Wp/mos/Nazinga Reserve

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Wp > mos > Nazinga Reserve
Mouth of the watercourseSisili River Tekre
CountryBurkina Faso Tekre
Located in the administrative territorial entityBurkina Faso Tekre
Coordinate location11°3′0″N 1°25′0″W Tekre

Nazinga Reserve edit

Nazinga Reserve ka zãr ne Gana toaaga, We-rũmsa zĩiga (Nazinga Game Reserve) tara hektare tus-pis-wae la yopoe (97,000 hectares).Fo sãn nan kẽnga Burkina Faso n ti ges We-rũmsi yẽ,na yi neere ti fo kẽng beenẽ.

Wobdo n labsẽ zĩiga pʋg wʋsgo la pilimpigd la yãbse mi labsa beenẽ.Wakat ning n tog tɩ ned kẽng n ti ges We-rũmsa ya yʋʋm-sar kiuug la tʋʋl-nif kiuug.

Zĩ-gãse toay-toay be beenẽ wʋsgo hal n naag ne Nazinga Ranch tɩ a ya zag-neeba n tar zak põag bãkse zĩig a pʋge.[1]



  1. https://www.thecrazytourist.com/15-best-places-to-visit-in-burkina-faso/