university in Ghana
Part of | Africa |
Inception | 1948 |
Short name | UG |
Office held by head of the organization | chancellor |
Motto text | Integri Procedamus |
Country | Ghana |
Located in the administrative territorial entity | Accra |
Coordinate location | 5°39′3″N 0°11′22″W |
Basic form of government | Governing Council |
Member of | Ghanaian Academic and Research Network, Association of African Universities |
Has subsidiary | Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Media Arts and Communication - Institute of Film and Television, University of Ghana Primary School, Legon, University of Ghana Department of Geography and Resource Development |
Headquarters location | Legon Campus |
Language used | English |
Official website | |
Coat of arms | coat of arms of the University of Ghana |
Official color | Deep Blue |
University of Ghana[1][2] la anε gↄmεna university, bε Accra sʋ’ʋlum,Ghana nwa. La anε university kʋdir ka lεm an buntita’ar gat Ghana universities nam piinε atan’ la.
University la da pin’ili bε yʋʋm tusir nε kↄbisawai nε pisnaasi nε anii la, bε nwadis anii la ni, li dabisir piinε yinne la ni.[3]University la da pin’il la, li da na buoni ye, University kↄligi of Gold Coast[4][5] bε na’asanam la saŋa bε Gold Coast. Li da la’amnε kↄligi kanε bε University of London la.[6] banε da gↄsidi zamisʋg yεla ka mε lεm tisid kasetta gbana kanε ka ti buon ye,degrees[7]. Ghana nε da di’e ba mεŋ yit na’asanam nʋ’ʋsi la bε yʋʋm tusir nε kↄbisawai nε pisnu nε ayↄpↄi la nya’aŋ, ka koligi la da tiak an University Koligi of Ghana.[8]
li da lεm tiak yʋ’ʋr la ya’as ka li an University of Ghana bε yʋʋm tusir nε kↄbisawai nε pisyuobu nε yinne , li da yu’uŋ tiak an university status.[9]
University of Ghana la bεnε ya-toun Accra Legon hills ka mε bε ya-nya’aŋ Accra teŋpuug. sakurbiis la kanl gat tusa piisnaasi.
Ba gban’arg
Ye ba an University kanε an yiiga nε vεεnsʋg pʋʋgin bε dunia nwa wʋsa ni.
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