Wp/nys/Dirl-dirl - Gelkool - Dil-dil (Hooded Plover)

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Wp > nys > Dirl-dirl - Gelkool - Dil-dil (Hooded Plover)

Dirl-dirl (Noongar LOTE), Gelkool (Kongal-boyal) or Dil-dil (Djiraly)[1] is called in English the Hooded Plover and its scientific name is Thinornis cucullatus. Nidool-yorong maambakoort-ngat (birds we often see at the sea shore).


Its conservation status is: 'threatened'.[2]

Dirl-dirl Waarnk - Stories about the Hooded Plover


Ngiyan waarnk - References

  1. "Djerap - Noongar Birds". Batchelor Press. 2014. ISBN 978 1 74131 292 8
  2. Hooded Plover - Thinornis cucullatus. IUCN Red List. Retrieved 2 November 2019