In tōchtli cē yōlcatl ochanti īca cuauhtlah, āquin ticnequi huactlaneh niman ahhuēiyac in ailhuicatl. Quinequi in cuauhtlān, achpalnahuiltia nequi in cauhtli miactiyōtl quipiya tlapachoac īhuān xoxochiliztli. Ahquincantin, īhuān quicatqueh achi miacpan tlalpixcayōlco, mazqui ineh yancuīqueh "arado" īcon tlaizpopoliz in nānchāntōchtliyōtl.
Nō xiquitta
edit- This article was copied from Huiquipedia nah:Tōchtli; The reason for copying inside Incubator from Huiquipedia (nah) is to improve the reaction and adapt to the spelling and grammar of Classical Nahuatl language.