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Mindarie is a Perth suburb named after Mindarie Lake in the nearby suburb of Carabooda. Mindarie is an Aboriginal name first recorded by Alexander Forrest in 1874. The Aboriginal meaning for the name is possibly 'the place near which is held a ceremony'. Another meaning has been given as 'green water'.[1]

Mindarie marina

Alternatively Mindarie is the name of the fronds of a balga. The long, thin fronds are used as waterproof roofing wer bedding within Mia Mias. The mindarie can be pulled out wer the white, soft, new leaves eaten.

The Mooro group of Noongar, led by Yellagonga, were said to be familiar with Mindarie, including Waukolup Hill (place of the Waugul) in neighbouring Tamala Park, but no Mooro settlements were ever formally established in the area.[2]

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Ngiyan waarnk - References

  1. Mindarie. Landgate, Govt. of WA. Retrieved 11 July 2017
  2. "Tamala Conservation Park Establishment Plan". Dept. of Planning, Govt. of WA. Published March 2012. Retrieved 11 July 2017