Heart or loved one. (P) p. 10, 12, & 45 XII See Kardo-Dalup & Goodaniboorup.
  • Goordandalup - The meeting place of married or betrothed persons. (F) (H) (I)
  • Goorgygoorgyp - Place of the rushes. (H) (I) (K) (P) p. 45
  • Gooyagarup - The place of frog holes where Nyungar’s hunted them. (I) Koolyur (Fresh water paperbark tree Kooylur swamp) (M)
  • Gubabbllup - Yalgunga’s camp; a good place. (H) (M)
  • Gudenup - Spring and Yellagonga’s camp. (F) (G) (H) (I)
  • Gudinup - Spring and Yellagonga’s camp. (F) (G) (H) (I)
  • Gulagulup - Spring and Yellagonga’s camp. (F) (G) (H) (I)
  • Gabbee Nyeergardup - The place of the spirit dingo who is guardian of the fresh water which flows into a cave. (M)
  • Janak Dwerda - see Gabbee Nyeergardup.
  • Jooalar(up) - Place of the Blue Pigeon. (M)
  • Jooalbun - Dyson’s Swamp (Subiaco). (H) (I)
  • Joolar(up) - Place of the Blue Pigeon. (M)
  • Jualbup - Dyson’s Swamp (Subiaco). (H) (I)
  • Kalga(gup) - A stick for pulling down banksia cones or mungyte burrang midde the mungyte bringing agent. (P) p. 15 , 59
  • Kanningup - The place of dancing. (O)
  • Kardo-Dalup - Heart or loved one. (P) p10 12 45 XII See Goor-Doo-Dalup & Goodaniboorup.
  • Karrakatta - The place of the hill where black cockatoo’s with red tails go; the banks of the Swan River where City of Perth is built; “crab head”. (H) (I)
  • Karreenup - The place of Karreen his people’s favourite camp. (I) See Garreenup.
  • Katainboordup - The top of the hill of the earth; black head; hill and the valley. (H)
  • Katamboordup - The place of the cliffs and the high ground where the river flows. (H) (I)
  • Katta moornda - East; black heads or the hills. (M) p.22
  • Kooyalmulyup - Initiation place where the frogs are located where pin nose of the young initiatives. (L)
  • Kowangalup - The place to swim in the Gabbee Darbal (P) p71
  • Kow-un-yung(up) - The place to swim in the Gabbee Darbal (P) p71
  • Mandyari - Spinosa; tall shrubs. (K)
  • Mandyooranup - The rock at the upper entrance to Freshwater Bay where young initiates visited. (I)
  • Mandyuranup - A fishing spot, market place, a fair ground. (F) (H) (I)
  • Margamangup - The place of the bird’s nest in the tree. (H)
  • Margamongup - The place of the bird’s nest in the tree. (H)
  • Matagarup - The place where the legs make a hole in the shallow places along the river. (I) (M)
  • Minderup - The place for alleviating (or causing) sickness (hot springs). (H) (I) (M)
  • Mindoorup - The place for alleviating (or causing) sickness (hot springs). (H) (I) (M)
  • Mineerup - The place for alleviating (or causing) sickness (hot springs). (H) (I) (M)
  • Minerup - The place for alleviating (or causing) sickness (hot springs). (H) (I) (M)
  • Minung - South; type of vegetable. (M) p. 32
  • Moort - Paperbark tree (coastal variety); relations; a hill beyond Crawley. (J) (M)
  • Nanulgarup - To stop at the place of mud, swamps and boggy areas on the foreshore at Nedlands. (M)
  • Ngoorgenboro - The place where Nyungar’s catch bird’s (black duck’s) and collect eggs with other food sources; one big Lake (Herdsman Lake). (H) (I) (M)
  • Ngowergup - The place of fresh water springs (native well) near the gorge of the Canning River, possibly where the mallee hen rests; possibly the place of the black possum or a camping place. (M) (O)
  • Nyoo-map - The place of young humans and animals. See also Goomap.
  • Wandarguttagurrup - The meeting place away from the water on the hill where there are white gums; possibly a place of where the angry ocean people had a fight.

Toodjabubup(Banganup Pinjar)


[39] [40]












Wajella waarnk nijda mia Bibra Lake. Noongar moort koorliny Walliabup gnama koorliny. Noongar ngoorndiny nidja boodjar. [44] [45] [46]

























Walyalup (Fremantle)

Walyalup and beeliar djaa, other Whadjuk boodjar in background, and winding shape of the beeliar from the Waugal's creation of the waterway. (Aerial view from above wardan.)

Walyalup is a significant area in Whadjuk Noongar boodjar (country). It is an important place where people have lived and visited since kura, yeye and boorda (past, present and future).

Part of Walyalup is along the yirel (west) coast and includes parts of the wardan (ocean). It includes boodjar around the beeliar (river) djaa (mouth) and the beeliar some distance djiraly-boyal (north-east), and several (kata) hills.

The name Fremantle was given to Walyalup by Wadjela (white people) after they settled here recently, in 1829.[3] Today, the name Fremantle, or Freo for short, is used most of the time instead of Walyalup, especially by people who are not Noongar. Wadjela also altered the natural structure of the beeliar djaa to create a harbour for ships and boats. The beeliar estuary in Walyalup operates as Fremantle Port.

Walyalup is said by Noongar to be 'the crying place' as funeral rites for local people were conducted here. The sand dunes provided a burial place for them. [4] The word Walyalup may have its root in the word 'Walinj', which means 'to cry' or 'crying'.[5]

City of Fremantle considers the name Walyalup to come from the word ‘walyo’, which is Noongar for ‘woylie’, the little kangaroo rat. Walyo were once abundant amongst the scrub and low trees at Walyalup.[6]

A short video titled 'Spirit of Fremantle' with Whadjuk/Balardon Noongar Len Collard yarning - click here to view - gives an informative overview about Walyalup.

Walyalup holds much important spiritual, social, historic and aesthetic significance for kura, yeye and boorda (past, present and future).[7] There is much waangkiny (speaking) possible about this special boodjar which has been able to sustain people for more than 50,000 years.[8]

This article offers an introduction to some significant aspects of Walyalup. More kaartdijin (knowing) can be written into it over time.

Garrungup Cave

Significant Places


There are several significant places in Walyalup boodjar. Some of these places are discussed here, and the following Nyittiny Yarns show their spiritual significance. The spiritual, social and physical factors weave together to make the koort (heart) kaartdijin which Noongar have. It is a deep connection to boodjar which they have.

Garrungup/Garungup (Waugul Cave at Rocky Bay)


A cave called Garrungup, or Garungup, is located in the Waugal Mia (Waugal shelter/home), a large limestone cliff on the djiraly foreshore of the beeliar, in North Fremantle. Garrungup means ‘place of anger’ or 'place to be avoided'.[9] This is the final resting place of the Waugal (the Rainbow Serpent), a very significant site in the Perth region. The Waugal, the snake-like creature responsible for the creation of many waterways and landforms in Noongar boodjar, is central to belief, law and custom. An Elder in the Whadjuk Advisory Group, Mrs Teresa Walley, waangkiny that "the Waugul Cave is near John Street. My uncle told me not to go there."[10]


Manjaree Beach (Formerly Bathers Beach)


This Wardanup (foreshore) boodjar holds much importance for Noongar. The name Manjaree refers to a place which was a 'fair or where trade occurred.'[11] Important ceremonial and cultural business was conducted at this Wardanup (foreshore). It was also a place of hunting and fishing particularly in Kambarang (late Spring, October to November).[12] Funeral rites and burials also took place in the sand dunes. Singing and mourning would be conducted for the deceased so they could prepare for the next part of their spiritual journey.[13]

A limestone and sand bar lay across the beeliar djaa, making an important bidi (trail) for Noongar to come from djiraly beeliar to Manjaree.[14]The rocky bar was blown up by explosives in the 1890s by Wadjela engineer C Y O’Connor, as Fremantle Harbour was being built. This distressed the Noongar, as it was a Nyitting Yarn site, a bidi connecting moort (family) was destroyed, and it made the beeliar kep (fresh water) turn salty.[15] [16]

Dwerda Weeardinup, view from djirely

Dwerda (dingo) Weeardinup means ‘place of the Dingo Spirit’. This kata overlooking the beeliar djaa and Walyalup boodjar was a significant campsite. In local boodjar, local Noongar could ngaarn and burang nidja. This kata was a signal site. Whadjuk/Ballardong Noongar Mrs Dorothy Winmar waangkiny that people would light a karla (fire) on kata to let others know where they were.[17] The karla signalled to Noongar people imprisoned by Wadjela on Wadjemup (Rottnest Island) where to return. Evidence from Noongar Elders waangkiny suggests that Dwerda Weeardinup was the place where Noongar first saw Wadjela arriving at Walyalup in their boats[18].

Nyittiny Yarns of Significant Places

Dingo Flour Sign Fremantle - where Dwerda Spirit guards the Walyalup coast and beeliar djaa

There are several Nyittiny Yarns associated with Walyalup. Two are shared as follows, connecting to significant sites discussed above.

Yondock an ancestral crocodile travels from djiraly and causes floods and disturbances. This makes Wadjemup (Rottnest Island), Ngooloormayaup (Carnac Island), Derbal Nara (Cockburn Sound) and floods the beeliar djaa with salt water. The Waugal smells the salt and travels down beeliar to investigate. The Waugal has advice from Woorriji (a lizard) in a cave in Djiraly Walyalup and strength from a kep spring at the East Street Jetty place. Then the Waugal fights Yondock, bites off his tail, and puts the tail across the beeliar djaa to stop salt water going upstream. Waugul armpit hair secures the tail on the kongal beeliar foreshore near Manjaree, and Yondock toenails secure it to the djiraly side. Meeandip (Garden Island) is the remainder of the crocodile’s body. The tail made a rock bar crossing across the beeliar djaa. [19]The Dwerda spirit watches the coast from the Dingo Flour Mill place, to ensure the spirit of the crocodile does not reunite with its tail. After this battle the Waugal crawled into the caves at Garrungup.[20]

Yoggalurrung Image by Hubble Telescope

When the Waugal had done battle with Yondock, he created the seven kata in Walyalup. He tunnelled under the ground and made the kata with his back. After that he settled into Garrungup.[21] These kata are of Walyalup’s Seven Sisters Dreaming story, about the creation of Yoggalurrung (Pleiades Constellation). It is a Whaduk Noongar waangkiny seven sisters with djert names looking for their maaman who didn’t come home.[22] The Seven Sisters story can vary from boodjar to boodjar, but is always significant as a creation story. Dwerda Weeardinup is a significant site due to this dreaming story. It is on a songline which Noongar and people from other boodjar can follow. This songline is between the Central Desert and the yirel coast. Dwerda Weeardinup has a wide-ranging connection to many places through this story. Locally it connects to North Fremantle, Wadjemup, Garrungup, Warden (Indian Ocean), Beeliar (Swan River) and Geenunginy Bo (Kings Parks). It connects to boodjar further away including other Noongar boodjar, Central Desert, Western Desert, and South Australia.[23]

Ngiyan waarnk

  1. https://web.archive.org/web/20161012201747/http://www.penguinisland.com.au/visitor-information.html#8
  2. Collard,L., Leonard,L., L. Palmer, D. & Revell, G. (1997). "Nyungar Placenames Associated with the Goordandallup (Crawley) Area of the Gabbee Derbal or Derbal Yaragan Beeloo (Swan River)". UWA.
  3. Fremantle Fast Facts. Retrieved 16 October 2018 from City of Fremantle website.
  4. Spirit of Fremantle – Narrated by Traditional Owner Len Collard. Retrieved 27 October 2018 from YouTube website.
  5. Walinj. Retrieved 5 November 2018 from Kaartdijin Noongar - Noongar Knowledge website.
  6. Aboriginal History. Retrieved 31 October 2018 from City of Fremantle website.
  7. Statements of Significance for the Fremantle Area and Registered Aboriginal Sites – Cantonment Hill, Rocky Bay and Swan River: Statements of Significance. Retrieved 15 October 2018 from City of Fremantle website.
  8. Statements of Significance for the Fremantle Area and Registered Aboriginal Sites – Cantonment Hill, Rocky Bay and Swan River: Sense of Place. Retrieved 15 October 2018 from City of Fremantle website.
  9. Rivers of Emotion: An emotional history of Derbal Yerrigan and Djarlgaroo Beelier. Retrieved 4 November 2018 from History of Emotions website.
  10. Whadjulk Noongar Elder Teresa Walley, Whadjuk Advisory Group workshop, 17 February 2016.
  11. Manjaree. Retrieved 27 October 2018 from Nyungar Wardan Katitjin Bidi - Derbal Nara website.
  12. Food. Retrieved 27 October 2018 from Kaartdijin Noongar - Noongar Knowledge website.
  13. Walyalup. Retrieved 27 October 2018 from Nyungar Wardan Katitjin Bidi - Derbal Nara website.
  14. Drake, Cathy, and Shona Kennealy. 1995 Recollections of the Beeliar Wetlands. Melville, WA: Publisher Unknown.
  15. Stocker, L., L. Collard and A. Rooney 2016 Aboriginal worldviews and colonisation: implications for coastal sustainability. Local Environment 21(7):844-865.
  16. Collard, L., L. Stocker, and A. Rooney. 2013. Nyoongar Wardan Katitjin Bidi - Derbal Nara. Australia: City of Cockburn and Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute.
  17. Collard, L., S. Harben and R. van den Berg. 2004 Nidja Beeliar Boodjar Noonookurt Nyininy: A Nyungar Interpretive History of the Use of Boodjar (Country) in the Vicinity of Murdoch University. Retrieved 2 October 2018 from Murdoch University website.
  18. Noongar Elder, communication to Whadjuk Advisory Group, 2016.
  19. Stocker, L., L. Collard and A. Rooney 2016 Aboriginal worldviews and colonisation: implications for coastal sustainability. Local Environment 21(7):844-865.
  20. Statements of Significance for the Fremantle Area and Registered Aboriginal Sites – Cantonment Hill, Rocky Bay and Swan River: DAA 3596 Rocky Bay. Retrieved 15 October 2018 from City of Fremantle website.
  21. Rivers of Emotion: An emotionsl history of Derbal Yerrigan and Djarlgaroo Beelier. Retrieved 4 November 2018 from History of Emotions website.
  22. Danakat (Pleiades). Retrieved on 1 November 2018 from NoongarPedia Wikimedia Incubator website.
  23. Statements of Significance for the Fremantle Area and Registered Aboriginal Sites – Cantonment Hill, Rocky Bay and Swan River: Statement of Significance for DAA 3419 Fremantle: Cantonment Hill. Retrieved 15 October 2018 from City of Fremantle website.