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Nartj Nitja - Who is this?


Koora, nitja baal Manyat Minang boodjar nyininy

(Long ago, nidja he Manyat sitting/being)

Sailed to Swan river from Albany il board the Thistle to meet with Yagan wer others in 1833.

Waarnkiny Manyat - Talking about Manyat


Manyat led Alexander Collie il an expedition to Yoolberup (Mt Manypeaks) in the early 1830's, wer was very interested to learn why wer how Collie recorded their trip. He used some of the ways the expedition journal is organised to structure performance he gave to his own community when he returns. Collie recorded that Manyat:[1][2]

Ngiyan waarnk - References

  1. Quoted in "Manyat's 'Sole Delight': Travelling Knowledge in Western Australia's Southwest, 1830s", by Tiffany Shellam in book: "Transnational Lives" (pp.121-132), with ref note 8: Collie, 'Anecdotes and Remarks', PG, 16 August, 340. 9.
  2. Alexander Collie "Anecdotes and Remarks relative to the Aborigines at King George's Sound", in book edited by Neville Green (1979), "Nyungar the People: Aboriginal Customs in the Southwest of Australia" pub. Perth, WA: Creative Research, p.95