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What is Ballardong


Ballardong or balardong is the Noongar dialect of the region that covers the towns of Northam, York, Beverley, Goomalling, Cadoux, Koorda, Wyalkatchem, Goomalling, Cunderdin, Kellerberrin, Merredin, Bruce Rock, Narembeen, Hyden, Kondinin, Kulin, Dumbleyung, Kukerin, Lake Grace wer Varley. The approximate size of the Ballardong region is 114,488.161 sq km.[1]

View part of the region here Ballardong region

Ballardong Moort - Families and people of Ballardong country


Koolbardayong balup Ballardong. Balup kwoppaduk moort. Balup Noongar wangkiny nyit katitjinkoorl. Balup bulla katitjinang. (My relatives they are Ballardong. They are a beautiful family. They taught me a little bit of language. They know lots.

Maaman Everett Kickett kura baal boordier Ballardong Noongar. Nidja geninygat nidja koorliny Bardup. Mr Everett Kickett has was a Ballargong Noongar boss. Take a look at nidja filim [1]

Kwop Mia - Organisations of Ballardong Country


wp/nys/Wheatbelt NRM Noongar Elders Advisory Group

See also


Gnullar Karla Mia - Our Campfires (Language groups)

Ngiyan waarnk - References

  1. http://www.noongarculture.org.au/ballardong/