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Wp > nys > Dartj

Dartj is the Noongar word for meat. There are many different meats that the Noongar people would consume, depending on the area of Noongar country they lived and the Noongar [[wp/nys/bonar].

Boodjar dartj (land meat) edit

Kura koorl - traditional way edit

Yeye koorl - now ways edit

Kura koorl - traditional way edit

Yeye koorl - now ways edit

Kura koorl - traditional way edit

Yeye koorl - now ways edit

Kura koorl - traditional way edit

Yeye koorl - now ways edit

kep koorl dartj (water moving meat) edit

Kura koorl - traditional way edit

Yeye koorl - now ways edit