Wp/nys/Cape Riche Bobby

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Koora nitja baal Bobby Minang boodjar nyniny.

Cape Riche Bobby, from the cape north-east of Albany, was keny of many Noongar men around Albany who were given the name ‘Bobby’ in the nineteenth century.[1] He had experience with non-Aboriginal people, wer knew about guns as the following from a nineteenth century newspaper article reveals:[2]

Ngiyan waarnk - References

  1. Neville Green (1989), "Aborigines of the Albany Region 1821-1898: the Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australians Volume VI", pub. Nedlands, WA: The University of Western Australia Press, p.97
  2. Inquirer (Perth, WA : 1840 - 1855), Wed 7 May 1851, Page 3, Country News, website TROVE, retrieved 29 October 2023