Wp/kge/Bahasa Somali

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Bahasa Somali joda da salah osai bahasa Afro-Asiatik sai tikuruk di cabang Kushitik[1][2] dituturko Jolma Somali di nagara Somalia sai uwat di tungkah Afrika.[3]

𐒖𐒍 𐒈𐒝𐒑𐒛𐒐𐒘 - 𐒈𐒝𐒑𐒛𐒐𐒘 اَف سٝومالِ - سٝومالِ Af Soomaali - Soomaali
Wilayah sebar tutur Bahasa Somali
Nagara Somalia
Pok Tungkah Afrika
Jumlah Panutur 24 juta jiwa
Sistem Panulisan Alfabet Latin
Status Lokok tipakai
Etnis Somali
Dialek Ashraf
Somali Liba
Kaluarga Bahasa 1. Afro-Asiatik
2. Kushitik
3. Bahasa Somali
Bahasa sei Terkait

Rujukan edit

  1. I.M. Lewis A Pastoral Democracy: A Study of Pastoralism and Politics Among the Northern Somali of the Horn of Africa (1999) LIT Verlag Münster, 3825830845, 175
  2. Lewis, I.M. (1958), The Gadabuursi Somali Script, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 21, pp. 134–156.
  3. Ministry of Information and National Guidance, Somalia, The writing of the Somali language, (Ministry of Information and National Guidance: 1974), p.5