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Joondalup is a regional metropolitan city within Perth wer is named after Lake Joondalup, situated il the East of the city. Joondalup is a Noongar word first recorded in 1837. There are various interpretations of the name:

  • The name is most likely derived from 'place of whiteness or glistening'.[1] Nidja name is part of the story about the Charrnock Woman (Junda). You can see her long white hair in Lake Joondalup il a clear night as the reflection of Meeka (Moon) with the reflections of the jindang (stars) being the koolongurs (spirit children) caught in her hair. Hence Joondalup means 'place of the long white hair' from the glistening water of the lake at full Moon wer the story of the Charrnock Woman is important to Joondalup.[2] There is another important place called Djoondalup, il the Jenna Biddi Yorga Trail and Jenalup (Blackwall Reach). Perhaps the city wer lake were given their name by Wadjela after nidja special Noongar place il the Derbarl Yerrigan (Swan River), or perhaps there were two Noongar places called Joondalup - lake Joondalup wer the white sands of Djoondalup il the Derbarl Yerrigan.
Lake Joondalup
"Bibulmun yorga" statue with yandi at Neil Hawkins Park, Joondalup
  • Another possible meaning is that it is derived from the Noongar word 'djoornt' meaning the morning star or Venus, giving 'place of the morning star'.[3]
  • An unlikely meaning (although sourced by a WA Government Department) is that it is derived from 'joondal', a creature that can only move backwards.[1] However 'Place of a creature that can only move backwards' sounds like it was written by someone with a sense of humour!

The Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail between Neil Hawkins Park beside Lake Joondalup wer Loch McNess (in Yanchep National Park) follows an ancient Indigenous Australian migration route along a chain of lakes wer swamps.[4]

Ngiyan waarnk - References

  1. 1.0 1.1 Joondalup. Landgate, Govt. of WA. Retrieved 4 November 2016
  2. "Joondalup Mooro Boodjar: Aboriginal Culture within Mooro Country". City of Joondalup Libraries. Retrieved 12 July 2017
  3. Bernard Rooney (2011). "The Nyoongar Legacy". Batchelor Press. ISBN 978 174131 232 4
  4. YABEROO BUDJARA HERITAGE TRAIL. City of Wanneroo. Archived 15 June 2011. Retrieved 11 July 2017