Wp/mos/Salimata Sawadogo

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Salimata bɩ Salamata Sawadogo Tapsoba (roga yʋʋm-vẽkr-kiuugu rasm 31,yʋʋm 1958, m'be Ouagadougou, Upper Volta) ya kʋdgo nemdo m bé Afrik toolle ninsaala ni tẽng neba rɩʋtgo. A le ya bʋ-kaooda ne tẽn-taag lɛta Burkina Faso di kin ko sénégal, Mauritania, Guinea, Cape Verde ne Gambie (yʋʋm 2006 pʋga). A ra lé ya wilga bʋʋda pagb laogengo Burkina Faso pʋga.

Salimata Sawadogo
Sex or genderfemale Tekre
Country of citizenshipBurkina Faso Tekre
Given nameSalamata, Salimata, Sally Tekre
Family nameTapsoba, Sawadogo Tekre
Date of birth31 December 1958 Tekre
Place of birthOuagadougou Tekre
Languages spoken, written or signedFrench Tekre
Occupationdiplomat, jurist, politician, human rights activist, judge Tekre
EmployerMinistry of Justice, Ministry of the Promotion of Human Rights Tekre
Position heldambassador of Burkina Faso in Senegal Tekre
Educated atUniversity Joseph Ki-Zerbo, University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, French National School for the Judiciary Tekre
AffiliationAfrican Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights Tekre


Sawadogo yan a scientific baccalaureate( Burkina Faso b bôonda ti "BAC D") yʋʋm 1979. Ta na kin University m bé Ouagadougou laloa lekolle,yʋʋm 1980 ta deeg diplome d'etudes Universitaire generales (" DEUGL" a degree general academic studies) ni yʋʋm 1981 a "DEUGL". Yʋʋm 1982 ta deeg a laloa degree , ni yʋʋm 1983 ta deeg a Master's degree laloa pugin. Yʋʋm 1985 a deeg a bʋr Kaoré degree French National lekolle judiciary.



sawadogo da ya examinig bʋ- kaooda n kon bʋr tib boond ti Bankruptcy n be Ouagadougou. A ra lé ya president n tʋʋm bʋr n be Ouagadougou,ta rigi neb di kin King zaaba ni sogsgo di kin King ninsala welgin.

A ra lé ya bʋʋd zĩiga appeal Ouagadougou pugin,di poore ta lebg president n kon n bʋʋd kaseng instance Ouagadougou.


Sawadogo da ya ned sẽn saglg Minisri ninga ya zɩlgre ni yamleo- gõore Burkina Faso pʋga, di poore ta lebg seb- gʋnda fan n kon bʋ- Kaoré Minisri.

Yʋʋm 2001 tib da yãnka ta lebg Afrik nedlen toolle ni neb dʋrwa sɩpaolg kiuugu yʋʋm 2003 ti yãnka ta lebg presidente.[1] Di pugin la be hali sɩpaolg kiuugu yʋʋm 2007.[2]

Tẽn-taag lɛta n be Senegal

Sẽoog kiuugu yʋʋm 2003 puga Sawadogo da ya tẽn- tâag lɛta Burkina Faso pʋga n kon Sénégal, Mauritania, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau , ni Gambia . Tʋʋg kiuugu rasma 6 yʋʋm 2014 a ra lé ya tẽn- taag lɛta kon Afrik goabg baobgo.[3]

Bãngre laogengo

Sawadogo da ya presidente n kon pagba laogengo n ya bʋrd welsa Burkina, AFJ/ BF. Laogengo naane sɩpaolg kiuugu yʋʋm 1993 ti kẽngre pagba dʋrwa ni zagsé gom ninga sẽn nanse pagba.[4]


Sawadogo da zĩnda Sénégal . Yʋʋm 1985, ti Joseph Sawadogo da fura,ta ra karema la tʋʋm Burkina Faso. A tara kamba yi, Laetitia ni Philippe.


  1. Wildaf/feddaf- Afrique(2004, July) de L’Ouest. African Commission Retrieved March 2006, from http://www.wildaf-ao.org/fr/article.php3id-article=350.html
  2. CADHP (2005, December) Commission Africaine des droits de l’homme et des peoples.Retrieved April 2006, from http://www.achpr.or.africancommissionofhumanandpeoplerights.commis
  3. Le Fasot.net. (2005, August) Salimata SAWADOGO ambassador or Burkina in Senegal, chairperson of the African commission of human and people’s rights.Retrieved March 2006, from "S.E.Mme Salamata Sawadogo, ambassadeur du Burkina au Sénégal - leFaso.net, l'actualité au Burkina Faso". Archived from the original on 2016-12-20. Retrieved 2016-12-17.
  4. AFJ/BF (2000, September) Association des femmes jurists du Burkina Faso Retrieved April 2006, from "Association des Femmes Juristes du Burkina Faso". Archived from the original on April 26, 2006. Retrieved April 28, 2006.