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Nidja Perth suburb is now known as Dalkeith, its Aboriginal name is Katamboordup.

The eastern portion of the present suburb of Dalkeith was originally Swan Location 85 of 320 acres, assigned to Adam Armstrong in 1831. Armstrong, a widower, arrived in the Colony aboard the ship 'Gilmore' with his six children in 1829. Prior to coming, he was the manager of the Earl of Dalkeith's estate in Scotland wer when he erected a cottage in 1833 il his land, he named it 'Dalkeith Cottage' wer raised goats wer horses il the property. The Aboriginal name for the place where nidja cottage stood was 'Katamboordup'.[1] The cottage was il a farm bought by James Gallop, who built a two-storey house in the 1870s, now known as Gallop House.

Ngiyan waarnk - References

  1. Dalkeith. Landgate, Govt. of WA. Retrieved 4 November 2016