United States of America (USA au U.S.A), shidoni United States (US au U.S.) au America lan notunama də, shima lardədo lardə Amerika Yala be lan kara. Lardǝwa 50 yǝ, bǝrni kura lardǝyǝ (Washington, D.C.), kuru lardǝwa India ye 326 ye. [j] Lardǝwa lardǝwa yǝ gǝnyi lan, lardǝwa kurakura uwu kuru lardǝwa kurakura india yǝ kadaa kuru lardǝwa kurakura india yǝ kadaa ro kǝrmai nzǝa sǝdǝna. lardəwa do kəriwu raayibe-a kuru dunyabe-a lan cidazayin də. Ngawo Soviet Union ye wurtənzə-a kəriwu Cold War ye suro saa 1991 yen dazənayen, U.S. də shima duno dinaye falro wallono, kuru nəm duno siyasaye dunya samma son sədin.
Part of | North America |
Inception | 12 May 1784 |
Name in native language | United States of America |
Official name | the United States of America |
Short name | USA, U.S. |
IPA transcription | ʉːɛˈsɑː, ˈmeɪɹ.ɹɪkə |
Ethnic group | White Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans in the United States |
Named after | Americas |
Official language | English |
Anthem | The Star-Spangled Banner |
Culture | culture of the United States |
Motto | In God We Trust |
Motto text | In God We Trust |
Continent | North America |
Country | United States of America |
Capital | Washington, D.C. |
Located in or next to body of water | Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean |
Coordinate location | 39°49′41″N 98°34′46″W |
Coordinates of geographic center | 44°58′2″N 103°46′18″W |
Coordinates of easternmost point | 44°48′55″N 66°57′0″W |
Coordinates of northernmost point | 71°22′48″N 156°28′48″W |
Coordinates of southernmost point | 24°32′39″N 81°48′18″W |
Coordinates of westernmost point | 52°55′16″N 172°26′13″E |
Highest point | Denali |
Lowest point | Badwater Basin |
Basic form of government | presidential system, federal republic, republic |
Office held by head of state | President of the United States |
Head of state | Joe Biden |
Office held by head of government | President of the United States |
Head of government | Joe Biden |
Has cabinet | United States Cabinet |
Executive body | Federal Government of the United States |
Legislative body | United States Congress |
Highest judicial authority | Supreme Court of the United States |
Central bank | Federal Reserve System |
Currency | United States dollar |
Shares border with | Mexico, Canada |
Foundational text | United States Declaration of Independence |
Driving side | right |
Electrical plug type | NEMA 1-15, NEMA 5-15 |
Replaces | Confederate States of America, Thirteen Colonies |
Language used | English |
Present in work | The City on the Edge of Forever |
Studied in | American studies |
Official website | https://www.usa.gov/ |
Official blog URL | https://blog.usa.gov/ |
External data available at URL | https://www.data.gov/ |
Privacy policy URL | https://www.usa.gov/privacy-security |
Hashtag | usa, America, USA, EstadosUnidos, america |
Top-level Internet domain | .us |
Main regulatory text | United States Constitution |
Flag | flag of the United States of America |
Coat of arms | Great Seal of the United States of America |
Has seal, badge, or sigil | Great Seal of the United States of America |
Official symbol | Bald Eagle |
Geography of topic | geography of the United States |
Has characteristic | free country |
History of topic | history of the United States |
Railway traffic side | right |
Open data portal | data.gov |
Economy of topic | economy of the United States |
Demographics of topic | demographics of the United States |
Contains the statistical territorial entity | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Gregorian calendar start date | 15 October 1582, 20 December 1582, 14 September 1752, 18 October 1867 |
WordLift URL | http://data.thenextweb.com/tnw/entity/united_states_of_america |
Mobile country code | 310, 311, 312, 313, 316 |
Country calling code | +1 |
Emergency phone number | 911 |
GS1 country code | 000-139 |
Licence plate code | USA |
Maritime identification digits | 338, 366, 367, 368, 369 |
NCI Thesaurus ID | C17234 |
Stack Exchange tag | https://travel.stackexchange.com/tags/usa, https://matheducators.stackexchange.com/tags/usa |
Unicode character | 🇺🇸 |
Category for honorary citizens of entity | Category:Honorary citizens of the United States |
Category for maps or plans | Category:Maps of the United States |
Gomnati lardə U.S. ye də shima kura lardəye do kərmai kura lardəye'a kuru demokəradiya nəm kəlanzəye'a, nasha gade-gade yakkə'a: majalisku'a, executive'a, kuru shara'a. Majilas lardəye bicameral'a mbeji shidoni majalis wakillaye'a, majalis cidiyaye nəm nguwu jamaye'a wuzəna; kuru Senate də, majalis kura do kəriye wo son wakiltə kalkal. Kərmai kəlabe kuradə federalism ye cin, ada siyasabe nəmkambe-a, nəmkalkal-a, nəmkam kəlanzəbe-a, kərmai kəlabe-a, gomnati gana-a fuwuzəyin.
Lardə do zauro fuwuzəna ma suro dinayen, United States də shima lardə do GDP nzə kurawo tən saa 1890 lan, kuru shima kashi 15% nasha razəwu dunyabe suro saa 2023 yen. fandi fatoye do ne zauro nguwu ma suro lardə’a OECD ye lan. U.S. də shima lardə do ne dunyalan zauro kurawo nasha gaska arziyibe-a, awo faidatə-a, awo bəlin-a, hakki adammanabe-a, ilmu kura-a lan. Dunonzə zau-a adanzə-adə dunya sammason lezəna. U.S. də shima wakil do Bank Dunyaye'a, karapka lardə'a Americaye'a, NATO'a, United Nations'a, kuru shiye wakil do UN Security Council ye də'a.
editAm buro salakbe yala America bedə Siberia lan hijra sadə kotowo cidi Beringbedən saa 12,000 kozənadən; ada Clovisbedə, shidoni saa 11,000 BCyelan fəlezənadə, shima ada buro salakbe Americalan tartəgənawo. Loktu nguwuro, ada amma asal yala Americayedə zauro kurazana, kuru laadə, alammaanna ada Mississippiyedai, bareya fuwuzana, fasal garyeya kuru nabtəramma tuskaatayeya. Loktu ngawo zaman kureyedən, ada Mississippianyedə nasha dawu fəteye-a, gədiye-a, anəmye-alan kara, kuru Algonquiandə nasha Great Lakesyedən kuru ci kəmaduwu gədiyedən, amma ada Hohokambe-a Ancestral Puebloans-adə anəmfəten nabsana. Nəm nguwu amma asal lardəye kərmadə United Statesro somtənadə kawu hijirawu Europe yedə isayinro alammaanna 500,000lan səta miliyon 10ro saadəna.