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Mígmewei Wikipedia

Msit nipík

44 gaqguatl

This is a test wiki for a potential Wikipedia in Míkmaq language. If you are new to Wikipedia and want to know how to help, read How to become a contributor.

To create a new page, insert the title after "Wp/mic/" in the box below. Make sure the page doesn't exist already before creating a new one. If you have any questions or remarks, don't hesitate to come on the Talk page.

Míkmaq tlísuti (tel-wikasik Micmac Alasiéw-iktuk aqq Wenuj-iktuk) tléawik Wjipenúk tlísuti eweketútij wqayij 11,000 tésijik Míkmawaq, Kanata aqq Pastunkewákik. Wla klusuaqn Míkmaq teluek "my friends". Mikmawaq etli-pukweliejik Wjipenúk wmitkíwal aqq Kespék, tán etek Kepek. Etuk nátami 40,000 tésijik. Kiskuk etuk 29 etekl Míkmawél utanl kisna mawiómíl tán msit newté elakutultijik wla mawiómi teluítasik Míkmaq Nationmuow. Piamiw 18 tésikipníl Wjipenúk Alkánkienél tlísutíkl etekipníl, eweketasikipnikíl wla Óqwatnúk Kmitkínaq, niké Míkmaq pasik eskwiaq wejátekemk wla tán mé newkl eskwiaqipníl aqq tán mé weli-ewekasik.
Kelúsijik nipík