Martin Kwaku Adjei-Mensah Korsah yaa Ghana nin-tũud sẽn yaa politikã taoor soaba, la a yaa Ghana Republic a naas soabã Siglgã sull a nii soabã ned sẽn get Tɛkman sẽn be bĩngr sullã yelle.[1][2][3]A yaa tẽnga taoor lʋɩtb sull yel-gɛt sẽn get tẽnga goosneerã, tẽnga zãagrã la tẽn-gãongã yidgri yelle.[4][5]
A vɩɩmã sɩngre
A Korsah roga yʋʋmd 1978 tʋʋl-nif kiuug rasem 12 la a yita Tekiman sẽn be Bono tẽn-yɩbgã pʋgẽ. A paama a SSSCE yʋʋm 1998 wã, a sẽn karemd goosneerã, kʋdemdã la kiris-neb tũudmã zãmsg pʋgẽ. A paama a karẽn-bi-bɛdã politik bãngrã pʋgẽ yʋʋmd 2005 n yi Ghana inivɛrsite wã la a paam a karẽn-bi-bɛdã politik la tẽn-tẽnga zoodã pʋgẽ yʋʋmd 2007.
A Korsah ra yaa GES lekoll taoor soaba. A leb n yɩɩ Tɛkman tẽnga tigr sull taoor soaba. A leb n yɩɩ New Patriotic Party wã taoor soab sẽn get yãkrã la vaeesgã wɛɛngẽ.
Politik Tʋʋmde
A Korsah yaa NPP sullã ned la a yaa Techiman sẽn be Bono tẽn-yɩbgã sullã sullã ned. Yʋʋmd 2020 Ghana nin-buiidã yãkr sasa, a paama sull ning sẽn get tẽnga yɛl yɛl yɛl yɛl wɛɛngẽ wã ne vot dãmb 49,682 sẽn yaa 50.24% ne koees nins fãa b sẽn kõ wã, la a Christopher Beyere Baasongti sẽn yaa NDC taoor soaba paama vot dãmb 49,205 sẽn yaa 49.76% ne koees nins fãa b sẽn kõ wã.[6][7] B kɩtame t'a yɩ minisr sull ning sẽn get tẽnga goosneerã, zãagrã la tẽn-gãongã yidgri yelle.[8][9]
Komite rãmb
A Korsah yaa House committee wã ned la a yaa Foreign Affairs Committee wã ned me.[10][11]
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