Wp/mos/George Mireku Duker

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George Mireku Duker
Sex or gendermale Tekre
Country of citizenshipGhana Tekre
Given nameGeorge Tekre
Date of birth9 May 1975 Tekre
Languages spoken, written or signedEnglish Tekre
Occupationpolitician, teacher Tekre
Position heldMember of the 7th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana, Member of the 8th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana Tekre
Educated atUniversity of Plymouth, University of Education, Winneba Tekre
Academic degreeBachelor of Education, master's degree Tekre
ResidenceDompim Tekre
Member of political partyNew Patriotic Party Tekre
Candidacy in election2016 Ghanaian general election, 2020 Ghanaian general election Tekre
Religion or worldviewChristianity Tekre

A George Mireku Duker sẽn dog sigr kiuug rasem 9 yʋʋm 1975 soabã yaa Ghana ned sẽn yit Dompim Pepesa sẽn be Tarkwa Nsuaem sullã pʋgẽ, politikã ned la Ghana Republic a naase wã sull a yopoe soabã ned sẽn yaa Tarkwa-Nsuaem constituency a yaa New Patriotic Party wã.


Yaa yʋʋm 2016 la b reng n yãk-a tɩ yaa tẽnga taoor soaba, a yaa tẽnga taoor soab a ye. A paama vot wʋsg n kõ New Patriotic Party wã, Ghana tẽn-tẽng sẽn be Western Region.[1]

A vɩɩmã sɩngre

A roga yʋʋmd 1975 sigr kiuug rasem 9 daare. A Duker zãmsa B.ED Accounting University of Education Kumasi Campus, n wa paam MSC Oil and Gas Management Plymouth University UK.[2]


Sẽn deng a sẽn wa n kẽe porze wã, a yɩɩ karẽn-saamba yʋʋmd 1998 n tãag 2006 (Ghana Education Service), sõngo sẽn be 2007 n tãag 2008 (Ministɛɛr ning sẽn get tẽnga goosneerã yelle, Ghana), tẽnga taoor soab sẽn be tẽnga taoor soab a John Agyekum Kuffour taoor lʋɩtb sullẽ wã yʋʋmd 2008. A Duker leb n yɩɩ siglg siglg siglg siglg (ISODEC)[3][4]siglg taoor soab yʋʋm 2011 n tãag 2012.

Rɩt-n-goamã ligdi

Tʋʋlg kiuug rasem 28 daare, tẽnga taoor soab a Akuffo Addo goma Minerals Income Investment Fund (MIIF) yell n yãk a George Mireku Duker t'a yɩ a taoor soaba. Ligdã yaa sẽn na yɩl n zã ligdã sẽn be Ghana tẽnga pʋga, sẽn na n yɩlẽ tɩ b paam royalty la ligd a taab sẽn kẽed ne tẽn-gãongã tʋʋm sẽn wat ne.[5]

Komite wã tʋʋm

  • Tʋʋm-noy sẽn kẽed ne tẽn-koglg la pãngã wɛɛngẽ, sullã taoor lʋɩtb sull
  • Rɩt-n-taase


  1. http://ghanaelections.peacefmonline.com/pages/2020/western/tarkwa_nsuaem/
  2. https://www.ghanaweb.com/person/George-Mireku-Duker-2821
  3. https://www.parliament.gh/mps?mp=242
  4. https://web.archive.org/web/20230606180734/https://www.isodec.org/
  5. https://web.archive.org/web/20210118074808/https://asaaseradio.com/business/investment/president-akufo-addo-assents-to-miif-amendment-act/