Wp/mos/Martin Kwaku Adjei-Mensah Korsah

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Martin Kwaku Adjei-Mensah Korsah yaa Ghana nin-tũud sẽn yaa politikã taoor soaba, la a yaa Ghana Republic a naas soabã Siglgã sull a nii soabã ned sẽn get Tɛkman sẽn be bĩngr sullã yelle.[1][2][3]A yaa tẽnga taoor lʋɩtb sull yel-gɛt sẽn get tẽnga goosneerã, tẽnga zãagrã la tẽn-gãongã yidgri yelle.[4][5]

Martin Kwaku Adjei-Mensah Korsah
Sex or gendermale Tekre
Country of citizenshipGhana Tekre
Name in native languageMartin Kwaku Adjei-Mensah Korsah Tekre
Given nameMartin Tekre
Family nameMensah Tekre
Date of birth12 April 1978 Tekre
Place of birthTechiman Tekre
Languages spoken, written or signedEnglish, Bonol, Twi Tekre
Occupationpolitician, educational theorist Tekre
Position heldMember of the 6th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 1st Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 8th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana Tekre
Educated atUniversity of Ghana, University of Ghana Tekre
Work locationTechiman Tekre
Member of political partyNew Patriotic Party Tekre
Candidacy in election2020 Ghanaian general election Tekre
Religion or worldviewChristianity Tekre
ReplacesHenry Yeboah Yiadom-Boachie Tekre

A vɩɩmã sɩngre

A Korsah roga yʋʋmd 1978 tʋʋl-nif kiuug rasem 12 la a yita Tekiman sẽn be Bono tẽn-yɩbgã pʋgẽ. A paama a SSSCE yʋʋm 1998 wã, a sẽn karemd goosneerã, kʋdemdã la kiris-neb tũudmã zãmsg pʋgẽ. A paama a karẽn-bi-bɛdã politik bãngrã pʋgẽ yʋʋmd 2005 n yi Ghana inivɛrsite wã la a paam a karẽn-bi-bɛdã politik la tẽn-tẽnga zoodã pʋgẽ yʋʋmd 2007.


A Korsah ra yaa GES lekoll taoor soaba. A leb n yɩɩ Tɛkman tẽnga tigr sull taoor soaba. A leb n yɩɩ New Patriotic Party wã taoor soab sẽn get yãkrã la vaeesgã wɛɛngẽ.

Politik Tʋʋmde

A Korsah yaa NPP sullã ned la a yaa Techiman sẽn be Bono tẽn-yɩbgã sullã sullã ned. Yʋʋmd 2020 Ghana nin-buiidã yãkr sasa, a paama sull ning sẽn get tẽnga yɛl yɛl yɛl yɛl wɛɛngẽ wã ne vot dãmb 49,682 sẽn yaa 50.24% ne koees nins fãa b sẽn kõ wã, la a Christopher Beyere Baasongti sẽn yaa NDC taoor soaba paama vot dãmb 49,205 sẽn yaa 49.76% ne koees nins fãa b sẽn kõ wã.[6][7] B kɩtame t'a yɩ minisr sull ning sẽn get tẽnga goosneerã, zãagrã la tẽn-gãongã yidgri yelle.[8][9]

Komite rãmb

A Korsah yaa House committee wã ned la a yaa Foreign Affairs Committee wã ned me.[10][11]


  1. https://coverghana.com.gh/a-glance-of-martin-adjei-mensah-korsahs-achievements-in-a-short-period-of-tenure-as-mp-techiman-south-constituency/
  2. https://ghanamps.com/mp/martin-kwaku-adjei-mensah-korsah/
  3. https://www.myjoyonline.com/npps-new-crop-of-executives-can-lead-the-party-to-break-the-eight-adjei-mensah-korsah/
  4. https://www.peacefmonline.com/pages/politics/politics/202106/447465.php
  5. https://www.graphic.com.gh/news/politics/president-swears-in-minister-of-state-deputy-ministers.html
  6. https://www.modernghana.com/ghanahome/ghanavotes/2020/result_constituency.asp?constituency_id=1580
  7. https://elections.gna.org.gh/bono-east-region/
  8. https://wontumionline.com/adjei-mensah-korsah-three-others-to-be-vetted-today/
  9. https://www.graphic.com.gh/news/politics/president-names-deputy-ministers-designate.html
  10. https://www.parliament.gh/committees?com=24
  11. https://www.parliament.gh/committees?com=16