Wp/nys/Nyingarn (Echidna in the sky)

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Wp > nys > Nyingarn (Echidna in the sky)

The Nyingarn (Echidna) is in the night sky, its constellation is known as Orion by Wadjela.

Nyingarn in the Southern hemisphere sky. Taken from the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile.

title LeoLabs - Launch Video for New Radar in WA with Donna Vanzetti (Beam Me Up Media)

LeoLabs have built a space radar to track near Earth object (NEO) space debris (space junk) on Wilman traditional land. The video mentions the Yonga (Kangaroo in the sky) and the Nyingarn (Orion) constellations (video timestamp 0:57).

Ngiyan waarnk - References
