Wp/lus/Isaac Newton-a

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Isaac Newton-a hi fizikmi, Chhiarkawpmi, vanlam chanchin zirmi, leilung finrilna zirmi leh Pathian thu Zirmi a ni.

Isaac Newton-a, Kum 1689

A lehkhabu ziah Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica tih hi khawvel awm china Science lehkhabu pawimawh berte zinga ngaih a ni.

A nun edit

Sir Isacc Newton-a hi kum 1643, Pawlkut thla ni 4 khan Woolsthorpe Manor, Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth khua, Lincolnshire rambial, England ram chhungah a lo piang a. Khatih lai khan England-in Gregorian Kalendar a la pawm loh avangin a pianni hi Kum 1642, Pawltlâk thlà ni 25 anga chhinchhiah a ni thung.

Kum 1727, Vau thlà ni 20 khan kum 84 mi niin a boral.

A lehkhabu ziah pawimawh zualte edit

  1. Method of Fluxions (1671)
  2. De motu corporum in gyrum (1684)
  3. Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687)
  4. Opticks (1704)

A hming lanna thenkhatte edit

Fizik leh Chhiarkawp-a thil pawimawh tam takah a hming a lang a, tlem han sawi lang ta ila:

  1. Elements of the Philosophy of Newton
  2. Finite difference: Newton_series
  3. Gauss–Newton algorithm
  4. Leibniz–Newton calculus controversy
  5. List of multiple discoveries: 17th century
  6. Newton disc
  7. Newton family
  8. Newton fractal
  9. Newton polygon
  10. Newton polynomial
  11. Newton's cannonball
  12. Newton's cradle
  13. Newton's inequalities
  14. Newton's notation
  15. Newton's reflector
  16. Newton's theorem of revolving orbits
  17. Newton's theorem about ovals
  18. Newton–Cotes formulas
  19. Newton–Euler equations
  20. Newtonianism
  21. Schrödinger–Newton equations

Hengte hi en bawk la edit