Wp/nys/Njunga Mia Kwel - Njunga Placenames

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Wp > nys > Njunga Mia Kwel - Njunga Placenames

Njunga edit

asboya-tuporboya-uporbo-ye-upporbwai-guporpwoy - gup means a stony district.

Boyatup edit

Condingup edit

asco-nd-ing-uporko-nghe-nyin-uporkooant-nghe - nyin - up or ko - nghe - nyinning - upp or ko - ngaijela - yin - upp or kooant - niche - nyin - gup or kont - nicha - ing - gup means yes it certainly is a place to stay and make a camp here.

Dalyup edit

asda-l-y-uporda-al-y-uporta-al-yee-gupordaa - al - ye - up or taa - al - yaal - upp or da - al - yee - gup or taa - al - yaal - gup means that at the moment by this location there is an opening into this district.

Daringdella edit

asdar-in-g-bel-laorda-nyin-nidjalla-bel-alla or dta - nyin - ni - el - ala or ta - yin - ngaijela - bel - alla or dta - nyin - nidjalla - del - ale or dal-yie - yin - ngaijela - del - alla or dalyee - nyin - nidjalla - del - ale meaning here at the edge of the opening is that very thing, the fresh spit froth, foam like spittle is situated here by this very place.

Kundip edit

as kundi - p or kundi - up or condee - gap or koorndee - up or condee - upp or koorndee - gup means the place of the mother marsupial rat, bandicoot, commonly known today as the kwenda.

Kau edit

as kau or kaua or kauera or kauin or kowwin or goa means laughter or the parrot.

Munglinup edit

asmu-ng-l-in-upormun-nghe-ali-nyin-upor mung - nidjalla - ale - nyinning - up or maan - nidjalla - ali - nyinning - upp or man-dig-ga-ra - nghe - ali - yin - gup or maandeegurr - nidjalla - ale - nyinning - gup or mandjar - nghe - ale - yin - gup means that in this area kin groups get together shoulder to shoulder at a type of fair where trading and exchange of goods and people occurs and that the young people meet their future in-laws.

Myrup edit

asMyr-upormya-upormaia-uppormyaorgupormai- gup means the place of the house, hut and or my home or place of sound or voices.

Neridup edit

asne-ri-dupornee-ira-uporni-ira-uppornia-irak- gup or ne - yeera - up or nee - yira - upp or nia - irak - gup means an upward rise occurs at this place.

Pabelup edit

aspab-el-uporbiballbu-bel-upporbeel-Il-gupor beel - ala - up or biballbu - bel - upp or beel - il - up or biballbu - beel - gup or biballbu - el - gup means that the whole district has a river made up of pools of water and is covered with paper bark trees with many kinds of birds including crows, squeaker and shrike by and on them.

Ngiyan waarnk edit