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Bacteria ko (/bækˈtɪəriə/; sg.: bacterium) do, often miat́ ge biological Jivt́okoaann (Cell), ubiquitous,, sangepaa do free-living Organism ko. Enko Prokaryotic Manjinivt́ ko (Microorganisms) Domain ren maraṅ Hitat́ ge. Jitiliṅ do typically chiminaṅ ge micrometer hoban Bacteria ko do, Ote chetan nel ean ayarùtar Life-form ko loḱkô lekaoḱa, anḍoḱ Ote ren sanam Habitat ko re menaḱkoa. Bacteria ko do, Hasa,, Daḱ,, Acidic Hot Spring,, Radioactive Waste,, Otecrust ren ikir Biosphere korekô taena. Nutrient ko recycle ê tan loḱ,, Atmosphere ren Nitrogen fix ê tan loḱ, Bacteria kodo Nutrient Cycle ren sange Stage kore Vital Role menaḱa. Nutrient Cycle redo, Goćakanaḱ koaḱ Decomposition lekaoḱa; nen Process ren Putrefaction Stage do Bacteria ko tege hobana. Hydrothermal Vent anḍoḱ Cold Seep kuṭi koren Biological Community kore do, Extremophile Bacteria ko, Hydrogen Sulphide,, Methane lekan leaṅ akan Compound ko Energy oḱge convert keet́ Life sustain re asitiṅ Nutrient kokô provide êa. Bacteria kodo, Sińjivt́ (Plants) anḍoḱ Senêjivt́ (Animals) ko loḱ mutualistic,, commensal,, parasitic Relationship reókô taena. Most Bacteria ko do kakô characterise chaba akana, anḍoḱ Laboratory re kako sange ichi (grow) daeoḱ lekan Hita (Species) koó menaḱa. Bacteria ko reaḱ Study do, Microbiology ren miat́ koto Bacteriology menoḱa.

Sanam Senêjivt́ ko leka ge, hoo ko reó sange rená ge (approximately 1013 to 1014) Bacteria ko taena. Sange do Úr re menaḱkô reó, laaḱpaa do Láć Poṭa reko taena. Homoo cheten,, bitar ren laaḱpaa Bacteria dokô harmless gea, káakô reó ge, Immune System aḱ protective Effect tekô enka akana, sange dokô beneficial gea, particularly Láć Poṭa ren ko. Enkareóge, several Bacteriahita dokô pathogenic gea, anḍoḱ enko te Cholera,, Syphilis,, Anthrax,, Tunḍubanḍia,, Tuberculosis,, Tetanus,, Bubonic Plague ko lekan Chaálrua (Infectious Diseases) ko ooḱla. Most common goóć Bacteriarua (Bacterial Diseases) kodo Saet́hora Chaálrua (Respiratory Infections) ko. Bacteria Ruachal (Bacterial Infection) buúgin re agujoṅoḱ Antibiotics kodo, Farming reó agujoṅoḱ te Antibiotic Resistance miat́ Growing Problem akana. Bacteria ko do, Sewage Treatment anḍoḱ Nur Sunum breakdown re,, Unuput́process te Cheese anḍoḱ Yogurt baái re,, Mining Sector re Samaom,, Palladium,, Copper anḍoḱ eṭaḱ Metal ko recovery re, Biotechnology re, anḍoḱ Antibiotics,, eṭaḱ Chemical ko baái reko important gea.

Ayar kodo, Schizomycetes ("fission fungi") Class ren Sińhita mente menoḱ taeken Bacteria ko do nahḱ Prokaryote mentekô classify akana. Senêjivt́,, eṭaḱ Eukaryote ko aete sapaniṅoḱge, Bacteria koaḱ Jivt́okoa redo, Okoamea (Nucleus) ká taena, anḍoḱ Membrane-bound Organelle ko do rarely ge harbour akanoḱa. Bacteria, nen Term re traditionally do sanam Prokaryote ko agumesaoḱ taeken reó ge, Prokaryote kore miat́ ge Ancient Common Ancestor aete haratersa akan barea esu rená tannga Organism Group menaḱ mente 1990 kore urum ean tayom, Scientific Classification ol ruaa eana. Nen evolutionary Domain kin ge Bacteria anḍoḱ Archaea menoḱa.



Ayarùtar urum nam len ko do jaṭagen (rod-shaped) kô taeken te, Ancient Greek re meaning do "Soṭa, Danḍaḱ" hobaoḱ βακτηρία (baktēría) aḱ Dimunitive βακτήριον (baktḗrion) aḱ Laátinêa (Latinisation) tana Nama-Latin (Neo-Latin) "Bacterium", ena reaḱ plural ge "Bacteria" do.

Origin anḍoḱ Eneoṕaḱ Evolution


Bacteria koaḱ Ancestor ko do, 4 Billion Serma maaṅ Ote chetan ooḱl ean ayarùtar Jivt́form (Life form) tan Unicellular Manjivt́aḱ (Microorganism) ko. 3 Billion Serma noḱ lagit́, laaḱpaa Jivt́aḱ (Organism) ko do man-man gekô taekena, Bacteria anḍoḱ Archaea ge dominant Jivt́form do. Stromatolite lekan Bacteria Fossil ko menaḱ reó, ena kore Distinctive Morphology banoḱ te, ena ko Bacteria Haratenersa (Evolution) examine re anḍoḱ particular Bacteriahita reaḱ Origin Time usanam (date) re ká agujoṅ daeoḱa. Enkareóge, Bacteria koaḱ Phylogeny reconstruct ê lagit́ Gene Sequence agujoṅ daeoḱa, nen Study kote do, Bacteria kodo ayar Archaea/Eukaryote Lineage aetekô chaṅ sangin eana mente inguloḱa. Bacteria,, Archaea koaḱ Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) do probably 2.5 Billion–3.2 Billion Serma noḱ maaṅ re taeken hyperthermophile. Hasaòte ren ayarùtar Jinivt́ do, 3.22 Billion Serma noḱ maaṅ re taeken Bacteria koge toraṅ.



Bacteria ko dokô ubiquitous gea, Hasa,, Daḱsuba,, Otechuṭiàṭal (Earth's crust) ikir ko mesakeet́ sanam tae daáe lekan habitat re menaḱkôa, Acidic Hot Spring anḍoḱ Radioactive Waste lekan Extreme Environment ko reó ge. Siń ko sekar laaḱ parom akaat́ Biomass baái nen Bacteria ko, Ote chetan approximately 2×1030 menaḱkôa mente leka bai akana. Enko do, Lake re,, Ocean re,, Arctic Ice re anḍoḱ enko te Hydrogen Sulphide,, Methane lekan leaṅ akan Compound ko energy oḱ te Jinivt́ sustain oḱ Geothermal Spring ko rekô abundant gea. Enko do Sińjivt́,, Senêjivt́ ko chetan,, bitar ko taena. Enko laaḱpaa ko tedo Ruahasu kaa ooḱla, tako Environment lagit́kô beneficial gea, oḍok Jinivt́ lagit́kô essential gea. Hasa do rich Bacteria Nampai (Source) tana, chiminaṅ gram rege Thousand Million lekakô taena. Enko do, Toxic Waste raa rasum (break down) ê loḱ, Nutrient ko recycle ê loḱ, Hasa Ecology rekô essential gea. Enko do, Hoyopai (Atmosphere) reó menaḱkôa, mit́ cubic metre Hoyo re mit́ Hundred Million leka Bacteria Jivt́okoa ko taena. Ocean,, Sea kore, hoo ko saet́ê 50% Oxygen eém tan 3 x 1026 leka Bacteria ko taena. Bacteriahita kore 2% noḱ leka sumat́ gekô study pura akana.

Extremophile Bacteria ko
Habitat Bacteriahita
Sásá (minus 15 °C Antarctica) Cryptoendoliths
Lolo (70–100 °C geysers) Thermus aquaticus
Radiation, 5MRad Deinococcus radiodurans
Rám, 47% Buluṅ (Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake) chiminaṅ Bacteriahita ko
Acid pH 3 chiminaṅ Bacteriahita ko
Alkaline pH 12.8 betaproteobacteria
Space (NASA satellite re 6 sirma) Bacillus subtilis
3.2 km Hasaòtesuba chiminaṅ Bacteriahita ko
High pressure (Mariana Trench – 1200 atm) Moritella, Shewanella anḍoḱ eṭaḱ ko



Size. Bacteria koaḱ do shape,, size re wide diversity menaḱa. Bacteria Jiwt́okoa koaḱ Size do, Eukaryote Jivt́okoa koaḱ one-tenth gea, anḍoḱ typically do 0.5–5.0 Micrometre jiliṅa. Enkareóge, chiminaṅ Bacteriahita ko do sama met́ te ko nel daeoḱa—Example do, tara-Millimetre jiliṅ Thiomargarita namibiensis,, 0.7 mm beṭaê Epulopiscium fishelsoni, urum akan eṭaḱ Bacteria ko aete 50 sa maraṅ 2 cm jaket́ beṭaê Thiomargarita magnifica. Huḍiń utar mente lekaoḱ Bacteria kore do, maraṅ utar Virus ko imin huḍiń 0.3 Micrometres ge jiliṅ Mycoplasma Genus renko. Chiminaṅ Bacteria do anḍoḱkô huḍiṅa toraṅ, nen Uputarmanbacteria (Ultramicrobacteria) kodo bugi te kakô study akana.

Shape. Láḱpaa Bacteriahita dokô ḍumaṅ (spherical) gea, cocci kô menoḱa (singular do coccus, Greek reaḱ kókkos, Gele, Hitajaṅ aete), baredokô Rod-shape gea, bacilli kô menoḱa (singular do bacillus, Latin reaḱ baculus, Jaṭa aete). Vibrio menoḱ chiminaṅ Bacteria do, jokoć lego akan Jaṭa baredo Comma lekaakô; eṭaḱ ko do Spirilla menoḱ Chunur-shape rekôa, anḍoḱ chiminaṅ Spirochaetes menoḱkô do uruć gekô binḍa akana. Chimin noḱ leka do Star-shape Bacteria lekan eṭaḱ unusual Shape renkô ó ko describe akana. Shape ko reaḱ wide Variety do Bacteria Okoaginil (Cell Wall),, Cytoskelton te determine oḱa, anḍoḱ nena do Bacteria ko Nutrient naám re, Surface kore juaḱenn lagit́, Liíngiaḱ (Liquid) kore oyarenn, Predator ko taḱaete nirduḱnn Danae influence oḱa.

Multicellularity. Láḱpaa Bacteriahita do Single Cell lekakô taena; eṭaḱ ko do Characteristic Pattern ko rekô jumurena: Neisseria do Diploid (Jimki) kô baina, Streptococci do Sinkii kô baina, anḍoḱ Staphylococci do "Ićtayar Rumpa" lekakô hunḍina. Bacteria do Actinomycetota Hita koaḱ jiliṅ Filament, Myxobacteria Hita koaḱ Aggregate, anḍoḱ Streptomyces Hita koaḱ Complex Hyphae leka láḱ maraṅ Multicellular Structure ókô bai daea. Nen Multicellular Structure ko do often chelekan Condition rege nel namoḱa. Example lekate, Amino Acid kô ringa tan re, Myxobacteria do Quorum Sensing menoḱ Process te daradari ren Jivt́okoa kokô chirgalkoa, japaḱ tekô sen idina, anḍoḱ 500 micrometer jiliṅ, approximately 100,000 Bacteria Jivt́okoa lekaoḱ Fruiting Body bain gekô hunḍina. Nen Fruiting Body re, Bacteria do eṭaḱ-eṭaḱ Paeṭi rekô achuna; Example lekate, gelea re miat́ Jivt́okoa do Fruiting Body Chuṭi tekô sen atomena, anḍoḱ roohoḱ,, eṭaḱ Adverse Environmental Condition ko láḱ sahtiṅ dae lekan Myxospore menoḱ Specialised Dormant State kô bai tanngana.

Technology,, Industry reaḱ Significance


Uúput́jaṅ (Yeast),, Gumajaṅ (Mould) ko loḱte, Toagoólcharićjaṅhita (Lactobacillus species) anḍoḱ Toaḍúljaṅhita (Lactococcus species) kodo, Cheese,, Pickle,, Soy Sauce,, Sauerkraut,, Vinegar,, Wine,, Yogurt lekan Uput́jomaḱ bai re Thousand Thousand Serma agujoṅ hućoḱ akana.

Dirisunum (Petroleum) ren Hydrocarbon ko digest dae lekan Bacteria ko do often Nur Sunum aákit́ rekô agujoṅoḱa. 1989 ren Exxon Valdez Sunumnur tayom, Prince William Sound ren chiminaṅ Kuṭigitil kore nelekan naturally namoḱ Bacteria ko sangeoḱka mente Fertiliser kô em let́ taekena. Sunum te ibil rená gedo kaa bil suba len Kuṭigitil kore do nena Paeṭić em ket́ taekena. Bacteria kodo, Industrial Toxic Waste Bioremediation reókô agujoṅoḱa. Chemical Industry re, Pharmaceutical,, Agrichemical lekate agujoṅoḱ Enantiomerically Pure Chemical ko baái re Bacteria kokô important gea.

Bacteria kodo Biological Pest Control re Pesticide ko satikô agujoṅ daeoḱa. Nena re commonly do, BT ókô metaḱ Hasa re taen Gram-positive Bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis agujoṅoḱa. Nen Bacteria ren Subhita do Dipel,, Thuricide lekan Trade Name te Lepidopteran-specific Insecticide lekakô agujoṅoḱa. Nen Pesticide ko do hoo ko,, Birjivt́,, Pollinator,, eṭaḱ Beneficial Chidu ko re Effect do jokoć ge baredo banoḱ te, akoaḱ Specificity lagit́, Environmentally Friendly kô menoḱa.

Akoaḱ ã́cha sangenn Danae anḍoḱ manipulate kô daeoḱ Relative Lanavar te, Bacteria do Molecular Biology, Genetics anḍoḱ Biochemistry Pii ren Arãaùrić. Bacteria DNA re mutation keet́ result namoḱ Phenotype ko examine keet́, Scientist ko Bacteria koaḱ Gene,, Enzyme,, Metabolic Pathway reaḱ Function kokô determine daea, tayom nen Sẽa ge láḱ complex Jivt́aḱ ko re apply oḱa. Miat́ Jivt́okoa reaḱ Biochemistry urum bodeê teaḱ Aim do, sange-sange Enzyme Kinetic,, Gene Expression Data kin synthesis keet́ goṭa Jivt́aḱ reaḱ Mathematical Model ko baái re complex utar leka express oḱa. Nena do chiminaṅ Well-studied Bacteria re achieve daeoḱa, anḍoḱ Escherichia coli reaḱ Metabolism Model do nahḱ bai ooḱl tana anḍoḱ test oḱ tana. Bacteria koaḱ Metabolism anḍoḱ Genetics reaḱ nelekan Urumsẽa te, Biotechnology horate Bacteria ko Insulin,, Growth Factor baredo Antibody lekan Therapeutic Protein ko baái lagit́kô bioengineer daeoḱa.

General Reasearch re akoaḱ Importance menaḱ te, Bacteria Stain reaḱ Sample ko do Biological Resource Centre ko re isolate anḍoḱ preserve akana. Neka te goṭa Otesae ren Scientist ko lagit́ ena available rika daeoḱa.

Bacteriology reaḱ History


Bacteria do ayarùtar 1676 re Dutch Microscopist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek aćge design let́ Single-lens Nelmansanaṕ tekô nel lena. Entayom aćaḱ Observation ko do Royal Society of London taḱ te kul let́ Letter Series horateć publish ket́a. Leeuwenhoek aḱ Most Remarkable Discovery do Bacteria ge. Enkoaḱ Size do aćaḱ Lens ko resolve dae taeken Limit rená re taekena, anḍoḱ do, Science reaḱ History ren most striking Hiatus oḱge, mit́ Century aete láḱ leka jahć ó enko kakô nel uraa ket́koa. Aćaḱ Observation re ać Animalcules eć nutum let́ Protozoan ko ókô taekena, aćaḱ Finding ko do láḱ recent teaḱ Cell Theory marsal te nel uraa eana.

1828 re Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg "Bacterium" Kajihon eć introduce ket́a. In fact, aćaḱ Bacterium do non-spore forming Rod-shaped Bacteria ko mesa ken Genus ge, 1835 re Ehrenberg define let́ Baccilus menoḱ spore-forming Rod-shaped Bacteria aete tannga.

Manjivt́ koaḱ Growth tege Unuput́process do hobana, anḍoḱ nen Growth do Spontaneous Generation te do ká hobana (Commonly do Unuput́ loḱ kajimesaoḱ Unuput́jaṅ anḍoḱ Guúmajaṅ do Bacteria káa, Fungi) -mente 1859 re Louis Pasteur demonstrate ket́a. Aćaḱ Contemporary Robert Koch loḱ, Pasteur do Ruahasu reaḱ Germ Theory ren early Advocate eć taekena. Akin ayar, Ignaz Sammelweis anḍoḱ Joseph Lister do Medical Paeṭi re Tí Sanitisation reaḱ Importance kin chirgal let́ taekena. 1840 kore Raánpai re Tí abuṅenn teaḱ Rule ko formulate ken Semmelweis do Germ Theory hućoḱ ayar, Ruahasu do "decompose oḱ tan Animal Organic Matter" te hobanać men let́a. Medical Community taḱ aćaḱ Idea ko reject eana, anḍoḱ nen Topic re aćaḱ Sapagom ko condemn eana. Lister tayom mendo, 1870 kore Doctor ko tako Tíkô sanitise eṭeć ket́a.